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668 lines (555 loc) · 21.4 KB


In this tutorial we will go over on how to use OpenCV with flutter to process real-time camera frames in C++.

The Aruco detector we will use can be found here, there is also a YouTube video.

Using C/C++ in Flutter is available via Dart FFI.

Get the starter project

This tutorial is built upon a starter app, you can get the starter app by cloning this repo and checking out to tag tutorial-start-here.

The widgets in the starter app

  1. detection_page.dart - This is the Aruco detector class, it has a single detect method that currently does nothing.
  2. detection_page.dart - This is where we open the camera and display a live feed, main functions:
    1. initCamera - Here we open the back camera and register to the camera stream _camController!.startImageStream((image) => _processCameraImage(image))
    2. _processCameraImage - Here we just call to the aruco detector with the current camera frame.
  3. detections_layer.dart - This will be the widget that will render the arucos we would find, it will use a CustomPaint to do the job.

Create the native_opencv plugin

flutter create --platforms=android,ios --template=plugin native_opencv --org com.valyouw

Android Studio

Open Android Studio: native_opencv/example/android

  1. Copy the ArucoDetector to ios/Classes
  2. Create native_opencv.cpp in ios/Classes
  3. Create a CMakeLists.txt under Android/


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10.2)

# opencv
set(OpenCV_DIR $ENV{OPENCV_ANDROID}/sdk/native/jni)
find_package (OpenCV REQUIRED)

add_library( # Sets the name of the library.
    # Provides a relative path to your source file(s).

    native_opencv PRIVATE

find_library(log-lib log)

target_link_libraries( # Specifies the target library.

Build setup

Open build.gradle of native_opencv and add this inside the "android {" section

externalNativeBuild {
    cmake {
        path "CMakeLists.txt"
        version "3.10.2"
  1. Run sync - it will fail, in the build log look for "Minimum required by OpenCV API level is android-21"
  2. Change minSdkVersion to 24 in build.gradle of native_opencv AND of the android:app, there also change targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion to 31
  3. Run sync again
  4. Check that the "cpp" folder was populated


Add this initial code

#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include "ArucoDetector.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

static ArucoDetector* detector = nullptr;

void rotateMat(Mat &matImage, int rotation)
	if (rotation == 90) {
		transpose(matImage, matImage);
		flip(matImage, matImage, 1); //transpose+flip(1)=CW
	} else if (rotation == 270) {
		transpose(matImage, matImage);
		flip(matImage, matImage, 0); //transpose+flip(0)=CCW
	} else if (rotation == 180) {
		flip(matImage, matImage, -1);    //flip(-1)=180

extern "C" {
	// Attributes to prevent 'unused' function from being removed and to make it visible
	__attribute__((visibility("default"))) __attribute__((used))
	const char* version() {
		return CV_VERSION;

Build the project and show how it compiles the ArucoDetector.cpp


  1. Open native_opencv
  2. Add ffi: ^1.1.2 to pubspec.yaml under dependencies
  3. Add this to native_opencv.dart
// Load our C lib
final DynamicLibrary nativeLib =
    Platform.isAndroid ?"") : DynamicLibrary.process();

// C Functions signatures
typedef _c_version = Pointer<Utf8> Function();

// Dart functions signatures
typedef _dart_version = Pointer<Utf8> Function();

// Create dart functions that invoke the C function
final _version = nativeLib.lookupFunction<_c_version, _dart_version>('version');

class NativeOpencv {
  static const MethodChannel _channel = MethodChannel('native_opencv');

  static Future<String?> get platformVersion async {
    final String? version = await _channel.invokeMethod('getPlatformVersion');
    return version;

  String cvVersion() {
    return _version().toDartString();

Use native_opencv in opencv_app

  1. Add native_opencv as dep
  path: ../native_opencv
  1. Add to main.dart main() method
final nativeOpencv = NativeOpencv();
log('--> OpenCV version: ${nativeOpencv.cvVersion()}');
  1. Run the app and watch the console for output

