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<h1><b><a href="https://ufg.gg">Eldewrito</a></b> / Server</h1>
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<h1>ElDewrito Dedicated Server Status</h1>
<p>Currently, this website is home to a simple tool to generate a status banner image for your Eldewrito server.</p>
<p>Please note, this tool is currently in BETA status, and further improvements are planned (including an actual website.)</p>
<h2>How To:</h2>
<p>You may construct the banner URL for your server by knowing the IP address and port of the server. </p>
<p>Entering the port is optional, if your game is running on the default port <code>11775</code></p>
<p><code>Example (with default port): https://eldewritoserver.com/banner/</code></p>
<p><code>Example (with custom port): https://eldewritoserver.com/banner/</code></p>
<img class="banner" src="https://eldewritoserver.com/banner/" />
<h4>Important Notice:</h4>
<p>This project is not endorsed by or affiliated with: the <a href="https://eldewrito.com">ElDewrito Project</a> or its developers, <a href="https://microsft.com">Microsoft</a> , or <a href="https://343industries.com/">343 Industries</a> .</p>
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<path style=" fill:#C2CDE7;" d="M 52.589844 33 C 54.707031 22.523438 48.214844 12.234375 37.847656 9.636719 C 27.480469 7.039063 16.902344 13.050781 13.828125 23.289063 C 5.707031 24.855469 0.117188 32.359375 0.9375 40.59375 C 1.761719 48.824219 8.726563 55.074219 17 55 L 52 55 C 58.074219 55.164063 63.132813 50.371094 63.296875 44.296875 C 63.457031 38.21875 58.664063 33.164063 52.589844 33 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#D6DFF2;" d="M 17.789063 19.589844 C 18.292969 20.089844 18.988281 20.351563 19.695313 20.3125 C 20.40625 20.273438 21.066406 19.933594 21.511719 19.378906 C 24.359375 15.976563 28.570313 14.011719 33.011719 14.011719 C 37.449219 14.011719 41.660156 15.976563 44.511719 19.378906 C 44.957031 19.933594 45.613281 20.273438 46.324219 20.3125 C 47.03125 20.351563 47.726563 20.089844 48.230469 19.589844 C 49.152344 18.65625 49.203125 17.175781 48.351563 16.179688 C 44.550781 11.636719 38.933594 9.011719 33.011719 9.011719 C 27.085938 9.011719 21.46875 11.636719 17.671875 16.179688 C 16.816406 17.175781 16.871094 18.65625 17.789063 19.589844 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#ACB7D0;" d="M 6 50 L 61 50 L 55 55 L 13 55 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 13 48 C 12.449219 48 12 48.449219 12 49 L 12 51 C 12 51.550781 12.449219 52 13 52 C 13.550781 52 14 51.550781 14 51 L 14 49 C 14 48.449219 13.550781 48 13 48 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 18 48 C 17.449219 48 17 48.449219 17 49 L 17 51 C 17 51.550781 17.449219 52 18 52 C 18.550781 52 19 51.550781 19 51 L 19 49 C 19 48.449219 18.550781 48 18 48 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 23 48 C 22.449219 48 22 48.449219 22 49 L 22 51 C 22 51.550781 22.449219 52 23 52 C 23.550781 52 24 51.550781 24 51 L 24 49 C 24 48.449219 23.550781 48 23 48 Z "></path>
