- The U(1) problem
Weinberg’s introduction of the U(1) problem!
@article{PhysRevD.11.3583, title = {The U(1) problem}, author = {Weinberg, Steven}, journal = {Phys. Rev. D}, volume = {11}, issue = {12}, pages = {3583--3593}, numpages = {0}, year = {1975}, month = {Jun}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.11.3583}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.11.3583}, File = {~/org/Papers/the_U1_problem_weinberg1975.pdf} }
- Paper by Gerard t’Hooft about the QCD vacuum structure
“Symmetry Breaking through Bell-Jackiw Anomalies”
One of the essential papers about solving the U(1) problem.
@article{tHooftU1, title = {Symmetry Breaking through Bell-Jackiw Anomalies}, author = {'t Hooft, G.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {37}, issue = {1}, pages = {8--11}, numpages = {0}, year = {1976}, month = {Jul}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.37.8}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.37.8}, File = {~/org/Papers/symmetry_breaking_through_bell_jackiw_anomalies_tHooft_1976_10.1103@PhysRevLett.37.8.pdf} }
- “How instantons solve the U(1) problem”
Another paper by t’Hooft, a review about solving the U(1) problem
As the title suggests, it contains a nice review of how the U(1)
problem is solved.
This also contains the source of the θ term as an effective
requirement if instantons should solve the U(1) problem.
@article{hooft1986instantons, title={How instantons solve the U (1) problem.}, author={Hooft, Gerard’t}, journal={Physics Reports}, volume={142}, number={6}, pages={357--387}, year={1986}, issn={0370-1573}, publisher={Elsevier}, File = {~/org/Papers/tHooft_how_instantons_solve_U1_problem_1986_14566.pdf} }
- “The glorious days of physics: RENORMALIZATION OF GAUGE THEORIES”
A review by Gerard t’Hooft about renormalization, gauge theory
etc. from a ‘hindsight view’. It contains a review of the U(1)
problem and the QCD vacuum structure (the latter implicitly).
@misc{hooft1999glorious, title={The Glorious Days of Physics - Renormalization of Gauge theories}, author={Gerard 't Hooft}, year={1999}, eprint={hep-th/9812203}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={hep-th}, File = {~/org/Papers/renormalization_gauge_theories_tHooft_1998_9812203.pdf} }
- The Problem of Mass
This paper is Weinberg’s take on quark masses and quark mass
ratios. This is from where the m_u / m_d = 5 / 9 quark mass ratio
comes from!
@article{Weinberg1977_mass, author = {Weinberg, Steven}, title = {THE PROBLEM OF MASS}, journal = {Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences}, volume = {38}, number = {1 Series II}, pages = {185-201}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1111/j.2164-0947.1977.tb02958.x}, url = {https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.2164-0947.1977.tb02958.x}, eprint = {https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.2164-0947.1977.tb02958.x}, year = {1977}, File = {~/org/Papers/problem_of_mass_weinberg1977.pdf} }
- Paper about the ratio of light quarks from the time when the standard axion was introduced. It shows that at the time, due to second order chiral perturbation theory the known mass ratio of m_u/m_d could still have been a purely mixing effect, allowing one of the two quarks to be massless! Found this reference in RevModPhys.82.557 below. ~/org/Papers/current_mass_ratios_light_quarks_kaplan1986.pdf
title = {Current-Mass Ratios of the Light Quarks},
author = {Kaplan, David B. and Manohar, Aneesh V.},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
volume = {56},
issue = {19},
pages = {2004--2007},
numpages = {0},
year = {1986},
month = {May},
publisher = {American Physical Society},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.56.2004},
url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.56.2004},
File = {~/org/Papers/current_mass_ratios_light_quarks_kaplan1986.pdf}
- Testing m_u = 0 on the lattice
On how to test whether the up quark is massless using lattice QCD.
@article{AndrewG_Cohen_1999, doi = {10.1088/1126-6708/1999/11/027}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1126-6708/1999/11/027}, year = {1999}, month = {nov}, publisher = {}, volume = {1999}, number = {11}, pages = {027}, author = {Andrew G. Cohen and David B. Kaplan and Ann E. Nelson}, title = {Testing mu = 0 on the lattice}, journal = {Journal of High Energy Physics}, abstract = {A massless up quark is an intriguing possible solution to the strong CP problem. We discuss how lattice computations can be used in conjunction with chiral perturbation theory to address the consistency of mu = 0 with the observed hadron spectrum and interactions. It is not necessary to simulate very light quarks - three flavor partially quenched computations with comparable sea and valence quark masses on the order of the strange quark mass could suffice.}, File = {~/org/Papers/testing_m_u_0_on_lattice_Andrew_G._Cohen_1999_J._High_Energy_Phys._1999_027.pdf} }
- Instanton effects in three flavor QCD Another lattice calculation ruling out m_u = 0, massless up quark. ~/org/Papers/instanton_effects_three_flavors_qcd_dine2015.pdf
title = {Instanton effects in three flavor QCD},
author = {Dine, Michael and Draper, Patrick and Festuccia, Guido},
journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
volume = {92},
issue = {5},
pages = {054004},
numpages = {9},
year = {2015},
month = {Sep},
publisher = {American Physical Society},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.92.054004},
url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.92.054004},
File = {~/org/Papers/instanton_effects_three_flavors_qcd_dine2015.pdf}
- This paper is referenced in the Kim axion review RevModPhys.82.557
as the citation for
Thus, there exists a shift symmetry θ → θ − 2α. It is known that the tunneling amplitude due to instanton solutions with a zero mass quark vanishes [346, ’t Hooft (1976)], which im- plies that the shift symmetry is an exact symmetry
title = {Computation of the quantum effects due to a four-dimensional pseudoparticle},
author = {'t Hooft, G.},
journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
volume = {14},
issue = {12},
pages = {3432--3450},
numpages = {0},
year = {1976},
month = {Dec},
publisher = {American Physical Society},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.14.3432},
url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.14.3432},
File = {~/org/Papers/computation_quantum_effects_four_dim_pseudoparticle_tHooft_10.1103@physrevd.14.3432.pdf}
title = "Chiral estimate of the electric dipole moment of the neutron in quantum chromodynamics",
journal = "Physics Letters B",
volume = "88",
number = "1",
pages = "123 - 127",
year = "1979",
issn = "0370-2693",
doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0370-2693(79)90128-X",
url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/037026937990128X",
author = "R.J. Crewther and P. Di Vecchia and G. Veneziano and E. Witten",
title = "Erratum: Chiral estimate of the electric dipole moment of the neutron in quantum chromodynamics",
journal = "Physics Letters B",
volume = "91",
number = "3",
pages = "487 - ",
year = "1980",
issn = "0370-2693",
doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0370-2693(80)91025-4",
url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0370269380910254",
author = "R.J. Crewther and P. Di Vecchia and G. Veneziano and E. Witten",
title = {$\mathrm{CP}$-nonconserving effects in quantum chromodynamics},
author = {Baluni, Varouzhan},
journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
volume = {19},
issue = {7},
pages = {2227--2230},
numpages = {0},
year = {1979},
month = {Apr},
publisher = {American Physical Society},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.19.2227},
url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.19.2227}
NOTE: need to check what the newest best limits may be!
- Improved Experimental Limit on the Electric Dipole Moment of the
@article{NEDM_Limit, title = {Improved Experimental Limit on the Electric Dipole Moment of the Neutron}, author = {Baker, C. A. and Doyle, D. D. and Geltenbort, P. and Green, K. and van der Grinten, M. G. D. and Harris, P. G. and Iaydjiev, P. and Ivanov, S. N. and May, D. J. R. and Pendlebury, J. M. and Richardson, J. D. and Shiers, D. and Smith, K. F.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {97}, issue = {13}, pages = {131801}, numpages = {4}, year = {2006}, month = {Sep}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.131801}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.131801} }
- Revised experimental upper limit on the electric dipole moment of
the neutron
@article{Revised_NEDM_Limit, title = {Revised experimental upper limit on the electric dipole moment of the neutron}, author = {Pendlebury, J. M. and Afach, S. and Ayres, N. J. and Baker, C. A. and Ban, G. and Bison, G. and Bodek, K. and Burghoff, M. and Geltenbort, P. and Green, K. and Griffith, W. C. and van der Grinten, M. and Gruji\ifmmode \acute{c}\else \'{c}\fi{}, Z. D. and Harris, P. G. and H\'elaine, V. and Iaydjiev, P. and Ivanov, S. N. and Kasprzak, M. and Kermaidic, Y. and Kirch, K. and Koch, H.-C. and Komposch, S. and Kozela, A. and Krempel, J. and Lauss, B. and Lefort, T. and Lemi\`ere, Y. and May, D. J. R. and Musgrave, M. and Naviliat-Cuncic, O. and Piegsa, F. M. and Pignol, G. and Prashanth, P. N. and Qu\'em\'ener, G. and Rawlik, M. and Rebreyend, D. and Richardson, J. D. and Ries, D. and Roccia, S. and Rozpedzik, D. and Schnabel, A. and Schmidt-Wellenburg, P. and Severijns, N. and Shiers, D. and Thorne, J. A. and Weis, A. and Winston, O. J. and Wursten, E. and Zejma, J. and Zsigmond, G.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. D}, volume = {92}, issue = {9}, pages = {092003}, numpages = {22}, year = {2015}, month = {Nov}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.92.092003}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.92.092003} }
- The best review of axions at the moment.
“The landscape of QCD axion models”
At the moment maybe the best overview of the QCD axion and the
different models.
@article{DILUZIO20201, title = {The landscape of QCD axion models}, journal = {Physics Reports}, volume = {870}, pages = {1-117}, year = {2020}, note = {The landscape of QCD axion models}, issn = {0370-1573}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physrep.2020.06.002}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370157320302477}, author = {Luca {Di Luzio} and Maurizio Giannotti and Enrico Nardi and Luca Visinelli}, keywords = {Axion phenomenology, Axion cosmology and astrophysics, Axion models}, abstract = {We review the landscape of QCD axion models. Theoretical constructions that extend the window for the axion mass and couplings beyond conventional regions are highlighted and classified. Bounds from cosmology, astrophysics and experimental searches are reexamined and updated.}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/landscape_of_qcd_axion_models_2003.01100.pdf} }
@article{Di_Luzio_2020, doi = {10.1016/j.physrep.2020.06.002}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.physrep.2020.06.002}, year = 2020, month = {jul}, publisher = {Elsevier {BV}}, volume = {870}, pages = {1--117}, author = {Luca Di Luzio and Maurizio Giannotti and Enrico Nardi and Luca Visinelli}, title = {The landscape of {QCD} axion models}, journal = {Physics Reports}, }
- “Introduction to axions and their detection”
Seems to be a good, current introduction to axions and the different
types of experiments, by Igor.
@Article{10.21468/SciPostPhysLectNotes.45, title={{An introduction to axions and their detection}}, author={Igor García Irastorza}, journal={SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes}, pages={45}, year={2022}, publisher={SciPost}, doi={10.21468/SciPostPhysLectNotes.45}, url={https://scipost.org/10.21468/SciPostPhysLectNotes.45}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/introduction_axions_and_detection_igor_2022_SciPostPhysLectNotes_45.pdf} }
- “Axions and the Strong CP Problem”
A very good overview of the strong CP problem, including lots of
graphics that showcase the QCD vacuum nature!
It contains all sorts of great information!
Including a reference to the derivation for the axion-lepton
coupling in the KSVZ model at loop level.
@article{kim2010axions, title = {Axions and the strong $CP$ problem}, author = {Kim, Jihn E. and Carosi, Gianpaolo}, journal = {Rev. Mod. Phys.}, volume = {82}, issue = {1}, pages = {557--601}, numpages = {0}, year = {2010}, month = {Mar}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/RevModPhys.82.557}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/RevModPhys.82.557}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/axions_and_strong_cp_problem_kim_2008_0807.3125.pdf} }
Corresponding Erratum: ~/org/Papers/axions/erratum_axion_strong_cp_problem_RevModPhys.91.049902.pdf
@article{kim2010axions_erratum, title = {Erratum: Axions and the strong $CP$ problem [Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 557 (2010)]}, author = {Kim, Jihn E. and Carosi, Gianpaolo}, journal = {Rev. Mod. Phys.}, volume = {91}, issue = {4}, pages = {049902}, numpages = {2}, year = {2019}, month = {Dec}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/RevModPhys.91.049902}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/RevModPhys.91.049902}, }
- Section of the book “Axions”
This is another decent overview of the theory behind the axion! By
Peccei himself.
@Inbook{Peccei2008, author="Peccei, Roberto D.", editor="Kuster, Markus and Raffelt, Georg and Beltr{\'a}n, Berta", title="The Strong CP Problem and Axions", bookTitle="Axions: Theory, Cosmology, and Experimental Searches", year="2008", publisher="Springer Berlin Heidelberg", address="Berlin, Heidelberg", pages="3--17", abstract="I describe how the QCD vacuum structure, necessary to resolve the U(1){\_}A problem, predicts the presence of a PabbrevPparity transformation, TabbrevTtime reversal transformation, and CPabbrevCPcharge conjugation transformation followed by party transformation violating term proportional to the vacuum angle $\theta$. To agree with experimental bounds, however, this parameter must be very small ($\theta$ < 10-9). After briefly discussing some other possible solutions to this, so-called, strong CP problem, I concentrate on the chiral solution proposed by Peccei and Quinn which has associated with it a light pseudoscalar particle, the axion. I discuss in detail the properties and dynamics of axions, focusing particularly on invisible axion models where axions are very light, very weakly coupled, and very long-lived. Astrophysical and cosmological bounds on invisible axions are also briefly touched upon.", isbn="978-3-540-73518-2", doi="10.1007/978-3-540-73518-2_1", url="https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-73518-2_1", File = {~/org/Papers/axions/peccei_the-strong-cp-problem-and-axions.pdf} } @incollection{Peccei_2008, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-73518-2_1}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007%2F978-3-540-73518-2_1}, year = 2008, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, pages = {3--17}, author = {Roberto D. Peccei}, title = {The Strong {CP} Problem and Axions}, booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Physics} }
- Axions
“The” book about Axions, by the likes of Peccei, Raffelt etc. But
it’s only a book in a loose sense. It’s more of a collection of
lecture notes from different people about different axion aspects.
@book{kuster2007axions, title={Axions: Theory, cosmology, and experimental searches}, author={Kuster, Markus and Raffelt, Georg and Beltr{\'a}n, Berta}, volume={741}, year={2007}, publisher={Springer}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/axions_book_peccei_raffelt_springer_2008.pdf} }
- Probably the most comprehensive overview of axions from an
astrophysical perspective! Includes derivations for axion
Bremsstrahlung probabilities as well as a longer derivation of the
axion-photon conversion probability!
@book{raffelt1996stars, title={Stars as laboratories for fundamental physics: The astrophysics of neutrinos, axions, and other weakly interacting particles}, author={Raffelt, Georg G}, year={1996}, publisher={University of Chicago press}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/raffelt_1995_stars_as_laboratories_fundamental_physics.pdf} }
$\mathrm{CP}$ Conservation in the Presence of Pseudoparticles First of the two papers by Quinn & Peccei introducing the axion concept ~/org/Papers/axions/peccei_quinn_1977_CP_Conservation_Presence_Pseudoparticles.pdf@article{PecceiQuinn1977_1, title = {$\mathrm{CP}$ Conservation in the Presence of Pseudoparticles}, author = {Peccei, R. D. and Quinn, Helen R.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {38}, issue = {25}, pages = {1440--1443}, numpages = {0}, year = {1977}, month = {Jun}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.38.1440}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.38.1440}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/peccei_quinn_1977_CP_Conservation_Presence_Pseudoparticles.pdf} }
- Constraints imposed by
$\mathrm{CP}$ conservation in the presence of pseudoparticles Second of the two papers by Quinn & Peccei introducing the axion concept ~/org/Papers/axions/peccei_quinn_2_1977_Constraints_imposed_by_CP_conservation_in_presence_pseudoparticle.pdf@article{PecceiQuinn1977_2, title = {Constraints imposed by $\mathrm{CP}$ conservation in the presence of pseudoparticles}, author = {Peccei, R. D. and Quinn, Helen R.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. D}, volume = {16}, issue = {6}, pages = {1791--1797}, numpages = {0}, year = {1977}, month = {Sep}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.16.1791}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.16.1791}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/peccei_quinn_2_1977_Constraints_imposed_by_CP_conservation_in_presence_pseudoparticle.pdf} }
- Problem of Strong
$P$ and$T$ Invariance in the Presence of Instantons ~/org/Papers/axions/problem_strong_P_T_invariance_presence_instantons_wilczek1978.pdf@article{AxionWilczek, title = {Problem of Strong $P$ and $T$ Invariance in the Presence of Instantons}, author = {Wilczek, F.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {40}, issue = {5}, pages = {279--282}, numpages = {0}, year = {1978}, month = {Jan}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.40.279}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.40.279}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/problem_strong_P_T_invariance_presence_instantons_wilczek1978.pdf} }
- A new light boson?
@article{AxionWeinberg, title = {A New Light Boson?}, author = {Weinberg, Steven}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {40}, issue = {4}, pages = {223--226}, numpages = {0}, year = {1978}, month = {Jan}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.40.223}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.40.223}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/a_new_light_boson_weinberg1978.pdf} }
- The two papers that introduce the KSVZ axion:
Kim, Shifman, Vainstein, Zakharov
in these two papers:
DFSZ Model: In the KSVZ (or “hadronic”) model, the axion does not have tree-level couplings to the leptons. The PQ symmetry in this model is realized in a way that is “invisible” to the leptons, meaning they do not transform under the PQ symmetry. Hence, at the leading order, there’s no axion-lepton coupling. However, it’s important to note that there can still be axion-lepton couplings at higher loops in the KSVZ model, but they would be suppressed compared to the DFSZ case.
(GPT4) ~/org/Papers/axions/kim1979_weak_interaction_singlet_strong_CP_KSVZ.pdf ~/org/Papers/axions/shifman1980_confinement_natural_cp_invariance_KSVZ.pdf
@article{Kim_KSVZ, title = {Weak-Interaction Singlet and Strong $\mathrm{CP}$ Invariance}, author = {Kim, Jihn E.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {43}, issue = {2}, pages = {103--107}, numpages = {0}, year = {1979}, month = {Jul}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.43.103}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.43.103}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/kim1979_weak_interaction_singlet_strong_CP_KSVZ.pdf} } @article{SHIFMAN_KSVZ, title = "Can confinement ensure natural CP invariance of strong interactions?", journal = "Nuclear Physics B", volume = "166", number = "3", pages = "493 - 506", year = "1980", issn = "0550-3213", doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0550-3213(80)90209-6", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0550321380902096", author = "M.A. Shifman and A.I. Vainshtein and V.I. Zakharov", File = {~/org/Papers/axions/shifman1980_confinement_natural_cp_invariance_KSVZ.pdf} }
- The two papers that introduce the DFSZ axion:
Dine, Fischler, Srednicki, Zhitnitskii
KSVZ Model: In the KSVZ (or “hadronic”) model, the axion does not have tree-level couplings to the leptons. The PQ symmetry in this model is realized in a way that is “invisible” to the leptons, meaning they do not transform under the PQ symmetry. Hence, at the leading order, there’s no axion-lepton coupling. However, it’s important to note that there can still be axion-lepton couplings at higher loops in the KSVZ model, but they would be suppressed compared to the DFSZ case.
(GPT4) ~/org/Papers/axions/dine1981_simple_solution_cp_problem_harmless_axion_DFSZ.pdf For Zhitnitskii I cannot find the paper. https://www.osti.gov/biblio/7063072 Maybe it was in Russian?
@article{DINE_DFSZ, title = "A simple solution to the strong CP problem with a harmless axion", journal = "Physics Letters B", volume = "104", number = "3", pages = "199 - 202", year = "1981", issn = "0370-2693", doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0370-2693(81)90590-6", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0370269381905906", author = "Michael Dine and Willy Fischler and Mark Srednicki", File = {~/org/Papers/axions/dine1981_simple_solution_cp_problem_harmless_axion_DFSZ.pdf} } @article{Zhitnitskii_DFSZ, place={United States}, title={Possible suppression of axion-hadron interactions}, volume={31:2}, abstractNote={A possible mechanism for strong suppression of the axion-fermion interaction is considered. Two models in which this mechanism is realized are described in detail.}, journal={Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. (Engl. Transl.); (United States)}, author={Zhitnitskii, A.P.}, year={1980}, month={Feb}, }
- In this paper, among other things, is the derivation for the
axion-lepton coupling in KSVZ models at one loop level, eq. 40.
@article{SREDNICKI1985689, title = {Axion couplings to matter: (I). CP-conserving parts}, journal = {Nuclear Physics B}, volume = {260}, number = {3}, pages = {689-700}, year = {1985}, issn = {0550-3213}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/0550-3213(85)90054-9}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0550321385900549}, author = {Mark Srednicki}, abstract = {The CP-conserving couplings of axions to photons, electrons, and nucleons are derived for an arbitrary axion model. The relevance of the results to proposed axion search experiments is briefly discussed.}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/axion_couplings_to_matter_cp_conserving_srednicki1985.pdf} }
- “Photon-axion conversion, magnetic field configuration, and polarization of photons”
Contains a derivation of the axion photon conversion, similar to
Biljana’s and Kreso’s document.