Expose ArucoDetector functions

Back in AndroidStudio open native_opencv.cpp

__attribute__((visibility("default"))) __attribute__((used))
void initDetector(uint8_t* markerPngBytes, int inBytesCount, int bits) {
	if (detector != nullptr) {
		delete detector;
		detector = nullptr;

	vector<uint8_t> buffer(markerPngBytes, markerPngBytes + inBytesCount);
	Mat marker = imdecode(buffer, IMREAD_COLOR);

	detector = new ArucoDetector(marker, bits);

__attribute__((visibility("default"))) __attribute__((used))
void destroyDetector() {
	if (detector != nullptr) {
		delete detector;
		detector = nullptr;

__attribute__((visibility("default"))) __attribute__((used))
const float* detect(int width, int height, int rotation, uint8_t* bytes, bool isYUV, int32_t* outCount) {
	if (detector == nullptr) {
		float* jres = new float[1];
		jres[0] = 0;
		return jres;

	Mat frame;
	if (isYUV) {
		Mat myyuv(height + height / 2, width, CV_8UC1, bytes);
		cvtColor(myyuv, frame, COLOR_YUV2BGRA_NV21);
	} else {
		frame = Mat(height, width, CV_8UC4, bytes);

	rotateMat(frame, rotation);
	cvtColor(frame, frame, COLOR_BGRA2GRAY);
	vector<ArucoResult> res = detector->detectArucos(frame, 0);

	vector<float> output;

	for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); ++i) {
		ArucoResult ar = res[i];
		// each aruco has 4 corners

	// Copy result bytes as output vec will get freed
	unsigned int total = sizeof(float) * output.size();
	float* jres = (float*)malloc(total);
	memcpy(jres,, total);

	*outCount = output.size();
	return jres;

And now in native_opencv.dart in VSCode define the C Functions

typedef _c_initDetector = Void Function(Pointer<Uint8> markerPngBytes, Int32 inSize, Int32 bits);
typedef _c_destroyDetector = Void Function();
typedef _c_detect = Pointer<Float> Function(
    Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 rotation, Pointer<Uint8> bytes, Bool isYUV, Pointer<Int32> outCount);

And the Dart Functions

typedef _dart_version = Pointer<Utf8> Function();
typedef _dart_initDetector = void Function(Pointer<Uint8> markerPngBytes, int inSize, int bits);
typedef _dart_destroyDetector = void Function();
typedef _dart_detect = Pointer<Float> Function(
    int width, int height, int rotation, Pointer<Uint8> bytes, bool isYUV, Pointer<Int32> outCount);

And finally associate the functions

final _initDetector = nativeLib.lookupFunction<_c_initDetector, _dart_initDetector>('initDetector');
final _destroyDetector = nativeLib.lookupFunction<_c_destroyDetector, _dart_destroyDetector>('destroyDetector');
final _detect = nativeLib.lookupFunction<_c_detect, _dart_detect>('detect');

And inside class NativeOpencv define the methods that will be exposed to our app:

// Reuse this aloocated buffer when running detection so we won't re-allocate on every call to "detect"
Pointer<Uint8>? _imageBuffer;

void initDetector(Uint8List markerPngBytes, int bits) {
  var totalSize = markerPngBytes.lengthInBytes;
  var imgBuffer = malloc.allocate<Uint8>(totalSize);
  Uint8List bytes = imgBuffer.asTypedList(totalSize);
  bytes.setAll(0, markerPngBytes);

  _initDetector(imgBuffer, totalSize, bits);

  //// todo: Should delete imgBuffer ??

void destroy() {

Float32List detect(int width, int height, int rotation, Uint8List yBuffer, Uint8List? uBuffer, Uint8List? vBuffer) {
  var ySize = yBuffer.lengthInBytes;
  var uSize = uBuffer?.lengthInBytes ?? 0;
  var vSize = vBuffer?.lengthInBytes ?? 0;
  var totalSize = ySize + uSize + vSize;

