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File metadata and controls

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Multi-Blast 2.0 Design

The Stack

The Multi-Blast 2.0 service stack consists of 4 containers and 3 external dependencies.

  1. The Query Service

  2. The Report Service

  3. A RabbitMQ message queue

  4. A PostgreSQL database

  1. The VEuPathDB Oracle user database.

  2. The VEuPathDB BLAST+ databases.

  3. An S3 instance with a bucket created for each of the Query Service and Report Service.

Query Service

The Query Service, built on the Async Platform, exposes a REST API through which API consumers may create, customize, and execute asynchronous BLAST+ query jobs against VEuPathDB’s BLAST+ databases.

The results of jobs executed through the query service will be cached for a configurable amount of time before they are automatically expired.

Expired jobs may be re-run at a later date by any user linked to the expired job.

Query Service Overview

mblast query overview


Action Source Description

List Jobs


Lists the query jobs that are linked to the requesting user.

Create Job


Creates a new query job and may optionally link the new job to the requesting user.

Lookup Job


Get the details and configuration for an existing job and optionally link the requesting user to the target job.

Restart Job


Re-runs an existing job that has expired.

Update Job


Update a user’s metadata attached to a job.

Delete Job


Unlink a job from the requesting user.

Get Job Query


Retrieve the raw query submitted for a target job.

Get Job Result


Retrieve the ASN1 query result of the target job.

Get Job Errors


Retrieve the stderr output for a target job.

Bulk Status Check


Check the current statuses for a batch of job IDs.

Get All Targets


List the BLAST+ databases currently visible to the service.

Link Guest


Links the jobs associated with a guest user with a target non-guest user.

Execute Query


Asynchronously executes a BLAST+ query.

List Jobs

Look up the jobs that are linked to the requesting user. Optionally, the results may be filtered by project ID.


list query jobs


The response will be a list of entries representing jobs that are linked to the requesting user.

Result Objects
interface Result {
  queryJobID: string
  status:     string
  site:       string
  createdOn:  string
  userMeta?:  UserMeta

interface UserMeta {
  summary?:     string
  description?: string
Example Result
    "queryJobID": "9f444b23ceec3ee5588cc4c784c16696",
    "site": "PlasmoDB",
    "status": "expired",
    "createdOn": "2020-10-31T23:00:00Z"
    "queryJobID": "bc49f1a3bc36cd15b84890439d19d395",
    "site": "TriTrypDB",
    "status": "complete",
    "createdOn": "2020-10-31T23:00:00Z",
    "userMeta": {
      "summary": "A blast job"
    "queryJobID": "297a61dda47317f11d8e50e6ab8508c9",
    "site": "VectorBase",
    "status": "failed",
    "createdOn": "2020-10-31T23:00:00Z",
    "userMeta": {
      "summary": "Another blast job.",
      "description": "This job will fail."

Create Job

Creates a new job record if one does not already exist matching the POSTed configuration. See Job IDs.

Query Job Submission Flow

create query job

Validate job submission

validate query job config

Handle new root job creation
Handle Parent Job

handle new query job

Handle Child Jobs

handle new query child job

Handle existing root job w/o link

handle existing root job without link

Handle existing root job with link

handle existing root job with link


The response will be an object containing the ID of the job that was created or found.

Result Object
interface Result {
  queryJobID: string
Example Result
  "queryJobID": "9f444b23ceec3ee5588cc4c784c16696"

Lookup Job

Retrieves a detailed record for a specific target job which will include the original configuration from which the job was created.

Additionally, as a simplistic form of job "sharing", users who make a request to get a job’s details may optionally be linked to the target job, adding it to the requesting user’s job collection.

To maintain compatibility with the legacy behavior of the v0.x and v1.x Multi-Blast API, the job saving behavior is opt-out only and by default users will be linked to jobs they request that they are not already linked to.


lookup query job


The response will be an object describing the requested job, this object will include:

  • job id

  • job status

  • job configuration:

    • target BLAST+ databases

    • target project id

  • blast configuration

  • user metadata

Result Object
interface Result {
  queryJobID:  string
  status:      string
  jobConfig:   JobConfig
  blastConfig: Object
  createdOn:   string
  userMeta?:   UserMeta

interface JobConfig {
  site:    string
  targets: QueryTarget[]

interface QueryTarget {
  targetDisplayName: string
  targetFile:        string

interface UserMeta {
  summary?:     string
  description?: string
Example Result
  "queryJobID": "9f444b23ceec3ee5588cc4c784c16696",
  "status": "complete",
  "jobConfig": {
    "site": "PlasmoDB",
    "targets": [
        "targetDisplayName": "PfalciparumGB4",
        "targetFile": "PfalciparumGB4AnnotatedTranscripts"
  "blastConfig": {
  "createdOn": "2020-10-31T23:00:00Z",
  "userMeta": {
    "summary": "Some blast job"

Restart Job

Restarts an expired job. Once a job has expired from the cache, users are allowed to re-run the job without needing to resubmit the configuration.