Indeed, Biljana’s document cites this paper as referenc [2]! So good
@article{masaki2017photon, author = {Emi Masaki and Arata Aoki and Jiro Soda}, title = {Photon-Axion Conversion, Magnetic Field Configuration, and Polarization of Photons}, journal = {Physical Review D}, volume = 96, number = 4, pages = 043519, year = 2017, doi = {10.1103/physrevd.96.043519}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.96.043519}, DATE_ADDED = {Fri Jan 19 12:34:48 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/axion_photon_conversion_derivation_masaki2017.pdf} }
- A decommissioned LHC model magnet as an axion telescope
CAST proposal
@article{ZIOUTAS1999480, title = {A decommissioned LHC model magnet as an axion telescope}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, volume = {425}, number = {3}, pages = {480-487}, year = {1999}, issn = {0168-9002}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-9002(98)01442-9}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168900298014429}, author = {K. Zioutas and C.E. Aalseth and D. Abriola and F.T.Avignone III and R.L. Brodzinski and J.I. Collar and R. Creswick and D.E.Di Gregorio and H. Farach and A.O. Gattone and C.K. Guérard and F. Hasenbalg and M. Hasinoff and H. Huck and A. Liolios and H.S. Miley and A. Morales and J. Morales and D. Nikas and S. Nussinov and A. Ortiz and E. Savvidis and S. Scopel and P. Sievers and J.A. Villar and L. Walckiers}, keywords = {Solar axions, LHC, Superconducting magnets, Dark matter}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/cast_proposal_decomissioned_lhc_magnet_1999.pdf} }
- First Results from the CERN Axion Solar Telescope
Contains, among others, an analytical expression for the solar
axion flux:
g₁₀ = g_aγ • 10¹⁰ GeV
dΦ_a/dE_a = g²₁₀ 3.821•10¹⁰ cm⁻²•s⁻¹•keV⁻¹ (E_a / keV)³ / (exp(E_a / (1.103 keV)) - 1)
results in an integrated flux:
Φ_a = g²₁₀ 3.67•10¹¹ cm⁻²•s⁻¹
- https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.121301
- ~/org/Papers/CAST/first_cast_results_physrevlett.94.121301.pdf
@article{PhysRevLett.94.121301, title = {First Results from the CERN Axion Solar Telescope}, author = {Zioutas, K. and Andriamonje, S. and Arsov, V. and Aune, S. and Autiero, D. and Avignone, F. T. and Barth, K. and Belov, A. and Beltr\'an, B. and Br\"auninger, H. and Carmona, J. M. and Cebri\'an, S. and Chesi, E. and Collar, J. I. and Creswick, R. and Dafni, T. and Davenport, M. and Di Lella, L. and Eleftheriadis, C. and Englhauser, J. and Fanourakis, G. and Farach, H. and Ferrer, E. and Fischer, H. and Franz, J. and Friedrich, P. and Geralis, T. and Giomataris, I. and Gninenko, S. and Goloubev, N. and Hasinoff, M. D. and Heinsius, F. H. and Hoffmann, D. H. H. and Irastorza, I. G. and Jacoby, J. and Kang, D. and K\"onigsmann, K. and Kotthaus, R. and Kr\ifmmode \check{c}\else \v{c}\fi{}mar, M. and Kousouris, K. and Kuster, M. and Laki\ifmmode \acute{c}\else \'{c}\fi{}, B. and Lasseur, C. and Liolios, A. and Ljubi\ifmmode \check{c}\else \v{c}\fi{}i\ifmmode \acute{c}\else \'{c}\fi{}, A. and Lutz, G. and Luz\'on, G. and Miller, D. W. and Morales, A. and Morales, J. and Mutterer, M. and Nikolaidis, A. and Ortiz, A. and Papaevangelou, T. and Placci, A. and Raffelt, G. and Ruz, J. and Riege, H. and Sarsa, M. L. and Savvidis, I. and Serber, W. and Serpico, P. and Semertzidis, Y. and Stewart, L. and Vieira, J. D. and Villar, J. and Walckiers, L. and Zachariadou, K.}, collaboration = {CAST Collaboration}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {94}, issue = {12}, pages = {121301}, numpages = {5}, year = {2005}, month = {Apr}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.121301}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.121301}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/first_cast_results_physrevlett.94.121301.pdf} }
- An improved limit on the axion–photon coupling from the CAST
Full results of phase I at CAST
Contains a good overview on how to get from solar physics to axion
Contains information about the log likelihood method that (I think)
is mostly the same as the 2013 axion-electron paper.
@article{Andriamonje_2007, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2007/04/010}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2007/04/010}, year = 2007, month = {apr}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {2007}, number = {04}, pages = {010--010}, author = {S Andriamonje and S Aune and D Autiero and K Barth and A Belov and B Beltr{\'{a}}n and H Bräuninger and J M Carmona and S Cebri{\'{a}}n and J I Collar and T Dafni and M Davenport and L Di Lella and C Eleftheriadis and J Englhauser and G Fanourakis and E Ferrer Ribas and H Fischer and J Franz and P Friedrich and T Geralis and I Giomataris and S Gninenko and H G{\'{o}}mez and M Hasinoff and F H Heinsius and D H H Hoffmann and I G Irastorza and J Jacoby and K Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'{c}} and D Kang and K Königsmann and R Kotthaus and M Kr{\v{c}}mar and K Kousouris and M Kuster and B Laki{\'{c}} and C Lasseur and A Liolios and A Ljubi{\v{c}}i{\'{c}} and G Lutz and G Luz{\'{o}}n and D Miller and A Morales and J Morales and A Ortiz and T Papaevangelou and A Placci and G Raffelt and H Riege and A Rodr{\'{\i}}guez and J Ruz and I Savvidis and Y Semertzidis and P Serpico and L Stewart and J Vieira and J Villar and J Vogel and L Walckiers and K Zioutas and CAST Collaboration}, title = {An improved limit on the axion{\textendash}photon coupling from the {CAST} experiment}, journal = {Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/cast_phase_I_results_andriamonje2007.pdf} }
- Probing the eV-scale axions with CAST
Contains first results of CAST phase II. 4He 2005 to 2007, then 3He
results in 2008 (continued on until 2011, other paper below).
@article{Arik_2009, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2009/02/008}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2009/02/008}, year = 2009, month = {feb}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {2009}, number = {02}, pages = {008--008}, author = {E Arik and S Aune and D Autiero and K Barth and A Belov and B Beltr{\'{a}}n and S Borghi and G Bourlis and F.S Boydag and H Bräuninger and J.M Carmona and S Cebri{\'{a}}n and S.A Cetin and J.I Collar and T Dafni and M Davenport and L. Di Lella and O.B Dogan and C Eleftheriadis and N Elias and G Fanourakis and E Ferrer-Ribas and H Fischer and P Friedrich and J Franz and J Gal{\'{a}}n and T Geralis and I Giomataris and S Gninenko and H G{\'{o}}mez and R Hartmann and M Hasinoff and F.H Heinsius and I Hikmet and D.H.H Hoffmann and I.G Irastorza and J Jacoby and K Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'{c}} and D Kang and K Königsmann and R Kotthaus and M Kr{\v{c}}mar and K Kousouris and M Kuster and B Laki{\'{c}} and C Lasseur and A Liolios and A Ljubi{\v{c}}i{\'{c}} and G Lutz and G Luz{\'{o}}n and D Miller and J Morales and T Niinikoski and A Nordt and A Ortiz and T Papaevangelou and M.J Pivovaroff and A Placci and G Raffelt and H Riege and A Rodr{\'{\i}}guez and J Ruz and I Savvidis and Y Semertzidis and P Serpico and R Soufli and L Stewart and K. van Bibber and J Villar and J Vogel and L Walckiers and K Zioutas}, title = {Probing {eV}-scale axions with {CAST}}, journal = {Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/probing_ev_scale_axions_cast_E._Arik_2009_J._Cosmol._Astropart._Phys._2009_008.pdf} }
- New solar axion search using the CERN Axion Solar Telescope with $4\mathrm{He}$ filling
Contains overview of 4He (the first) and 3He buffer gas data
Contains information about unbinned log likelihood method also used
in nature paper!
@article{PhysRevD.92.021101, title = {New solar axion search using the CERN Axion Solar Telescope with $^{4}\mathrm{He}$ filling}, author = {Arik, M. and Aune, S. and Barth, K. and Belov, A. and Br\"auninger, H. and Bremer, J. and Burwitz, V. and Cantatore, G. and Carmona, J. M. and Cetin, S. A. and Collar, J. I. and Da Riva, E. and Dafni, T. and Davenport, M. and Dermenev, A. and Eleftheriadis, C. and Elias, N. and Fanourakis, G. and Ferrer-Ribas, E. and Gal\'an, J. and Garc\'{\i}a, J. A. and Gardikiotis, A. and Garza, J. G. and Gazis, E. N. and Geralis, T. and Georgiopoulou, E. and Giomataris, I. and Gninenko, S. and G\'omez Marzoa, M. and Hasinoff, M. D. and Hoffmann, D. H. H. and Iguaz, F. J. and Irastorza, I. G. and Jacoby, J. and Jakov\ifmmode \check{c}\else \v{c}\fi{}i\ifmmode \acute{c}\else \'{c}\fi{}, K. and Karuza, M. and Kavuk, M. and Kr\ifmmode \check{c}\else \v{c}\fi{}mar, M. and Kuster, M. and Laki\ifmmode \acute{c}\else \'{c}\fi{}, B. and Laurent, J. M. and Liolios, A. and Ljubi\ifmmode \check{c}\else \v{c}\fi{}i\ifmmode \acute{c}\else \'{c}\fi{}, A. and Luz\'on, G. and Neff, S. and Niinikoski, T. and Nordt, A. and Ortega, I. and Papaevangelou, T. and Pivovaroff, M. J. and Raffelt, G. and Rodr\'{\i}guez, A. and Rosu, M. and Ruz, J. and Savvidis, I. and Shilon, I. and Solanki, S. K. and Stewart, L. and Tom\'as, A. and Vafeiadis, T. and Villar, J. and Vogel, J. K. and Yildiz, S. C. and Zioutas, K.}, collaboration = {CAST Collaboration}, journal = {Phys. Rev. D}, volume = {92}, issue = {2}, pages = {021101}, numpages = {6}, year = {2015}, month = {Jul}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.92.021101}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.92.021101}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/new_solar_axion_search_cast_4he_2015_PhysRevD.92.021101.pdf} }
- Cristina’s paper about the new axion-photon limit combined with
GridPix data!
@article{castcollaboration2024new, title={A new upper limit on the axion-photon coupling with an extended CAST run with a Xe-based Micromegas detector}, author={CAST Collaboration and K. Altenmüller and V. Anastassopoulos and S. Arguedas-Cuendis and S. Aune and J. Baier and K. Barth and H. Bräuninger and G. Cantatore and F. Caspers and J. F. Castel and S. A. Çetin and F. Christensen and C. Cogollos and T. Dafni and M. Davenport and T. A. Decker and K. Desch and D. Díez-Ibáñez and B. Döbrich and E. Ferrer-Ribas and H. Fischer and W. Funk and J. Galán and J. A. García and A. Gardikiotis and I. Giomataris and J. Golm and C. H. Hailey and M. D. Hasinoff and D. H. H. Hoffmann and I. G. Irastorza and J. Jacoby and A. C. Jakobsen and K. Jakovčić and J. Kaminski and M. Karuza and S. Kostoglou and C. Krieger and B. Lakić and J. M. Laurent and G. Luzón and C. Malbrunot and C. Margalejo and M. Maroudas and L. Miceli and H. Mirallas and P. Navarro and L. Obis and A. Özbey and K. Özbozduman and T. Papaevangelou and O. Pérez and M. J. Pivovaroff and M. Rosu and E. Ruiz-Chóliz and J. Ruz and S. Schmidt and M. Schumann and Y. K. Semertzidis and S. K. Solanki and L. Stewart and T. Vafeiadis and J. K. Vogel and K. Zioutas}, year={2024}, eprint={2406.16840}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={id='hep-ex' full_name='High Energy Physics - Experiment' is_active=True alt_name=None in_archive='hep-ex' is_general=False description='Results from high-energy/particle physics experiments and prospects for future experimental results, including tests of the standard model, measurements of standard model parameters, searches for physics beyond the standard model, and astroparticle physics experimental results. Does not include: detectors and instrumentation nor analysis methods to conduct experiments.'}, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2406.16840}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.16840}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/new_upper_limit_axion_photon_xe_micromegas_cast_2406.16840v1.pdf} }
- CAST CAPP daily modulations
@article{adair24_daily_modul_broad_strat_axion_searc, author = {C. M. Adair and K. Altenm{\"u}ller and V. Anastassopoulos and S. Arguedas Cuendis and J. Baier and K. Barth and A. Belov and D. Bozicevic and H. Br{\"a}uninger and G. Cantatore and F. Caspers and J. F. Castel and S. A. {\C{C}}etin and W. Chung and H. Choi and J. Choi and T. Dafni and M. Davenport and A. Dermenev and K. Desch and B. D{\"o}brich and H. Fischer and W. Funk and J. Galan and A. Gardikiotis and S. Gninenko and J. Golm and M. D. Hasinoff and D. H. H. Hoffmann and D. D{\'i}ez Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez and I. G. Irastorza and K. Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'c} and J. Kaminski and M. Karuza and C. Krieger and {\C{C}}. Kutlu and B. Laki{\'c} and J. M. Laurent and J. Lee and S. Lee and G. Luz{\'o}n and C. Margalejo and M. Maroudas and L. Miceli and H. Mirallas and L. Obis and A. {\"O}zbey and K. {\"O}zbozduman and M. J. Pivovaroff and M. Rosu and J. Ruz and E. Ruiz-Ch{\'o}liz and S. Schmidt and Y. K. Semertzidis and S. K. Solanki and L. Stewart and I. Tsagris and T. Vafeiadis and J. K. Vogel and M. Vretenar and S. Youn and A. Zhitnitsky and K. Zioutas}, title = {The Daily Modulations and Broadband Strategy in Axion Searches. an Application With Cast-Capp Detector}, year = 2024, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2405.10972}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.10972}, File = {~/org/Papers/adair24_daily_modul_broad_strat_axion_searc.pdf}, DATE_ADDED = {Wed Nov 13 11:57:42 2024}, }
- CAST constraints on the axion-electron coupling
The paper from 2013 about the axion electron coupling.
Contains the expression for the axion photon flux, eq. 3.1 that I
use in my master thesis:
dΦ/dE = 2 * 1e18 keV⁻¹•m⁻²•yr⁻¹ · (g_ay / 1e-12 GeV⁻¹)² · ω2.450 · exp(-0.829 * ω)
@article{Barth_2013, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2013/05/010}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2013/05/010}, year = 2013, month = {may}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {2013}, number = {05}, pages = {010--010}, author = {K Barth and A Belov and B Beltran and H Bräuninger and J.M Carmona and J.I Collar and T Dafni and M Davenport and L. Di Lella and C Eleftheriadis and J Englhauser and G Fanourakis and E Ferrer-Ribas and H Fischer and J Franz and P Friedrich and J Gal{\'{a}}n and J.A Garc{\'{\i}}a and T Geralis and I Giomataris and S Gninenko and H G{\'{o}}mez and M.D Hasinoff and F.H Heinsius and D.H.H Hoffmann and I.G Irastorza and J Jacoby and K Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'{c}} and D Kang and K Königsmann and R Kotthaus and K Kousouris and M Kr{\v{c}}mar and M Kuster and B Laki{\'{c}} and A Liolios and A Ljubi{\v{c}}i{\'{c}} and G Lutz and G Luz{\'{o}}n and D.W Miller and T Papaevangelou and M.J Pivovaroff and G Raffelt and J Redondo and H Riege and A Rodr{\'{\i}}guez and J Ruz and I Savvidis and Y Semertzidis and L Stewart and K. Van Bibber and J.D Vieira and J.A Villar and J.K Vogel and L Walckiers and K Zioutas}, title = {{CAST} constraints on the axion-electron coupling}, journal = {Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/cast_axion_electron_jcap_2013_pnCCD.pdf} }
- The paper cited by cite:&dennis2023tip as the best limit for Tip of
Red Giant branch stars.
gae = \num{1.3e-13}
@article{capozzi20_axion_neutr_bound_improv_with, author = {Francesco Capozzi and Georg Raffelt}, title = {Axion and Neutrino Bounds Improved With New Calibrations of the Tip of the Red-Giant Branch Using Geometric Distance Determinations}, journal = {Physical Review D}, volume = 102, number = 8, pages = 083007, year = 2020, doi = {10.1103/physrevd.102.083007}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.102.083007}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 22:12:13 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/capozzi20_axion_neutr_bound_improv_with.pdf} }
- Tip of the Red Giant Branch Bounds on the Axion-Electron Coupling Revisited
-> A paper about g_ae limits. Using an ML model as an emulator for
simulations for Tip of Red Giant Branch stars & a MCMC approach to
evaluate the model and study the allowed parameters space.
Showed that the previous “best limit” on g_ae from TRGB stars at
α_26 < 0.13
[5] F. Capozzi and G. Raffelt, Axion and neutrino bounds improved with new calibrations of the tip of the red-giant branch using geometric distance determinations, PhRvD 102, 083007 (2020), arXiv:2007.03694 [astro-ph.SR].
is off by at least an order of magnitude (if using gaussian priors for a set of parameters that were used in another paper):
[8] N. Viaux, M. Catelan, P. B. Stetson, G. G. Raffelt, J. Redondo, A. A. R. Valcarce, and A. Weiss, Neutrino and Axion Bounds from the Globular Cluster M5 (NGC 5904), PhRvL 111, 231301 (2013), arXiv:1311.1669 [astro-ph.SR].
still leads to a value ~10 times larger if calculated using MCMC while varying α_26 at the same time! where α_26 = 10^26 g_ae² / 4π -> α_26 (=0.13) / 10^26 * 4π = 1.27e-13 -> α_26 (=1.3) / 10^26 * 4π = 4e-13 -> α_26 (=2) / 10^26 * 4π = 5e-13
In their full analysis however, their entire range of parameters up to α_26 = 2 is fully viable still. Meaning axion electron couplings of up to that number are not excluded at all.
The main reason appears to be not taking uncertainties of “known” stellar parameters into account correctly while comparing with the effect of the coupling constant.
α_26 = 2 corresponds to: 5.01e-13!
They conclude that likely values quite a bit larger are still not excluded either, just their grid search only went to that value. ~/org/Papers/axions/tip_red_giant_branch_bounds_axion_electron_2305.03113.pdf cite:dennis2023tip Quote about what else might be affected as such:
The methods we have developed here could be ap- plied to reevaluate the bounds obtained using other stel- lar tests of axions e.g., horizontal branch stars [73, 74] the white dwarf luminosity function [75, 76], pulsating white dwarfs [77], black hole population statistics [78– 84], and Cepheid stars [85].
@misc{dennis2023tip, title={Tip of the Red Giant Branch Bounds on the Axion-Electron Coupling Revisited}, author={Mitchell T Dennis and Jeremy Sakstein}, year={2023}, eprint={2305.03113}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={hep-ph}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/tip_red_giant_branch_bounds_axion_electron_2305.03113.pdf} }
- X-Ray Signatures of Axion Conversion in Magnetic White Dwarf Stars
Contains a limit on g_ae·g_aγ based on Suzaku X-ray data, which
comes out to (!) about g_ae·g_aγ = 2e-24 !!! Yes 24.
Question: How does the above paper relate to this?
@article{PhysRevLett.123.061104, title = {X-Ray Signatures of Axion Conversion in Magnetic White Dwarf Stars}, author = {Dessert, Christopher and Long, Andrew J. and Safdi, Benjamin R.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {123}, issue = {6}, pages = {061104}, numpages = {6}, year = {2019}, month = {Aug}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.061104}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.061104}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/xray_signatures_axion_conversion_white_dwarf_g_ae_PhysRevLett.123.061104.pdf} }
- Update to cite:PhysRevLett.123.061104 by the same authors, looking
at Chandra data instead of Suzaku. Their new limit is
gae · gaγ < \SI{1.3e-25}{GeV-1}
25!!!!!!! :shocked:
@article{dessert22_no_eviden_axion_from_obser, author = {Christopher Dessert and Andrew J. Long and Benjamin R. Safdi}, title = {No Evidence for Axions From \textit{Chandra} Observation of the Magnetic White Dwarf Re J0317-853}, journal = {Physical Review Letters}, volume = 128, number = 7, pages = 071102, year = 2022, doi = {10.1103/physrevlett.128.071102}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.071102}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 23:22:28 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/dessert22_no_eviden_axion_from_obser.pdf} }
- Paper about the leading limit on $gae$ from White Dwarf
luminosity functions.
Not quite sure what their real limit is here, maybe 1.4e-13 or
2.9e-13. In that range though.
@article{bertolami14_revis_axion_bound_from_galac, author = {M.M. Miller Bertolami and B.E. Melendez and L.G. Althaus and J. Isern}, title = {Revisiting the Axion Bounds From the Galactic White Dwarf Luminosity Function}, journal = {Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics}, volume = 2014, number = 10, pages = {069-069}, year = 2014, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2014/10/069}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2014/10/069}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 23:30:09 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/bertolami14_revis_axion_bound_from_galac.pdf} }
- Limit on $gae < \num{1.48e-13}$ at 95% CL also from TRGB stars,
in this case from a globular cluster data from Hubble I think.
@article{straniero20_rgb_tip_galac_globul_clust, author = {O. Straniero and C. Pallanca and E. Dalessandro and I. Dom{\'i}nguez and F. R. Ferraro and M. Giannotti and A. Mirizzi and L. Piersanti}, title = {The Rgb Tip of Galactic Globular Clusters and the Revision of the Axion-Electron Coupling Bound}, journal = {Astronomy \& Astrophysics}, volume = 644, pages = {A166}, year = 2020, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/202038775}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202038775}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 23:34:51 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/straniero20_rgb_tip_galac_globul_clust_aa38775-20.pdf} }
- Paper about the apparent best limit on $gae = \SI{3e-13}$ from
cooling rates of red giants, cited as such in
Note that this might be one of the papers referenced in
cite:&dennis2023tip and thus might be overestimated. No, that one
refers to cite:&capozzi20_axion_neutr_bound_improv_with.
@article{altherr94_axion_emiss_from_red_giant_white_dwarf, author = {T. Altherr and E. Petitgirard and T. del R{\'i}o^Gaztelurrutia}, title = {Axion Emission From Red Giants and White Dwarfs}, journal = {Astroparticle Physics}, volume = 2, number = 2, pages = {175-186}, year = 1994, doi = {10.1016/0927-6505(94)90040-x}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0927-6505(94)90040-X}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 22:06:44 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/altherr1994_axion_emission_red_giants_white_dwarfs.pdf} }
- Paper that gives an overview about the fundamentals of axion dark
matter, if it couples to electrons.
It is a good overview wrt what approaches one can take for axion
electron experiments and its theory.
@article{Berlin_2024, title={Physical signatures of fermion-coupled axion dark matter}, volume={2024}, ISSN={1029-8479}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/JHEP05(2024)314}, DOI={10.1007/jhep05(2024)314}, number={5}, journal={Journal of High Energy Physics}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Berlin, Asher and Millar, Alexander J. and Trickle, Tanner and Zhou, Kevin}, year={2024}, month=may, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/phys_signatures_fermion_coupled_axion_dark_matter_2312.11601v2.pdf} }
- New CAST limit on the axion–photon interaction
CAST nature paper.
@article{cast_nature, title={New CAST limit on the axion--photon interaction}, author={Collaboration, CAST and others}, journal={Nature Physics}, volume={13}, pages={584--590}, doi={10.1038/nphys4109}, url={https://www.nature.com/articles/nphys4109}, year={2017}, File={~/org/Papers/nature_cast_limit_axion_photon_nphys4109.pdf}, }
- The CAST CAPP Nature Communications paper.
@article{cast_capp_nature, author = {C. M. Adair and K. Altenm{\"u}ller and V. Anastassopoulos and S. Arguedas Cuendis and J. Baier and K. Barth and A. Belov and D. Bozicevic and H. Br{\"a}uninger and G. Cantatore and F. Caspers and J. F. Castel and S. A. {\C{C}}etin and W. Chung and H. Choi and J. Choi and T. Dafni and M. Davenport and A. Dermenev and K. Desch and B. D{\"o}brich and H. Fischer and W. Funk and J. Galan and A. Gardikiotis and S. Gninenko and J. Golm and M. D. Hasinoff and D. H. H. Hoffmann and D. D{\'i}ez Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez and I. G. Irastorza and K. Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'c} and J. Kaminski and M. Karuza and C. Krieger and {\C{C}}. Kutlu and B. Laki{\'c} and J. M. Laurent and J. Lee and S. Lee and G. Luz{\'o}n and C. Malbrunot and C. Margalejo and M. Maroudas and L. Miceli and H. Mirallas and L. Obis and A. {\"O}zbey and K. {\"O}zbozduman and M. J. Pivovaroff and M. Rosu and J. Ruz and E. Ruiz-Ch{\'o}liz and S. Schmidt and M. Schumann and Y. K. Semertzidis and S. K. Solanki and L. Stewart and I. Tsagris and T. Vafeiadis and J. K. Vogel and M. Vretenar and S. Youn and K. Zioutas}, title = {Search for Dark Matter Axions With Cast-Capp}, journal = {Nature Communications}, volume = 13, number = 1, pages = 6180, year = 2022, doi = {10.1038/s41467-022-33913-6}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-33913-6}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 23 19:15:17 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/cast_capp_nature_2022.pdf} }
- Marios’ PhD thesis
The website the thesis is hosted on requires one to register to
download the PDF. But they have an ‘online viewer’ that is pretty
crappy. It serves the “PDF” as a bunch of JPGs:
for i in {1..583}; do echo $i; wget "https://freader.ekt.gr/getfile.php?lib=eadd&path=large&doc=GqDcGf8%3D&item=${i}.jpg"; done
The suffix of the page is the page number of the PDF. Just combine via:
convert -quality 80 `lc -pn1 *.jpg` marios_phd_thesis_bunch_of_jpgs_80.pdf
where we use
’s smarter sorting of file names (-p
: plain, no colors, andn1
for single column).@phdthesis{marios_phd, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 23 19:26:18 2023}, author = {Marios Maroudas}, publisher = {National Documentation Centre (EKT)}, title = {Signals for invisible matter from solar-terrestrial observations}, year = 2022, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/eadd/51922}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/marios_phd_thesis_bunch_of_jpgs.pdf} }
- The paper about RADES at CAST.
