Using to run the containerized version of SASTA bypasses the need to install system dependencies.
You need to install the following software:
- Docker. Make sure Docker has at least 4GB memory allocated.
To download, build, install, and run all containers:
docker-compose up
If everything is executed correctly, the application can be opened at localhost:80.
Connect to the backend container:
docker-compose run backend bash
Create a superuser using Django command. Choose a username, email and password. Email does not have to be real (but cannot be blank):
python createsuperuser
- Go to localhost:80/admin
- Log in with your admin account
->Assessment methods
->Add new
- Choose the following settings:
- Category:
- File:
<project directory>/backend/sastadev/methods/Tarsp_index_current.xlsx
(xlsx spreadsheet)
- Category:
- Repeat step 3 & 4 for STAP and ASTA