The configuration for the job is stored and will be resubmitted to the job queue the same as if the job was brand new.


restart query job

Update Job

Updates the metadata a user has associated with a target job to which they are already linked.


patch query job

Delete Job

Removes a target job from the user’s job collection, deleting the link between the user and the target job.


delete query job

Get Job Query

Retrieves the query submitted for a job.


get query job query

Get Job Result

Retrieves the ASN1 query result generated by a query job that has completed successful.


get query job result

Get Job Errors

Retrieves the stderr output from the BLAST+ command-line tool that was executed as part of a job.


get query job error

Bulk Status Check

The bulk status check takes a JSON array of job IDs as input, and for each valid ID in the input, returns the job status in a map.

All job IDs that are found to be invalid will be ignored and will not appear in the result status map.


bulk query job status check


A JSON object containing key/value pairs of query job ID mapped to job status.

Result Type
interface Result {
  [queryJobID: string]: string
Example Result
  "dd6060e5367622e574ffb38f32bfa049": "queued",
  "29e07b0b80181222ad33cbc8f679d672": "complete",
  "748ba381dd81bb8de615319837ffa350": "in-progress",
  "f4757ea84c455b04a1d307d4ac33049d": "expired"

Get All Targets

Returns a tree of all the queryable BLAST+ databases that are available to use.


target lookup

Result Types
interface Result {
  [project: string]: TargetMap

interface TargetMap {
  [target: string]: TargetDatabases

interface TargetDatabases {
  naTargets?: string[]
  aaTargets?: string[]
Example Result
  "PlasmoDB": {
    "Pberghei": {
      "naTargets": [
    "PfalciparumGB4": {
      "naTargets": [
      "aaTargets": [

RPC-like API endpoint used to migrate ownership of jobs created by a WDK guest user to a logged-in user. The use case being situations where a user creates jobs before either realizing they weren’t logged in, or deciding to create an account.


link guest

Execute Query

Internal, asynchronous execution of a target BLAST+ command-line tool using a user provided configuration.

This execution happens in worker threads that pull jobs from the RabbitMQ message queue backing the Async Platform.


execute query


The result of the job execution will be a CLI call exit code and a list of files that will be persisted to S3 by the Async Platform.



S3 is used to store a temporary cache of query job inputs and outputs.


RabbitMQ is used to queue up query jobs for eventual execution.


PostgreSQL is used as a backing database for queue and job history bookkeeping.


The permanent store of job configurations and user to job-links are stored in the Oracle user database.

BLAST+ Databases

BLAST+ database files that are the targets of user queries. These have to be mounted into the running container for the service to be able to access them.

Report Service

The Report Service, built on the Async Platform, exposes a REST API through which API consumers may generate custom reports from BLAST+ queries executed using the Query Service.

Report Service Overview

mblast report overview


Action Source Description

List Jobs


Lists the jobs that are linked to the requesting user.

Create Job


Creates a new report job and may optionally link the new job to the requesting user.

Lookup Job


Get the details and configuration for an existing job.

Restart Job


Re-runs an existing job that has expired.

Update Job


Update a user’s metadata attached to a job.

Delete Job


Unlink a job from the requesting user.

List Job Outputs


List the report files generated by a target job.

Get Job Output


Retrieve a report file generated by a target job.

Get Job Errors


Retrieve the stderr output for a target job.

Bulk Status Check


Check the current statuses for a batch of job IDs.

Link Guest


Links the jobs associated with a guest user with a target non-guest user.

Execute Report


Executes the BLAST+ CLI tool blast_formatter using a target query job’s result as the input.

List Jobs

Looks up the jobs that are linked to the requesting user. Optionally the results may be filtered by query job ID.


list report jobs


The result will be a list of zero or more report job items that are linked to the requesting user and optionally limited to only those items whose target query job ID matches a provided filter value.

Result Definition
type Result = ResultItem[]

interface ResultItem {
  reportJobID: string
  queryJobID:  string
  status:      string
  userMeta?:   UserMeta

interface UserMeta {
  summary?:     string
  description?: string
Result Example
    "reportJobID": "37b4e2d82900d5e94b8da524fbeb33c0",
    "queryJobID": "64e8bb9742929ab718dba7bc048e6120",
    "status": "failed",
    "userMeta": {
      "summary": "some report job summary"

Create Job

Creates a new job if one does not already exist matching the POSTed configuration.

If the job did not previously exist, or was previously expired, it will be queued to be executed.


create report job


The response will be an object containing the ID of the job that was created or found.

Result Object
interface Result {
  reportJobID: string
Example Result
  "reportJobID": "9f444b23ceec3ee5588cc4c784c16696"

Lookup Job

Retrieves a detailed record for a specific target job which will include the original configuration from which the job was created.

Additionally, as a simplistic form of job "sharing", users who make a request to get a job’s details may optionally be linked to the target job, adding it to the requesting user’s job collection.

To maintain compatibility with the legacy behavior of the v0.x and v1.x Multi-Blast API, the job saving behavior is opt-out only and by default, users will be linked to jobs they request that they are not already linked to.

