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["print sum num", "return factorial else num print def if", "print si", "print ci compound_interest def", "return temp power sum while print isarmstrong order def if", "print findarea pi return def", "end for val else break start range in print if", "for else break range num in print if", "elif return else fibonacci print def if", "elif return else fibonacci print def if", "return for else range def isperfectsquare in print import isfibonacci or math if", "return i! while print findposition def if", "print", "return for squaresum range sm in print def", "return for sumofseries sum range in print def", "arr return _sum ans print def", "in arr return for max ans range largest print def if", "arr temp for leftrotate leftrotatebyone range printarray in print def", "arr rotate end printarray temp leftrotate rversearray range for start while in print array by def", "arr for splitarr range in print position def", "arr return for findreminder lens range in print mul def", "for construct break ind range in print def if", "all return ismonotonic print or def", "return temp newlist swaplist print def size", "return list pos swappositions print def", "count return for newlist list else lst removeithword def in print word append if", "print counter test_list for in", "print if test_list for in", "geek print clear", "print lst return reverse def", "return li li_copy cloning print def", "count return for ele countx lst in print def if", "for list ele range in print total", "return for list multiplylist result in print mylist def", "sort print list", "sort print list", "for secondmax max list else range in print if", "for max list remove final_list range def in print nmaxelements append if", "for list num in print if", "for list num in print if", "end for start range num in print if", "end for start range num in print if", "for list odd_count else num in print even_count if", "for list num in print if", "for list num in print if", "end for start range num in print if", "end for start range num in print if", "pos_count for list else num in print neg_count if", "for list remove ele in print if", "print tuples return def remove", "repeat return for list repeated range def in print _size append if", "return cumulative lists cu_list length print def", "for divide_chunks my_list yield range in print def", "print zipped_pairs return def sort_list", "return reverse rev ispalindrome else ans print false true def if", "return __name__ inputwords output print input reversewords def if", "for new_str range in print test_str if", "string sub_str else print check def if", "print str", "word for len printwords in print def if", "string for in vowels len else char add pass print __name__ check def if", "count function for calling str in print __name__ main find def if", "count str for alphabet vowel_count vowel in print def if", "return removedupwithoutorder from import ordereddict __name__ collections str removedupwithorder print join def if", "regex run string else re import print __name__ def if", "attemptthis string for attemptnext completed random iteration while else possiblecharacters range sleep time str in print import ascii_uppercase if", "std string_k return string for int void namespace else if using main cout", "return string remove print __name__ def if", "return string split_string print list_string new_string __name__ join_string def if", "string else print __name__ check def if", "word import closematches difflib patterns get_close_matches __name__ print from def if", "count word for uncommonwords split in print return def", "return string replace maketrans print final def", "from permlist for import permutations list allpermutations perm itertools str in print __name__ def if", "lenka articles www http string url of geeksforgeeks org return re portal user chinmoy in print import the find def", "loc return for exec factorial exec_code range fact in print def", "rotate rsecond __name__ lfirst lsecond print input rfirst def if", "index return input pattern len while checkempty print __name__ def if", "in find_dup_char from for keys import __name__ counter collections values input print wc def if", "dictionairy sorted key_value for in print __name__ main def if", "print", "random as dict print import rn", "return for sum dict in print returnsum mydict def", "print del test_dict", "from reverse import operator lis print sorted itemgetter", "print sorted lis", "print merge return def dict", "result_list elif get_average jess class_av calculate_total_average in append if for stud_avg score tom print return students assignment len else test lab student class_average_is dylan total_sum james assign_letter_grade student_list def jack", "dict ordereddict for from pattern ptrlen in collections return keyvalue import __name__ print input iteritems checkorder def if", "commonelement for from items counter def common range ar collections resultdict in print __name__ import append if", "iteritems in append if votes from for winner collections dict print input len else import sorted __name__ counter value maxvote values def", "in find_dup_char from for keys import __name__ counter collections values input print wc def if", "strval input for keys __name__ in allanagram else return keyvalue def key iteritems print output if append dict", "nonrepeatdict ch ordereddict iteritems in if from for 'less collections print input non return len else characters import __name__ than value def repeating kthrepeating dict", "bin checkanagram from import counter collections len else num dict zeros print __name__ def if", "maxanagramsize from input for import counter range freqdict collections in print __name__ def if", "in from for import counter uniqw range collections remov_duplicates __name__ print input def if", "mirrorchars reverse for __name__ mirror prefix range suffix dictchars in print input original def if", "for items my_list value else item countfrequency key in print __name__ freq def if", "convert return setdefault for di tup dictionary def tups in print append", "dict counter return import makestring else collections result str __name__ print from def if", "elif from import counter same else allsame collections __name__ print input dict def