- Fix cfgui in packages
- Fix clone_grid
- Fix cdtime comparisons
- Fix grids creation
- Fix twinxy for y
- Fix resol with masked coordinates
- Fix get_axis_slices
- Fix some tests
- Fix travis integration
- Fix pypi integration
- Added support for scipy interpolations in griddata and xy2xy with use of projected coordinates
- Added tuple support to create_axes2d
- Added basic_proj and use it as default projection
- Added GriddedSelector
- Added some support for unstructured grids: create_ugrid, get_tri, get_tri_mask, get_tri_type, create_ugrid, create_aux_axes, get_unstruct_indices, create_grid, get_grid_type, issgrid, isugrid
- Added are_same_grids
- Added fill support to Plot.Add_box
- Removed support for css and nat interpolations in griddata and xy2xy
- Fixed time cdtimes comparisons
- Fixed core_plot x/y attr check
- Fixed call to udunits
- Fixed linear4dto1dxx
- Fixed check_case
- Fixed Fix XYZ.togrid
- Fixed bugs due to new MPL
- Fixed regrid1d with cellave
- Fixed quiverkey_value
- Fixed import in stats
- Fixed gaussian2d
- Fixed extend1d inner slice and cyclic conditions
- Fixed cellerr1d errm slices
- Fixed output dim check in grid2xy
- Fixed lat/lon in Map
- Fixed coord2slice with e/n bounds specs
- Added round_interval
- Added step support to round_date
- Added 256-based color to config color validator
- Added left frame to application logo in cfgui
- Added get_transect to Atmosphere
- Added domain attribute to Dataset classes
- Added flexibility to NcSigma
- Fixed Map memory issue
- Fixed some old Dataset methods
- Fixed runcheck
- Added new classes for MesoNh, Symphonie and WW3 models
- Added cfgui: graphical user interface to ConfigMgr
- Added support for 4D interpolation to grid2xy
- Added linear4dto1dxx
- Added tcompress, bound_ops and haversine to vcmq
- Renamed check.py to runcheck
- Fixed kinetic_energy: bad indexes
- Fixed cfgm merging
- Fixed vacumm.misc.file.strfsize
- Fixed OceanDataset.get_mld density issue
- Fixed missing datetime import for tfind
- Fixed ConfigManager warning when default value is not scalar
- Fixed fix xml text nodes load
- Fixed Logger defaults
- Fixed Object class logging funcName
- Fixed spherical variogram
- Fixed imports in basemap
- Fixed cdtime validator in config
- Fix 3d map plots
- New cf specs management system based on ConfigObj
- Added haversine
- Added CaseChecker and check_case
- Added vacumm_warning and vcwarn utilities
- Added fixed number of step support to lindates
- Added Dataset.get_selector
- Added Added NcIterTimeSlice
- Added match_string and match_atts
- Added logger keyword to Object
- Added ArgTuple
- Added support for non gridded variable in Dataset.get_variable
- Added support for level='3d' to Dataset
- Added grid support to grid to Dataset.get_variable
- Added clone_grid
- Added id search to ncfind_obj
- Added zerolid support to sigma and dz2depth
- Added id attribute and use it for default long_name
- Added cmap support to VAR_SPECS
- Added get_cf_cmap
- Added x and y support to autoresize in Plot
- Added special pos/neg/sym cmap name to color
- Added dicttree_get and dicttree_set
- Added dict validator for configobj
- Added register_config_validator
- Added Map.add_arcgisimage
- Added some 3d capabilities to Map
- Added some 3D support to plot_grid
- Added the axes="3d" support to Plot
- Added some 3d support for map tick labels
- Added register_dataset
- Added __getitem__ to Plot to retreive plotted objects
- Added axis attribute detection for axes.isXXX functions
- Added support to empty to all plot functions
- Added azim and elev to Plot init
- Added kwargs transfert to x/ylocator in Plot
- Added support for cfgspec to cfg2rst
- Added travis support
- Added public access to config validator functions
- Improved resol that now works with haversine
- Improved levels_mode and cmap handling in Plot
- Improved dataset._get_depth_
