Work in progress
import {createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware} from 'redux';
import {createApi, createApiMiddleware, createApiActions, createApiActionTypes} from 'rdx-api';
// Create an API
const api = createApi({
name: 'EXAMPLE_API',
url: '',
options: {
// Strip trailing slash from URL
stripTrailingSlash: true,
// How should body objects be parsed (json or urlencoded), however this does not set the content type header
bodyType: 'json',
// Camelize response data after request (e.g. profile_image (server) --> profileImage (our client))
camelize: {
response: true
// Decamelize query and body objects before request (e.g. profileImage (our client) --> profile_image (server))
decamelize: {
query: true,
body: true
// Default Fetch API arguments
defaults: {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
credentials: 'include'
entities: {
users: {
name: 'user',
urlPrefix: '/users',
urlPostfix: ''
// Entity endpoints (usually CRUD)
entityEndpoints: {
getAll: {
url: '/',
method: 'GET'
createSingle: {
url: '/',
method: 'POST',
body: (payload) => payload,
getSingle: {
url: (payload) => `/${}`,
method: 'GET'
updateSingle: {
url: (payload) => `/${}`,
method: 'PUT',
body: (payload) => payload
deleteSingle: {
url: (payload) => `/${}`,
method: 'DELETE'
entityEndpointDefaults: {},
// Custom endpoints
endpoints: {
signIn: {
url: '/signin',
method: 'POST'
signUp: {
url: '/signup',
method: 'POST'
endpointDefaults: {
body: (payload) => payload
// Generate Redux actions
const actions = createApiActions(api);
const {
entities: {
} = actions;
// Generate Redux action types
const types = createApiActionTypes(api);
// Create Redux reducers
const initialUserState = {
loading: {},
idMap: {}
const userReducer = (state = initialUserState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
console.log('request', action);
return {
loading: {
[]: true
console.log('success', action);
return {
loading: {
[]: false
idMap: {
console.log('failure', action);
return {
loading: {
[]: false
return state;
// Initialize Redux store with API middleware
const middleware = createApiMiddleware(api);
const store = createStore(combineReducers({
users: userReducer
}), applyMiddleware(middleware));
// Waiting for the dispatch to complete using async/await is optional, but useful in this example
(async () => {
console.log('Initial state:', store.getState());
// Dispatch an action
const result = await store.dispatch(users.getSingle({id: '1'}));
// Print the request result and new Redux store state
console.log('Final state:', store.getState(), 'Result:', result);