if", "and skips lettered result in if isordered for getwords print import wordlist return collection else break __name__ ord requests word url strings while continue the fetchdata def", "in counter word for from keys import charset possiblewords dict not flag collections key __name__ print input def if", "print res list", "return temp for tup lst range sort_tuple in print def if", "elif return arr mid else result print binarysearch def if", "search return for arr range in def if", "arr for while insertionsort range key in print def", "correct arr position return last for insert insertionsortrecursive while element range at in print sorted array printarray its def if", "arr return for partition quicksort high range low in print pivot pi def if", "arr return for quicksortiterative top partition while range in print if stack def size", "min_idx for sys range in print import if", "arr for bubblesort range in print def if", "and mergesort arr for range else merge while in print def if", "mergesort right return extend seq merge not list len else break middle while def result print left or append if", "and arr for heapsort largest heapify range in print def if", "count arr return for ans range countsort in print output def", "arr temp for while gap range in print def shellsort", "defaultdict insert topologicalsortutil from for graph self def range addedge topologicalsort collections __init__ visited in print import stack class append if", "count index arr for max range while exp in print output countingsort def radixsort", "arr return for val binary_search xrange mid else start elif in print end insertion_sort def if", "sort cnt bitonicsort for compandswap up range in print bitonicmerge or def if", "arr return for swapped combsort while gap range in print if def getnextgap", "count my_min for int is my_max holes range assert pigeonhole_sort while in print type def size", "cocktailsort end for swapped while break start range in print def if", "index arr return for gnomesort else while in print def if", "arr return temp for while range in print issorted oddevensort def if", "return for bogosort import random while is_sorted range in print shuffle false true def if", "cyclestart arr return for writes print pos item while continue in cyclesort range array def if", "arr return for stoogesort range in print def if", "std return for int pattern void namespace else printf using line main || if", "print range for in", "for pattern else range in print def if", "elif name for lngth range in print if", "elif return convert else str print def if", "node head linkedlist temp new_node self printlist next current llist while push __init__ print prev data class def reverse", "return for maxprime int maxprimefactors while def in print import range math if", "for while primefactors range def in print import math if", "product return productprimefactors for break range in print isprime def if", "count return for res while sumofoddfactors curr_sum range def in print import curr_term math if", "count arr return for range in print table def", "return from_rod to_rod towerofhanoi print def if", "prime for sieveoferatosthenes while range in print __name__ def if", "binary return num print __name__ if def binarypallindrome", "print return gcd def if", "return gcd gcdextended print def if", "int print countoddsquares return def", "print range if for in", "return int squareroot findmaximumheight while print def maxh", "return gcd for range while num in print find_gcd def", "count for countdivisors else range def in print import math if", "return sum while num print findminsum def", "return else isdiff print def if", "arr for break range in print if", "print max answer return def", "return min else answer print def if", "return printnumber else flag print def if", "return int else while num dem print stopping_station def if", "vol_tetra return vol round volume def print import side math", "focal_length_concave print focal_length_convex return def", "perimeter diameter return height print def", "std istriangleexists string int namespace else if using return main endl cout", "return temp minjumps print def if", "print def parabola", "from find_most_occ_char items __name__ counter collections input print wc import def if", "count return for sumoffactors res range curr_sum while def in print import curr_term math if", "checkdivisibility digit return temp alldigitsdivide else while print false true def if", "return decimal_converter for res range while num float_octal in print dec whole def", "return decimal_converter for res range while num in print dec whole float_bin def", "std endl false cout int hasconsecutivezeroes void namespace while else tok true continue bool using return main fl check if", "return for noofsolutions def else calculatedivisors range if numberofpossiblewaysutil in print import noofdivisors math numberofpossibleways", "print numberofsticks return def", "return for import range def legendreconjecture in print false isprime true math if", "false val for isuniquechars len st range in print return true char_set def if", "cont for in else write range pass print close type fn if", "thought result", "passionately curious talent special", "judge time love people", "slow wisely run stumble fast", "aloud think still courageous act", "foolish hungry stay", "always great willing little man", "content live little greatest wealth", "belongs future today prepare", "successful warrior average focus man", "always seems done impossible", "unexamined living life worth", "simplify life frittered away", "success rather value try become man", "attribute never weak forgive strong forgiveness", "destiny love look started write matter place america like", "turn wounds wisdom", "remains still think beauty misery", "good whatever one", "", "travels far little one", "much makes look people", "practiced one kicks fear times kick man", "nothing fall stands anything man", "different always one irreplaceable order must", "strength power mind events outside find realize", "wrong trust love none", "little girls one boys black holding hands white dream day", "madness beauty absolutely boring imperfection better genius ridiculous", "success determined take action path massive", "whenever always kind possible", "honey life