@article{rades_2021, author = {A. {\'A}lvarez Melc{\'o}n and S. Arguedas Cuendis and J. Baier and K. Barth and H. Br{\"a}uninger and S. Calatroni and G. Cantatore and F. Caspers and J. F. Castel and S. A. Cetin and C. Cogollos and T. Dafni and M. Davenport and A. Dermenev and K. Desch and A. D{\'i}az-Morcillo and B. D{\"o}brich and H. Fischer and W. Funk and J. D. Gallego and J. M. Garc{\'i}a Barcel{\'o} and A. Gardikiotis and J. G. Garza and B. Gimeno and S. Gninenko and J. Golm and M. D. Hasinoff and D. H. H. Hoffmann and I. G. Irastorza and K. Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'c} and J. Kaminski and M. Karuza and B. Laki{\'c} and J. M. Laurent and A. J. Lozano-Guerrero and G. Luz{\'o}n and C. Malbrunot and M. Maroudas and J. Miralda-Escud{\'e} and H. Mirallas and L. Miceli and P. Navarro and A. Ozbey and K. {\"O}zbozduman and C. Pe{\~n}a Garay and M. J. Pivovaroff and J. Redondo and J. Ruz and E. Ruiz Ch{\'o}liz and S. Schmidt and M. Schumann and Y. K. Semertzidis and S. K. Solanki and L. Stewart and I. Tsagris and T. Vafeiadis and J. K. Vogel and E. Widmann and W. Wuensch and K. Zioutas}, title = {First Results of the Cast-Rades Haloscope Search for Axions At 34.67 $\mu$eV}, journal = {Journal of High Energy Physics}, volume = 2021, number = 10, pages = 75, year = 2021, doi = {10.1007/jhep10(2021)075}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/JHEP10(2021)075}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 23 19:21:50 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/rades_cast_first_results_2021.pdf} }
- Sergio’s PhD thesis about RADES!
@article{sergio_phd, author = {Sergio Arguedas Cuendis}, title = {Dark Matter Axion Search Using Novel Rf Resonant Cavity Geometries in the Cast Experiment}, year = 2021, doi = {10.25365/THESIS.70391}, url = {https://utheses.univie.ac.at/detail/60489}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 23 19:18:58 2023}, File = {/home/basti/org/Papers/CAST/sergio_arguedas_cuendis_phd_2021.pdf} }
- Probing the axion-nucleon coupling with the next generation of axion helioscopes Good paper about prospects of detecting g_aN for (Baby)IAXO. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2111.06407.pdf ~/org/Papers/axions/di2022_probing_axion_nucleon_iaxo.pdf An article about the axion-nucleon coupling and how it may be of interest for IAXO.
author = {Luca Di Luzio and Javier Galan and Maurizio
Giannotti and Igor G. Irastorza and Joerg Jaeckel
and Axel Lindner and Jaime Ruz and Uwe Schneekloth
and Lukas Sohl and Lennert J. Thormaehlen and Julia
K. Vogel},
title = {Probing the Axion-Nucleon Coupling With the Next
Generation of Axion Helioscopes},
journal = {The European Physical Journal C},
volume = 82,
number = 2,
pages = 120,
year = 2022,
doi = {10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10061-1},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10061-1},
DATE_ADDED = {Fri Jan 19 12:03:48 2024},
File = {~/org/Papers/axions/di2022_probing_axion_nucleon_iaxo.pdf}
- Ciaran O’Hare’s github page of the current best axion limits https://cajohare.github.io/AxionLimits/
author = {Ciaran O'HARE},
title = {cajohare/AxionLimits: AxionLimits},
month = jul,
year = 2020,
publisher = {Zenodo},
version = {v1.0},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3932430},
url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3932430}
- Papers about the 3.5σ excess seen in the electron recoil data of
@article{aprile20_exces_elect_recoil_event_xenon, author = {E. Aprile and J. Aalbers and F. Agostini and M. Alfonsi and L. Althueser and F. D. Amaro and V. C. Antochi and E. Angelino and J. R. Angevaare and F. Arneodo and D. Barge and L. Baudis and B. Bauermeister and L. Bellagamba and M. L. Benabderrahmane and T. Berger and A. Brown and E. Brown and S. Bruenner and G. Bruno and R. Budnik and C. Capelli and J. M. R. Cardoso and D. Cichon and B. Cimmino and M. Clark and D. Coderre and A. P. Colijn and J. Conrad and J. P. Cussonneau and M. P. Decowski and A. Depoian and P. Di Gangi and A. Di Giovanni and R. Di Stefano and S. Diglio and A. Elykov and G. Eurin and A. D. Ferella and W. Fulgione and P. Gaemers and R. Gaior and M. Galloway and F. Gao and L. Grandi and C. Hasterok and C. Hils and K. Hiraide and L. Hoetzsch and J. Howlett and M. Iacovacci and Y. Itow and F. Joerg and N. Kato and S. Kazama and M. Kobayashi and G. Koltman and A. Kopec and H. Landsman and R. F. Lang and L. Levinson and Q. Lin and S. Lindemann and M. Lindner and F. Lombardi and J. Long and J. A. M. Lopes and E. L{\'o}pez Fune and C. Macolino and J. Mahlstedt and A. Mancuso and L. Manenti and A. Manfredini and F. Marignetti and T. Marrod{\'a}n Undagoitia and K. Martens and J. Masbou and D. Masson and S. Mastroianni and M. Messina and K. Miuchi and K. Mizukoshi and A. Molinario and K. Mor{\aa} and S. Moriyama and Y. Mosbacher and M. Murra and J. Naganoma and K. Ni and U. Oberlack and K. Odgers and J. Palacio and B. Pelssers and R. Peres and J. Pienaar and V. Pizzella and G. Plante and J. Qin and H. Qiu and D. Ram{\'i}rez Garc{\'i}a and S. Reichard and A. Rocchetti and N. Rupp and J. M. F. dos Santos and G. Sartorelli and N. {\V{S}}ar{\v{c}}evi{\'c} and M. Scheibelhut and J. Schreiner and D. Schulte and M. Schumann and L. Scotto Lavina and M. Selvi and F. Semeria and P. Shagin and E. Shockley and M. Silva and H. Simgen and A. Takeda and C. Therreau and D. Thers and F. Toschi and G. Trinchero and C. Tunnell and M. Vargas and G. Volta and H. Wang and Y. Wei and C. Weinheimer and M. Weiss and D. Wenz and C. Wittweg and Z. Xu and M. Yamashita and J. Ye and G. Zavattini and Y. Zhang and T. Zhu and J. P. Zopounidis and X. Mougeot and XENON Collaboration}, title = {Excess Electronic Recoil Events in Xenon1t}, journal = {Physical Review D}, volume = 102, number = 7, pages = 072004, year = 2020, doi = {10.1103/physrevd.102.072004}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.102.072004}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 17:39:48 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/aprile20_exces_elect_recoil_event_xenon.pdf} }
- Paper arguing that the excess seen in XENON1T cannot be explained by a solar axion signal, if combined with astrophysical sources. A potential signal at the required level would be in strong disagreement with astrophysical results.
author = {Luca Di Luzio and Marco Fedele and Maurizio
Giannotti and Federico Mescia and Enrico Nardi},
title = {Solar Axions Cannot Explain the Xenon1t Excess},
journal = {Physical Review Letters},
volume = 125,
number = 13,
pages = 131804,
year = 2020,
doi = {10.1103/physrevlett.125.131804},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.131804},
DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 17:29:21 2023},
File = {~/org/Papers/axions/luzio20_solar_axion_cannot_explain_xenon_exces.pdf}
- Another paper about the XENON1T excess with global fits to its data and astrophysical data. They show that by including astrophysical data into their global fits using GAMBIT makes the evidence for solar ALPs less strong! ~/org/Papers/axions/global_fits_axion_xenon1t_astrophysical_JHEP05(2021)159.pdf
author = {Peter Athron and Csaba Bal{\'a}zs and Ankit Beniwal
and J. Eliel Camargo-Molina and Andrew Fowlie and
Tom{\'a}s E. Gonzalo and Sebastian Hoof and Felix
Kahlhoefer and David J. E. Marsh and Markus Tobias
Prim and Andre Scaffidi and Pat Scott and Wei Su and
Martin White and Lei Wu and Yang Zhang},
title = {Global Fits of Axion-Like Particles To Xenon1t and
Astrophysical Data},
journal = {Journal of High Energy Physics},
volume = 2021,
number = 5,
pages = 159,
year = 2021,
doi = {10.1007/jhep05(2021)159},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/JHEP05(2021)159},
DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 17:24:43 2023},
File = {~/org/Papers/axions/global_fits_axion_xenon1t_astrophysical_JHEP05(2021)159.pdf}
- Towards a new generation axion helioscope
First paper about IAXO?
@article{Irastorza_2011, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2011/06/013}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2011/06/013}, year = 2011, month = {jun}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {2011}, number = {06}, pages = {013--013}, author = {I.G Irastorza and F.T Avignone and S Caspi and J.M Carmona and T Dafni and M Davenport and A Dudarev and G Fanourakis and E Ferrer-Ribas and J Gal{\'{a}}n and J.A Garc{\'{\i}}a and T Geralis and I Giomataris and H G{\'{o}}mez and D.H.H Hoffmann and F.J Iguaz and K Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'{c}} and M Kr{\v{c}}mar and B Laki{\'{c}} and G Luz{\'{o}}n and M Pivovaroff and T Papaevangelou and G Raffelt and J Redondo and A Rodr{\'{\i}}guez and S Russenschuck and J Ruz and I Shilon and H. Ten Kate and A Tom{\'{a}}s and S Troitsky and K. van Bibber and J.A Villar and J Vogel and L Walckiers and K Zioutas}, title = {Towards a new generation axion helioscope}, journal = {Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics}, File = {~/org/Papers/towards_a_new_generation_axion_helioscope_2011_I.G._Irastorza_2011_J._Cosmol._Astropart._Phys._2011_013.pdf} }
- IAXO-the international axion observatory
First “named” paper about IAXO
@article{vogel2013iaxo, author = {J. K. Vogel and F. T. Avignone and G. Cantatore and J. M. Carmona and S. Caspi and S. A. Cetin and F. E. Christensen and A. Dael and T. Dafni and M. Davenport and A. V. Derbin and K. Desch and A. Diago and A. Dudarev and C. Eleftheriadis and G. Fanourakis and E. Ferrer-Ribas and J. Galan and J. A. Garcia and J. G. Garza and T. Geralis and B. Gimeno and I. Giomataris and S. Gninenko and H. Gomez and C. J. Hailey and T. Hiramatsu and D. H. H. Hoffmann and F. J. Iguaz and I. G. Irastorza and J. Isern and J. Jaeckel and K. Jakovcic and J. Kaminski and M. Kawasaki and M. Krcmar and C. Krieger and B. Lakic and A. Lindner and A. Liolios and G. Luzon and I. Ortega and T. Papaevangelou and M. J. Pivovaroff and G. Raffelt and J. Redondo and A. Ringwald and S. Russenschuck and J. Ruz and K. Saikawa and I. Savvidis and T. Sekiguchi and I. Shilon and H. Silva and H. H. J. ten Kate and A. Tomas and S. Troitsky and K. van Bibber and P. Vedrine and J. A. Villar and L. Walckiers and W. Wester and S. C. Yildiz and K. Zioutas}, title = {IAXO - The International Axion Observatory}, year = 2013, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.1302.3273}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1302.3273}, DATE_ADDED = {Fri Jan 19 12:46:30 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/the_international_axion_observatory_2013_1302.3273.pdf} }
- Conceptual design of the International Axion Observatory (IAXO)
@article{Armengaud_2014, doi = {10.1088/1748-0221/9/05/t05002}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/9/05/t05002}, year = 2014, month = {may}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {9}, number = {05}, pages = {T05002--T05002}, author = {E Armengaud and F T Avignone and M Betz and P Brax and P Brun and G Cantatore and J M Carmona and G P Carosi and F Caspers and S Caspi and S A Cetin and D Chelouche and F E Christensen and A Dael and T Dafni and M Davenport and A V Derbin and K Desch and A Diago and B Döbrich and I Dratchnev and A Dudarev and C Eleftheriadis and G Fanourakis and E Ferrer-Ribas and J Gal{\'{a}}n and J A Garc{\'{\i}}a and J G Garza and T Geralis and B Gimeno and I Giomataris and S Gninenko and H G{\'{o}}mez and D Gonz{\'{a}}lez-D{\'{\i}}az and E Guendelman and C J Hailey and T Hiramatsu and D H H Hoffmann and D Horns and F J Iguaz and I G Irastorza and J Isern and K Imai and A C Jakobsen and J Jaeckel and K Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'{c}} and J Kaminski and M Kawasaki and M Karuza and M Kr{\v{c}}mar and K Kousouris and C Krieger and B Laki{\'{c}} and O Limousin and A Lindner and A Liolios and G Luz{\'{o}}n and S Matsuki and V N Muratova and C Nones and I Ortega and T Papaevangelou and M J Pivovaroff and G Raffelt and J Redondo and A Ringwald and S Russenschuck and J Ruz and K Saikawa and I Savvidis and T Sekiguchi and Y K Semertzidis and I Shilon and P Sikivie and H Silva and H ten Kate and A Tomas and S Troitsky and T Vafeiadis and K van Bibber and P Vedrine and J A Villar and J K Vogel and L Walckiers and A Weltman and W Wester and S C Yildiz and K Zioutas}, title = {Conceptual design of the International Axion Observatory ({IAXO})}, journal = {Journal of Instrumentation}, File = {~/org/Papers/conceptual_design_iaxo_2014_Armengaud_2014_J._Inst._9_T05002.pdf} }
- Proceedings for IEEE 2018 Nuclear Science Symposium
@inproceedings{ruz18_next_gener_searc_axion_alp, author = {J. Ruz and J. K. Vogel and E. Armengaud and D. Attie and S. Basso and P. Brun and N. Bykovskiy and J. M. Carmona and J. F. Castel and S. Cebrian and M. Civitani and C. Cogollos and D. Costa and T. Dafni and A.V. Derbin and M. A. Descalle and K. Desch and B. Dobrich and I. Dratchnev and A. Dudarev and E. Ferrer-Ribas and J. Galan and G. Galanti and D. Gascon and L. Gastaldo and L. Garrido and C. Germani and G. Ghisellini and M. Giannotti and I. Giomataris and S. Gninenko and N. Golubev and R. Graciani and I. G. Irastorza and K. Jakovcic and J. Kaminski and M. Krcmar and C. Krieger and B. Lakic and T. Lasserre and P. Laurent and I. Lomskaya and E. Unzhakov and O. Limousin and A. Lindner and G. Luzon and F. Mescia and J. Miralda-Escude and H. Mirallas and V. N. Muratova and X.F. Navick and C. Nones and A. Notari and A. Nozik and A. Nunez and A. Ortiz de Solorzano and V. Pantuev and T. Papaevangelou and G. Pareschi and E. Picatoste and M. J. Pivovaroff and K. Perez and J. Redondo and A. Ringwald and E. Ruiz-Choliz and J. Salvado and T. Schiffer and S. Schmidt and U. Schneekloth and M. Schott and H. Silva and G. Tagliaferri and F. Tavecchio and H. ten Kate and I. Tkackev and S. Troitsky and P. Vedrine and A. Weltman}, title = {Next Generation Search for Axion and ALP Dark Matter with the International Axion Observatory}, booktitle = {2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (NSS/MIC)}, year = 2018, pages = {1-5}, doi = {10.1109/nssmic.2018.8824640}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824640}, DATE_ADDED = {Wed Nov 13 12:30:08 2024}, month = 11, File = {~/org/Papers/BabyIAXO/nssmic.2018.8824640_next_gen_axion_iaxo.pdf} }
- Physics potential of the International Axion Observatory (IAXO)
@article{armengaud19_physic_poten_inter_axion_obser_iaxo, author = {E. Armengaud and D. Atti{\'e} and S. Basso and P. Brun and N. Bykovskiy and J.M. Carmona and J.F. Castel and S. Cebri{\'a}n and M. Cicoli and M. Civitani and C. Cogollos and J.P. Conlon and D. Costa and T. Dafni and R. Daido and A.V. Derbin and M.A. Descalle and K. Desch and I.S. Dratchnev and B. D{\"o}brich and A. Dudarev and E. Ferrer-Ribas and I. Fleck and J. Gal{\'a}n and G. Galanti and L. Garrido and D. Gascon and L. Gastaldo and C. Germani and G. Ghisellini and M. Giannotti and I. Giomataris and S. Gninenko and N. Golubev and R. Graciani and I.G. Irastorza and K. Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'c} and J. Kaminski and M. Kr{\v{c}}mar and C. Krieger and B. Laki{\'c} and T. Lasserre and P. Laurent and O. Limousin and A. Lindner and I. Lomskaya and B. Lubsandorzhiev and G. Luz{\'o}n and M. C. D. Marsh and C. Margalejo and F. Mescia and M. Meyer and J. Miralda-Escud{\'e} and H. Mirallas and V.N. Muratova and X.F. Navick and C. Nones and A. Notari and A. Nozik and A. Ortiz de Sol{\'o}rzano and V. Pantuev and T. Papaevangelou and G. Pareschi and K. Perez and E. Picatoste and M.J. Pivovaroff and J. Redondo and A. Ringwald and M. Roncadelli and E. Ruiz-Ch{\'o}liz and J. Ruz and K. Saikawa and J. Salvad{\'o} and M.P. Samperiz and T. Schiffer and S. Schmidt and U. Schneekloth and M. Schott and H. Silva and G. Tagliaferri and F. Takahashi and F. Tavecchio and H. ten Kate and I. Tkachev and S. Troitsky and E. Unzhakov and P. Vedrine and J.K. Vogel and C. Weinsheimer and A. Weltman and W. Yin}, title = {Physics Potential of the International Axion Observatory (IAXO)}, journal = {Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics}, volume = 2019, number = 06, pages = {047-047}, year = 2019, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2019/06/047}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2019/06/047}, DATE_ADDED = {Wed Nov 13 12:27:42 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/BabyIAXO/1475-7516_2019_06_047_physics_potential_iaxo.pdf} }
- Conceptual Design of BabyIAXO, the intermediate stage towards the
International Axion Observatory
The main thing to cite for BabyIAXO.
@article{abeln2021conceptual, author = {The IAXO collaboration and A. Abeln and K. Altenm{\"u}ller and S. Arguedas Cuendis and E. Armengaud and D. Atti{\'e} and S. Aune and S. Basso and L. Berg{\'e} and B. Biasuzzi and P. T. C. Borges De Sousa and P. Brun and N. Bykovskiy and D. Calvet and J. M. Carmona and J. F. Castel and S. Cebri{\'a}n and V. Chernov and F. E. Christensen and M. M. Civitani and C. Cogollos and T. Dafn{\'i} and A. Derbin and K. Desch and D. D{\'i}ez and M. Dinter and B. D{\"o}brich and I. Drachnev and A. Dudarev and L. Dumoulin and D. D. M. Ferreira and E. Ferrer-Ribas and I. Fleck and J. Gal{\'a}n and D. Gasc{\'o}n and L. Gastaldo and M. Giannotti and Y. Giomataris and A. Giuliani and S. Gninenko and J. Golm and N. Golubev and L. Hagge and J. Hahn and C. J. Hailey and D. Hengstler and P. L. Henriksen and T. Houdy and R. Iglesias-Marzoa and F. J. Iguaz and I. G. Irastorza and C. I{\~n}iguez and K. Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'c} and J. Kaminski and B. Kanoute and S. Karstensen and L. Kravchuk and B. Laki{\'c} and T. Lasserre and P. Laurent and O. Limousin and A. Lindner and M. Loidl and I. Lomskaya and G. L{\'o}pez-Alegre and B. Lubsandorzhiev and K. Ludwig and G. Luz{\'o}n and C. Malbrunot and C. Margalejo and A. Marin-Franch and S. Marnieros and F. Marutzky and J. Mauricio and Y. Menesguen and M. Mentink and S. Mertens and F. Mescia and J. Miralda-Escud{\'e} and H. Mirallas and J. P. Mols and V. Muratova and X. F. Navick and C. Nones and A. Notari and A. Nozik and L. Obis and C. Oriol and F. Orsini and A. Ortiz de Sol{\'o}rzano and S. Oster and H. P. Pais Da Silva and V. Pantuev and T. Papaevangelou and G. Pareschi and K. Perez and O. P{\'e}rez and E. Picatoste and M. J. Pivovaroff and D. V. Poda and J. Redondo and A. Ringwald and M. Rodrigues and F. Rueda-Teruel and S. Rueda-Teruel and E. Ruiz-Choliz and J. Ruz and E. O. Saemann and J. Salvado and T. Schiffer and S. Schmidt and U. Schneekloth and M. Schott and L. Segui and F. Tavecchio and H. H. J. ten Kate and I. Tkachev and S. Troitsky and D. Unger and E. Unzhakov and N. Ushakov and J. K. Vogel and D. Voronin and A. Weltman and U. Werthenbach and W. Wuensch and A. Yanes-D{\'i}az}, title = {Conceptual Design of Babyiaxo, the Intermediate Stage Towards the International Axion Observatory}, journal = {Journal of High Energy Physics}, volume = 2021, number = 5, pages = 137, year = 2021, doi = {10.1007/jhep05(2021)137}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/JHEP05(2021)137}, DATE_ADDED = {Fri Jan 19 12:50:33 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/conceptual_design_babyiaxo_2021_Abeln2021_Article_ConceptualDesignOfBabyIAXOTheI.pdf} }
-> The below is the citation from arxiv used in cite:altenmueller23_x_ray_detec_babyiax_solar_axion_searc below.
