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Vertex Web Viewer SDK

This project contains Vertex's 3D Viewer SDK. Vertex is a cloud platform for rendering large 3D models. See Vertex's website for more information.

Our 3D viewer is distributed as a set of standards-based web components that can run in any browser supporting the Custom Elements v1 specification. For browsers that do not support the Custom Elements v1 spec, a polyfill will automatically be used.


Script Tag

The easiest way to get started is by including a <script> tag in your HTML file that references our published JS bundles from a CDN.


    <vertex-viewer id="viewer" src="urn:vertex:stream-key:123" client-id="123"></vertex-viewer>

This package also provides a set of utilities for use with its API. These utilities can be imported from a CDN as shown below:

<!-- CDN -->
    <script type="module">
      import { ColorMaterial } from '';

      function main() {
        const color = ColorMaterial.fromHex('#ff0000');

If you want to interact with a web component via JavaScript, you should ensure the browser has registered the custom elements prior to calling the elements methods. You can use window.customElements.whenDefined to check if the component has been loaded.

async function main() {
  const viewer = document.querySelector('#viewer');

  // Wait for the component to be registered.
  await customElements.whenDefined('vertex-viewer');

NPM Dependency

Our components support being installed as an NPM dependency and packaged through a bundler such as Webpack or Rollup. First, add @vertexvis/viewer as an NPM dependency to your package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "@vertexvis/viewer": "^0.22.0"

Next, import defineCustomElements from the loader included as part of the package. Using the loader will self lazy-load the components used in your application.

Note: Certain bundler settings may have issues with using the self lazy-loading strategy. See Manually Registering Components for an alternative to register components.

import { defineCustomElements } from '@vertexvis/viewer/loader';

async function main() {
  await defineCustomElements();

  const viewer = document.querySelector("viewer");
  await viewer.load("urn:vertex:stream-key:123");


Manually Registering Components

We recommended using self lazy-loading to load components, which helps keep bundle sizes to a minimum and only loads components as they're needed. However, some bundler configurations may have problems with this option.

You can manually register components by importing them and registering them with the browser.

import { VertexViewer, VertexViewerDefaultToolbar } from '@vertexvis/viewer';

customElements.define('vertex-viewer', VertexViewer);
customElements.define('vertex-viewer-default-toolbar', VertexViewerDefaultToolbar);

If a component depends on other components, you'll need to register each one individually. As this can be tedious, we export a defineCustomElements() method to register all components. Note: this will add all components to your bundle.

import { defineCustomElements } from '@vertexvis/viewer';


Interacting With Component Properties

Some of our components provide default values for properties that can be used once the component is ready. Before interacting with these properties, the componentOnReady method must be awaited to ensure the property is defined.

function main() {
  await defineCustomElements();

  const sceneTree = document.querySelector("scene-tree");
  await sceneTree.componentOnReady();

  sceneTree.controller.stateChanged(state => {
    console.log(`Scene Tree Row Count: ${state.totalRows}`);


If you plan on targeting IE11 or Edge <= 18, you'll also need to supply polyfills for the Web Component APIs (Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, CSS Variables, etc).

To include the polyfills, import applyPolyfills from the loader.

import { applyPolyfills, defineCustomElements } from '@vertexvis/viewer/loader';

function main() {
  await applyPolyfills();
  await defineCustomElements();



Check out our examples directory and Examples page on our Dev Portal to get an idea of what you can do with Vertex's Viewer component.


Each component provided by the @vertexvis/viewer package also exposes its own component-level README with additional examples and property definitions. See below for the list of components and links to their READMEs: