At first, 2 files (jsmind.css and jsmind.js) are required.
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style/jsmind.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jsmind.js"></script>
add script jsmind.draggable.js for enabling drag-and-drop feature.
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jsmind.draggable.js"></script>
The second, a div element should be in your HTML as container
<div id="jsmind_container"></div>
The last, show an empty mindmap:
<script type="text/javascript">
var options = { // for more detail at next chapter
container:'jsmind_container', // [required] id of container
editable:true, // [required] whether allow edit or not
theme:'orange' // [required] theme
var jm = new jsMind(options);;
Or, show a mindmap with some topics:
<script type="text/javascript">
var mind = { /* jsMind data, for more detail at next section */ };
var options = {
var jm = new jsMind(options);
// show it;
Three formats are supported by jsMind: node-tree format
,node-array format
,freemind format
. jsMind can load either format below, also can export data for any format.
These are simple demo for the 3 data format:
var mind = {
"name":"jsMind remote",
{"id":"easy1","topic":"Easy to show"},
{"id":"easy2","topic":"Easy to edit"},
{"id":"easy3","topic":"Easy to store"},
{"id":"easy4","topic":"Easy to embed"}
{"id":"open","topic":"Open Source","direction":"right","children":[
{"id":"open1","topic":"on GitHub"},
{"id":"open2","topic":"BSD License"}
{"id":"powerful1","topic":"Base on Javascript"},
{"id":"powerful2","topic":"Base on HTML5"},
{"id":"powerful3","topic":"Depends on you"}
{"id":"other","topic":"test node","direction":"left","children":[
{"id":"other1","topic":"I'm from local variable"},
{"id":"other2","topic":"I can do everything"}
var mind = {
{"id":"root", "isroot":true, "topic":"jsMind"},
{"id":"easy", "parentid":"root", "topic":"Easy", "direction":"left"},
{"id":"easy1", "parentid":"easy", "topic":"Easy to show"},
{"id":"easy2", "parentid":"easy", "topic":"Easy to edit"},
{"id":"easy3", "parentid":"easy", "topic":"Easy to store"},
{"id":"easy4", "parentid":"easy", "topic":"Easy to embed"},
{"id":"open", "parentid":"root", "topic":"Open Source", "direction":"right"},
{"id":"open1", "parentid":"open", "topic":"on GitHub"},
{"id":"open2", "parentid":"open", "topic":"BSD License"},
{"id":"powerful", "parentid":"root", "topic":"Powerful", "direction":"right"},
{"id":"powerful1", "parentid":"powerful", "topic":"Base on Javascript"},
{"id":"powerful2", "parentid":"powerful", "topic":"Base on HTML5"},
{"id":"powerful3", "parentid":"powerful", "topic":"Depends on you"},
var mind = {
"data":"<map version=\"1.0.1\"> <node ID=\"root\" TEXT=\"jsMind\" > <node ID=\"easy\" POSITION=\"left\" TEXT=\"Easy\" > <node ID=\"easy1\" TEXT=\"Easy to show\" /> <node ID=\"easy2\" TEXT=\"Easy to edit\" /> <node ID=\"easy3\" TEXT=\"Easy to store\" /> <node ID=\"easy4\" TEXT=\"Easy to embed\" /> </node> <node ID=\"open\" POSITION=\"right\" TEXT=\"Open Source\" > <node ID=\"open1\" TEXT=\"on GitHub\" /> <node ID=\"open2\" TEXT=\"BSD License\" /> </node> <node ID=\"powerful\" POSITION=\"right\" TEXT=\"Powerful\" > <node ID=\"powerful1\" TEXT=\"Base on Javascript\" /> <node ID=\"powerful2\" TEXT=\"Base on HTML5\" /> <node ID=\"powerful3\" TEXT=\"Depends on you\" /> </node> <node ID=\"other\" POSITION=\"left\" TEXT=\"test node\" > <node ID=\"other1\" TEXT=\"I'm from local variable\" /> <node ID=\"other2\" TEXT=\"I can do everything\" /> </node> </node> </map>"
15 themes were supported in jsmind, you can preview those themes by visiting feature-demo.
- primary
- warning
- danger
- success
- info
- greensea
- nephrite
- belizehole
- wisteria
- asphalt
- orange
- pumpkin
- pomegranate
- clouds
- asbestos
or, you can add your custom theme in jsmind.css.
/* greensea theme */
jmnodes.theme-greensea jmnode{background-color:#1abc9c;color:#fff;}
jmnodes.theme-greensea jmnode:hover{background-color:#16a085;}
jmnodes.theme-greensea jmnode.selected{background-color:#11f;color:#fff;}
jmnodes.theme-greensea jmnode.root{}
jmnodes.theme-greensea jmexpander{}
jmnodes.theme-greensea jmexpander:hover{}
No reproduction, No derivatives.