@article{abeln20_concep_desig_babyiax_inter_stage, author = {A. Abeln and K. Altenm{\"u}ller and S. Arguedas Cuendis and E. Armengaud and D. Atti{\'e} and S. Aune and S. Basso and L. Berg{\'e} and B. Biasuzzi and P. T. C. Borges De Sousa and P. Brun and N. Bykovskiy and D. Calvet and J. M. Carmona and J. F. Castel and S. Cebri{\'a}n and V. Chernov and F. E. Christensen and M. M. Civitani and C. Cogollos and T. Dafn{\'i} and A. Derbin and K. Desch and D. D{\'i}ez and M. Dinter and B. D{\"o}brich and I. Drachnev and A. Dudarev and L. Dumoulin and D. D. M. Ferreira and E. Ferrer-Ribas and I. Fleck and J. Gal{\'a}n and D. Gasc{\'o}n and L. Gastaldo and M. Giannotti and Y. Giomataris and A. Giuliani and S. Gninenko and J. Golm and N. Golubev and L. Hagge and J. Hahn and C. J. Hailey and D. Hengstler and P. L. Henriksen and T. Houdy and R. Iglesias-Marzoa and F. J. Iguaz and I. G. Irastorza and C. I{\~n}iguez and K. Jakovcic and J. Kaminski and B. Kanoute and S. Karstensen and L. Kravchuk and B. Lakic and T. Lasserre and P. Laurent and O. Limousin and A. Lindner and M. Loidl and I. Lomskaya and G. L{\'o}pez-Alegre and B. Lubsandorzhiev and K. Ludwig and G. Luz{\'o}n and C. Malbrunot and C. Margalejo and A. Marin-Franch and S. Marnieros and F. Marutzky and J. Mauricio and Y. Menesguen and M. Mentink and S. Mertens and F. Mescia and J. Miralda-Escud{\'e} and H. Mirallas and J. P. Mols and V. Muratova and X. F. Navick and C. Nones and A. Notari and A. Nozik and L. Obis and C. Oriol and F. Orsini and A. Ortiz de Sol{\'o}rzano and S. Oster and H. P. Pais Da Silva and V. Pantuev and T. Papaevangelou and G. Pareschi and K. Perez and O. P{\'e}rez and E. Picatoste and M. J. Pivovaroff and D. V. Poda and J. Redondo and A. Ringwald and M. Rodrigues and F. Rueda-Teruel and S. Rueda-Teruel and E. Ruiz-Choliz and J. Ruz and E. O. Saemann and J. Salvado and T. Schiffer and S. Schmidt and U. Schneekloth and M. Schott and L. Segui and F. Tavecchio and H. H. J. ten Kate and I. Tkachev and S. Troitsky and D. Unger and E. Unzhakov and N. Ushakov and J. K. Vogel and D. Voronin and A. Weltman and U. Werthenbach and W. Wuensch and A. Yanes-D{\'i}az}, title = {Conceptual Design of Babyiaxo, the Intermediate Stage Towards the International Axion Observatory}, year = 2020, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2010.12076}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.12076}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 21:01:19 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/conceptual_design_babyiaxo_2021_Abeln2021_Article_ConceptualDesignOfBabyIAXOTheI.pdf} }
- Paper about the different X-ray detectors to be used at BabyIAXO, and in particular IAXO D0. ~/org/Papers/BabyIAXO/xray_detectors_babyIAXO_solar_axion_2022.pdf
author = {K. Altenm{\"u}ller and B. Biasuzzi and J.F. Castel
and S. Cebri{\'a}n and T. Dafni and K. Desch and
D. D{\'i}ez-Iba{\~n}ez and E. Ferrer-Ribas and
J. Galan and J. Galindo and J.A. Garc{\'i}a and
I.G. Irastorza and J. Kaminski and G. Luz{\'o}n and
C. Margalejo and H. Mirallas and X.F. Navick and
L. Obis and A. Ortiz de Sol{\'o}rzano and J. von Oy
and T. Papaevangelou and O. P{\'e}rez and J. Ruz and
T. Schiffer and S. Schmidt and L. Segui and
J.K. Vogel},
title = {X-Ray Detectors for the Babyiaxo Solar Axion Search},
journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors
and Associated Equipment},
volume = 1048,
pages = 167913,
year = 2023,
doi = {10.1016/j.nima.2022.167913},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2022.167913},
DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 20:59:21 2023},
File = {~/org/Papers/BabyIAXO/xray_detectors_babyIAXO_solar_axion_2022.pdf}
- Short paper about axions in Hamburg by Andreas Ringwald
@article{ringwald23_axions_hamburg, author = {A. Ringwald}, title = {Discovery Potential for Axions in Hamburg}, year = 2023, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2306.08978}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.08978}, DATE_ADDED = {Mon Sep 25 13:35:49 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/ringwald23_axions_in_hamburg.pdf} }
- Proceedings for a talk by Javier Galan:
Axion search with BabyIAXO in view of IAXO
@inproceedings{galan21_axion_babyiax_iaxo, author = {Javier Galan and A. Abeln and K. Altenm{\"u}ller and S. Arguedas Cuendis and E. Armengaud and D. Atti{\'e} and S. Aune and S. Basso and L. Berg{\'e} and B. Biasuzzi and P. T. C. Borges De Sousa and P. Brun and N. Bykovskiy and D. Calvet and J. M. Carmona and J. F. Castel and S. Cebrian and V. Chernov and F. E. Christensen and M.M. Civitani and C. Cogollos and T. Dafni and A. Derbin and K. Desch and D. D{\'i}ez and M. Dinter and B. Dobrich and I. Drachnev and A. Dudarev and L. Dumoulin and D. D. M. Ferreira and E. Ferrer-Ribas and I. Fleck and D. Gascon and L. Gastaldo and M. Giannotti and Y. Giomataris and A. Giuliani and S. Gninenko and J. Golm and N. Golubev and L. Hagge and J. Hahn and C. J. Hailey and D. Hengstler and P. L. Henriksen and R. Iglesias-Marzoa and F. J. Iguaz-Gutierrez and I. G. Irastorza and C. I{\~n}iguez and K. Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'c} and J. Kaminski and B. Kanoute and S. Karstensen and L. Kravchuk and B. Laki{\'c} and T. Lasserre and P. Laurent and O. Limousin and A. Lindner and M. Loidl and I. Lomskaya and G. L{\'o}pez-Alegre and B. Lubsandorzhiev and K. Ludwig and G. Luzon and C. Malbrunot and C. Margalejo and A. Marin-Franch and S. Marnieros and F. Marutzky and J. Mauricio and Y. Menesguen and M. Mentink and F. Mescia and J. Miralda-Escud{\'e} and H. Mirallas and J. P. Mols and V. Muratova and X. F. Navick and C. Nones and A. Notari and A. Nozik and L. Obis and C. Oriol and F. Orsini and A. Ortiz de Sol{\'o}rzano and S. Oster and H. P. Pais Da Silva and V. Pantuev and T. Papaevangelou and G. Pareschi and K. Perez and O. P{\'e}rez and E. Picatoste and M. J. Pivovaroff and D. V. Poda and J. Redondo and A. Ringwald and M. R.D. Rodrigues and F. Rueda-Teruel and S. Rueda-Teruel and E. Ruiz-Choliz and J. Ruz and E. O. Saemann and J. Salvado and T. Schiffer and S. Schmidt and U. Schneekloth and M. Schott and L. Segui and F. Tavecchio and H. H. J. ten Kate and I. Tkachev and S. Troitsky and D. Unger and E. Unzhakov and N. Ushakov and J. K. Vogel and D. Voronin and A. Weltman and U. Werthenbach and W. Wuensch and A. Yanes-D{\'i}az}, title = {Axion search with BabyIAXO in view of IAXO}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 40th International Conference on High Energy physics - PoS(ICHEP2020)}, year = 2021, pages = 631, doi = {10.22323/1.390.0631}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.22323/1.390.0631}, DATE_ADDED = {Wed Nov 13 12:14:10 2024}, month = 1, File = {~/org/Papers/BabyIAXO/ICHEP2020_631_axion_search_iaxo.pdf} }
- Weighing the solar axion
Contains, among others, a plot and (newer) description for the solar axion flux (useful as a comparison)
Φ_P₁₀ = 6.02e10.cm⁻²•s⁻¹•keV⁻¹
dΦ_a/dE_a = Φ_P₁₀ (g_aγ / 1e-10.GeV⁻¹) * pow(E_a / 1.keV, 2.481) / (exp(E_a / (1.205.keV)))
@article{weighingSolarAxion, author = {Dafni, Theopisti and O'Hare, Ciaran and Lakić, Biljana and Galan, Javier and Iguaz, F. and Irastorza, Igor and Jakovčić, Krešimir and Luzón, G. and Redondo, Javier and Ruiz-Chóliz, Elisa}, year = {2019}, month = {02}, pages = {}, title = {Weighing the solar axion}, volume = {99}, journal = {Physical Review D}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.99.035037}, File = {~/org/Papers/Weighing_the_solar_axion.pdf} }
- Solar axion flux from the axion-electron coupling
The accompanying theory paper about the solar axion-electron flux
@article{Redondo_2013, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2013/12/008}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2013/12/008}, year = 2013, month = {dec}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {2013}, number = {12}, pages = {008--008}, author = {Javier Redondo}, title = {Solar axion flux from the axion-electron coupling}, journal = {Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/solar_axion_electron_flux_redondo2013.pdf} }
- Johanna’s master thesis
@thesis{vonOy_MSc, type = {mathesis}, author = {Johanna von Oy}, title = {Monte Carlo based ray tracing for the search of solar axions with {CAST}}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t zu K{\"o}ln}, date = {2020-06}, File = {~/org/Papers/johanna_von_oy_raytracing_msc_t00000159.pdf} }
- Paper about uncertainties from solar models on axion flux.
They come to the conclusion that statistical uncertainty is at the
level of 1%, but systematic uncertainty can be up to 5%!
@article{Hoof_2021, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2021/09/006}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2021/09/006}, year = {2021}, month = {sep}, publisher = {IOP Publishing}, volume = {2021}, number = {09}, pages = {006}, author = {Sebastian Hoof and Joerg Jaeckel and Lennert J. Thormaehlen}, title = {Quantifying uncertainties in the solar axion flux and their impact on determining axion model parameters}, journal = {Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/hoof_2021_quantifiying_uncertainties_solar_models_axion_flux_2101.08789.pdf} }
- Paper by Sebastian and Lennert about the idea to use a hypothetical
axion image as a way to probe the inner Sun.
This is a fun thought experiment. Ideally one would use a raytracer
for this and apply differentiable rendering to recover information
about the Sun from the recorded image.
@misc{hoof2023axion, title={Axion Helioscopes as Solar Thermometers}, author={Sebastian Hoof and Joerg Jaeckel and Lennert J. Thormaehlen}, year={2023}, eprint={2306.00077}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={hep-ph}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/hoof_2023_axion_helioscopes_solar_thermometers_2306.00077.pdf} }
- Experimental tests of the invisible axion
1st paper of Sikivie about way to detect axions
@article{PhysRevLett.51.1415, title = {Experimental Tests of the "Invisible" Axion}, author = {Sikivie, P.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {51}, issue = {16}, pages = {1415--1417}, numpages = {0}, year = {1983}, month = {Oct}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.51.1415}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.51.1415}, File = {~/org/Papers/sikivie1983.pdf} }
- Detection rates for invisible axion searches, Sikivie
2nd paper of Sikive about experiments to detect axions.
@article{PhysRevD.32.2988, title = {Detection rates for ``invisible''-axion searches}, author = {Sikivie, P.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. D}, volume = {32}, issue = {11}, pages = {2988--2991}, numpages = {0}, year = {1985}, month = {Dec}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.32.2988}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.32.2988}, File = {~/org/Papers/sikivie_1985_detection_rates_PhysRevD.32.2988.pdf} }
- I think this is the first paper that really calculates the
axion-photon conversion in detail, in particular including a gas
phase (without going all the way to the conversion probability with
a gas though; that seems to be vanBibber1989 below). It also
includes the calculation for inhomogeneous magnetic fields!
@article{raffelt1988mixing, author = {Georg Raffelt and Leo Stodolsky}, title = {Mixing of the Photon With Low-Mass Particles}, journal = {Physical Review D}, volume = 37, number = 5, pages = {1237-1249}, year = 1988, doi = {10.1103/physrevd.37.1237}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.37.1237}, DATE_ADDED = {Fri Jan 19 12:38:45 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/raffelt_stodolsky_mixing_photon_with_low_mass_particles_PhysRevD.37.1237.pdf} }
- Modern review by Sikivie about search methods for invisible axions
It contains a good overview of the theory as well.
In particular (why I found it now) it references the papers by Dine,
Kim, Zhitnhitsky and Shifman as the origins of an invisible
axion. In that sense the introduction of the DFSZ and KVSZ models
are the introduction of ‘invisible axion’ models.
@article{Sikivie2020, title = {Invisible axion search methods}, author = {Sikivie, Pierre}, journal = {Rev. Mod. Phys.}, volume = {93}, issue = {1}, pages = {015004}, numpages = {36}, year = {2021}, month = {Feb}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/RevModPhys.93.015004}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/RevModPhys.93.015004}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/sikivie_invisible_axion_search_methods_2003.02206.pdf} }
- An update on the Axion Helioscopes front: current activities at CAST
and the IAXO project
Gives an overview over previous helioscopes!
@article{DAFNI2016244, title = {An update on the Axion Helioscopes front: current activities at CAST and the IAXO project}, journal = {Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings}, volume = {273-275}, pages = {244-249}, year = {2016}, note = {37th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP)}, issn = {2405-6014}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2015.09.033}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405601415005222}, author = {T. Dafni and M. Arik and E. Armengaud and S. Aune and F.T. Avignone and K. Barth and A. Belov and M. Betz and H. Bräuninger and P. Brax and N. Breijnholt and P. Brun and G. Cantatore and J.M. Carmona and G.P. Carosi and F. Caspers and S. Caspi and S.A. Cetin and D. Chelouche and F.E. Christensen and J.I. Collar and A. Dael and M. Davenport and A.V. Derbin and K. Desch and A. Diago and B. Döbrich and I. Dratchnev and A. Dudarev and C. Eleftheriadis and G. Fanourakis and E. Ferrer-Ribas and P. Friedrich and J. Galán and J.A. García and A. Gardikiotis and J.G. Garza and E.N. Gazis and E. Georgiopoulou and T. Geralis and B. Gimeno and I. Giomataris and S. Gninenko and H. Gómez and D. González-Díaz and E. Gruber and E. Guendelman and T. Guthörl and C.J. Hailey and R. Hartmann and S. Hauf and F. Haug and M.D. Hasinoff and T. Hiramatsu and D.H.H. Hoffmann and D. Horns and F.J. Iguaz and I.G. Irastorza and J. Isern and K. Imai and J. Jacoby and J. Jaeckel and A.C. Jakobsen and K. Jakovčić and J. Kaminski and M. Kawasaki and M. Karuza and K. Königsmann and R. Kotthaus and M. Krčmar and K. Kousouris and C. Krieger and M. Kuster and B. Lakić and J.M. Laurent and O. Limousin and A. Lindner and A. Liolios and A. Ljubičić and G. Luzón and S. Matsuki and V.N. Muratova and S. Neff and T. Niinikoski and C. Nones and I. Ortega and T. Papaevangelou and M.J. Pivovaroff and G. Raffelt and J. Redondo and H. Riege and A. Ringwald and A. Rodríguez and M. Rosu and S. Russenschuck and J. Ruz and K. Saikawa and I. Savvidis and T. Sekiguchi and Y.K. Semertzidis and I. Shilon and P. Sikivie and H. Silva and S.K. Solanki and L. Stewart and H.H.J. {ten Kate} and A. Tomas and S. Troitsky and T. Vafeiadis and K. {van Bibber} and P. Vedrine and J.A. Villar and J.K. Vogel and L. Walckiers and A. Weltman and W. Wester and S.C. Yildiz and K. Zioutas}, keywords = {axions, dark matter, x-ray detectors, micromegas detectors, x-ray focusing devices, magnet development, CAST, IAXO}, File = {~/org/Papers/update_axion_helioscopes_2016.pdf} }
- Contains calculations for electron-positron annihilation to axion
production, “photoproduction” e + γ ↦ a + e, plasmons. Johanna
mentions it as a source for Compton scattering too. It also relates
the axion productions to neutrino production rates.
@article{PhysRevD.18.3605, title = {Astrophysical implications of new light Higgs bosons}, author = {Mikaelian, Karnig O.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. D}, volume = {18}, issue = {10}, pages = {3605--3609}, numpages = {0}, year = {1978}, month = {Nov}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.18.3605}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.18.3605}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/astro_implications_new_light_boson_mikaelian1978.pdf} }
- Another paper by Raffelt. Here he computes the production rates for
DFSZ axions (axion electron coupling) in particular for
Bremsstrahlung and Compton effect.
@article{raffelt1986astrophysical, author = {Georg G. Raffelt}, title = {Astrophysical Axion Bounds Diminished By Screening Effects}, journal = {Physical Review D}, volume = 33, number = 4, pages = {897-909}, year = 1986, doi = {10.1103/physrevd.33.897}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.33.897}, DATE_ADDED = {Fri Jan 19 12:39:36 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/raffelt_1985_astrophysical_bounds_diminished_screening_8601238.pdf} }
- Another paper by Raffelt, in which he computes the production rate /
transition rate Γ for photons into axions in stars for the
Primakoff effect!
@article{raffelt1988plasmon, author = {Georg G. Raffelt}, title = {Plasmon Decay Into Low-Mass Bosons in Stars}, journal = {Physical Review D}, volume = 37, number = 6, pages = {1356-1359}, year = 1988, doi = {10.1103/physrevd.37.1356}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.37.1356}, DATE_ADDED = {Fri Jan 19 12:40:54 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/raffelt_1987_plasmon_decay_low_mass_bosons_stars_PhysRevD.37.1356.pdf} }
- Design for a practical laboratory detector for solar axions
Paper about the first axion helioscope.
This contains the derivation of the axion-photon conversion
probability including a buffer gas! The work is based on
raffelt1988mixing above.
It also contains this nugget:
The photon refractive in- dex has been written, without loss of generality, `n_γ = 1 - m_γ² / 2ω² - iΓ/2ω` where, in general, m_γ and Γ are functions of ω and z. Γ is the damping coefficient or inverse absorption length for the x rays. The quantities m_γ and Γ are easily related to the usual atomic scattering factors f₁ and f₂, as tabulated, e.g., by Henke et a1. 27
title = {Design for a practical laboratory detector for solar axions},
author = {van Bibber, K. and McIntyre, P. M. and Morris, D. E. and Raffelt, G. G.},
journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
volume = {39},
issue = {8},
pages = {2089--2099},
numpages = {0},
year = {1989},
month = {Apr},
publisher = {American Physical Society},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.39.2089},
url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.39.2089},
File = {~/org/Papers/design_practical_lab_detection_solar_axions_brookhaven_PhysRevD.39.2089.pdf}
- Search for solar axions 2nd paper about the first axion helioscope ~/org/Papers/search_for_solar_axions_brookhaven_PhysRevLett.69.2333.pdf
title = {Search for solar axions},
author = {Lazarus, D. M. and Smith, G. C. and Cameron, R. and Melissinos, A. C. and Ruoso, G. and Semertzidis, Y. K. and Nezrick, F. A.},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
volume = {69},
issue = {16},
pages = {2333--2336},
numpages = {0},
year = {1992},
month = {Oct},
publisher = {American Physical Society},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.69.2333},
url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.69.2333},
File = {~/org/Papers/search_for_solar_axions_brookhaven_PhysRevLett.69.2333.pdf}
- Direct search for solar axions by using strong magnetic field and
X-ray detectors
1st paper about SUMICO.
@article{MORIYAMA1998147, title = {Direct search for solar axions by using strong magnetic field and X-ray detectors}, journal = {Physics Letters B}, volume = {434}, number = {1}, pages = {147-152}, year = {1998}, issn = {0370-2693}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/S0370-2693(98)00766-7}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269398007667}, author = {Shigetaka Moriyama and Makoto Minowa and Toshio Namba and Yoshizumi Inoue and Yuko Takasu and Akira Yamamoto}, keywords = {Axion, Solar core, PIN photodiode, X-ray detector, Superconducting magnet, Nambu-Goldstone boson}, File = {~/org/Papers/sumico_paper_direct_search_for_solar_axions_1998_s0370.pdf} }
- Search for sub-electronvolt solar axions using coherent conversion
of axions into photons in magnetic field and gas helium
2nd paper about SUMICO.
@article{INOUE200218, title = {Search for sub-electronvolt solar axions using coherent conversion of axions into photons in magnetic field and gas helium}, journal = {Physics Letters B}, volume = {536}, number = {1}, pages = {18-23}, year = {2002}, issn = {0370-2693}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/S0370-2693(02)01822-1}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269302018221}, author = {Yoshizumi Inoue and Toshio Namba and Shigetaka Moriyama and Makoto Minowa and Yuko Takasu and Takashi Horiuchi and Akira Yamamoto}, keywords = {Solar axion, Helioscope, PIN photodiode, Superconducting magnet}, File = {~/org/Papers/sumico_2_search_for_sub_ev_solar_axions_2002.pdf} }
- Search for solar axions with mass around 1 eV using coherent
conversion of axions into photons
3rd SUMICO paper.
@article{INOUE200893, title = {Search for solar axions with mass around 1 eV using coherent conversion of axions into photons}, journal = {Physics Letters B}, volume = {668}, number = {2}, pages = {93-97}, year = {2008}, issn = {0370-2693}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2008.08.020}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269308010137}, author = {Y. Inoue and Y. Akimoto and R. Ohta and T. Mizumoto and A. Yamamoto and M. Minowa}, keywords = {Solar axion, Helioscope, PIN photodiode, Superconducting magnet}, File = {~/org/Papers/sumico_3_search_for_solar_axions_1ev_2008j.physletb.2008.08.020.pdf} }
Igor talk at ICPP 2011: https://indico.cern.ch/event/117804/contributions/1330107/attachments/58112/83695/Irastorza_ICPP2011.pdf contains some historic stuff about axion searches
- New paper by Philippe Brax et al about a new kind of model, the “Axio-Chameleon”!
