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Functions (Extraplanetary Launchpads)

Rob Speed edited this page Mar 28, 2017 · 3 revisions

Note that as of, Ground Construction is the primary supported means of pre-building systems and deploying them off world. Extraplanatery Launchpads is still supported, but the parts below are marked as deprecated and will be removed at a later date.

The following is taken from the MKS KSPedia. If you make mods here, please change the KSPedia as well

Ship building requires Extraplanatery Launchpads (EL). To build, you need three things

  1. Either the Orbital Shipyard; the Mobile Launch Platform; a module equipped with an ELSurveyStation module; or Survey Stakes and a Mallet

  2. An on-board supply of MaterialKits andSpecializedParts. You don't need the full supply of MaterialKits andSpecializedParts all at once; you can top it off as construction proceeds.

  3. A crew of reasonably smart kerbals. Put your smartest kerbals where they'll do the most good (e.g., workshops) and your less-smart kerbals where they'll do the least harm (e.g., command pods). You can click on any crewed part and see it's "efficiency" to see how good your kerbal placement is. The higher your ships total efficiency, the faster you build.

To build, right-click on your builder part (e.g., the Orbital Shipyard), open the construction window, then pick the desired sip from the VAB, SPH, or subassembly lists. You'll be given the expected resources costs for the ship. Only the MaterialKits andSpecializedParts matters at first. Once the ship's hull is finished, the same window will pop up and you can choose to transfer resources such as fuel.


Part Description
Mobile Launch platform Mobile Launch Platform - A mobile platform for building rockets off-planet!
Oribital Shipyard Orbital Shipyard - An orbital platform for building ships in space!
Duna Module Duna Pioneer Module - Designed to be one of the first parts of a long term colony, the Pioneer module features survey station capabilities for off-world construction
Tundra Pioneer Tundra Pioneer Logistics Module - Designed to be one of the first parts of a long term colony, the Pioneer module features survey station capabilities for off-world construction.
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