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DBLalpha TUTORIAL: Clean, Cluster, Classify, and Combine

version v1.0.0

Bioinformatic pipelines developed by the Day Lab at The University of Melbourne for analysing targeted amplicon sequencing for a defined region of the DBLα domains of the antigen-encoding P. falciparum var genes.

This tutorial provides a step by step example how to use these bioinformatic pipelines to:

  1. Clean raw Illumina sequence data to generate DBLα tags per isolate ;
  2. Cluster the cleaned DBLα tags to define unique DBLα types;
  3. Classify the unique DBLα types to their most probable DBLα domain class;
  4. Combine the cluster and classify output files for the DBLα type analyses

NOTE: For each step in this tutorial the input and output files are provided in the data folder. The expected run time for the tutorial is ~30 - 45 mins.

PCR Amplification and Amplicon Library Preparation for Illumina Sequencing

The DBLα domain of P. falciparum var genes were amplified from genomic DNA using fusion primers for multiplexed sequencing.

We coupled template-specific universal degenerate primer sequences (i.e.,DBLαAF and DBLαBR) (Taylor et al. (2000) and Bull et al. (2005)) with a 454 Titanium primer sequence (i,e., adaptor) and a unique 10 bp multiplex identifier (MID) tag. For additional details see Rask et al. (2016). For Illumina sequencing, the amplicon library pools were prepared by combining equimolar amounts of the PCR amplicons each with a unique MID tags. This approach was used so that reads could be demultiplexed into individual files for each isolate and then paired based on valid combinations of MID tags (i.e., exact match) in the forward and reverse reads.

Example forward primer: DBLαAF-MID-1: 5'-(adaptor)(MID)(DBLα AF forward primer)-3'


Example reverse primer: DBLαBR-MID-1: 5'-(adaptor)(MID)(DBLα BR reverse primer)-3'


The use of 454 adaptor sequences here is a remnant of previous work and is being phased out. They are not necessary for this pipeline, as DBLaCleaner only requires that the sequences contain the forward or reverse primer sequence (i.e.,DBLαAF and DBLαBR) (Taylor et al. (2000) and Bull et al. (2005), along with the unique MID tags for each isolate.

Step 1: Clean

The raw Illumina sequence data are first cleaned and processed using DBLaCleaner. Please visit the DBLaCleaner repository for detailed instructions on installation and usage and He et al.(2018) for an indepth description of the method.

Example Input Files Step 1:

  1. First read file (-r READ1): pool_1_R1.fastq
  2. Paired read file (-R READ2): pool_1_R2.fastq
  3. Mapping file (-d DESC): pool_1_mapping_file.desc

Note: There are examples of raw sequence data from three sequencing pools in the data folder for Step 1 (pool_1, pool_2, pool_3). All three sequencing pools need to be processed independently through DBLaCleaner.

Command line: Example Pool 1

python2.7 -o ./ -r pool_1_R1.fastq -R pool_1_R2.fastq -d pool_1_mapping_file.desc --perID 0.96 --cpu 2 --verbose

Command line: Example Pool 2

python2.7 -o ./ -r pool_2_R1.fastq -R pool_2_R2.fastq -d pool_2_mapping_file.desc --perID 0.96 --cpu 2 --verbose

Command line: Example Pool 3

python2.7 -o ./ -r pool_3_R1.fastq -R pool_3_R2.fastq -d pool_3_mapping_file.desc --perID 0.96 --cpu 2 --verbose

Example Output Files Step 1: This step generates a fasta file with all the cleaned DBLα tags.

  1. Cleaned DBLα tags: pool_1_R_DBLa_cleaned.fasta
  2. Summary statistics: pool_1_summaryStatistics.log
  3. Contaminant file: pool_1_R_NOT_dblalpha.fasta

These cleaned DBLa tags are then used in Step 2.

Step 2: Cluster

Next, the cleaned DBLα tags are clustered using clusterDBLalpha to define the unique DBLα types. Please visit the clusterDBLalpha repository for detailed instructions on installation and usage and [He et al.(2018) for an indepth description of the method.

Step 2A: Before the DBLα tags can be clustered, these need to be combined into one fasta file.

Example Input Files Step 2A:

  1. Cleaned DBLα tags: pool_1_R_DBLa_cleaned.fasta
  2. Cleaned DBLα tags: pool_2_R_DBLa_cleaned.fasta
  3. Cleaned DBLα tags: pool_3_R_DBLa_cleaned.fasta

Command line

cat pool_1_R_DBLa_cleaned.fasta pool_2_R_DBLa_cleaned.fasta pool_3_R_DBLa_cleaned.fasta > pool_combine123_DBLa_cleaned.fasta

Example Output Files Step 2A:

  1. Combined DBLα tags: pool_combine123_DBLa_cleaned.fasta

Step 2B: The combined DBLα tags are then clustered.

