The RecentChooserDialog provides for the selection of recently used documents from a dialog.
Construction of the RecentChooserDialog is made using:
GtkWidget *recentchooserdialog = gtk_recent_chooser_dialog_new(title, parent, buttons...);
The title parameter specifies the text to be displayed on the RecentChooserDialog window. A parent window which owns the dialog should also be specified. Finally, buttons can be added by providing the text and appropriate response value.
A :doc:`recentmanager` can also be specified at construction via:
GtkWidget *recentchooserdialog = gtk_recent_chooser_dialog_new_for_manager(title, parent, manager, buttons...);
Further methods for use with the RecentChooser family of widgets are defined on the :doc:`recentchooser` page.
Below is an example of an RecentChooserDialog:
.. literalinclude:: _examples/recentchooserdialog.c
Download: :download:`RecentChooserDialog <_examples/recentchooserdialog.c>`