@misc{brax2023axiochameleons, title={Axio-Chameleons: A Novel String-Friendly Multi-field Screening Mechanism}, author={Philippe Brax and C. P. Burgess and F. Quevedo}, year={2023}, eprint={2310.02092}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={hep-th}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/brax_2023_axio_chameleons_2310.02092.pdf} }
- Best overview of chameleon gravity I know:
title={An Introduction to Chameleon Gravity},
author={T. P. Waterhouse},
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.ASTRO-PH/0611816},
DATE_ADDED = {Tue Jan 9 14:14:34 2024},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0611816},
File = {~/org/Papers/chameleons/introduction_to_chameleon_gravity_0611816v1.pdf}
- Later review paper from 2016:
@article{zanzi15_chamel_theor, author = {Andrea Zanzi}, title = {Chameleonic Theories: a Short Review}, journal = {Universe}, volume = 1, number = 3, pages = {446-475}, year = 2015, doi = {10.3390/universe1030446}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/universe1030446}, DATE_ADDED = {Tue Jan 9 14:17:49 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/chameleons/chameleonic_theories_review_2016_universe-01-00446-v2.pdf} }
- Paper about different extensions to GR for modified gravity, chameleon models vs
Vainshtein mechanism etc
@article{brax15_distinguish, author = {Philippe Brax and Anne-Christine Davis}, title = {Distinguishing Modified Gravity Models}, journal = {Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics}, volume = 2015, number = 10, pages = {042-042}, year = 2015, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2015/10/042}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2015/10/042}, DATE_ADDED = {Tue Jan 9 14:37:42 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/chameleons/brax_distinguishing_modified_gravity_models_1506.01519.pdf} }
- Earlier lecture by Brax about modified gravity theories:
@article{brax12_lectures, author = {Philippe Brax}, title = {Lectures on Screened Modified Gravity}, year = 2012, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.1211.5237}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1211.5237}, DATE_ADDED = {Tue Jan 9 14:41:00 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/chameleons/brax_lectures_modified_gravity_1211.5237.pdf} }
- Chameleons and solar physics
@article{zanzi15_chamel_field_solar_physic, author = {Andrea Zanzi and Barbara Ricci}, title = {Chameleon Fields and Solar Physics}, journal = {Modern Physics Letters A}, volume = 30, number = 10, pages = 1550053, year = 2015, doi = {10.1142/s0217732315500534}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0217732315500534}, DATE_ADDED = {Tue Jan 9 14:43:25 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/chameleons/chameleon_fields_solar_physics_1405.1581.pdf} }
- Polarization in astronomy from chameleons
@article{burrage09_detec_chamel, author = {Clare Burrage and Anne-Christine Davis and Douglas J. Shaw}, title = {Detecting Chameleons: the Astronomical Polarization Produced By Chameleonlike Scalar Fields}, journal = {Physical Review D}, volume = 79, number = 4, pages = 044028, year = 2009, doi = {10.1103/physrevd.79.044028}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.79.044028}, DATE_ADDED = {Tue Jan 9 14:45:14 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/chameleons/polarizations_produced_by_chameleons_PhysRevD.79.044028.pdf} }
- Paper about prospects of chameleon detection with e.g. CAST
author = {Philippe Brax and Axel Lindner and Konstantin
title = {Detection Prospects for Solar and Terrestrial
journal = {Physical Review D},
volume = 85,
number = 4,
pages = 043014,
year = 2012,
doi = {10.1103/physrevd.85.043014},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.85.043014},
DATE_ADDED = {Tue Jan 9 13:39:47 2024},
File = {~/org/Papers/chameleons/detection_prospects_solar_chameleons_brax2012_PhysRevD.85.043014.pdf}
- The initial paper about the search for chameleons at CAST using the
@article{chameleons_sdd_cast, author = {V. Anastassopoulos and M. Arik and S. Aune and K. Barth and A. Belov and H. Br{\"a}uninger and G. Cantatore and J.M. Carmona and S.A. Cetin and F. Christensen and J.I. Collar and T. Dafni and M. Davenport and K. Desch and A. Dermenev and C. Eleftheriadis and G. Fanourakis and E. Ferrer-Ribas and P. Friedrich and J. Gal{\'a}n and J.A. Garc{\'i}a and A. Gardikiotis and J.G. Garza and E.N. Gazis and T. Geralis and I. Giomataris and C. Hailey and F. Haug and M.D. Hasinoff and D.H.H. Hoffmann and F.J. Iguaz and I.G. Irastorza and J. Jacoby and A. Jakobsen and K. Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'c} and J. Kaminski and M. Karuza and M. Kavuk and M. Kr{\v{c}}mar and C. Krieger and A. Kr{\"u}ger and B. Laki{\'c} and J.M. Laurent and A. Liolios and A. Ljubi{\v{c}}i{\'c} and G. Luz{\'o}n and S. Neff and I. Ortega and T. Papaevangelou and M.J. Pivovaroff and G. Raffelt and H. Riege and M. Rosu and J. Ruz and I. Savvidis and S.K. Solanki and T. Vafeiadis and J.A. Villar and J.K. Vogel and S.C. Yildiz and K. Zioutas and P. Brax and I. Lavrentyev and A. Upadhye}, title = {Search for Chameleons With Cast}, journal = {Physics Letters B}, volume = 749, pages = {172-180}, year = 2015, doi = {10.1016/j.physletb.2015.07.049}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2015.07.049}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 23 19:09:39 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/search_for_chameleons_cast_2015.pdf} }
- Search for solar chameleons with an InGrid based X-ray detector at
the CAST experiment
@phdthesis{krieger2018search, author = {{Christoph Krieger}}, title = {Search for solar chameleons with an InGrid based X-ray detector at the CAST experiment}, school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn}, year = 2018, month = aug, note = {Chameleons are particles with a density dependent effective mass and couplings to matter as well as photons. They are introduced in modifications to General Relativity involving scalar fields and aiming at explaining Dark Energy, which is needed for the observed self-accelerated expansion of the universe. Chameleons can be produced in the tachocline region of the Sun. On Earth these solar chameleons can be detected by axion helioscopes such as the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) where they are converted into low energy X-ray photons inside a strong magnet pointed towards the Sun. Due to weak couplings corresponding to a very low number of expected signal events, X-ray detectors with low background rates and high efficiency are required. In this thesis an X-ray detector based on the GridPix technology, a pixelized readout combined with an integrated gas amplification stage, was developed and built. This detector, which features a low energy threshold and allows for an eventshape based background suppression, was characterized at a variable X-ray generator and afterwards commissioned at CAST behind an X-ray telescope. From the data taken at CAST in 2014 and 2015 with this detector an improved upper bound on the chameleon photon coupling was derived.}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11811/7603}, File = {~/org/Papers/krieger_phd_2018_5141.pdf} }
- The paper based on Christoph’s thesis.
@article{krieger_chameleon_jcap, author = {V. Anastassopoulos and S. Aune and K. Barth and A. Belov and H. Br{\"a}uninger and G. Cantatore and J.M. Carmona and J.F. Castel and S.A. Cetin and F. Christensen and T. Dafni and M. Davenport and A. Dermenev and K. Desch and B. D{\"o}brich and C. Eleftheriadis and G. Fanourakis and E. Ferrer-Ribas and H. Fischer and W. Funk and J.A. García and A. Gardikiotis and J.G. Garza and E.N. Gazis and T. Geralis and I. Giomataris and S. Gninenko and C.J. Hailey and M.D. Hasinoff and D.H.H. Hoffmann and F.J. Iguaz and I.G. Irastorza and A. Jakobsen and J. Jacoby and K. Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'c} and J. Kaminski and M. Karuza and S. Kostoglou and N. Kralj and M. Kr{\v{c}}mar and C. Krieger and B. Laki{\'c} and J. M. Laurent and A. Liolios and A. Ljubi{\v{c}}i{\'c} and G. Luz{\'o}n and M. Maroudas and L. Miceli and S. Neff and I. Ortega and T. Papaevangelou and K. Paraschou and M.J. Pivovaroff and G. Raffelt and M. Rosu and J. Ruz and E. Ruiz Ch{\'o}liz and I. Savvidis and S. Schmidt and Y.K. Semertzidis and S.K. Solanki and L. Stewart and T. Vafeiadis and J.K. Vogel and M. Vretenar and W. Wuensch and S.C. Yildiz and K. Zioutas and P. Brax}, title = {Improved Search for Solar Chameleons With a Gridpix Detector At Cast}, journal = {Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics}, volume = 2019, number = 01, pages = {032-032}, year = 2019, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2019/01/032}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2019/01/032}, DATE_ADDED = {Mon Sep 25 12:06:55 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/krieger2019_chameleon_jcap_cast.pdf} }
- Justin’s PhD thesis
@phdthesis{justin_phd, title={Hunting chameleons with the KWISP detector at the CAST experiment at CERN}, author={Baier, Justin Sillvan}, school={Dissertation, Universit{\"a}t Freiburg, 2022} }
- The (only?) KWISP paper.
@article{kwisp_first_results, author = {S. Arguedas Cuendis and J. Baier and K. Barth and S. Baum and A. Bayirli and A. Belov and H. Br{\"a}uninger and G. Cantatore and J.M. Carmona and J.F. Castel and S.A. Cetin and T. Dafni and M. Davenport and A. Dermenev and K. Desch and B. D{\"o}brich and H. Fischer and W. Funk and J.A. Garc{\'i}a and A. Gardikiotis and J.G. Garza and S. Gninenko and M.D. Hasinoff and D.H.H. Hoffmann and F.J. Iguaz and I.G. Irastorza and K. Jakov{\v{c}}i{\'c} and J. Kaminski and M. Karuza and C. Krieger and B. Laki{\'c} and J.M. Laurent and G. Luz{\'o}n and M. Maroudas and L. Miceli and S. Neff and I. Ortega and A. Ozbey and M.J. Pivovaroff and M. Rosu and J. Ruz and E. Ruiz Ch{\'o}liz and S. Schmidt and M. Schumann and Y.K. Semertzidis and S.K. Solanki and L. Stewart and I. Tsagris and T. Vafeiadis and J.K. Vogel and M. Vretenar and S.C. Yildiz and K. Zioutas}, title = {First Results on the Search for Chameleons With the Kwisp Detector At Cast}, journal = {Physics of the Dark Universe}, volume = 26, pages = 100367, year = 2019, doi = {10.1016/j.dark.2019.100367}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dark.2019.100367}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 23 19:12:36 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST/kwisp_cast_2019.pdf} }
Generally X. Llopart (cited multiple times in Lupberger PhD thesis) seems to be the author of Timepix related papers (as in author appearing first anyway)
- Timepix
@article{timepix_manual, title={Timepix Manual v1.0}, author={Llopart, Xavier and Poikela, Tuomas}, journal={CERN, Switzerland}, year={2006}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/Timepix_Manual_v1.0.pdf} }
link that now says unauthorized: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/pub/BL4S/TimePix/Timepix_Manual_v1.0-1.pdf According to Markus otherwise only on member site of Medipix collaboration. Available in our confluence.
- Timepix 3:
@article{timepix3_manual, title={{Timepix3} Manual v2.0}, author={Llopart, Xavier and Poikela, Tuomas}, journal={CERN, Switzerland}, year={2015}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/Timepix3_manual_v2.0.pdf} }
Available in our confluence.
- Timepix3: a 65K channel hybrid pixel readout chip with simultaneous ToA/ToT and sparse readout Reference #73 in Lupberger PhD, url: http://stacks.iop.org/1748-0221/9/i=05/a=C05013 (cit. on pp. 30, 159).
doi = {10.1088/1748-0221/9/05/C05013},
url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/9/05/C05013},
year = {2014},
month = {may},
publisher = {},
volume = {9},
number = {05},
pages = {C05013},
author = {T Poikela and J Plosila and T Westerlund and M Campbell and M De Gaspari and X Llopart and V Gromov and R Kluit and M van Beuzekom and F Zappon and V Zivkovic and C Brezina and K Desch and Y Fu and A Kruth},
title = {{Timepix3}: a 65K channel hybrid pixel readout chip with simultaneous {ToA/ToT} and sparse readout},
journal = {Journal of Instrumentation},
File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/poikela2014_timepix3_simultaneous_toa_tot.pdf}
- Llopart PhD thesis about the Medipix2 and Timepix
url: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:2019/FULLTEXT01.pdf
@phdthesis{LlopartCudie_1056683, author = "Llopart Cudie, Xavier", title = "{Design and Characterization of 64K Pixels Chips Working in Single Photon Processing Mode}", year = "2007", url = "https://cds.cern.ch/record/1056683", note = "Presented on 25 May 2007", File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/llopert_timepix_phd.pdf} }
- Paper about the Timepix
ref 68 in Lupberger, (cit. on pp. 25, 30, 34, 112).
@article{LLOPART2007485_timepix, title = {Timepix, a 65k programmable pixel readout chip for arrival time, energy and/or photon counting measurements}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, volume = {581}, number = {1}, pages = {485-494}, year = {2007}, note = {VCI 2007}, issn = {0168-9002}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2007.08.079}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168900207017020}, author = {X. Llopart and R. Ballabriga and M. Campbell and L. Tlustos and W. Wong}, keywords = {Pixel, Photon counting, CMOS, Arrival time, Medipix, Micro-pattern gas detectors}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/timepix_65kpixel_readout_nim.pdf} }
- PhD thesis of Lupberger.
@phdthesis{lupberger2016pixel, title={The Pixel-TPC: A feasibility study}, author={Lupberger, Michael}, year={2016}, school={Universit{\"a}ts-und Landesbibliothek Bonn}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/lupberger_phd_pixel_tpc.pdf} }
- Paper mentioning transistor threshold voltage / current mismatches,
cited in Timepix paper
@article{pelgrom1989matching, author={Pelgrom, M.J.M. and Duinmaijer, A.C.J. and Welbers, A.P.G.}, journal={IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits}, title={Matching properties of MOS transistors}, year={1989}, volume={24}, number={5}, pages={1433-1439}, doi={10.1109/JSSC.1989.572629}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/pelgrom1989_matching_properties_mos_transistors.pdf} }
- Medipix
@ARTICLE{medipix, author={X. Llopart and M. Campbell and R. Dinapoli and D. San Segundo and E. Pernigotti}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science}, title={Medipix2: A 64-k pixel readout chip with 55- mu;m square elements working in single photon counting mode}, year={2002}, volume={49}, number={5}, pages={2279-2283}, doi={10.1109/TNS.2002.803788}, ISSN={0018-9499}, month={Oct}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/llopart2002_medipix2_64k_pixel_readout_55mu.pdf} }
- First InGrid experiments (w/o photolitho & showing moiré pattern)
@article{campbell2005detection, author = {M. Campbell and M. Chefdeville and P. Colas and A.P. Colijn and A. Fornaini and Y. Giomataris and H. van der Graaf and E.H.M. Heijne and P. Kluit and X. Llopart and J. Schmitz and J. Timmermans and J.L. Visschers}, title = {Detection of Single Electrons By Means of a Micromegas-Covered Medipix2 Pixel Cmos Readout Circuit}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, volume = 540, number = {2-3}, pages = {295-304}, year = 2005, doi = {10.1016/j.nima.2004.11.036}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2004.11.036}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 23 18:27:52 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/medipix2_detection_single_electrons.pdf} }
- Paper describing InGrid production using photolithography
@article{CHEFDEVILLE2006490, title = {An electron-multiplying ‘Micromegas’ grid made in silicon wafer post-processing technology}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, volume = {556}, number = {2}, pages = {490-494}, year = {2006}, issn = {0168-9002}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2005.11.065}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168900205021418}, author = {M. Chefdeville and P. Colas and Y. Giomataris and H. {van der Graaf} and E.H.M. Heijne and S. {van der Putten} and C. Salm and J. Schmitz and S. Smits and J. Timmermans and J.L. Visschers}, keywords = {Electron gas multiplication, Micromegas, Integrated grid, Wafer post-processing, Microelectrodes, Microsensors, Wafer-scale integration, SU-8}, abstract = {A technology for manufacturing an aluminium grid onto a silicon wafer has been developed. The grid is fixed parallel and precisely to the wafer (anode) surface at a distance of 50μm by means of insulating pillars. When some 400V are applied between the grid and (anode) wafer, gas multiplication occurs: primary electrons from the drift space above the grid enter the holes and cause electron avalanches in the high-field region between the grid and the anode. Production and operational characteristics of the device are described. With this newly developed technology, CMOS (pixel) readout chips can be covered with a gas multiplication grid. Such a chip forms, together with the grid, an integrated device which can be applied as readout in a wide field of gaseous detectors.}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/chefdeville2006_electron_multiplying_micromegas.pdf} }
- The first paper about a GridPix X-ray detector
@article{krieger13_gridpix_det, author = {C. Krieger and J. Kaminski and K. Desch}, title = {Ingrid-Based X-Ray Detector for Low Background Searches}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, volume = 729, number = {nil}, pages = {905-909}, year = 2013, doi = {10.1016/j.nima.2013.08.075}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2013.08.075}, DATE_ADDED = {Tue Jun 25 17:05:19 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/krieger2013_ingrid_based_xray_detector.pdf} }
- I somehow missed this paper for my thesis. Oops!
@article{krieger17_gridpix, author = {C. Krieger and J. Kaminski and M. Lupberger and K. Desch}, title = {A Gridpix-Based X-Ray Detector for the Cast Experiment}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, volume = 867, number = {nil}, pages = {101-107}, year = 2017, doi = {10.1016/j.nima.2017.04.007}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2017.04.007}, DATE_ADDED = {Sun Jun 23 17:48:23 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/krieger2017_gridpix_based_xray_detector_cast.pdf} }
- Energy dependent features of X-ray signals in a GridPix detector -> The paper describing Christoph’s detector based on the CDL data, which also contains their attempts to determine the transverse RMS / standard diffusion based on a fit.
author = {C. Krieger and J. Kaminski and T. Vafeiadis and
K. Desch},
title = {Energy Dependent Features of X-Ray Signals in a
Gridpix Detector},
journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors
and Associated Equipment},
volume = 893,
pages = {26-34},
year = 2018,
doi = {10.1016/j.nima.2018.02.109},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2018.02.109},
DATE_ADDED = {Fri Jan 19 12:15:40 2024},
File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/gridpix_energy_dependent_features_diffusion_krieger_1709.07631.pdf}
- Lucian’s master thesis
@thesis{lucianMsc, type = {mathesis}, author = {Lucian Scharenberg}, title = {Studies on the Thermal Behaviour of {GridPix}-Based Detectors}, institution = {Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn}, date = {2019-02}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/lucian_msc_thermal_behavior_gridpix.pdf} }
- Markus Gruber’s MSc thesis.
This thesis is still not online!
@thesis{markusMsc, type = {mathesis}, author = {Markus Gruber}, title = {Study of ionisation and amplification processes in {GridPix} detectors}, institution = {Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn}, date = {2018-12}, }
- Tobi’s PhD thesis, upcoming
@phdthesis{schiffer_phd, title={Upcoming PhD thesis about a GridPix3 detector}, author={Schiffer, Tobias}, year={2024} }
- Dalton’s law.
See also cite:silberberg2006chemistry on page 205.
@article{dalton1802essay, title={Essay IV. On the expansion of elastic fluids by heat}, author={Dalton, John}, journal={Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester}, volume={5}, number={2}, pages={595--602}, year={1802}, File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/dalton_1802_daltons_law.pdf} }
- A chemistry text book which contains Dalton’s law on page 205.
title={Chemistry: The molecular nature of matter and change},
author={Silberberg, Martin Stuart and Amateis, Patricia and Venkateswaran, Rashmi and Chen, Lydia},
publisher={McGraw-Hill New York},
File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/Martin_Silberberg_Chemistry_Molecular_Nature_Matter_Change_5th_edition_2009.pdf}
- A method to improve tracking and particle identification in TPCs and
silicon detectors
Paper that talks about mean vs most probable energy loss from
Landau, deviation from Landau in energy loss etc. in TPCs
@article{BICHSEL2006154, title = {A method to improve tracking and particle identification in TPCs and silicon detectors}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, volume = {562}, number = {1}, pages = {154-197}, year = {2006}, issn = {0168-9002}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2006.03.009}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168900206005353}, author = {Hans Bichsel}, keywords = {Energy loss, Ionization, Particle identification, Tracking}, File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/gaseous_detectors_energy_loss_tpcs_bichsel2006.pdf} }
- Straggling in thin silicon detectors. Contains
j = 0.2
for the most probable energy loss. ~/org/Papers/gas_physics/Bichsel_straggling_thin_si_detector.pdf
author = {Hans Bichsel},
title = {Straggling in Thin Silicon Detectors},
journal = {Reviews of Modern Physics},
volume = 60,
number = 3,
pages = {663-699},
year = 1988,
doi = {10.1103/revmodphys.60.663},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/RevModPhys.60.663},
DATE_ADDED = {Fri Jan 19 11:56:40 2024},
File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/Bichsel_straggling_thin_si_detector.pdf}
- MICROMEGAS: a high-granularity position-sensitive gaseous detector for high particle-flux environments
Paper that introduced Micromegas. Contains proof (acknowledgments)
that the name is indeed based on Voltaire!
@article{GIOMATARIS199629, title = {MICROMEGAS: a high-granularity position-sensitive gaseous detector for high particle-flux environments}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, volume = {376}, number = {1}, pages = {29-35}, year = {1996}, issn = {0168-9002}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/0168-9002(96)00175-1}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0168900296001751}, author = {Y. Giomataris and Ph. Rebourgeard and J.P. Robert and G. Charpak}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/giomataris1996_micromegas_high_granularity_gas_det.pdf} }
- Development and prospects of the new gaseous detector “Micromegas”
@article{GIOMATARIS1998239, title = {Development and prospects of the new gaseous detector “Micromegas”}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, volume = {419}, number = {2}, pages = {239-250}, year = {1998}, issn = {0168-9002}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-9002(98)00865-1}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168900298008651}, author = {Y. Giomataris}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/micromegas_intro_2_giomataris1998.pdf} }
- Development and performance of Microbulk Micromegas detectors
@article{Andriamonje_2010, doi = {10.1088/1748-0221/5/02/p02001}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/5/02/p02001}, year = 2010, month = {feb}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {5}, number = {02}, pages = {P02001--P02001}, author = {S Andriamonje and D Attie and E Berthoumieux and M Calviani and P Colas and T Dafni and G Fanourakis and E Ferrer-Ribas and J Galan and T Geralis and A Giganon and I Giomataris and A Gris and C Guerrero Sanchez and F Gunsing and F J Iguaz and I Irastorza and R De Oliveira and T Papaevangelou and J Ruz and I Savvidis and A Teixera and A Tom{\'{a}}s}, title = {Development and performance of Microbulk Micromegas detectors}, journal = {Journal of Instrumentation}, File = {~/org/Papers/detectors/microbulk_micromegas_S_Andriamonje_2010_J._Inst._5_P02001.pdf} }
- Micromégas
@book{voltaire1752micromegas, title={Microm{\'e}gas}, author={Voltaire}, year={1752} }
- Geant4 (at least one paper)
author = "Agostinelli, S. and others",
collaboration = "GEANT4",
title = "{GEANT4--a simulation toolkit}",
reportNumber = "SLAC-PUB-9350, FERMILAB-PUB-03-339, CERN-IT-2002-003",
doi = "10.1016/S0168-9002(03)01368-8",
journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A",
volume = "506",
pages = "250--303",
year = "2003",
url = {https://geant4.cern.web.ch}
- A possible citation for Magboltz
@article{biagi1995magboltz, title={{MAGBOLTZ}, transport of electrons in gas mixtures}, author={Biagi, Stephen}, year={1995}, url = {https://magboltz.web.cern.ch/magboltz/} }
- Degrad
@article{biagi1995Degrad, title={{Degrad}, transport of electrons in gas mixtures}, author={Biagi, Stephen}, year={1995}, url = {https://degrad.web.cern.ch/degrad/} }
- Paper about PyBoltz
author = {B. Al Atoum and S.F. Biagi and
D. Gonz{\'a}lez-D{\'i}az and B.J.P. Jones and
A.D. McDonald},
title = {Electron Transport in Gaseous Detectors With a
Python-Based Monte Carlo Simulation Code},
journal = {Computer Physics Communications},
volume = 254,
pages = 107357,
year = 2020,
doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107357},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107357},
DATE_ADDED = {Mon Oct 2 16:16:16 2023},
File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/pyboltz_paper.pdf}
- Slide 15 contains a statement about solving the diffusion / drift using the Boltzmann equation exactly: https://www.physi.uni-heidelberg.de/~fschney/detektoren/detector3.pdf
- Sauli’s book from 2014 about gaseous detectors. A bible according to
@book{sauli2014gaseous, title={Gaseous radiation detectors: fundamentals and applications}, author={Sauli, Fabio}, number={36}, year={2014}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/gaseous_radiation_detecros_sauli2014.pdf} }
- Wermes 2020. Another great overview of gaseous (and more general)
particle detectors.