  _imageBuffer ??= malloc.allocate<Uint8>(totalSize);

  // We always have at least 1 plane, on Android it si the yPlane on iOS its the rgba plane
  Uint8List _bytes = _imageBuffer!.asTypedList(totalSize);
  _bytes.setAll(0, yBuffer);

  if (Platform.isAndroid) {
    // Swap u&v buffer for opencv
    _bytes.setAll(ySize, vBuffer!);
    _bytes.setAll(ySize + vSize, uBuffer!);

  Pointer<Int32> outCount = malloc.allocate<Int32>(1);
  var res = _detect(width, height, rotation, _imageBuffer!, Platform.isAndroid ? true : false, outCount);
  final count = outCount.value;

  //// todo: Should delete outCount ??
  return res.asTypedList(count);

Use native_opencv plugin in flutter app

ArucoDetector class

In aruco_detector.dart this is the implementation:

class ArucoDetector {
  NativeOpencv? _nativeOpencv;

  ArucoDetector() {

  init() async {
    // Read the marker template from the assets folder, note it is read in png format which is what
    // our c++ init detector code expects
    final bytes = await rootBundle.load('assets/drawable/marker.png');
    final pngBytes = bytes.buffer.asUint8List();

    // init the detector
    _nativeOpencv = NativeOpencv();
    _nativeOpencv!.initDetector(pngBytes, 36);

  Float32List? detect(CameraImage image, int rotation) {
    // make sure we have a detector
    if (_nativeOpencv == null) {
      return null;

    // On Android the image format is YUV and we get a buffer per channel,
    // in iOS the format is BGRA and we get a single buffer for all channels.
    // So the yBuffer variable on Android will be just the Y channel but on iOS it will be
    // the entire image
    var planes = image.planes;
    var yBuffer = planes[0].bytes;

    Uint8List? uBuffer;
    Uint8List? vBuffer;

    if (Platform.isAndroid) {
      uBuffer = planes[1].bytes;
      vBuffer = planes[2].bytes;

    var res = _nativeOpencv!.detect(image.width, image.height, rotation, yBuffer, uBuffer, vBuffer);
    return res;

  destroy() {
    if (_nativeOpencv != null) {
      _nativeOpencv = null;

Call detection on each camera frame

In detection_page.dart add these 2 members to _DetectionPageState:

double _camFrameToScreenScale = 0;
List<double> _arucos = List.empty();

Then this is the updated _processCameraImage method:

void _processCameraImage(CameraImage image) async {
  if (!mounted || - _lastRun < 30) {

  // calc the scale factor to convert from camera frame coords to screen coords.
  // NOTE!!!! We assume camera frame takes the entire screen width, if that's not the case
  // (like if camera is landscape or the camera frame is limited to some area) then you will
  // have to find the correct scale factor somehow else
  if (_camFrameToScreenScale == 0) {
    var w = (_camFrameRotation == 0 || _camFrameRotation == 180) ? image.width : image.height;
    _camFrameToScreenScale = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / w;

  // Call the detector
  var res = _arucoDetector.detect(image, _camFrameRotation);
  _lastRun =;

  if (res == null || res.isEmpty) {

  // Check that the number of coords we got divides by 8 exactly, each aruco has 8 coords (4 corners x/y)
  if ((res.length / 8) != (res.length ~/ 8)) {
    log('Got invalid response from ArucoDetector, number of coords is ${res.length} and does not represent complete arucos with 4 corners');

  // convert arucos from camera frame coords to screen coords
  final arucos = => x * _camFrameToScreenScale).toList(growable: false);
  setState(() {
    _arucos = arucos;

Drawing the Aruco results on DetectionsLayer

Take a look at detections_layer.dart it is already implemented to draw the arucos onto a canvas using a custom painter.

Run the app and point it to some Arucos, see if it works...