- Fixed selector applied to axes in Sigma._load_by_name
- Fixed ArgList
- Fixed Dataset.get_variable with non-generic variables
- Fixed sorting in list_forecast_files
- Fixed level and time slicing in Dataset
- Fixed scalar handling for create_<axis> functions
- Fixed indices2slices for a single index
- Fixed axis detection
- Fixed nccache_get_time with strict axis checking
- Fixed lat with coriolis_param
- Fixed single value case for config validators
- Fixed shapefile reading, zone clipping and x/y/min/max in Shapes
- Fixed Marigraph mean
- Fixed xaxis and yaxis for maps
- Fixed configobj.Section support to dict_merge
- Fixed format_var with physloc
- Fixed x/y/min/max in plots with no data
- Fixed Dataset.get_depth at T point
- Added cmap_lum, cma_sat and cmap_pastel keyword to plots
- Added saturate, desaturate, change_luminosity, change_saturation, pastelise
- Added cdtime validator to ConfigManager
- Added isempty to StatAccum
- Added interp_clim
- Added cylic mode support for extend1d
- Added support of intervals to get_xy
- Added espg support to cached_map
- Added x/ymargin support to minimap
- Added squarebox
- Added SimpleCloudKriger
- Added cellwidth support to bounds1d and meshcells
- Added dict support to scalebox
- Added cmocean colormaps support
- Added add_lightshading to plot
- Added fortran linear4dto1d
- Fixed xmlconfig attribute type checking
- Added zenodo DOI
- Renamed import of time_selector to filter_time_selector
- Fixed ncget_grid
- Fixed axis for 1d regridding of 1d arrays
- Fixed 360 wrap test in grid2xy
- Fixed tsel2slice
- Fixed template cloning in StatAccum
- Fixed dump/load of StatAccum
- Fixed resol_mask
- Added support for auto placement of text in add_place
- Added support for list of files to savefig
- Added suppor for dict to initialise childnodes in XmlConfig
- Added time split support to transect
- Added splitidx to get 1d splitting specs
- Added the add_grid method to Plot2D
- Added the x/ycorners options to add_grid function
- Added index support to ghhs_autores
- Added cmap+color validators to misc.config
- Added extraopts to ConfigManager
- Added get_quiverkey_value to plot
- Added x/y2db argument to Plot2D
- Added start_redirections and stop_redirections to log.Logger
- Fixed method testing in grid2xy and transect
- Fixed color in add_point
- Fixed masking in StepsNorm
- Fixed minute case in basic_auto_scaling
- Fixed generic2d masking and gaussian2d
- Fixed config read in grid module
- Fixed issue #2: verbose and notice fail for Logger subclasses
- Added redirection support to log.Logger.
- Added dstpts2line to interp.
- Added gen_binhelps extension to sphinx.
- Fixed format and date_format use in log.Logger.
- Fixed module members list in units.
- Fixed dstwgt2dto1dc_reduc.
- Fixed interp.mix2d for datarmor.
- Fixed StatAccum hist templates.
- Fixed gen_cmaps.
- Fixed plot_cmap and plot_cmaps.
- Fixed issue with Makefile.
- Fixed setup with CHANGES.
- Added support for mtype=None to variogram_fit.
- Added support for res="None" to create_map.
- Added errfunc support to kriging.
- Added cfgfilter to cfgmanager.
- Added proj param to basemap.get_proj.
- Added closing after showing in core_plot.
- Added autoscaling mode to ScalarMappable.get_levels with normal and degrees.
- Added merge_masks to merge masks of several variables.
- Added u, v, ubc, vb, speed, cdir, sigma*, *dens and renamed vol to cvol in cf.
- Added support for redirecting warnings, stdout and sterr to io.Logger
- Added mode support to dz2depth with edge, edge+ and middle.
- Added checkdir to make sure dir exists.
- Added julday converter.
- Added support for haversine distance to get_distances + krig integration.
- Added cyclic support to rainbow.
- Changed grid2xy to use get_distances.
- Renamed dmax to distmax in kriging.
- Improved support of julian days in atime.
- Improved date locators and formatters.