@book{kolanoski2020particle, title={Particle Detectors: Fundamentals and Applications}, author={Kolanoski, Hermann and Wermes, Norbert}, year={2020}, publisher={Oxford University Press, USA}, File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/particle_detectors_fundamentals_application_wermes2020.pdf} }
- Gaseous detector review chapter. Good overview of physics for
gaseous detectors, even if type setting is a bit ugly at times.
@Inbook{Hilke2020, author="Hilke, H. J. and Riegler, W.", editor="Fabjan, Christian W. and Schopper, Herwig", title="Gaseous Detectors", bookTitle="Particle Physics Reference Library: Volume 2: Detectors for Particles and Radiation", year="2020", publisher="Springer International Publishing", address="Cham", pages="91--136", abstract="All gaseous detectors signal the passage of charged particles by gathering the electrons from the ion pairs produced in the gas, usually after some amplification. The history of the gas detectors starts with the counter described by Rutherford and Geiger in 1908 [1]. It consisted of a cylindrical metallic tube filled with air or other simple gases at some 5 Torr and with a 0.45 mm diameter wire along its axis. The negative high voltage on the tube with respect to the wire was adjusted to below the discharge limit. With a gas gain of a few 103, only $\alpha$-particles could be detected as current pulses with an electrometer. This counter was the first electronic counter, following the optical counting of light flashes in the study of radioactive substances with scintillating crystals. A major step was taken when Geiger found that by replacing the anode wire by a needle with a fine pin, electrons could also be detected [2]. These needle counters became the main particle counter for years. Already in 1924, Greinacher started using electronic tubes to amplify the signals [3].", isbn="978-3-030-35318-6", doi="10.1007/978-3-030-35318-6_4", url="https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-35318-6_4", File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/gaseous_detectors_hilke2020.pdf} }
- Book about random walks. Contains mathematical introduction to
random walks and thus diffusion. Chapter 1 on the microscopic theory
of diffusion is a great read!
@book{berg1993random, title={Random walks in biology}, author={Berg, Howard C}, year={1993}, publisher={Princeton University Press}, File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/randomwalkBerg_diffusion.pdf} }
- Alkhazov on statistics of gas multiplication
-> Source of Pólya distribution equation!
@article{alkhazov1970statistics, author = {G.D. Alkhazov}, title = {Statistics of Electron Avalanches and Ultimate Resolution of Proportional Counters}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods}, volume = 89, pages = {155-165}, year = 1970, doi = {10.1016/0029-554x(70)90818-9}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0029-554X(70)90818-9}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 23 18:40:16 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/alkhazov1970_statistics_electron_avalanches_resolution_proportional_counters.pdf} }
- Paper (or “book” haha) by Fano which apparently introduces the Fano
The thing is so long that I’m not sure I found where.
@article{fano63, author = {U Fano}, title = {Penetration of Protons, Alpha Particles, and Mesons}, journal = {Annual Review of Nuclear Science}, volume = 13, number = 1, pages = {1-66}, year = 1963, doi = {10.1146/annurev.ns.13.120163.000245}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev.ns.13.120163.000245}, DATE_ADDED = {Mon Oct 2 19:40:09 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/fano1963_penetration_proton_alpha_mesons.pdf} }
- Relation between W value (average ionization energy in gases) and Fano factor. Shows there’s an empirical more or less linear relationship between W-value and Fano factor. Interesting. Also contains an explanation of the Fano factor. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0953-4075/25/8/004/pdf
author = {I K Bronic},
title = {On a Relation Between the W Value and the Fano
journal = {Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical
volume = 25,
number = 8,
pages = {L215-L218},
year = 1992,
doi = {10.1088/0953-4075/25/8/004},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0953-4075/25/8/004},
DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 23 18:41:52 2023},
File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/bronic1992_relation_W_value_Fano_factor.pdf}
- Monte Carlo calculations of W-values in noble gases
@article{doi:10.1080/00223131.2014.974710, author = {Andrius Poškus}, title = {Monte Carlo estimation of average energy required to produce an ion pair in noble gases by electrons with energies from 1 keV to 100 MeV}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology}, volume = {52}, number = {5}, pages = {675-686}, year = {2015}, publisher = {Taylor & Francis}, doi = {10.1080/00223131.2014.974710}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1080/00223131.2014.974710}, eprint = {https://doi.org/10.1080/00223131.2014.974710}, File = {~/org/Papers/monte_carlo_w_value_simulation.pdf} }
- Bloch paper introducing
$I = 10 Z eV$ @article{bloch1933bremsvermogen, author = {F. Bloch}, title = {Bremsverm{\"o}gen Von Atomen Mit Mehreren Elektronen}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Physik}, volume = 81, number = {5-6}, pages = {363-376}, year = 1933, doi = {10.1007/bf01344553}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/bf01344553}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 23 18:43:44 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/bloch1933_bremsvermögen_atomen_mehreren_elektronen.pdf} }
- NIST table for X-ray attenuation coefficients, but importantly also
for mean excitation energy
title={NIST standard reference database 126},
author={Hubbell, JH and Seltzer, SM},
journal={Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology},
- Paper deriving a general gas gain relationship of the gas gain over
the density.
@article{aoyama85_gas_gain, author = {Takahiko Aoyama}, title = {Generalized Gas Gain Formula for Proportional Counters}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, volume = 234, number = 1, pages = {125-131}, year = 1985, doi = {10.1016/0168-9002(85)90817-4}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0168-9002(85)90817-4}, DATE_ADDED = {Sun Oct 22 22:55:01 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/aoyama1985_generalized_gas_gain_formula.pdf} }
- Paper about GEM measurements for COMPASS, cited on page 151 of
cite:&sauli2014gaseous for plot of gas gain vs temperature over
pressure (G ∝ T/P).
@article{altunbas03_gas_gain, author = {M.C. Altunbas and K. Dehmelt and S. Kappler and B. Ketzer and L. Ropelewski and F. Sauli and F. Simon}, title = {Aging Measurements With the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM)}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, volume = 515, number = {1-2}, pages = {249-254}, year = 2003, doi = {10.1016/j.nima.2003.09.006}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2003.09.006}, DATE_ADDED = {Sun Oct 22 20:41:13 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/altunbas2003_aging_measurements_gems_compass_gas_gain.pdf} }
- Contains thoughts on gas gains and the first Townsend
coefficient. It shows that there’s two regimes for the Townsend
coefficient? Only one of them as α = 1/λ and argued based on this
paper that version would only be at O(500 kV cm⁻¹) ???
@article{Davydov_2006, doi = {10.1109/tns.2006.881543}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/tns.2006.881543}, year = 2006, month = {oct}, publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})}, volume = {53}, number = {5}, pages = {2931--2935}, author = {Y.I. Davydov}, title = {On the First Townsend Coefficient at High Electric Field}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Nuclear Science}, File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/0409156_on_first_townsend_high_electric_field.pdf} }
- The book that Lucian bases his derivation of the temperature
dependence of the first Townsend coefficient on. I cannot find it
anywhere unfortunately. Only found a Russian version on libgen.
@book{engel65_gases, author = {A. Von Engel and L. Marton}, title = {Ionized Gases}, year = 1965, DATE_ADDED = {Mon Oct 23 16:07:04 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/von_Engel_ionized_gases_1959_russian.djvu} }
- Paschen’s law
@article{paschens_law, author = {Friedrich Paschen}, title = {Ueber Die Zum Funken{\"u}bergang in Luft, Wasserstoff Und Kohlens{\"a}ure Bei Verschiedenen Drucken Erforderliche Potentialdifferenz}, journal = {Annalen der Physik}, volume = 273, number = 5, pages = {69-96}, year = 1889, doi = {10.1002/andp.18892730505}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/andp.18892730505}, DATE_ADDED = {Tue Dec 19 09:28:19 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/gas_physics/paschens_law_1889_andp.18892730505.pdf} }
- ENDF data release of atomic cross sections and more
@article{brown2018endf, title={ENDF/B-VIII. 0: The 8th major release of the nuclear reaction data library with CIELO-project cross sections, new standards and thermal scattering data}, author={Brown, David A and Chadwick, MB and Capote, R and Kahler, AC and Trkov, A and Herman, MW and Sonzogni, AA and Danon, Y and Carlson, AD and Dunn, M and others}, journal={Nuclear Data Sheets}, volume={148}, pages={1--142}, year={2018}, publisher={Elsevier} }
- Paper from 2012
@article{pancheshnyi2012lxcat, author = {S. Pancheshnyi and S. Biagi and M.C. Bordage and G.J.M. Hagelaar and W.L. Morgan and A.V. Phelps and L.C. Pitchford}, title = {The Lxcat Project: Electron Scattering Cross Sections and Swarm Parameters for Low Temperature Plasma Modeling}, journal = {Chemical Physics}, volume = 398, pages = {148-153}, year = 2012, doi = {10.1016/j.chemphys.2011.04.020}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemphys.2011.04.020}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 23 18:45:54 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/atomic_physics/pancheshnyi2012_LXCat_project_electron_scattering_cross_sections.pdf} }
- Paper from 2017
@article{pitchford2017lxcat, author = {Leanne C. Pitchford and Luis L. Alves and Klaus Bartschat and Stephen F. Biagi and Marie‐Claude Bordage and Igor Bray and Chris E. Brion and Michael J. Brunger and Laurence Campbell and Alise Chachereau and Bhaskar Chaudhury and Loucas G. Christophorou and Emile Carbone and Nikolay A. Dyatko and Christian M. Franck and Dmitry V. Fursa and Reetesh K. Gangwar and Vasco Guerra and Pascal Haefliger and Gerjan J. M. Hagelaar and Andreas Hoesl and Yukikazu Itikawa and Igor V. Kochetov and Robert P. McEachran and W. Lowell Morgan and Anatoly P. Napartovich and Vincent Puech and Mohamed Rabie and Lalita Sharma and Rajesh Srivastava and Allan D. Stauffer and Jonathan Tennyson and Jaime de Urquijo and Jan van Dijk and Larry A. Viehland and Mark C. Zammit and Oleg Zatsarinny and Sergey Pancheshnyi}, title = {Lxcat: an Open‐access, Web‐based Platform for Data Needed for Modeling Low Temperature Plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Processes and Polymers}, volume = 14, number = {1-2}, year = 2016, doi = {10.1002/ppap.201600098}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ppap.201600098}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 23 18:46:51 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/atomic_physics/pitchford2016_LXCat_open_access_platform.pdf} }
- Paper from 2021
@article{carbone2021data, author = {Emile Carbone and Wouter Graef and Gerjan Hagelaar and Daan Boer and Matthew M. Hopkins and Jacob C. Stephens and Benjamin T. Yee and Sergey Pancheshnyi and Jan van Dijk and Leanne Pitchford}, title = {Data Needs for Modeling Low-Temperature Non-Equilibrium Plasmas: the Lxcat Project, History, Perspectives and a Tutorial}, journal = {Atoms}, volume = 9, number = 1, pages = 16, year = 2021, doi = {10.3390/atoms9010016}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/atoms9010016}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 23 18:47:37 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/atomic_physics/atoms-09-00016-v3_LXCat_data_needs_low_energy_plasma.pdf} }
- Deisting’s MSc
@THESIS{Deisting, type = {mathesis}, author = {Alexander Deisting}, title = {Readout and Analysis of the Induced Ion Signal of an {InGrid} Detector}, institution = {Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn}, date = {2014-08}, note = {BONN-IB-2014-10} }
- FADC manual
@article{fadc_manual, title={FADC Technical Information Manual}, author={{CAEN}}, year={2010} }
- Jannes bachelor thesis
type = {bscthesis},
author = {Jannes Schmitz},
title = {Bau von Szintillationsvetodetektoren für das CAST-Experiment},
institution = {Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn},
date = {2017-08}
Relevant for telescope (context of BabyIAXO) as well as EPIC filter!
- This website of ESA contains a lot of good information including stuff about the EPIC filters. https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/xmm-newton/technical-details-epic Mentioned here are the two next papers
- The European Photon Imaging Camera on XMM-Newton: The pn-CCD camera
This is the paper where the plot of the pn-CCD quantum efficiency
that I had in my MSc actually comes from apparently!
Includes this funny table. The paper does not mention “G12” by name,
but the ‘medium’ row should be our filter. Good to know anyway.
Table 2: Filter properties (Sn = Tin, PP = Polypropylene, PI = Polyimide, Al = Aluminium)
filter layer 1 layer 2 layer 3 layer 4 $μ g cm-2$ $μ g cm-2$ $μ g cm-2$ $μ g cm-2 $ open - - - - position 1 closed Al - - - position 2 270200 - - - 2 $×$ thinAl PI - position 3, 4 10.8 22.4 - medium Al PI - - position 5 21.6 22.4 - - thick Sn Al PP Al position 6 18 28 27.5 28 cite:struder2001xmm_pnccd
@article{struder2001xmm_pnccd, author = {L. Str{\"u}der and U. Briel and K. Dennerl and R. Hartmann and E. Kendziorra and N. Meidinger and E. Pfeffermann and C. Reppin and B. Aschenbach and W. Bornemann and H. Br{\"a}uninger and W. Burkert and M. Elender and M. Freyberg and F. Haberl and G. Hartner and F. Heuschmann and H. Hippmann and E. Kastelic and S. Kemmer and G. Kettenring and W. Kink and N. Krause and S. M{\"u}ller and A. Oppitz and W. Pietsch and M. Popp and P. Predehl and A. Read and K. H. Stephan and D. St{\"o}tter and J. Tr{\"u}mper and P. Holl and J. Kemmer and H. Soltau and R. St{\"o}tter and U. Weber and U. Weichert and C. von Zanthier and D. Carathanassis and G. Lutz and R. H. Richter and P. Solc and H. B{\"o}ttcher and M. Kuster and R. Staubert and A. Abbey and A. Holland and M. Turner and M. Balasini and G. F. Bignami and N. La Palombara and G. Villa and W. Buttler and F. Gianini and R. Lain{\'e} and D. Lumb and P. Dhez}, title = {The European Photon Imaging Camera on Xmm-Newton: the Pn-Ccd Camera}, journal = {Astronomy \& Astrophysics}, volume = 365, number = 1, pages = {L18-L26}, year = 2001, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361:20000066}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:20000066}, DATE_ADDED = {Fri Jan 19 12:43:46 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/xmm_newton_cameras_pn_ccd_camera_aaxmm35.pdf} }
- The European Photon Imaging Camera on XMM-Newton: The MOS cameras
Has fig. 8 which is the X-ray transmission of the different
filters. Also very useful!
Further, it also contains the explanation of the filters, but does
not mention G12 either.
@article{turner2001xmm_mos, author = {{Turner, M. J. L.} and {Abbey, A.} and {Arnaud, M.} and {Balasini, M.} and {Barbera, M.} and {Belsole, E.} and {Bennie, P. J.} and {Bernard, J. P.} and {Bignami, G. F.} and {Boer, M.} and {Briel, U.} and {Butler, I.} and {Cara, C.} and {Chabaud, C.} and {Cole, R.} and {Collura, A.} and {Conte, M.} and {Cros, A.} and {Denby, M.} and {Dhez, P.} and {Di Coco, G.} and {Dowson, J.} and {Ferrando, P.} and {Ghizzardi, S.} and {Gianotti, F.} and {Goodall, C. V.} and {Gretton, L.} and {Griffiths, R. G.} and {Hainaut, O.} and {Hochedez, J. F.} and {Holland, A. D.} and {Jourdain, E.} and {Kendziorra, E.} and {Lagostina, A.} and {Laine, R.} and {La Palombara, N.} and {Lortholary, M.} and {Lumb, D.} and {Marty, P.} and {Molendi, S.} and {Pigot, C.} and {Poindron, E.} and {Pounds, K. A.} and {Reeves, J. N.} and {Reppin, C.} and {Rothenflug, R.} and {Salvetat, P.} and {Sauvageot, J. L.} and {Schmitt, D.} and {Sembay, S.} and {Short, A. D. T.} and {Spragg, J.} and {Stephen, J.} and {Str\"uder, L.} and {Tiengo, A.} and {Trifoglio, M.} and {Tr\"umper, J.} and {Vercellone, S.} and {Vigroux, L.} and {Villa, G.} and {Ward, M. J.} and {Whitehead, S.} and {Zonca, E.}}, title = {The European Photon Imaging Camera on XMM-Newton: The MOS cameras }, DOI= "10.1051/0004-6361:20000087", url= "https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:20000087", journal = {A\&A}, year = 2001, volume = 365, number = 1, pages = "L27-L35", File = {~/org/Papers/xmm_newton_cameras_mos_cameras_aaxmm47.pdf} }
- The thin and medium filters of the EPIC camera on-board XMM-Newton:
measured performance after more than 15 years of operation
This paper contains very useful information about the EPIC filters!
It explains the composition of the EPIC filters:
Filter manufacturing process The EPIC Thin and Medium filters manufactured by MOXTEX consist of a thin film of polyimide, with nominal thickness of 160 nm, coated with a single layer of aluminum whose nominal thickness is 40 nm for the Thin and 80 nm for the Medium filters, respectively. The polyimide thin films are produced by spin-coating of a polyamic acid (PAA) solution obtained by dissolving two precursor monomers (an anhydride and an amine) in an organic polar solvent. For the EPIC Thin and Medium filters the two precursors are the Biphenyldianhydride (BPDA) and the p-Phenyldiamine (PDA) (Dupont PI-2610), and the solvent is N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) and Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether (Dupont T9040 thinner). To convert the PAA into polyimide, the solution is heated up to remove the NMP and to induce the imidization through the evaporation of water molecules. The film thickness is controlled by spin coating parameters, PAA viscosity, and curing temperature [19]. The polyimide thin membrane is attached with epoxy onto a transfer ring and the aluminum is evaporated in a few runs, distributed over 2–3 days, each one depositing a metal layer of about 20 nm thickness.
The EPIC Thin and Medium flight qualified filters have been manufactured during a period of 1 year, from January’96 to January’97. Table 1 lists the full set of flight-qualified filters (Flight Model and Flight Spare) delivered to the EPIC consortium, together with their most relevant parameters. Along with the production of the flight qualified filters, the prototypes and the qualification filters (not included in this list) have been manufactured and tested for the construction of the filter transmission model and to assess the stability in time of the Optical/UV transparency (opacity). Among these qualification filters are T4, G12, G18, and G19 that have been previously mentioned.
and further states that the G12 refers to the medium thickness filter:
UV/Vis transmission measurements in the range 190–1000 nm have been performed between May 1997 and July 2002 on one Thin (T4) and one medium (G12) EPIC on-ground qualification filters to monitor their time stability [16].
PP G12 is the name written in the CDL documentation! Mystery solved.
@article{barbera2016thin, author = {Marco Barbera and Fabio Gastaldello and Luisa Sciortino and Simonpietro Agnello and Gianpiero Buscarino and Alfonso Collura and Nicola La Palombara and Ugo Lo Cicero and Nicola Sartore and Andrea Tiengo and Salvatore Varisco and Anna Maria Venezia}, title={The thin and medium filters of the EPIC camera on-board XMM-Newton: measured performance after more than 15 years of operation}, journal = {Experimental Astronomy}, volume = 42, number = 2, pages = {179-197}, year = 2016, doi = {10.1007/s10686-016-9505-2}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10686-016-9505-2}, DATE_ADDED = {Fri Jan 19 11:53:44 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/thin_medium_epic_filters_of_xmm_newton_15years.pdf} }
- Monitoring the stability of thin and medium back-up filters of the
Newton-XMM EPIC camera
This paper contains the first reference (I can find) of what G12 is
and that it refers to the medium thickness EPIC filter!
@inproceedings{barbera2003monitoring, title={Monitoring the stability of thin and medium back-up filters of the Newton-XMM EPIC camera}, author={Barbera, Marco and Collura, Alfonso and Artale, Marinella A and Varisco, Salvatore and Peres, Giovanni and Sciortino, Salvatore and Serio, Salvatore and Villa, Gabriele E}, booktitle={X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy}, volume={4851}, pages={264--269}, year={2003}, organization={SPIE}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.461592}, File = {~/org/Papers/monitoring_stability_xmm_newton_epic_filters_2003.pdf} }
- Paper about the axion signature observed with XMM Newton!
@article{fraser14_poten_solar_axion_signat_x, author = {G.W. Fraser and A.M. Read and S. Sembay and J.A. Carter and E. Schyns}, title = {Potential Solar Axion Signatures in X-Ray Observations With the Xmm-Newton Observatory}, journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, volume = 445, number = 2, pages = {2146-2168}, year = 2014, doi = {10.1093/mnras/stu1865}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stu1865}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 20:54:23 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/potential_solar_axion_signature_xmm_newton_stu1865.pdf} }
- Criticism of the XMM Newton solar axion results.
Three main points about pointing accuracy of XMM Newton at the Sun,
2nd something about a photonic Stern-Gerlach effect and finally
their choice of g_ae = 2.2e-12 being in conflict with astrophysical
bounds. The last one for sure is a pretty weak argument, given the
uncertainty on astrophysical bounds.
@article{roncadelli15_no_axion_from_sun, author = {M. Roncadelli and F. Tavecchio}, title = {No Axions From the Sun}, journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters}, volume = 450, number = 1, pages = {L26-L28}, year = 2015, doi = {10.1093/mnrasl/slv040}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnrasl/slv040}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 21:18:23 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/no_axions_from_sun_xmm_newtonslv040.pdf} }
- A paper looking at the XMM Newton excess again under an Axion Quark
Nugget hypothesis.
Can’t find the paper as a PDF for that.. Not on sci-hub.
-> Found this preprint.