  1. Look up job in the user database

  2. Optionally link the requesting user to the job in the user database

  3. Check the status of the job

  4. Return the job details which will include:

    • report job id

    • query job id

    • job status

    • blast configuration

    • user metadata

Restart Job

Restarts an expired job. Once a job has expired from the cache, users are allowed to re-run the job without needing to resubmit the configuration.

The configuration for the job is stored and will be resubmitted to the job queue the same as if the job was brand new.


restart report job

Update Job

Updates the metadata a user has associated with a target job to which they are already linked.

  1. Look up the target job in the user database

  2. Verify the user is linked to the target job

  3. Update the user’s metadata for the job in the user database

Delete Job

Removes a target job from the user’s job collection, deleting the link between the user and the target job.


delete query job

List Job Outputs

Lists the files generated by a completed report job.


list report files


This endpoint will return a listing of available files and their sizes.

Result Definition
type Result = ReportFile[]

interface ReportFile {
  name: string
  size: number
Result Example
    "name": "somefile1.txt",
    "size": 1023
    "name": "somefile2.json",
    "size": 58372
    "name": "",
    "size": 10234

Get Job Output

Retrieves the target file generated by a completed report job.


get report file

Get Job Errors

Retrieves the stderr output from the BLAST+ command-line tool that was executed as part of a job.


get query job errors


The result of this call will be the stderr output from the BLAST+ CLI command call, which may be empty.

Bulk Status Check

Looks up a bulk batch of job statuses for the jobs whose IDs were requested.


bulk query job status check


A JSON object containing key/value pairs of report job ID mapped to job status.

Result Type
interface Result {
  [reportJobID: string]: string
Example Result
  "dd6060e5367622e574ffb38f32bfa049": "queued",
  "29e07b0b80181222ad33cbc8f679d672": "complete",
  "748ba381dd81bb8de615319837ffa350": "in-progress",
  "f4757ea84c455b04a1d307d4ac33049d": "expired"

Migrates the ownership of links between a target guest user and a target job to be owned by a logged-in user. The use case being situations where a WDK user creates jobs before either realizing they weren’t logged in, or deciding to create an account.


link guest

Execute Report

Internal, asynchronous execution of the BLAST+ formatter command-line tool using a user provided configuration.

This execution happens in worker threads that pull jobs from the RabbitMQ message queue backing the Async Platform.


execute report


Query Service

The query service is used to retrieve the result of the target query job on which a report will be run.


S3 is used to store a temporary cache of query job inputs and outputs.


RabbitMQ is used to queue up query jobs for eventual execution.


PostgreSQL is used as a backing database for queue and job history bookkeeping.


The permanent store of job configurations and user to job-links are stored in the Oracle user database.


Parent & Child Jobs

When submitting a query to the Multi-Blast service, if the config is valid, one or more jobs will be created. One job will be created for the entire input, and child jobs may be created for each individual sequence in the input query.

If the input query contains only one sequence, only one job will be created, a "parent" job with no children.

If the input query contains multiple sequences, a parent job will be created for the overall input, and a child job will be created for each individual sequence in the input.

Child jobs are linked to the parent job from which they were created.

Single Sequence

Single-Sequence Query
> First
Resulting Jobs:
Name Sequences

Parent Job 1



Multi-Sequence Query
> First
> Second
> Third
Resulting Jobs:
Name Sequences

Parent Job 1

First, Second, Third

Child Job 1


Child Job 2


Child Job 3



  • Jobs may be linked to users

  • When creating a job, only the parent job is linked

  • Job link contains user metadata

  • When accessing a job’s details, a user may optionally be linked to a job regardless of whether it is a parent job or child job

  • Only jobs that are linked to the requesting user will be returned in list endpoints.

  • User metadata is stored on the job-to-user link

Job IDs

A job ID is a hash of the job’s configuration and query. This means that if the same configuration is submitted multiple times, the resulting job ID will be the same every time.

For the Query Service

For the Query Service, the generated job IDs are dependent on:

  • the BLAST+ query tool configuration

  • the target project ID

  • the input query text

  • the selected query targets

    • the name of the target

    • the name of the database file

For the Report Service

For the Report Service, the generated job IDs are dependent on:

  • the ID of the query service job for which the report will be generated

  • the BLAST+ formatter tool configuration


The following metrics are gathered from the Multi-Blast services:

Common Metrics

Metrics common to both the query and report services.

Name By Params Description



  • HTTP method

  • path

  • response code

Counter of requests.



  • HTTP method

  • path

Histogram of request durations.



Total memory allocated by the Java process



Unused allocated memory



Allocated memory currently in use



Total number of garbage collections



Total time used by the garbage collector



  • queue name

Number of async job executions that ended with a failed status



  • queue name

Number of async job executions that ended with a success status



  • queue name

Histogram of time spent by jobs waiting in the queue.



  • queue name

Gauge of the number of currently queued jobs.

Query Service

Metrics specific to the query service.

Name Params Description


  • BLAST+ tool

BLAST+ CLI tool execution time in milliseconds.

Report Service

Metrics specific to the report service.

Name Params Description


  • BLAST+ tool

BLAST+ CLI tool execution time in milliseconds.