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<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 33 48 C 32.449219 48 32 48.449219 32 49 L 32 51 C 32 51.550781 32.449219 52 33 52 C 33.550781 52 34 51.550781 34 51 L 34 49 C 34 48.449219 33.550781 48 33 48 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 43 48 C 42.449219 48 42 48.449219 42 49 L 42 51 C 42 51.550781 42.449219 52 43 52 C 43.550781 52 44 51.550781 44 51 L 44 49 C 44 48.449219 43.550781 48 43 48 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 48 48 C 47.449219 48 47 48.449219 47 49 L 47 51 C 47 51.550781 47.449219 52 48 52 C 48.550781 52 49 51.550781 49 51 L 49 49 C 49 48.449219 48.550781 48 48 48 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 53 48 C 52.449219 48 52 48.449219 52 49 L 52 51 C 52 51.550781 52.449219 52 53 52 C 53.550781 52 54 51.550781 54 51 L 54 49 C 54 48.449219 53.550781 48 53 48 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 56.320313 32.839844 C 56.273438 32.804688 56.222656 32.777344 56.171875 32.75 C 55.484375 32.503906 54.777344 32.324219 54.058594 32.210938 L 53.761719 32.148438 C 54.613281 26.5625 53.179688 20.867188 49.785156 16.351563 C 46.386719 11.835938 41.3125 8.878906 35.710938 8.148438 C 26.378906 6.953125 17.390625 12.105469 13.710938 20.761719 C 13.519531 21.210938 13.371094 21.671875 13.210938 22.128906 C 13.210938 22.21875 13.140625 22.308594 13.109375 22.398438 C 4.476563 24.265625 -1.292969 32.433594 -0.160156 41.195313 C 0.972656 49.957031 8.625 56.390625 17.449219 56 L 51.648438 56 C 58.183594 56.042969 63.605469 50.96875 64 44.449219 C 64.15625 39.34375 61.082031 34.691406 56.320313 32.839844 Z M 59 51 L 59 49 C 59 48.449219 58.550781 48 58 48 C 57.449219 48 57 48.449219 57 49 L 57 51 C 56.992188 51.496094 57.351563 51.921875 57.839844 52 C 56.039063 53.304688 53.875 54.007813 51.648438 54 L 17.449219 54 C 14.402344 54.003906 11.417969 53.125 8.859375 51.46875 C 8.945313 51.328125 8.992188 51.164063 9 51 L 9 49 C 9 48.449219 8.550781 48 8 48 C 7.449219 48 7 48.449219 7 49 L 7 50 C 4.042969 47.417969 2.246094 43.757813 2 39.839844 C 1.660156 33.019531 5.941406 26.820313 12.441406 24.71875 C 12.148438 26.128906 12 27.5625 12 29 C 12 29.550781 12.449219 30 13 30 C 13.550781 30 14 29.550781 14 29 C 14 27.179688 14.261719 25.367188 14.78125 23.621094 C 14.890625 23.238281 15.03125 22.871094 15.160156 22.511719 C 15.21875 22.339844 15.28125 22.160156 15.351563 21.988281 C 18.222656 14.753906 25.214844 10.003906 33 10 C 33.816406 10 34.628906 10.050781 35.441406 10.148438 C 43.921875 11.285156 50.617188 17.917969 51.828125 26.390625 C 52.074219 28.253906 52.042969 30.144531 51.738281 32 C 51.125 32.007813 50.515625 32.058594 49.910156 32.160156 C 49.359375 32.257813 48.988281 32.78125 49.085938 33.335938 C 49.183594 33.886719 49.707031 34.257813 50.261719 34.160156 C 51.023438 34.015625 51.804688 33.964844 52.578125 34 C 52.851563 34 53.121094 34 53.390625 34.078125 L 53.691406 34.078125 C 58.660156 34.925781 62.222656 39.34375 62 44.378906 C 61.886719 46.890625 60.8125 49.261719 59 51 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 43.210938 18 C 43.378906 17.792969 43.457031 17.527344 43.429688 17.265625 C 43.398438 17 43.265625 16.757813 43.058594 16.589844 C 42.273438 15.949219 41.425781 15.386719 40.53125 14.910156 C 40.042969 14.652344 39.433594 14.835938 39.175781 15.324219 C 38.914063 15.8125 39.101563 16.421875 39.589844 16.679688 C 40.371094 17.097656 41.113281 17.589844 41.800781 18.148438 C 42.007813 18.316406 42.273438 18.394531 42.535156 18.367188 C 42.800781 18.339844 43.042969 18.207031 43.210938 18 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 36.378906 13.359375 C 32.644531 12.570313 28.746094 13.125 25.378906 14.929688 C 24.894531 15.207031 24.722656 15.824219 25 16.308594 C 25.277344 16.796875 25.894531 16.964844 26.378906 16.691406 C 29.324219 15.113281 32.730469 14.625 36 15.308594 C 36.550781 15.425781 37.09375 15.074219 37.210938 14.519531 C 37.324219 13.96875 36.972656 13.425781 36.421875 13.308594 Z "></path>
