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UnitTestBot JavaScript

UnitTestBot is the tool for automated unit test generation available as an IntelliJ IDEA plugin, or a command-line interface.

Now UnitTestBot provides fuzzing-based support for JavaScript.

IntelliJ IDEA plugin


  1. IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate — for compatibility, see UnitTestBot on JetBrains Marketplace.
  2. UnitTestBot plugin: please refer to UnitTestBot user guide.
  3. Node.js 10.0.0 or later (we recommend that you add Node.js to environment variables)

Note: when npm cannot install requirements, try troubleshooting.

  1. If the system prohibits installation: run cmd via sudo or with administrator access, run npm install -g <missing requirement>.
  2. If Node.js is missing, or npm is not installed: install Node.js with default configuration from the official website.

How to use

  1. In your IntelliJ IDEA, go to File > Settings > Tools, choose UnitTestBot and enable Experimental languages support.

    (!) NOTE: be sure to enable this option for each project.

  2. Go to File > Settings > Languages & Frameworks, choose Node.js and check if the path to Node.js executable file is specified.

  3. In a JavaScript file, press Alt+Shift+U to open the generation dialog.

Command-line interface (CLI)


JAR file can be built in GitHub Actions with the publish-plugin-and-cli-from-branch script.


Note: for each new project, npm needs internet connection to install the required packages.

Generate tests: generate_js

java -jar utbot-cli.jar generate_js --source="dir/file_with_sources.js" --output="dir/generated_tests.js"

This will generate tests for top-level functions from file_with_sources.js.


  • -s, --source <path>

    (required) Source code file for test generation.

  • -c, --class <classname>

    Specifies the class to generate tests for. If not specified, tests for top-level functions or a single class are generated.

  • -o, --output <dir/filename>

    File for generated tests.

  • -p, --print-test

    Specifies whether a test should be printed out to StdOut (default = false).

  • -t, --timeout <seconds>

    Timeout for a single test case to generate: in seconds (default = 15).

  • --coverage-mode <BASIC/FAST>

    Specifies the coverage mode for test generation (used for coverage-based optimization). For now, the fast mode cannot deal with exceeding timeouts, but works faster (default = FAST). Do not use the fast mode if you guess there might be infinite loops in your code.

  • --path-to-node <path>

    Sets a path to Node.js executable (default = "node").

  • --path-to-nyc <path>

    Sets a path to nyc executable (default = "nyc").

  • --path-to-npm <path>

    Sets a path to npm executable (default = "npm").

Run generated tests: run_js

java -jar utbot-cli.jar run_js --fileOrDir="generated_tests.js"

This will run generated tests from a file or directory.


  • -f, --fileOrDir

    (required) File or directory with tests.

  • -o, --output

    Specifies the output TXT file for a test framework result (if empty, prints the result to StdOut).

  • -t, --test-framework <name>

    Test framework to use for test running (default = "Mocha").

Generate a coverage report: coverage_js

java -jar utbot-cli.jar coverage_js --source=dir/generated_tests.js

This will generate a coverage report for generated tests and print it to StdOut.


  • -s, --source <file>

    (required) File with tests to generate a report for.

  • -o, --output

    Specifies the output JSON file for a coverage report (if empty, prints the report to StdOut).

  • --path-to-nyc <path>

    Sets a path to nyc executable (default = "nyc").