flower love", "life love live", "god helps help", "benjamin prepare quote failing favorite one famous preparing fail franklin", "conquered saw came", "think therefore", "question", "giant step one leap mankind small man", "thing interferes education learning", "ask country john f", "belongs believe future dreams beauty", "wise healthy rise bed early wealthy makes man", "thing important family world", "work home trying get", "begins thousand one step miles journey", "failed life succeed", "butterfly float like sting bee", "nonviolence weapon strong", "go matter stop slowly long", "main lived well long thing", "whether knocked get", "percent never miss take shots", "begins smile peace", "live right enough", "direction life live confidently go imagined dreams", "nothing life adventure either daring", "use weapon powerful world education change", "copy good steal great artists", "thomas percent one perspiration genius inspiration", "makes kill stronger us", "thing right think", "better die live knees standing", "big brother watching", "carry calm keep", "genius eternal patience", "", "fear stupid regrets", "remembering something worth", "refusal elegance", "highest puns literature form", "cheer louder lot boo", "living busy dying get", "trying afraid dying", "proud", "wander lost", "better bridge build wall", "story hero", "try failure", "suffering root attachment", "without permission nobody hurt", "even said greatest knew", "count make days", "quit winners win never quitters", "search meaning man", "past future equal", "better done said well", "believe halfway", "make music eyes ears", "simplicity ultimate sophistication", "need fantasy reality survive", "fun impossible", "fear never reach perfection", "worries masters", "nothing impossible try", "might whatever", "starts future tomorrow today", "believe", "stumbling falling", "predict create future way best", "miserably f dare fail john achieve greatly", "john us f", "begin remaking work pick dust america starting today must", "heart educated generation fearless young nation waiting diverse follow history", "engine dream ambition", "moment place puts best next", "outweigh memories old dreams become", "deserve stars us twinkle", "beautiful eyes good look never poise walk lips words others alone kindness knowledge speak", "anything feminist basically decide think women", "ways good long people", "people never doubt go think change care", "given take power", "life something make better settle build gives", "everybody wants play work hard eventually pay could nobody grind famous live year put end years day", "pressure rise negative challenges everything opportunity", "criticism strong makes like", "dreams tell want show", "impossible find given live potential change easier temporary around power big men explore declaration nothing world dare thrown word small opinion fact", "back motivation working anything people possible long keep music know take", "fun intelligence creativity", "hampered limitations want", "usually say done interrupted others", "want", "knowing made away mind one done years learned diminishes fear must", "worked future mine present really", "living glory never lies fall rising greatest time every falling", "standing giants shoulders upon others seen", "beautiful retrospect years struggle strike one day", "fight means happiness value learn", "looking rainbow never find", "impact die like would mars", "think care", "good liar successful enough memory man", "head neck get big break let", "someone people lots bus ride limo want breaks take", "good like caviar meal every know fame", "life things free second best expensive", "quick reaction short temper bullshit", "telekinetics believe raise hand", "made longer make lack shorter letter time usual", "always forgive much nothing annoys enemies", "even impression shirt working always sleeves roll gives", "need scruffier dress sharper beard", "beautiful selfish generous simple lazy driven complex unattractive", "like people listening nobody cemetery running lot got president", "convince confuse harry", "hard work one born remain stupid ignorant must", "insane became long sanity intervals horrible", "different laugh", "shadows light", "better flaw diamond pebble without", "knowing apply enough willing must", "mountains little often ahead wear pebble shoe", "shut like sun away truth time goin", "enjoy often f comfort thought discomfort without opinion john", "even little girls one pretty girl ever told", "pain die men find patience willing endure easier volunteer", "solved life experienced problem reality", "life find two days born important day", "life live adventure biggest ever dreams take", "nothing beautiful woman makes belief", "unstoppable makes strong love hate", "sheep opinions lion concern", "desire bike flaw level ruthless win well attitude whatever arrogance reason costs served went", "justice matter tells truth", "outsider felt like always never whatever thought handsome", "lies successful person behind every haters pack", "lie comfort truth hurt", "fool heart hard eye easy", "far truly show abilities choices", "anything nut oak yesterday held mighty stand fall ground today something", "piss set free truth first", "guilty good every man", "need life desperation either inspiration", "born chains everywhere free man", "hold destiny stars", "wise men say something fools talk", "use f tool couch time john must", "simplicity keynote true elegance", "old tales start enough fairy reading day", "use accepted flaws george one", "things say hardest important words diminish", "never take give", "pause happening things long take know", "also important forget never nice", "life people sum one moment judge careful friends man", "never hearing much learn really speak", "ends afraid motivate confidence two doubt scale need balance", "control going life things choice live imposes still", "play part wise clown man", "thing different expecting results insanity", "fool wise question learn answer foolish man", "stole care", "fool wise thinks knows man", "ago someone sitting tree long planted shade time today", "simplicity things multiplicity truth confusion found ever", "true know knowledge", "nothing done useless efficiently", "rather impressed example power people"]