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<path style=" fill:#85CBF8;" d="M 13 7 L 51 7 C 54.3125 7 57 9.6875 57 13 L 57 51 C 57 54.3125 54.3125 57 51 57 L 13 57 C 9.6875 57 7 54.3125 7 51 L 7 13 C 7 9.6875 9.6875 7 13 7 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#FAEFDE;" d="M 49.488281 24.121094 L 48.800781 24.398438 C 49.207031 23.78125 49.523438 23.109375 49.738281 22.398438 C 49.835938 22.058594 49.714844 21.691406 49.433594 21.472656 C 49.152344 21.253906 48.769531 21.226563 48.460938 21.398438 C 47.320313 22.078125 46.082031 22.578125 44.789063 22.878906 C 42.519531 20.75 39.199219 20.175781 36.34375 21.414063 C 33.488281 22.652344 31.640625 25.46875 31.640625 28.578125 C 31.640625 28.785156 31.640625 28.992188 31.640625 29.199219 C 26.730469 28.65625 22.226563 26.214844 19.101563 22.390625 C 18.917969 22.167969 18.636719 22.046875 18.351563 22.070313 C 18.0625 22.089844 17.804688 22.25 17.660156 22.5 C 16.21875 24.980469 16.253906 28.050781 17.75 30.5 C 17.480469 30.390625 17.175781 30.421875 16.933594 30.582031 C 16.691406 30.742188 16.546875 31.011719 16.539063 31.300781 L 16.539063 31.398438 C 16.554688 33.789063 17.660156 36.039063 19.539063 37.511719 C 19.101563 37.671875 18.867188 38.144531 19 38.589844 C 19.773438 40.960938 21.628906 42.816406 24 43.589844 C 21.609375 44.890625 18.875 45.417969 16.171875 45.101563 C 15.765625 45.054688 15.382813 45.292969 15.246094 45.675781 C 15.109375 46.058594 15.25 46.488281 15.589844 46.710938 C 18.898438 48.847656 22.75 49.992188 26.691406 50 C 32.535156 50.136719 38.144531 47.675781 42 43.28125 C 45.375 39.441406 47.253906 34.519531 47.300781 29.410156 C 47.300781 29.25 47.300781 29.101563 47.300781 28.941406 C 48.585938 27.953125 49.699219 26.757813 50.601563 25.410156 C 50.808594 25.085938 50.785156 24.664063 50.535156 24.367188 C 50.289063 24.070313 49.875 23.96875 49.519531 24.121094 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#9FDDFF;" d="M 11 7 L 53 7 C 55.210938 7 57 8.789063 57 11 C 57 12.65625 55.65625 14 54 14 L 10 14 C 8.34375 14 7 12.65625 7 11 C 7 8.789063 8.789063 7 11 7 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 51 6 L 13 6 C 9.132813 6 6 9.132813 6 13 L 6 51 C 6 54.867188 9.132813 58 13 58 L 51 58 C 54.867188 58 58 54.867188 58 51 L 58 13 C 58 9.132813 54.867188 6 51 6 Z M 56 51 C 56 53.761719 53.761719 56 51 56 L 13 56 C 10.238281 56 8 53.761719 8 51 L 8 13 C 8 10.238281 10.238281 8 13 8 L 51 8 C 53.761719 8 56 10.238281 56 13 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 17 16 C 17.550781 16 18 15.550781 18 15 L 18 13 C 18 12.449219 17.550781 12 17 12 C 16.449219 12 16 12.449219 16 13 L 16 15 C 16 15.550781 16.449219 16 17 16 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 12 12 C 11.449219 12 11 12.449219 11 13 L 11 15 C 11 15.550781 11.449219 16 12 16 C 12.550781 16 13 15.550781 13 15 L 13 13 C 13 12.449219 12.550781 12 12 12 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 