@article{ge22_x_ray_annual_modul_obser, author = {Shuailiang Ge and Hikari Rachmat and Md Shahriar Rahim Siddiqui and Ludovic Van Waerbeke and Ariel Zhitnitsky}, title = {X-Ray Annual Modulation Observed By XMM-Newton and Axion Quark Nugget Dark Matter}, journal = {Physics of the Dark Universe}, volume = 36, pages = 101031, year = 2022, doi = {10.1016/j.dark.2022.101031}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dark.2022.101031}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 21:09:18 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/xray_annual_modulation_xmm_newton_axion_quark_nuggets_SSRN-id4053452.pdf} }
- The technical design report mentioned on their website here: https://alps.desy.de/publications/
author = {R B{\"a}hre and B D{\"o}brich and J
Dreyling-Eschweiler and S Ghazaryan and R Hodajerdi and D Horns and
F Januschek and E -A Knabbe and A Lindner and D Notz and A Ringwald
and J E von Seggern and R Stromhagen and D Trines and B Willke},
title = {Any Light Particle Search {II} - Technical Design
journal = {Journal of Instrumentation},
volume = 8,
number = 09,
pages = {T09001-T09001},
year = 2013,
doi = {10.1088/1748-0221/8/09/t09001},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/8/09/T09001},
DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 18:12:26 2023},
- Paper about the XENON1T experiment.
author = {E. Aprile and XENON Collaboration and J. Aalbers and
F. Agostini and M. Alfonsi and F. D. Amaro and
M. Anthony and B. Antunes and F. Arneodo and
M. Balata and P. Barrow and L. Baudis and
B. Bauermeister and M. L. Benabderrahmane and
T. Berger and A. Breskin and P. A. Breur and
A. Brown and E. Brown and S. Bruenner and G. Bruno
and R. Budnik and L. B{\"u}tikofer and J. Calv{\'e}n
and J. M. R. Cardoso and M. Cervantes and
A. Chiarini and D. Cichon and D. Coderre and
A. P. Colijn and J. Conrad and R. Corrieri and
J. P. Cussonneau and M. P. Decowski and P. de Perio
and P. Di Gangi and A. Di Giovanni and S. Diglio and
J.-M. Disdier and M. Doets and E. Duchovni and
G. Eurin and J. Fei and A. D. Ferella and A. Fieguth
and D. Franco and D. Front and W. Fulgione and
A. Gallo Rosso and M. Galloway and F. Gao and
M. Garbini and C. Geis and K.-L. Giboni and
L. W. Goetzke and L. Grandi and Z. Greene and
C. Grignon and C. Hasterok and E. Hogenbirk and
C. Huhmann and R. Itay and A. James and B. Kaminsky
and S. Kazama and G. Kessler and A. Kish and
H. Landsman and R. F. Lang and D. Lellouch and
L. Levinson and Q. Lin and S. Lindemann and
M. Lindner and F. Lombardi and J. A. M. Lopes and
R. Maier and A. Manfredini and I. Maris and
T. Marrod{\'a}n Undagoitia and J. Masbou and
F. V. Massoli and D. Masson and D. Mayani and
M. Messina and K. Micheneau and A. Molinario and
K. Mor{\aa} and M. Murra and J. Naganoma and K. Ni
and U. Oberlack and D. Orlandi and R. Othegraven and
P. Pakarha and S. Parlati and B. Pelssers and
R. Persiani and F. Piastra and J. Pienaar and
V. Pizzella and M.-C. Piro and G. Plante and
N. Priel and D. Ram{\'i}rez Garc{\'i}a and L. Rauch
and S. Reichard and C. Reuter and A. Rizzo and
S. Rosendahl and N. Rupp and J. M. F. dos Santos and
R. Saldanha and G. Sartorelli and M. Scheibelhut and
S. Schindler and J. Schreiner and M. Schumann and
L. Scotto Lavina and M. Selvi and P. Shagin and
E. Shockley and M. Silva and H. Simgen and
M. v. Sivers and M. Stern and A. Stein and
D. Tatananni and L. Tatananni and D. Thers and
A. Tiseni and G. Trinchero and C. Tunnell and
N. Upole and M. Vargas and O. Wack and R. Walet and
H. Wang and Z. Wang and Y. Wei and C. Weinheimer and
C. Wittweg and J. Wulf and J. Ye and Y. Zhang},
title = {The Xenon1t Dark Matter Experiment},
journal = {The European Physical Journal C},
volume = 77,
number = 12,
pages = 881,
year = 2017,
doi = {10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5326-3},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5326-3},
DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 18:17:30 2023},
File = {~/org/Papers/aprile17_xenon_dark_matter_exper.pdf}
- New paper by XENONnT about search for new physics.
Update over the 1T result, which proves that the 1T result was
simply systematic / statistical in nature.
@article{aprile22_searc_new_physic_elect_recoil, author = {E. Aprile and K. Abe and F. Agostini and S. Ahmed Maouloud and L. Althueser and B. Andrieu and E. Angelino and J. R. Angevaare and V. C. Antochi and D. Ant{\'o}n Martin and F. Arneodo and L. Baudis and A. L. Baxter and L. Bellagamba and R. Biondi and A. Bismark and A. Brown and S. Bruenner and G. Bruno and R. Budnik and T. K. Bui and C. Cai and C. Capelli and J. M. R. Cardoso and D. Cichon and M. Clark and A. P. Colijn and J. Conrad and J. J. Cuenca-Garc{\'i}a and J. P. Cussonneau and V. D'Andrea and M. P. Decowski and P. Di Gangi and S. Di Pede and A. Di Giovanni and R. Di Stefano and S. Diglio and K. Eitel and A. Elykov and S. Farrell and A. D. Ferella and C. Ferrari and H. Fischer and W. Fulgione and P. Gaemers and R. Gaior and A. Gallo Rosso and M. Galloway and F. Gao and R. Gardner and R. Glade-Beucke and L. Grandi and J. Grigat and M. Guida and R. Hammann and A. Higuera and C. Hils and L. Hoetzsch and J. Howlett and M. Iacovacci and Y. Itow and J. Jakob and F. Joerg and A. Joy and N. Kato and M. Kara and P. Kavrigin and S. Kazama and M. Kobayashi and G. Koltman and A. Kopec and F. Kuger and H. Landsman and R. F. Lang and L. Levinson and I. Li and S. Li and S. Liang and S. Lindemann and M. Lindner and K. Liu and J. Loizeau and F. Lombardi and J. Long and J. A. M. Lopes and Y. Ma and C. Macolino and J. Mahlstedt and A. Mancuso and L. Manenti and F. Marignetti and T. Marrod{\'a}n Undagoitia and K. Martens and J. Masbou and D. Masson and E. Masson and S. Mastroianni and M. Messina and K. Miuchi and K. Mizukoshi and A. Molinario and S. Moriyama and K. Mor{\aa} and Y. Mosbacher and M. Murra and J. M{\"u}ller and K. Ni and U. Oberlack and B. Paetsch and J. Palacio and P. Paschos and R. Peres and C. Peters and J. Pienaar and M. Pierre and V. Pizzella and G. Plante and J. Qi and J. Qin and D. Ram{\'i}rez Garc{\'i}a and S. Reichard and A. Rocchetti and N. Rupp and L. Sanchez and J. M. F. dos Santos and I. Sarnoff and G. Sartorelli and J. Schreiner and D. Schulte and P. Schulte and H. Schulze Ei{\ss}ing and M. Schumann and L. Scotto Lavina and M. Selvi and F. Semeria and P. Shagin and S. Shi and E. Shockley and M. Silva and H. Simgen and J. Stephen and A. Takeda and P.-L. Tan and A. Terliuk and D. Thers and F. Toschi and G. Trinchero and C. Tunnell and F. T{\"o}nnies and K. Valerius and G. Volta and Y. Wei and C. Weinheimer and M. Weiss and D. Wenz and C. Wittweg and T. Wolf and D. Xu and Z. Xu and M. Yamashita and L. Yang and J. Ye and L. Yuan and G. Zavattini and M. Zhong and T. Zhu and XENON Collaboration}, title = {Search for New Physics in Electronic Recoil Data From Xenonnt}, journal = {Physical Review Letters}, volume = 129, number = 16, pages = 161805, year = 2022, doi = {10.1103/physrevlett.129.161805}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.161805}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 21:57:16 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/aprile22_searc_new_physic_elect_recoil.pdf} }
- Paper by the LUX-ZEPLIN collaboration about their search for new
physics in their dataset. Similar to XENON1T, but more
sensitive. However, less sensitive than XENONnT
Provide a limit on
gae = \SI{2.35e-12} \text{ at } \SI{90}{\%} \text{ CL}
they mention the apparent best limit on $gae = \SI{3e-13}$ from
cooling rates of red giants.
@article{lux_zeppelin_2023, author = {J. Aalbers and D. S. Akerib and A. K. Al Musalhi and F. Alder and C. S. Amarasinghe and A. Ames and T. J. Anderson and N. Angelides and H. M. Ara{\'u}jo and J. E. Armstrong and M. Arthurs and A. Baker and S. Balashov and J. Bang and J. W. Bargemann and A. Baxter and K. Beattie and P. Beltrame and T. Benson and A. Bhatti and A. Biekert and T. P. Biesiadzinski and H. J. Birch and G. M. Blockinger and B. Boxer and C. A. J. Brew and P. Br{\'a}s and S. Burdin and M. Buuck and M. C. Carmona-Benitez and C. Chan and A. Chawla and H. Chen and J. J. Cherwinka and N. I. Chott and M. V. Converse and A. Cottle and G. Cox and D. Curran and C. E. Dahl and A. David and J. Delgaudio and S. Dey and L. de Viveiros and C. Ding and J. E. Y. Dobson and E. Druszkiewicz and S. R. Eriksen and A. Fan and N. M. Fearon and S. Fiorucci and H. Flaecher and E. D. Fraser and T. M. A. Fruth and R. J. Gaitskell and A. Geffre and J. Genovesi and C. Ghag and R. Gibbons and S. Gokhale and J. Green and M. G. D. van der Grinten and C. R. Hall and S. Han and E. Hartigan-O'Connor and S. J. Haselschwardt and D. Q. Huang and S. A. Hertel and G. Heuermann and M. Horn and D. Hunt and C. M. Ignarra and O. Jahangir and R. S. James and J. Johnson and A. C. Kaboth and A. C. Kamaha and D. Khaitan and A. Khazov and I. Khurana and J. Kim and J. Kingston and R. Kirk and D. Kodroff and L. Korley and E. V. Korolkova and H. Kraus and S. Kravitz and L. Kreczko and B. Krikler and V. A. Kudryavtsev and E. A. Leason and J. Lee and D. S. Leonard and K. T. Lesko and C. Levy and J. Lin and A. Lindote and R. Linehan and W. H. Lippincott and X. Liu and M. I. Lopes and E. Lopez Asamar and W. Lorenzon and C. Lu and D. Lucero and S. Luitz and P. A. Majewski and A. Manalaysay and R. L. Mannino and C. Maupin and M. E. McCarthy and G. McDowell and D. N. McKinsey and J. McLaughlin and E. H. Miller and E. Mizrachi and A. Monte and M. E. Monzani and J. D. Morales Mendoza and E. Morrison and B. J. Mount and M. Murdy and A. St. J. Murphy and D. Naim and A. Naylor and C. Nedlik and H. N. Nelson and F. Neves and A. Nguyen and J. A. Nikoleyczik and I. Olcina and K. C. Oliver-Mallory and J. Orpwood and K. J. Palladino and J. Palmer and N. Parveen and S. J. Patton and B. Penning and G. Pereira and E. Perry and T. Pershing and A. Piepke and S. Poudel and Y. Qie and J. Reichenbacher and C. A. Rhyne and Q. Riffard and G. R. C. Rischbieter and H. S. Riyat and R. Rosero and T. Rushton and D. Rynders and D. Santone and A. B. M. R. Sazzad and R. W. Schnee and S. Shaw and T. Shutt and J. J. Silk and C. Silva and G. Sinev and R. Smith and V. N. Solovov and P. Sorensen and J. Soria and I. Stancu and A. Stevens and K. Stifter and B. Suerfu and T. J. Sumner and M. Szydagis and W. C. Taylor and D. J. Temples and D. R. Tiedt and M. Timalsina and Z. Tong and D. R. Tovey and J. Tranter and M. Trask and M. Tripathi and D. R. Tronstad and W. Turner and A. Vacheret and A. C. Vaitkus and A. Wang and J. J. Wang and Y. Wang and J. R. Watson and R. C. Webb and L. Weeldreyer and T. J. Whitis and M. Williams and W. J. Wisniewski and F. L. H. Wolfs and S. Woodford and D. Woodward and C. J. Wright and Q. Xia and X. Xiang and J. Xu and M. Yeh and E. A. Zweig}, title = {A Search for New Physics in Low-Energy Electron Recoils From the First Lz Exposure}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Sep 21 21:52:50 2023}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2307.15753}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.15753}, File = {~/org/Papers/axions/lux_zeplin_search_new_physics_2307.15753.pdf} }
~/org/Papers/xrays/analytical_computation_off_axis_conical_xray_telescope_0906.5367.pdf contains analytical calculations about X-ray optics which follow the conical approximation. They explicitly state (page 3): that the focal length of a conical approximation is always slightly larger than the focal length of a real Wolter type 1 optic! Unfortunately they don’t specify by how much (at least I haven’t seen it yet).
The following: ~/org/Papers/xrays/PhD_Thesis_Daniele_Spiga.pdf PhD thesis contains a huge amount of information about everything relevant for X-rays reflectivity, multilayers, X-ray optics etc! Great source of theory information.
- Conical imaging mirrors for high-speed x-ray telescopes
-> The paper introducing the Cone approximation to a Wolter I optic
Apparently a paper that expands on the Wolter paper for actual
applications by using a conical design?
@article{Petre:85, author = {Robert Petre and Peter J. Serlemitsos}, journal = {Appl. Opt.}, keywords = {Optical systems; Spatial resolution; X ray imaging; X ray mirrors; X ray optics; X ray telescopes}, number = {12}, pages = {1833--1837}, publisher = {Optica Publishing Group}, title = {Conical imaging mirrors for high-speed x-ray telescopes}, volume = {24}, month = {Jun}, year = {1985}, url = {https://opg.optica.org/ao/abstract.cfm?URI=ao-24-12-1833}, doi = {10.1364/AO.24.001833}, abstract = {The conical x-ray imaging mirror represents the long focal length limit of a Wolter type I grazing incidence mirror, in which the curved surfaces have been replaced by simple cones. When many thin-walled cones are nested, such a mirror affords the relatively high aperture filling factor needed for telescopes well suited to broadband x-ray astonomy. A conical mirror also features a constant spatial resolution across the field of view and can be designed to have an arbitrarily high intrinsic spatial resolution. We describe the spatial resolution and filling factor of conical optics as a function of various design parameters as characterized using a Monte Carlo ray tracing procedure.}, File = {~/org/Papers/xrays/cone_approximation_wolter_I_petre1985.pdf} }
- X-ray Telescopes Based on Wolter-I Optics ~/org/Papers/xrays/xray_telescopes_handbook_astronomical_instrumentation_9789811203800_0001.pdf from The WSPC Handbook of Astronomical Instrumentation : X-Ray Astronomical Instrumentation (Volume 4) (312 Pages) https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9446#t=aboutBook
- The paper about the IMD software package to model multilayer films! Good introduction to the physics of X-ray reflectivity, including how p- and s-polarization differ and how depth graded multilayer systems work! Recommended read.
author = {David L. Windt},
title = {IMD-Software for Modeling the Optical Properties of
Multilayer Films},
journal = {Computers in Physics},
volume = 12,
number = 4,
pages = {360-370},
year = 1998,
doi = {10.1063/1.168689},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.168689},
DATE_ADDED = {Sat Sep 30 16:08:09 2023},
File = {~/org/Papers/xrays/d_l_windt_imd_software_optical_properties_multilayer_films_1998_CIP_12_360.pdf}
- Spiegelsysteme streifenden Einfalls als abbildende Optiken für
The paper by Hans Wolter introducing the I type X-ray optics
@article{wolter_1_type, author = {Wolter, Hans}, title = {Spiegelsysteme streifenden Einfalls als abbildende Optiken für Röntgenstrahlen}, journal = {Annalen der Physik}, volume = {445}, number = {1-2}, pages = {94-114}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1002/andp.19524450108}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/andp.19524450108}, eprint = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/andp.19524450108}, year = {1952}, File = {~/org/Papers/wolter_type_1_1952_andp.19524450108.pdf} }
- This is the paper that is referenced in the BabyIAXO CDR
cite:abeln2021conceptual on page 36 as the outer design for the new
hybrid X-ray optic for BabyIAXO.
@inproceedings{civitani16_cold_hot_slump_glass_optic, author = {M. Civitani and S. Basso and M. Ghigo and G. Pareschi and B. Salmaso and D. Spiga and G. Vecchi and R. Banham and E. Breuning and V. Burwitz and G. Hartner and B. Menz}, title = {Cold and Hot Slumped Glass Optics with interfacing ribs for high angular resolution x-ray telescopes}, booktitle = {SPIE Proceedings}, year = 2016, doi = {10.1117/12.2232591}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2232591}, DATE_ADDED = {Mon Sep 25 17:37:17 2023}, month = 8, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST_IAXO_telescopes/civitani2016_cold_hot_slumped_glass_optics.pdf} }
- The x-ray telescope of CAST
@article{CAST_telescope_ccd, author={M Kuster and H Bräuninger and S Cebrián and M Davenport and C Eleftheriadis and J Englhauser and H Fischer and J Franz and P Friedrich and R Hartmann and F H Heinsius and D H H Hoffmann and G Hoffmeister and J N Joux and D Kang and K Königsmann and R Kotthaus and T Papaevangelou and C Lasseur and A Lippitsch and G Lutz and J Morales and A Rodríguez and L Strüder and J Vogel and Zioutas}, title={The x-ray telescope of CAST}, journal={New Journal of Physics}, volume={9}, number={6}, pages={169}, url={http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/9/i=6/a=169}, year={2007}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST_IAXO_telescopes/cast_xray_telescope_abrixas_Kuster_2007_New_J._Phys._9_169.pdf} }
- ABRIXAS: an imaging x-ray survey in the 0.5- to 10-keV range
Details about the ABRIXAS X-ray telescope
@InProceedings{ABRIXAS_0a, author="Richter, G. and Hasinger, G. and Friedrich, P. and Fritze, K. and Tr{\"u}mper, J. and Br{\"a}uninger, H. and Predehl, P. and Staubert, R. and Kendziorra, E.", editor="Bassani, L. and Di Cocco, G.", title="Abrixas", booktitle="Imaging in High Energy Astronomy", year="1995", publisher="Springer Netherlands", address="Dordrecht", pages="159--162", abstract="In a cooperation between Asti. Inst. Potsdam, MPE Garching and Astr. Inst. Univ.- T{\"u}bingen we have proposed to DARA to build a small X-ray satellite for an all-sky survey in the 0.5-10 keV band in order to observe an expected population of AGN, absorbed by a gas and dust torus.", isbn="978-94-011-0407-4", doi = {10.1007/978-94-011-0407-4_21}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-0407-4_21}, File = {~/org/Papers/xrays/Imaging_in_High_Energy_Astronomy_September1994-SpringerNether.pdf} } @inproceedings{ABRIXAS_0b, author = {Peter Friedrich}, title = {{ABRIXAS: an imaging x-ray survey in the 0.5- to 10-keV range}}, volume = {3444}, booktitle = {X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions}, editor = {Richard B. Hoover and Arthur B. C. Walker II}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {342 -- 349}, year = {1998}, doi = {}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.331248}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST_IAXO_telescopes/abrixas_telescope_mpe_cast_12.331248.pdf} } @article{ABRIXAS_other, author = {Friedrich, P. and Hasinger, Gunther and Richter, G. and Fritze, K. and Trümper, J. and Bräuninger, H. and Predehl, P. and Staubert, Ruediger and Kendziorra, E.}, year = {1996}, month = {01}, pages = {681-682}, title = {ABRIXAS, an imaging telescope for a 0.5-10 keV survey.}, volume = {-1} }
- Mirror system for the German x-ray satellite ABRIXAS: I. Flight
mirror fabrication, integration, and testing
@inproceedings{ABRIXAS_1, author = {Juergen Altmann and Wilhelm J. Egle and Ulrich Bingel and Wolfgang Hafner and Bernhard Gaenswein and Herbert Schwarz and Anton Neugschwender}, title = {{Mirror system for the German x-ray satellite ABRIXAS: I. Flight mirror fabrication, integration, and testing}}, volume = {3444}, booktitle = {X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions}, editor = {Richard B. Hoover and Arthur B. C. Walker II}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {350 -- 358}, year = {1998}, doi = {}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.331249}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST_IAXO_telescopes/abrixas_mirror_system_integration_testing_1998_12.331249.pdf} }
- Mirror system for the German x-ray satellite ABRIXAS: II. Design and
mirror development
@inproceedings{ABRIXAS_2, author = {Wilhelm J. Egle and Juergen Altmann and Paul Kaufmann and Hartmut Muenker and Gerhard Derst and Herbert Schwarz and Anton Neugschwender}, title = {{Mirror system for the German x-ray satellite ABRIXAS: II. Design and mirror development}}, volume = {3444}, booktitle = {X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions}, editor = {Richard B. Hoover and Arthur B. C. Walker II}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {359 -- 368}, year = {1998}, doi = {}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.331250}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST_IAXO_telescopes/abrixas_mirror_system_design_development_12.331250.pdf} }
- X-ray optics in new instruments for astro- and astroparticle physics
The PhD thesis that studied the optimizations for the LLNL telescope
@phdthesis{anders_phd, title = "X-ray optics in new instruments for astro- and astroparticle physics", author = "Jakobsen, {Anders Clemen}", year = "2015", language = "English", isbn = "978-87-91694-28-8", publisher = "DTU Space", File = {~/org/Papers/CAST_IAXO_telescopes/llnl_telescope_optimizations_phdthesis_for_DTU_orbit.pdf} }
- A Micromegas-based low-background x-ray detector coupled to a slumped-glass telescope for axion research
First paper publishing results using the LLNL telesope at CAST
@article{llnl_telescope_first_cast_results, author = {F. Aznar and J. Castel and F.E. Christensen and T. Dafni and T.A. Decker and E. Ferrer-Ribas and J.A. Garcia and I. Giomataris and J.G. Garza and C.J. Hailey and R.M. Hill and F.J. Iguaz and I.G. Irastorza and A.C. Jakobsen and G. Luzon and H. Mirallas and T. Papaevangelou and M.J. Pivovaroff and J. Ruz and T. Vafeiadis and J.K. Vogel}, title = {A Micromegas-Based Low-Background X-Ray Detector Coupled To a Slumped-Glass Telescope for Axion Research}, journal = {Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics}, volume = 2015, number = 12, pages = {008-008}, year = 2015, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2015/12/008}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2015/12/008}, DATE_ADDED = {Fri Jan 19 11:51:46 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/CAST_IAXO_telescopes/llnl_telescope_cast_mm_1509_06190.pdf} }
Paper introducing the NuStar mission
@article{Harrison_2013, doi = {10.1088/0004-637x/770/2/103}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637x/770/2/103}, year = 2013, month = {may}, publisher = {American Astronomical Society}, volume = {770}, number = {2}, pages = {103}, author = {Fiona A. Harrison and William W. Craig and Finn E. Christensen and Charles J. Hailey and William W. Zhang and Steven E. Boggs and Daniel Stern and W. Rick Cook and Karl Forster and Paolo Giommi and Brian W. Grefenstette and Yunjin Kim and Takao Kitaguchi and Jason E. Koglin and Kristin K. Madsen and Peter H. Mao and Hiromasa Miyasaka and Kaya Mori and Matteo Perri and Michael J. Pivovaroff and Simonetta Puccetti and Vikram R. Rana and Niels J. Westergaard and Jason Willis and Andreas Zoglauer and Hongjun An and Matteo Bachetti and Nicolas M. Barri{\`{e}}re and Eric C. Bellm and Varun Bhalerao and Nicolai F. Brejnholt and Felix Fuerst and Carl C. Liebe and Craig B. Markwardt and Melania Nynka and Julia K. Vogel and Dominic J. Walton and Daniel R. Wik and David M. Alexander and Lynn R. Cominsky and Ann E. Hornschemeier and Allan Hornstrup and Victoria M. Kaspi and Greg M. Madejski and Giorgio Matt and Silvano Molendi and David M. Smith and John A. Tomsick and Marco Ajello and David R. Ballantyne and Mislav Balokovi{\'{c}} and Didier Barret and Franz E. Bauer and Roger D. Blandford and W. Niel Brandt and Laura W. Brenneman and James Chiang and Deepto Chakrabarty and Jerome Chenevez and Andrea Comastri and Francois Dufour and Martin Elvis and Andrew C. Fabian and Duncan Farrah and Chris L. Fryer and Eric V. Gotthelf and Jonathan E. Grindlay and David J. Helfand and Roman Krivonos and David L. Meier and Jon M. Miller and Lorenzo Natalucci and Patrick Ogle and Eran O. Ofek and Andrew Ptak and Stephen P. Reynolds and Jane R. Rigby and Gianpiero Tagliaferri and Stephen E. Thorsett and Ezequiel Treister and C. Megan Urry}, title = {{THENUCLEAR} {SPECTROSCOPIC} {TELESCOPE} {ARRAY}({NuSTAR}) {HIGH}-{ENERGY} X-{RAY} {MISSION}}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, File = {~/org/Papers/xrays/nustar/nustar_introduction_Harrison_2013_ApJ_770_103.pdf} }
- Development of the HEFT and NuSTAR focusing telescopes
1st paper introducing techniques used for nustar
@Inbook{Harrison2006, author="Harrison, Fiona A. and Christensen, Finn E. and Craig, William and Hailey, Charles and Baumgartner, Wayne and Chen, C. M. H. and Chonko, James and Cook, W. Rick and Koglin, Jason and Madsen, Kristin-Kruse and Pivavoroff, Michael and Boggs, Steven and Smith, David", editor="von Ballmoos, Peter", title="Development of the HEFT and NuSTAR focusing telescopes", bookTitle="Focusing Telescopes in Nuclear Astrophysics", year="2006", publisher="Springer Netherlands", address="Dordrecht", pages="131--137", isbn="978-1-4020-5304-7", doi="10.1007/978-1-4020-5304-7_15", url="https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-5304-7_15", File = {~/org/Papers/development_nustar_focusing_telescope_harrison2006.pdf} }
- NuSTAR hard x-ray optics design and performance
2nd paper introducing techniques used in Nustar telescope
@inproceedings{nustar_design_performance, author = {Jason E. Koglin and HongJun An and Kenneth L. Blaedel and Nicolai F. Brejnholt and Finn E. Christensen and William W. Craig and Todd A. Decker and Charles J. Hailey and Layton C. Hale and Fiona A. Harrison and Carsten P. Jensen and Kristin K. Madsen and Kaya Mori and Michael J. Pivovaroff and Gordon Tajiri and William W. Zhang}, title = {{NuSTAR hard x-ray optics design and performance}}, volume = {7437}, booktitle = {Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy IV}, editor = {Stephen L. O'Dell and Giovanni Pareschi}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {107 -- 114}, keywords = {Hard X-ray telescope, X-ray optics, segmented glass, NuSTAR}, year = {2009}, doi = {}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.826724}, File = {~/org/Papers/xrays/nustar/nustar_optics_design_performance_koglin2009.pdf} }
- Fabrication of the NuSTAR flight optics
3rd paper introducing techniques used for nustar telescope
@inproceedings{nustar_fabrication, author = {William W. Craig and HongJun An and Kenneth L. Blaedel and Finn E. Christensen and Todd A. Decker and Anne Fabricant and Jeff Gum and Charles J. Hailey and Layton Hale and Carsten B. Jensen and Jason E. Koglin and Kaya Mori and Melanie Nynka and Michael J. Pivovaroff and Marton V. Sharpe and Marcela Stern and Gordon Tajiri and William W. Zhang}, title = {{Fabrication of the NuSTAR flight optics}}, volume = {8147}, booktitle = {Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy V}, editor = {Stephen L. O'Dell and Giovanni Pareschi}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {151 -- 164}, keywords = {Hard X-ray telescope, X-ray optics, NuSTAR, thermally-slumped glass}, year = {2011}, doi = {10.1117/12.895278}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.895278}, File = {~/org/Papers/xrays/nustar/nustar_fabrication_craig2011.pdf} }
- The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR): optics overview
and current status
4th paper introducing nustar telescope
@inproceedings{nustar_overview_status, author = {Charles J. Hailey and HongJun An and Kenneth L. Blaedel and Nicolai F. Brejnholt and Finn E. Christensen and William W. Craig and Todd A. Decker and Melanie Doll and Jeff Gum and Jason E. Koglin and Carsten P. Jensen and Layton Hale and Kaya Mori and Michael J. Pivovaroff and Marton Sharpe and Marcela Stern and Gordon Tajiri and William W. Zhang}, title = {{The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR): optics overview and current status}}, volume = {7732}, booktitle = {Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray}, editor = {Monique Arnaud and Stephen S. Murray and Tadayuki Takahashi}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {197 -- 209}, keywords = {Hard X-ray telescope, X-ray optics, thermally-slumped glass, NuSTAR}, year = {2010}, doi = {10.1117/12.857654}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.857654}, File = {~/org/Papers/xrays/nustar/nustar_overview_status_hailey2010.pdf} }
- NuSTAR calibration facility and multilayer reference database: Optic
response model comparison to NuSTAR on-ground calibration data
-> PhD thesis about the NuSTAR optic from DTU! This seems to be a
treasure trove of information about such optics and is thus directly
relevant for the LLNL telescope at CAST!