Example Input Files Step 2B:

  1. Fasta file containing combined DBLα tags (-r READ): pool_combine123_DBLa_cleaned.fasta

Command line

python2.7 -o ./ -r ./pool_combine123_DBLa_cleaned.fasta --perID 0.96 --cpu 2 --verbose

Example Output Files Step 2B: This step generates several files. Important files include:

  1. Unique DBLα types (binary OTU Table): pool_combine123_DBLa_cleaned_renamed_otuTable_binary.txt

Note: This file is a binary operational taxonomic unit (OTU) table where each row represents a unique DBLα type and each column represents a P. falciparum isolate.

  1. Unique DBLα type sequences: pool_combine123_DBLa_cleaned_renamed_centroids.fasta

Note: These unique DBLα type sequences are then further classified in Step 3.

Step 3: Classify

Following Step 2, the unique DBLα types are further classified using classifyDBLalpha. In this step the unique DBLα types are assigned to their most probable DBLα domain class (i.e., DBLα0, DBLα1, or DBLα2) based on E-values, and classified as either upsA (i.e., DBLα1), non-upsA (i.e., DBLα0 or DBLα2), or other (i.e., putatively non-DBLa like).

Please visit the classifyDBLalpha repository for detailed instructions on installation and usage and Ruybal-Pesántez et al. (2017) for an indepth description of the method.

Example Input Files Step 3:

  1. Fasta file containing unique DBLα type sequences (-r READ): pool_combine123_DBLa_cleaned_renamed_centroids.fasta

Command line

python2.7 -r ./pool_combine123_DBLa_cleaned_renamed_centroids.fasta -E 1e-8 -o ./ --noUproc --splitIsolates

Command line

python2.7 --hmm pool_combine123_DBLa_cleaned_renamed_centroids_nhmmOut.txt --out pool_combine123_DBLa_reads_to_domains.csv 

Example Output Files Step 3:

  1. Text file containng assigned DBLα domain classes: pool_combine123_DBLa_reads_to_domains.csv

Step 4: Combine

Finally, the output files from:

  1. Step 2 (pool_combine123_DBLa_cleaned_renamed_otuTable_binary.txt)
  2. Step 3 (pool_combine123_DBLa_reads_to_domains.csv)

are combined to generate a final DBLα type dataset (pool_combine123_DBLa_binary_ups.csv) for analysis as required. Please see tutorialDBLa_combine.Rmd or below for more details.

## Load data
binary_example <-fread("~/Desktop/pool_combine123_DBLa_cleaned_renamed_otuTable_binary.txt", data.table = FALSE)
ups_example <-fread("~/Desktop/pool_combine123_DBLa_reads_to_domains.csv", data.table = FALSE)

## Binary Example: Rename OTU to DBLa type
binary_example<-binary_example%>% rename_at("#OTU ID", ~"DBLa_type")

## Ups Example: Categorize the DBLa domains as upsA, non-upsA, or other
ups_example$read <- gsub(";.*", "", ups_example$read)
ups_example  <- ups_example  %>% rename_at("read", ~"DBLa_type")
ups_example$domain <- as.factor(ups_example$domain)

ups_example$Ups <- ifelse(grepl("^DBLa1", ups_example$domain, = T), "upsA",
                    ifelse(grepl("^DBLa0", ups_example$domain, = T), "non-upsA", 
                    ifelse(grepl("^DBLa2", ups_example$domain, = T), "non-upsA", "Other")))
ups_example$Ups <- as.factor(ups_example$Ups)

## FINAL Combined: Combine ups grouping to the DBLa types in the isolate_example. This file used for the combined DBLa type analyses.
isolate_ups_example<-binary_example %>% inner_join(dplyr::select(ups_example, DBLa_type, Ups), by ="DBLa_type")
isolate_ups_example <- isolate_ups_example %>% relocate(Ups, .after = DBLa_type)

write.table(isolate_ups_example, file="pool_combine123_DBLa_binary_ups.csv", sep=",")


Please use the following citations, as indicated, when referencing these bioinformatic pipelines:

  1. He, Q., Pilosof, S., Tiedje, K. E., Ruybal-Pesántez, S., Artzy-Randrup, Y., Baskerville, E. B., … Pascual, M. (2018). Networks of genetic similarity reveal non-neutral processes shape strain structure in Plasmodium falciparum. Nature Communications, 9(1), 1817.( (Reference for: DBLaCleaner and clusterDBLalpha)

  2. Ruybal-Pesántez, S., Tiedje, K. E., Tonkin-Hill, G., Rask, T. S., Kamya, M. R., Greenhouse, B., … Day, K. P. (2017). Population genomics of virulence genes of Plasmodium falciparum in clinical isolates from Uganda. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 11810.( (Reference for: classifyDBLalpha)