The fastest way to get started is to start from the examples in the file "_examples/card/quick-cards.html".
Under the hood, the quick-card template is translated to the card template by javascript before being displayed by the browser.
This means that the card template will always be supported and that it can be more flexible than the quick-card template.
The quick-card template introduces a shorthand syntax for icons. You can now use {icon-class} instead of .
The quick-card template use a lot of custom attributes, here is a quick summary:
- quick-card: Represent one card. It accepts the following attributes
- speed: The speed of the card.
- cost: The cost of the card
- name: The name of the card
- image: The image of the card
- elements: The elements that appear on the side of the card. Separate each element by a ","
- range: The range of the card.
- For no range, type "none".
- For range, use an icon (if needed) + an integer separated by a comma. Examples:
- 0
- 1
- presence,1
- sacred-site,2
- wetland-presence,1
- target: The target of the card. It accepts html code. Refer to the card template for the syntax. The icon that you type in here can use the shorthand syntax.
- target-title: The target header.
- artist-name: The name of the artist.
- quick-card: Represent one card. It can contains the following tags:
- rules: Same syntax as the card template.
- threshold: Can use a shorthand syntax with the condition attribute.
- condition: The threshold condition. It is a list of condition separated by comma. Here are some examples:
- "3-animal"
- "2-sun,2-water"
- "3-air,4-water,3-earth"
- condition: The threshold condition. It is a list of condition separated by comma. Here are some examples: