All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Dep: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 12.0.0
- Dev Dep: Upgrade eslint to 8.57.0
- Dev Dep: Upgrade @babel/cli to 7.23.9
- Dev Dep: Upgrade @babel/core to 7.24.0
- Dev Dep: Upgrade @babel/preset-env to 7.24.0
- Dev Dep: Upgrade @babel/register to 7.23.7
- Dep: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 10.0.0
- doc: Add CodeQL badge to readme
- Dep: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 9.0.0
- Dev Dep: Upgrade @babel/cli to 7.23.4
- Dev Dep: Upgrade @babel/core to 7.23.6
- Dev Dep: Upgrade @babel/preset-env to 7.23.6
- Dev Dep: Upgrade @babel/register to 7.22.15
- Dev Dep: Upgrade eslint to 8.55.0
- Dev Dep: babel-plugin-check-es2015-constants
- Dev Dep: babel-plugin-transform-member-expression-literals
- Dev Dep: babel-plugin-transform-property-literals
- Dep: @babel/cli
- Dep: babel-plugin-check-es2015-constants
- Dep: babel-plugin-transform-member-expression-literals
- Dep: babel-plugin-transform-minify-booleans
- Dep: babel-plugin-transform-property-literals
- Dep: babel-plugin-transform-remove-console
- .babelrc
- Switch to using babel-cli for transpiling build
- Dep: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 7.0.0
- Dep: Upgrade @babel/core to 7.21.8
- Dep: Upgrade eslint to 8.40.0
- Dep: gulp
- Dep: gulp-babel
- Dep: @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties
- gulpfile
- Dep: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 6.2.0
- Dep: Upgrade @babel/core to 7.21.5
- Dep: Upgrade @babel/preset-env to 7.21.5
- Dep: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 6.1.0
- Dep: Upgrade eslint to 8.39.0
- Reduce eventual bundle size for package
- helper:serializeResponseType: No longer allowed an empty string to be a response type
- Dep: eslint@8.37.0
- Dep: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 5.3.1
- Dep: Upgrade @babel/core to 7.21.4
- Dep: Upgrade @babel/preset-env to 7.21.4
- Node Scenario: Only positive integers above 0 are now allowed for timeout options
- Browser Scenario: Only positive integers above 0 are now allowed for timeout options
- helper:serializeTimeout: No longer allows passing anything but an integer above 0
- Node Scenario: Fix issue where working with timeout the timer would not be cleared correctly after abort, leading to ghost timer
- Fix missing import
- Dep: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 5.1.0
- Dep: Upgrade @babel/core to 7.18.10
- Dep: Upgrade @babel/preset-env to 7.18.10
- Dep: Upgrade @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties to 7.18.6
- helper:serializeOnProgress no longer throws if a non-function non-false is passed, instead it silently falls back to false
- helper:serializeTimeout no longer throws if a non-numeric non-false is passed, instead it silently falls back to false
- helper:serializeTimeout no longer allows passing a negative (below 0) number
- Dep: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 4.0.0
- Dep: Upgrade @babel/core to 7.11.1 from 7.1.6
- Dep: Upgrade @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties to 7.10.4 from 7.1.0
- Dep: Upgrade @babel/preset-env to 7.11.0 from 7.1.6
- Dep: Upgrade gulp to 4.0.2 from 4.0.0
- Fixed an issue where if data of network call is undefined, a syntaxerror would be thrown
- Updated outdated packages, moved to gulp 4 and @babel
- Added responseType as a configurable option for browser/electron based scenarios
- Removed
function in Net
- Started a changelog
- Added badges for downloads/version to Readme
- Fixed issue where scenario selection went haywire in specific circumstances
- Improved readme in regards to options for data payloads on post/put calls
- Added scenario selection for Electron environment
- Fixed wrong documentation in readme
- Fixed issue where Scenario blueprint was imported instead of Respond
- Fixed issue where Scenario blueprint was imported instead of Respond
- Prebuild net into a dist folder to prevent people having to build locally
- Add scenario selection for Nodejs
- Cleanup codebase for readability
- Remove responseType as a configurable options
- minor bugfixes
- minor bugfixes
- minor bugfixes
- minor bugfixes
- minor bugfixes
- Fix issue with key definitions
- Add progress handling
- Allow data to be passed to request
- Add querystring parameters as option
- Improve folder/filter structure for better readability
- Add MIT License