Running detection on background thread

Currently our detection runs on the main (ui) thread and we should avoid running intensive work on the ui thread, so lets run our detector on a separate thread, or as it is called in Dart - Isolate.

Changes to aruco_detector.dart

We will convert this file to be the entry point of our new Isolate.

  1. Convert the ArucoDetector class to be private by renaming it to _ArucoDetector. This class will only be used locally int his file.
  2. Add the Request/Response classes that will be sent between the
// This class will be used as argument to the init method, since we cant access the bundled assets
// from an Isolate we must get the marker png from the main thread
class InitRequest {
  SendPort toMainThread;
  ByteData markerPng;
  InitRequest({required this.toMainThread, required this.markerPng});

// this is the class that the main thread will send here asking to invoke a function on ArucoDetector
class Request {
  // a correlation id so the main thread will be able to match response with request
  int reqId;
  String method;
  dynamic params;
  Request({required this.reqId, required this.method, this.params});

// this is the class that will be sent as a response to the main thread
class Response {
  int reqId;
  dynamic data;
  Response({required this.reqId,});

// This is the port that will be used to send data to main thread
late SendPort _toMainThread;
late _ArucoDetector _detector;

Next lets write the function that will be the entry point when the main thread will invoke a new Isolate:

void init(InitRequest initReq) {
  // Create ArucoDetector
  _detector = _ArucoDetector(initReq.markerPng);

  // Save the port on which we will send messages to the main thread
  _toMainThread = initReq.toMainThread;

  // Create a port on which the main thread can send us messages and listen to it
  ReceivePort fromMainThread = ReceivePort();

  // Send the main thread the port on which it can send us messages

This is the _handleMessage function where we handle incoming requests from the main thread:

void _handleMessage(data) {
  if (data is Request) {
    dynamic res;
    switch (data.method) {
      case 'detect':
        var image = data.params['image'] as CameraImage;
        var rotation = data.params['rotation'];
        res = _detector.detect(image, rotation);
      case 'destroy':
        log('Unknown method: ${data.method}');

    _toMainThread.send(Response(reqId: data.reqId, data: res));

And change _ArucoDetector to receive the marker png in its constructor and pass it on to its init method:

_ArucoDetector(ByteData markerPng) {

init(ByteData markerPng) async {
  // Note our c++ init detector code expects marker to be in png format
  final pngBytes = markerPng.buffer.asUint8List();

ArucoDetector wrapper

In order to prevent the detection page of handling the background thread lets create a wrapper around ArucoDetector that will do that. We call it ArucoDetectorAsync

Create a file aruco_detector_async.dart

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:developer';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:camera/camera.dart';
import 'package:opencv_app/detector/aruco_detector.dart' as aruco_detector;

class ArucoDetectorAsync {
  bool arThreadReady = false;
  late Isolate _detectorThread;
  late SendPort _toDetectorThread;
  int _reqId = 0;
  final Map<int, Completer> _cbs = {};

  ArucoDetectorAsync() {

  void _initDetectionThread() async {
    // Create the port on which the detector thread will send us messages and listen to it.
    ReceivePort fromDetectorThread = ReceivePort();
    fromDetectorThread.listen(_handleMessage, onDone: () {
      arThreadReady = false;

    // Spawn a new Isolate using the ArucoDetector.init method as entry point and
    // the port on which it can send us messages as parameter
    final bytes = await rootBundle.load('assets/drawable/marker.png');
    final initReq = aruco_detector.InitRequest(toMainThread: fromDetectorThread.sendPort, markerPng: bytes);
    _detectorThread = await Isolate.spawn(aruco_detector.init, initReq);

  Future<Float32List?> detect(CameraImage image, int rotation) {
    if (!arThreadReady) {
      return Future.value(null);

    var reqId = ++_reqId;
    var res = Completer<Float32List?>();
    _cbs[reqId] = res;
    var msg = aruco_detector.Request(
      reqId: reqId,
      method: 'detect',
      params: {'image': image, 'rotation': rotation},

    return res.future;

  void destroy() async {
    if (!arThreadReady) {

    arThreadReady = false;