- Fixed cmap_br*.
- Fixed ignorecase in ncmatch_obj.
- Fixed some proj problems in misc.grid.
- Fixed inversions in kriging.
- Fixed validation of list in config.
- Fixed 360 deg problem for grid2xy.
- Fixed transect with 4D data
- Fixed scalar handling and masking in grid2xy
- Fixed format_var with variables with no axes specs.
- Fixed roundto in IterDates.
- Fixed no_norm issue.
- Fixed some standard names and grid locs in cf.
- Added font weight change for degrees in labels.
- Added standard_names to names for searching in cf.
- Added showvar.py to quickly display a netcdf variable.
- Added support for min+max+hist and restart to StatAccum.
- Added support for exact and block kriging to OCK.
- Added sill and range to linear variogram model in kriging.
- Added constraints to variogram model fit.
- Added color.discretize_cmap.
- Added Plot.add_water_mark.
- Added units.basic_proj.
- Added systematic cleaning to cache_map().
- Added [vacumm.misc.grid.basemap]max_cache_size config option.
- Added cellerr method to regrid1d.
- Added time arguments support if applicable to Plot.add_point().
- Added dstwgt method for fortran interpolators from gridded to random points.
- Added tuple support for time creation routines of atime.
- New regrid2d with tool and method keywords.
- Fixed range in hlitvs.
- Fixed mixed_layer_depth with kz.
- Fixed: default params in get_proj.
- Fixed names of module attributes which are now upper case.
- Fixed: list_forecast_files, Plot.add_lon/lat, _interp_.linept, Plot2D.fill.
- Fixed: ConfigManager.opt_parse.
- Removed sphinxfortran extension which is now a standalone vacumm project.
- Added "make safedoc" target.
- Fixed: english translations++.
- Fixed: missing test_plot_add_logo.py.
- Fixed: multifit+multiproc in kriging.
- Fixed: ConfigManager.arg_parse helps.
- Fixed: station_info import of oldnumeric.
- Changed: module level config files renamed to vacumm.cfg.
- Fixed: access to vacumm_nice_gfdl and vacumm_ssec colormaps.
- Fixed: Logger and specs for Profile.
- Fixed: add_logo.
- Fixed: removed dependency to pytz, which must now be installed to add time zone support to vacumm.
- Added: camp_nice_gfdl colormap.
- Added: Plot.add_annotation.
- Added: misc.plot.advanced.add_things tutorial.
- Fixed: gen_gallery.
- Added: misc.isempty.
- Fixed: cfg2rst, ConfigManager, StepsNorm.
- Upgraded: Logger.
- Added: docversions sphinx extension.
- Fixed: ConfigManager.opt_parse/arg_parse, Shapes, get_proj, get_xy, seawater import, are_good_units, Shapes.__init__/plot.
- Added: Added fp + th1p + some wind variables to cf.
- Added: add_arrow method to Plot2D.
- Added: add_map_places plot function.
- Improved: In curve2, an array can be passed to fill_between keyword.
- Fixed: ConfigManager, polygon_select, polygon_mask, coord2slice, sigma, tide.filters, StepsNorm, list_forecast_files, NEMO.
- Fortran regrid1d routines work directly with missing values.
- Unit tests save outputs in scripts directory.
- Fixed installation issue with setup.*.
- Fixed bugs: list_forecast_files, filter_selector, NEMO, coord2slice.
- Added the new CurvedInterpolator based on some fortran code primarily used for computing transects.
- New regrid1dnew that can regrid from a variable 1D axis to another variable 1D axis, like for instance from sigma to sigma coordinates. It will later replace regrid1d. Extrapolation in regrid1dnew is now available for all methods.
- Improvements for staggered grids in Dataset.
- minimap can now display background data instead of ocean color.
- cf: added wspd and wdir for wind.
- Smaller data samples.
- Better management of staggering in Dataset and arakawa (still experimental).
- Removed setup.cfg and added two templates, with a simple one and another one for OpenMP parallelisation.
- Fixed issues: vacumm config, sigma2depth, grid2xy, format_var, fortran_domain, etc.