32 16 C 32.550781 16 33 15.550781 33 15 L 33 13 C 33 12.449219 32.550781 12 32 12 C 31.449219 12 31 12.449219 31 13 L 31 15 C 31 15.550781 31.449219 16 32 16 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 37 16 C 37.550781 16 38 15.550781 38 15 L 38 13 C 38 12.449219 37.550781 12 37 12 C 36.449219 12 36 12.449219 36 13 L 36 15 C 36 15.550781 36.449219 16 37 16 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 42 16 C 42.550781 16 43 15.550781 43 15 L 43 13 C 43 12.449219 42.550781 12 42 12 C 41.449219 12 41 12.449219 41 13 L 41 15 C 41 15.550781 41.449219 16 42 16 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 47 16 C 47.550781 16 48 15.550781 48 15 L 48 13 C 48 12.449219 47.550781 12 47 12 C 46.449219 12 46 12.449219 46 13 L 46 15 C 46 15.550781 46.449219 16 47 16 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 52 16 C 52.550781 16 53 15.550781 53 15 L 53 13 C 53 12.449219 52.550781 12 52 12 C 51.449219 12 51 12.449219 51 13 L 51 15 C 51 15.550781 51.449219 16 52 16 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 22 16 C 22.550781 16 23 15.550781 23 15 L 23 13 C 23 12.449219 22.550781 12 22 12 C 21.449219 12 21 12.449219 21 13 L 21 15 C 21 15.550781 21.449219 16 22 16 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 27 16 C 27.550781 16 28 15.550781 28 15 L 28 13 C 28 12.449219 27.550781 12 27 12 C 26.449219 12 26 12.449219 26 13 L 26 15 C 26 15.550781 26.449219 16 27 16 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 49.488281 24.121094 L 48.800781 24.398438 C 49.207031 23.78125 49.523438 23.109375 49.738281 22.398438 C 49.835938 22.058594 49.714844 21.691406 49.433594 21.472656 C 49.152344 21.253906 48.769531 21.226563 48.460938 21.398438 C 47.320313 22.078125 46.082031 22.578125 44.789063 22.878906 C 42.519531 20.75 39.199219 20.175781 36.34375 21.414063 C 33.488281 22.652344 31.640625 25.46875 31.640625 28.578125 C 31.640625 28.785156 31.640625 28.992188 31.640625 29.199219 C 26.730469 28.65625 22.226563 26.214844 19.101563 22.390625 C 18.917969 22.167969 18.636719 22.046875 18.351563 22.070313 C 18.0625 22.089844 17.804688 22.25 17.660156 22.5 C 16.21875 24.980469 16.253906 28.050781 17.75 30.5 C 17.480469 30.390625 17.175781 30.421875 16.933594 30.582031 C 16.691406 30.742188 16.546875 31.011719 16.539063 31.300781 L 16.539063 31.398438 C 16.554688 33.789063 17.660156 36.039063 19.539063 37.511719 C 19.101563 37.671875 18.867188 38.144531 19 38.589844 C 19.773438 40.960938 21.628906 42.816406 24 43.589844 C 21.609375 44.890625 18.875 45.417969 16.171875 45.101563 C 15.765625 45.054688 15.382813 45.292969 15.246094 45.675781 C 15.109375 46.058594 15.25 46.488281 15.589844 46.710938 C 18.898438 48.847656 22.75 49.992188 26.691406 50 C 32.535156 50.136719 38.144531 47.675781 42 43.28125 C 45.375 39.441406 47.253906 34.519531 47.300781 29.410156 C 47.300781 29.25 47.300781 29.101563 47.300781 28.941406 C 48.585938 27.953125 49.699219 26.757813 50.601563 25.410156 C 50.808594 25.085938 50.785156 24.664063 50.535156 24.367188 C 50.289063 24.070313 49.875 23.96875 49.519531 24.121094 Z M 45.871094 27.800781 C 45.632813 27.972656 45.496094 28.253906 45.511719 28.550781 C 45.511719 28.828125 45.511719 29.121094 45.511719 29.410156 C 45.503906 35.671875 42.390625 41.519531 37.195313 45.015625 C 32.003906 48.515625 25.414063 49.207031 19.609375 