This guide will show you how to use a pre-trained model in an example Unity environment (3D Ball) and show you how to train the model yourself.
If you are not familiar with the Unity Engine, we highly recommend the Roll-a-ball tutorial to learn all the basic concepts of Unity.
In order to use the ML-Agents toolkit within Unity, you first need to change a few Unity settings.
- Launch Unity
- On the Projects dialog, choose the Open option at the top of the window.
- Using the file dialog that opens, locate the
folder within the ML-Agents toolkit project and click Open. - Go to Edit > Project Settings > Player
- For each of the platforms you target (PC, Mac and Linux Standalone,
iOS or Android):
- Expand the Other Settings section.
- Select Scripting Runtime Version to Experimental (.NET 4.6 Equivalent or .NET 4.x Equivalent)
- Go to File > Save Project
We include pre-trained models for our agents (.nn
files) and we use the
Unity Inference Engine to run these models
inside Unity. In this section, we will use the pre-trained model for the
3D Ball example.
In the Project window, go to the
folder and open the3DBall
scene file. -
In the Project window, go to the
folder. Expand3DBall
and click on theAgent
prefab. You should see theAgent
prefab in the Inspector window.Note: The platforms in the
scene were created using the3DBall
prefab. Instead of updating all 12 platforms individually, you can update the3DBall
prefab instead. -
In the Project window, drag the 3DBall Model located in
into theModel
property underBehavior Parameters (Script)
component in the Agent GameObject Inspector window. -
You should notice that each
under each3DBall
in the Hierarchy windows now contains 3DBall asModel
on theBehavior Parameters
. Note : You can modify multiple game objects in a scene by selecting them all at once using the search bar in the Scene Hierarchy. -
Select the InferenceDevice to use for this model (CPU or GPU) on the Agent. Note: CPU is faster for the majority of ML-Agents toolkit generated models
Click the Play button and you will see the platforms balance the balls using the pre-trained model.
The notebooks/getting-started.ipynb
Jupyter notebook
contains a simple walk-through of the functionality of the Python API. It can
also serve as a simple test that your environment is configured correctly.
Within Basics
, be sure to set env_name
to the name of the Unity executable
if you want to use an executable or to
if you want to interact with the current scene in the Unity Editor.
More information and documentation is provided in the Python API page.
In order to setup the Agents for Training, you will need to edit the
Behavior Name
under BehaviorParamters
in the Agent Inspector window.
The Behavior Name
is used to group agents per behaviors. Note that Agents
sharing the same Behavior Name
must be agents of the same type using the
same Behavior Parameters
. You can make sure all your agents have the same
Behavior Parameters
using Prefabs.
The Behavior Name
corresponds to the name of the model that will be
generated by the training process and is used to select the hyperparameters
from the training configuration file.
Open a command or terminal window.
Navigate to the folder where you cloned the ML-Agents toolkit repository. Note: If you followed the default installation, then you should be able to run
from any directory. -
mlagents-learn <trainer-config-path> --run-id=<run-identifier> --train
is the relative or absolute filepath of the trainer configuration. The defaults used by example environments included inMLAgentsSDK
can be found inconfig/trainer_config.yaml
is a string used to separate the results of different training runs--train
to run a training session (rather than inference)
If you cloned the ML-Agents repo, then you can simply run
mlagents-learn config/trainer_config.yaml --run-id=firstRun --train
When the message "Start training by pressing the Play button in the Unity Editor" is displayed on the screen, you can press the
▶️ button in Unity to start training in the Editor.Note: Alternatively, you can use an executable rather than the Editor to perform training. Please refer to this page for instructions on how to build and use an executable.
Note: If you're using Anaconda, don't forget to activate the ml-agents environment first.
If mlagents-learn
runs correctly and starts training, you should see something
like this:
'Ball3DAcademy' started successfully!
Unity Academy name: Ball3DAcademy
INFO:mlagents_envs:Connected new brain:
Unity brain name: 3DBallLearning
Number of Visual Observations (per agent): 0
Vector Observation space size (per agent): 8
Number of stacked Vector Observation: 1
Vector Action space type: continuous
Vector Action space size (per agent): [2]
Vector Action descriptions: ,
INFO:mlagents_envs:Hyperparameters for the PPO Trainer of brain 3DBallLearning:
batch_size: 64
beta: 0.001
buffer_size: 12000
epsilon: 0.2
gamma: 0.995
hidden_units: 128
lambd: 0.99
learning_rate: 0.0003
max_steps: 5.0e4
normalize: True
num_epoch: 3
num_layers: 2
time_horizon: 1000
sequence_length: 64
summary_freq: 1000
use_recurrent: False
summary_path: ./summaries/first-run-0
memory_size: 256
use_curiosity: False
curiosity_strength: 0.01
curiosity_enc_size: 128
model_path: ./models/first-run-0/3DBallLearning
INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 1000. Mean Reward: 1.242. Std of Reward: 0.746. Training.
INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 2000. Mean Reward: 1.319. Std of Reward: 0.693. Training.
INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 3000. Mean Reward: 1.804. Std of Reward: 1.056. Training.
INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 4000. Mean Reward: 2.151. Std of Reward: 1.432. Training.
INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 5000. Mean Reward: 3.175. Std of Reward: 2.250. Training.
INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 6000. Mean Reward: 4.898. Std of Reward: 4.019. Training.
INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 7000. Mean Reward: 6.716. Std of Reward: 5.125. Training.
INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 8000. Mean Reward: 12.124. Std of Reward: 11.929. Training.
INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 9000. Mean Reward: 18.151. Std of Reward: 16.871. Training.
INFO:mlagents.trainers: first-run-0: 3DBallLearning: Step: 10000. Mean Reward: 27.284. Std of Reward: 28.667. Training.
You can press Ctrl+C to stop the training, and your trained model will be at
is the name of the Behavior Name
of the agents corresponding to the model.
(Note: There is a known bug on Windows that causes the saving of the model to
fail when you early terminate the training, it's recommended to wait until Step
has reached the max_steps parameter you set in trainer_config.yaml.) This file
corresponds to your model's latest checkpoint. You can now embed this trained
model into your Agents by following the steps below, which is similar to
the steps described
- Move your model file into
. - Open the Unity Editor, and select the 3DBall scene as described above.
- Select the 3DBall prefab Agent object.
- Drag the
file from the Project window of the Editor to the Model placeholder in the Ball3DAgent inspector window. - Press the
▶️ button at the top of the Editor.
- For more information on the ML-Agents toolkit, in addition to helpful background, check out the ML-Agents Toolkit Overview page.
- For a more detailed walk-through of our 3D Balance Ball environment, check out the Getting Started page.
- For a "Hello World" introduction to creating your own Learning Environment, check out the Making a New Learning Environment page.
- For a series of YouTube video tutorials, checkout the Machine Learning Agents PlayList page.