    // We send a Destroy request and wait for a response before killing the thread
    var reqId = ++_reqId;
    var res = Completer();
    _cbs[reqId] = res;
    var msg = aruco_detector.Request(reqId: reqId, method: 'destroy');

    // Wait for the detector to acknoledge the destory and kill the thread
    await res.future;

  void _handleMessage(data) {
    // The detector thread send us its SendPort on init, if we got it this means the detector is ready
    if (data is SendPort) {
      _toDetectorThread = data;
      arThreadReady = true;

    // Make sure we got a Response object
    if (data is aruco_detector.Response) {
      // Find the Completer associated with this request and resolve it
      var reqId = data.reqId;

    log('Unknown message from ArucoDetector, got: $data');

Use ArucoDetectorAsync

In detection_page.dart use ArucoDetectorAsync instead of ArucoDetector

  1. Replace the definition and initialization of _arucoDetecor with ArucoDetectorAsync
  2. Introduce a new class variable bool _detectionInProgress = false; - because detection is async now we need to make sure not to call it while it is already running
  3. In _processCameraImage:
    1. use _detectionInProgress in the first if so it becomes: if (_detectionInProgress || !mounted || ...
    2. use await when calling to detect and set _detectionInProgress to true/false before/after calling detect, and make sure we are still mounted before handling the result:
    // Call the detector
    _detectionInProgress = true;
    var res = await _arucoDetector.detect(image, _camFrameRotation);
    _detectionInProgress = false;
    _lastRun =;

    // Make sure we are still mounted, the background thread can return a response after we navigate away from this
    // screen but before bg thread is killed
    if (!mounted || res == null || res.isEmpty) {

iOS Support

Time to handle ios, the items we have to do are:

  1. Add OpenCV as a dependency to native_opencv plugin
  2. Add the detector c++ files to opencv_app
  3. Add camera permissions to Info.plist

Add OpenCV

Open native_opencv/ios/native_opencv.podspec, it should become

# To learn more about a Podspec see
# Run `pod lib lint native_opencv.podspec` to validate before publishing.
# do |s|             = 'native_opencv'
  s.version          = '0.0.1'
  s.summary          = 'A new flutter plugin project.'
  s.description      = <<-DESC
A new flutter plugin project.
  s.homepage         = ''
  s.license          = { :file => '../LICENSE' }           = { 'Your Company' => '' }
  s.source           = { :path => '.' }
  s.source_files = 'Classes/**/*'

  # Set as a static lib
  s.static_framework = true
  s.dependency 'Flutter'

  # Add OpenCV dep from cocoapods and update min ios ver to 11
  s.dependency 'OpenCV', '4.3.0'
  s.platform = :ios, '11.0'

  # module_map is needed so this module can be used as a framework
  s.module_map = 'native_opencv.modulemap'

  # Flutter.framework does not contain a i386 slice.
  s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'DEFINES_MODULE' => 'YES', 'EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'i386' }
  s.swift_version = '5.0'

Next create native_opencv/ios/native_opencv.modulemap file with content:

framework module native_opencv {}

Update opencv_app ios build

  1. Go to opencv_app and run flutter pub get, this will create a Podfile.
  2. Edit opencv_app/ios/Podfile and add platform :ios, '11.0' to the first line, it is already there just uncomment it and change the ios version
  3. Go to opencv_app/ios and run pod install
  4. Open in xcode opencv_app/ios/Runner.xcworkspace
  5. Edit Runner/Info.plist and add key Privacy - Camera Usage Description with some description
  6. Right-click on Runner group and choose Add files to Runner...
  7. Add the file native_opencv/io/Classes/native_opencv.cpp
  8. Add the 2 files under native_opencv/io/Classes/ArucoDetector
  9. Run the project