46.859375 C 22.253906 46.539063 24.761719 45.5 26.859375 43.859375 C 27.152344 43.628906 27.265625 43.242188 27.148438 42.886719 C 27.027344 42.535156 26.703125 42.296875 26.328125 42.289063 C 24.246094 42.253906 22.324219 41.148438 21.25 39.359375 C 21.910156 39.351563 22.5625 39.261719 23.199219 39.089844 C 23.589844 38.980469 23.859375 38.617188 23.84375 38.210938 C 23.828125 37.804688 23.539063 37.460938 23.140625 37.378906 C 20.796875 36.898438 18.957031 35.085938 18.441406 32.75 C 19.113281 32.960938 19.8125 33.078125 20.519531 33.101563 C 20.914063 33.121094 21.269531 32.867188 21.378906 32.488281 C 21.5 32.117188 21.355469 31.707031 21.03125 31.488281 C 18.769531 29.984375 17.789063 27.152344 18.628906 24.570313 C 22.277344 28.472656 27.296875 30.804688 32.628906 31.078125 C 32.90625 31.097656 33.171875 30.984375 33.351563 30.769531 C 33.523438 30.558594 33.59375 30.277344 33.53125 30.011719 C 32.917969 27.34375 34.164063 24.601563 36.574219 23.308594 C 38.984375 22.019531 41.960938 22.503906 43.839844 24.488281 C 44.046875 24.710938 44.351563 24.808594 44.648438 24.75 C 45.363281 24.609375 46.066406 24.414063 46.75 24.171875 C 46.351563 24.609375 45.886719 24.984375 45.378906 25.289063 C 45.050781 25.523438 44.925781 25.949219 45.070313 26.328125 C 45.21875 26.703125 45.601563 26.929688 46 26.878906 C 46.421875 26.828125 46.835938 26.761719 47.25 26.679688 C 46.816406 27.085938 46.355469 27.457031 45.871094 27.800781 Z "></path>
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<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 40.878906 37.621094 C 41.050781 37.945313 41.386719 38.152344 41.753906 38.15625 C 42.121094 38.160156 42.460938 37.964844 42.640625 37.644531 C 42.816406 37.324219 42.808594 36.929688 42.609375 36.621094 L 41.609375 34.890625 C 41.324219 34.4375 40.730469 34.292969 40.265625 34.5625 C 39.800781 34.828125 39.632813 35.414063 39.878906 35.890625 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 26.210938 36.371094 C 25.675781 36.230469 25.132813 36.546875 24.988281 37.078125 L 24.46875 39 C 24.363281 39.347656 24.453125 39.730469 24.710938 39.992188 C 24.964844 40.253906 25.34375 40.355469 25.695313 40.257813 C 26.046875 40.160156 26.316406 39.875 26.398438 39.519531 L 26.921875 37.589844 C 27.058594 37.058594 26.742188 36.511719 26.210938 36.371094 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 41.351563 9.460938 C 40.601563 9.085938 39.835938 8.75 39.050781 8.460938 C 38.542969 8.304688 38.003906 8.566406 37.816406 9.066406 C 37.632813 9.5625 37.863281 10.117188 38.351563 10.328125 C 39.066406 10.597656 39.765625 10.90625 40.449219 11.25 C 40.589844 11.320313 40.742188 11.359375 40.898438 11.359375 C 41.359375 11.355469 41.761719 11.039063 41.867188 10.589844 C 41.972656 10.144531 41.761719 9.679688 41.351563 9.46875 Z "></path>
<path style=" fill:#8D6C9F;" d="M 34.648438 7.289063 C 29.484375 6.472656 24.199219 7.429688 19.648438 10.011719 C 19.253906 10.234375 19.058594 10.699219 19.175781 11.136719 C 19.292969 11.578125 19.695313 11.882813 20.148438 11.878906 C 20.320313 11.878906 20.492188 11.835938 20.640625 11.75 C 24.792969 9.398438 29.625 8.523438 34.339844 9.269531 C 34.890625 9.359375 35.410156 8.980469 35.5 8.429688 C 35.589844 7.878906 35.210938 7.359375 34.660156 7.269531 Z "></path>
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