@phdthesis{nustar_dtu_phd, title = "NuSTAR calibration facility and multilayer reference database: Optic response model comparison to NuSTAR on-ground calibration data: Optic response model comparison to NuSTAR on-ground calibration data", author = "Nicolai Brejnholt", year = "2012", language = "English", publisher = "DTU Space", File = {~/org/Papers/xrays/nustar/NuSTAR_calibration_Nicolai_F_Brejnholt_PhD.pdf} }
- DBSCAN algorithm. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBSCAN
@inproceedings{ester1996density, title={A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise.}, author={Ester, Martin and Kriegel, Hans-Peter and Sander, J{\"o}rg and Xu, Xiaowei and others}, booktitle={kdd}, volume={96}, number={34}, pages={226--231}, year={1996}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/KDD96-037_density_based_algo_discovering_clusters_DBSCAN.pdf} }
- DBSCAN still relevant in 2017
@article{10.1145/3068335, author = {Schubert, Erich and Sander, J\"{o}rg and Ester, Martin and Kriegel, Hans Peter and Xu, Xiaowei}, title = {DBSCAN Revisited, Revisited: Why and How You Should (Still) Use DBSCAN}, year = {2017}, issue_date = {September 2017}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, volume = {42}, number = {3}, issn = {0362-5915}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3068335}, doi = {10.1145/3068335}, abstract = {At SIGMOD 2015, an article was presented with the title “DBSCAN Revisited: Mis-Claim, Un-Fixability, and Approximation” that won the conference’s best paper award. In this technical correspondence, we want to point out some inaccuracies in the way DBSCAN was represented, and why the criticism should have been directed at the assumption about the performance of spatial index structures such as R-trees and not at an algorithm that can use such indexes. We will also discuss the relationship of DBSCAN performance and the indexability of the dataset, and discuss some heuristics for choosing appropriate DBSCAN parameters. Some indicators of bad parameters will be proposed to help guide future users of this algorithm in choosing parameters such as to obtain both meaningful results and good performance. In new experiments, we show that the new SIGMOD 2015 methods do not appear to offer practical benefits if the DBSCAN parameters are well chosen and thus they are primarily of theoretical interest. In conclusion, the original DBSCAN algorithm with effective indexes and reasonably chosen parameter values performs competitively compared to the method proposed by Gan and Tao.}, journal = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.}, month = {jul}, articleno = {19}, numpages = {21}, keywords = {range-search complexity, DBSCAN, density-based clustering}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/3068335_DBSCAN_revisited_2017.pdf} }
- CLASSIX clustering algorithm. Super exciting and should be
implemented in Nim!
@techreport{CLASSIX, title = {Fast and explainable clustering based on sorting}, author = {Chen, Xinye and G\"{u}ttel, Stefan}, year = {2022}, number = {arXiv:2202.01456}, pages = {25}, institution = {The University of Manchester}, address = {UK}, type = {arXiv EPrint}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.01456}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/2202.01456_fast_explainable_clustering_sorting_CLASSIX.pdf} }
- Performance of the first CERN-INFN 10 m long superconducting dipole
prototype for the LHC
I’m trying to find a reference for the material of the
superconductor. This paper references (refs 1, 4, 5)
acerbi1992state below (ref 1) as one source of the design of the
@techreport{bona1994performance, title={Performance of the first CERN-INFN 10 m long superconducting dipole prototype for the LHC}, author={Bona, M and Rossi, L and Walckiers, L and Rodriguez-Mateos, F and Siemko, A and Sievers, P and Acerbi, E and Perin, R and Leroy, D}, year={1994}, File = {~/org/Papers/performance_first_cern_10m_prototype_dipole_lhc_magnet_cer-000186876.pdf} }
- This paper is ref 1 of the above. It mentions the magnet following
the same design as the ‘previous 1 m long MTAl magnets’. For that
they reference 1, bona1992design below, which mentions the
superconductor is NbTi.
@inproceedings{acerbi1992state, title={State of the construction of the two INFN full length superconducting dipole prototype magnets for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)}, author={Acerbi, E and Bona, M and Leroy, D and Perin, R and Rossi, L}, booktitle={Proc. EPAC}, volume={92}, pages={1420}, year={1992}, File = {~/org/Papers/state_construction_full_length_lhc_dipole_magnet_EPAC1992_1420.PDF} }
- This is the paper about the actual design of the LHC dipole
magnets. It includes the mention that the cable is NbTi!
@article{bona1992design, author = {M. Bona and D. Leroy and R. Perin and P. Rohmig and B. Szeless and W. Thomi}, title = {Design, Fabrication Variants and Results of Lhc Twin-Aperture Models}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Magnetics}, volume = 28, number = 1, pages = {338-341}, year = 1992, doi = {10.1109/20.119880}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/20.119880}, DATE_ADDED = {Fri Jan 19 11:58:05 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/design_fabrication_lhc_dipole_magnets_CM-P00063415.pdf} }
- Paper about the test bench for all of the LHC dipole magnets at SM18
@article{billan1994design, title={Design and test of the benches for the magnetic measurement of the LHC dipoles}, author={Billan, J and Buckley, J and Saban, R and Sievers, P and Walckiers, L}, journal={IEEE transactions on magnetics}, volume={30}, number={4}, pages={2658--2661}, year={1994}, publisher={IEEE}, File = {~/org/Papers/design_test_bench_dipole_magnets_lhc_P00020884.pdf} }
- 1st Geometer alignment
11.07.2017 https://edms.cern.ch/document/1827959/1
@online{geometer_1, author = {Antje Behrens, Benoit Cumer}, title = {CAST Livermore Telescope Fiducialisation on V2}, year = {2017}, month = {07}, day = {10}, url = {https://edms.cern.ch/document/1827959/1}, urldate = {2022-11-17}, File = {~/org/Doc/CAST_Alignment/2017.07.11_CAST_Fiducialisation_Telescope.pdf} }
- 2nd Geometer alignment
Magnet warm and under vacuum.
14.09.2017 https://edms.cern.ch/document/2005606/1
@online{geometer_2, author = {Antje Behrens, Alexandre Beynel, Benoit Cumer}, title = {{CAST} Alignment of {InGRID} detector on V2}, year = {2017}, month = {09}, day = {14}, url = {https://edms.cern.ch/document/2005606/1}, urldate = {2022-11-17}, File = {~/org/Doc/CAST_Alignment/20170914_CAST_Alignment_InGrid.pdf} }
- 3rd Geometer alignment
26.10.2017 https://edms.cern.ch/document/2005690/1
@online{geometer_3, author = {Antje Behrens, Alexandre Beynel, Benoit Cumer}, title = {{CAST} Alignment of {InGRID} detector on V2}, year = {2017}, month = {10}, day = {26}, url = {https://edms.cern.ch/document/2005690/1}, urldate = {2022-11-17}, File = {~/org/Doc/CAST_Alignment/20171026_CAST_Alignment_InGrid.pdf} }
- 4th Geometer measurement (not a real alignment), check at the end
(Magnet warm and at atmospheric pressure)
The latter
file is the important file for us! It contains the deltas of the InGrid center positions! 24.04.2018: https://edms.cern.ch/document/2006138/1@online{geometer_4, author = {Antje Behrens, Alexandre Beynel}, title = {{CAST} Measurement of {MPE} telescope on V1, {LLNL} telescope and {InGRID} on V2}, year = {2018}, month = {04}, day = {24}, url = {https://edms.cern.ch/document/2006138/1}, urldate = {2022-12-18}, File = {~/org/Doc/CAST_Alignment/20180424_CAST_LLNL_InGrid_MPE.pdf} }
- 5th Geometer alignment
Magnet warm and not under vacuum.
23.07.2018 https://edms.cern.ch/document/2005895/1
@online{geometer_5, author = {Antje Behrens, Alexandre Beynel}, title = {{CAST} Alignment of {InGRID} detector on V2}, year = {2018}, month = {07}, day = {23}, url = {https://edms.cern.ch/document/2005895/1}, urldate = {2022-11-17}, File = {~/org/Doc/CAST_Alignment/20180723_CAST_Alignment_InGrid.pdf} }
- Book containing first reference to something that became Lambert-Beer law
title={Essai d'optique, sur la gradation de la lumiere},
author={Bouguer, Pierre},
publisher={Claude Jombert},
- Book of Lambert about what became Lambert-Beer law
@book{lambert1760photometria, title={Photometria sive de mensura et gradibus luminis, colorum et umbrae}, author={Lambert, Johann Heinrich}, year={1760}, publisher={sumptibus vidvae E. Klett, typis CP Detleffsen}, url={https://archive.org/details/TO0E039861_TO0324_PNI-2733_000000} }
- Beer’s paper about absorption
@article{beer1852bestimmung, title={Bestimmung der Absorption des rothen Lichts in farbigen Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten}, author={Beer, August}, journal={Ann. Physik}, volume={162}, pages={78--88}, year={1852}, url={https://books.google.com/books?id=PNmXAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA78}, }
Today <2023-10-26 Thu 17:03> I finally tried to find some references for the origin of X-ray emission being Lorentzian in shape. Lots of fun stuff. Always a rabbit hole and only scratching the surface!
- Seems to be the original paper explaining the expected line shape of emission.
@inbook{weisskopf97_lorentzian, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Oct 26 17:19:18 2023}, author = {V. Weisskopf and E. P. Wigner}, booktitle = {Part I: Particles and Fields. Part II: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-09203-3_3}, pages = {30-49}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, series = {Part I: Particles and Fields. Part II: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics}, title = {Berechnung der nat{\"u}rlichen Linienbreite auf Grund der Diracschen Lichttheorie}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09203-3_3}, year = {1997}, File = {~/org/Papers/wigner_1997_collected_works_of.pdf} }
- The first paper I found that seems relevant: in 1986 they showed
that realistic XRF spectra can be fitted well by a convolution of a
Gaussian and a Lorentzian, namely the ‘pseudo-Voigt function’.
Also: apparently these guys were from IBM. Must have been nice
times, heh.
@article{huang86_profile_xrf, author = {T. C. Huang and G. Lim}, title = {Profile Analysis of Experimental X‐ray Fluorescence Spectra}, journal = {X-Ray Spectrometry}, volume = 15, number = 4, pages = {245-250}, year = 1986, doi = {10.1002/xrs.1300150406}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/xrs.1300150406}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Oct 26 17:06:44 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/atomic_physics/huang1986_profile_analysis_xray_fluorescence_spectra.pdf} }
- This paper contains some useful references to about the origin of
the Lorentzian shape, in particular cite:heckel87_low_peak_distor
@article{crawford18_compar_param_integ_approac_x, author = {Andrew M. Crawford and Nicole J. Sylvain and Huishu Hou and Mark J. Hackett and M. Jake Pushie and Ingrid J. Pickering and Graham N. George and Michael E. Kelly}, title = {A Comparison of Parametric and Integrative Approaches for X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis Applied To a Stroke Model}, journal = {Journal of Synchrotron Radiation}, volume = 25, number = 6, pages = {1780-1789}, year = 2018, doi = {10.1107/s1600577518010895}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S1600577518010895}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Oct 26 17:03:54 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/atomic_physics/crawford18_comparison_parametric_integrative_xray_fluorescence_stroke.pdf} }
- Another paper, cited in
cite:crawford18_compar_param_integ_approac_x, introducing a
convolution of a Gaussian with a Lorentzian to describe the spectra
to use to fit XRF.
@article{heckel87_low_peak_distor, author = {J. Heckel and W. Scholz}, title = {Description of Low‐energy Peak Distortion Observed in X‐ray Spectrometry With Si(Li) Detectors}, journal = {X-Ray Spectrometry}, volume = 16, number = 4, pages = {181-185}, year = 1987, doi = {10.1002/xrs.1300160409}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/xrs.1300160409}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Oct 26 17:09:31 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/atomic_physics/heckel1987_description_peak_distortion_xray_spectrometry_si_det.pdf} }
- This paper was also referenced in
cite:crawford18_compar_param_integ_approac_x. It seems to introduce
a good algorithm in order to perform the fitting of such pseudo
Voigt profiles.
They cite cite:roberts75_lorentz as the source for the Voigt
Importantly this one contains the reference to for the origin
of the Lorentzian linewidth!
@article{gunnink77_algo_lorentz, author = {R. Gunnink}, title = {An Algorithm for Fitting Lorentzian-Broadened, K-Series X-Ray Peaks of the Heavy Elements}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods}, volume = 143, number = 1, pages = {145-149}, year = 1977, doi = {10.1016/0029-554x(77)90343-3}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0029-554X(77)90343-3}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Oct 26 17:11:51 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/atomic_physics/gunnink1977_algorithm_fiting_lorentzian_broadened_xray_peaks.pdf} }
- This paper seems to be the introduction of using the particular
Voigt profile for X-ray lines, cited in the above cite:gunnink77_algo_lorentz.
@article{roberts75_lorentz, author = {B.L. Roberts and R.A.J. Riddle and G.T.A. Squier}, title = {Measurement of Lorentzian Linewidths}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods}, volume = 130, number = 2, pages = {559-563}, year = 1975, doi = {10.1016/0029-554x(75)90058-0}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0029-554X(75)90058-0}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Oct 26 17:14:20 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/atomic_physics/roberts1975_measurement_lorentzian_linewidths.pdf} }
- PDG 2022
@article{10.1093/ptep/ptac097, author = {Particle Data Group and Workman, R L and Burkert, V D and Crede, V and Klempt, E and Thoma, U and Tiator, L and Agashe, K and Aielli, G and Allanach, B C and Amsler, C and Antonelli, M and Aschenauer, E C and Asner, D M and Baer, H and Banerjee, Sw and Barnett, R M and Baudis, L and Bauer, C W and Beatty, J J and Belousov, V I and Beringer, J and Bettini, A and Biebel, O and Black, K M and Blucher, E and Bonventre, R and Bryzgalov, V V and Buchmuller, O and Bychkov, M A and Cahn, R N and Carena, M and Ceccucci, A and Cerri, A and Chivukula, R Sekhar and Cowan, G and Cranmer, K and Cremonesi, O and D'Ambrosio, G and Damour, T and de Florian, D and de Gouvêa, A and DeGrand, T and de Jong, P and Demers, S and Dobrescu, B A and D'Onofrio, M and Doser, M and Dreiner, H K and Eerola, P and Egede, U and Eidelman, S and El-Khadra, A X and Ellis, J and Eno, S C and Erler, J and Ezhela, V V and Fetscher, W and Fields, B D and Freitas, A and Gallagher, H and Gershtein, Y and Gherghetta, T and Gonzalez-Garcia, M C and Goodman, M and Grab, C and Gritsan, A V and Grojean, C and Groom, D E and Grünewald, M and Gurtu, A and Gutsche, T and Haber, H E and Hamel, Matthieu and Hanhart, C and Hashimoto, S and Hayato, Y and Hebecker, A and Heinemeyer, S and Hernández-Rey, J J and Hikasa, K and Hisano, J and Höcker, A and Holder, J and Hsu, L and Huston, J and Hyodo, T and Ianni, Al and Kado, M and Karliner, M and Katz, U F and Kenzie, M and Khoze, V A and Klein, S R and Krauss, F and Kreps, M and Križan, P and Krusche, B and Kwon, Y and Lahav, O and Laiho, J and Lellouch, L P and Lesgourgues, J and Liddle, A R and Ligeti, Z and Lin, C-J and Lippmann, C and Liss, T M and Littenberg, L and Lourenço, C and Lugovsky, K S and Lugovsky, S B and Lusiani, A and Makida, Y and Maltoni, F and Mannel, T and Manohar, A V and Marciano, W J and Masoni, A and Matthews, J and Meißner, U-G and Melzer-Pellmann, I-A and Mikhasenko, M and Miller, D J and Milstead, D and Mitchell, R E and Mönig, K and Molaro, P and Moortgat, F and Moskovic, M and Nakamura, K and Narain, M and Nason, P and Navas, S and Nelles, A and Neubert, M and Nevski, P and Nir, Y and Olive, K A and Patrignani, C and Peacock, J A and Petrov, V A and Pianori, E and Pich, A and Piepke, A and Pietropaolo, F and Pomarol, A and Pordes, S and Profumo, S and Quadt, A and Rabbertz, K and Rademacker, J and Raffelt, G and Ramsey-Musolf, M and Ratcliff, B N and Richardson, P and Ringwald, A and Robinson, D J and Roesler, S and Rolli, S and Romaniouk, A and Rosenberg, L J and Rosner, J L and Rybka, G and Ryskin, M G and Ryutin, R A and Sakai, Y and Sarkar, S and Sauli, F and Schneider, O and Schönert, S and Scholberg, K and Schwartz, A J and Schwiening, J and Scott, D and Sefkow, F and Seljak, U and Sharma, V and Sharpe, S R and Shiltsev, V and Signorelli, G and Silari, M and Simon, F and Sjöstrand, T and Skands, P and Skwarnicki, T and Smoot, G F and Soffer, A and Sozzi, M S and Spanier, S and Spiering, C and Stahl, A and Stone, S L and Sumino, Y and Syphers, M J and Takahashi, F and Tanabashi, M and Tanaka, J and Taševský, M and Terao, K and Terashi, K and Terning, J and Thorne, R S and Titov, M and Tkachenko, N P and Tovey, D R and Trabelsi, K and Urquijo, P and Valencia, G and Van de Water, R and Varelas, N and Venanzoni, G and Verde, L and Vivarelli, I and Vogel, P and Vogelsang, W and Vorobyev, V and Wakely, S P and Walkowiak, W and Walter, C W and Wands, D and Weinberg, D H and Weinberg, E J and Wermes, N and White, M and Wiencke, L R and Willocq, S and Wohl, C G and Woody, C L and Yao, W-M and Yokoyama, M and Yoshida, R and Zanderighi, G and Zeller, G P and Zenin, O V and Zhu, R-Y and Zhu, Shi-Lin and Zimmermann, F and Zyla, P A}, title = "{Review of Particle Physics}", journal = {Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics}, volume = {2022}, number = {8}, pages = {083C01}, year = {2022}, month = {08}, abstract = "{The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 2,143 new measurements from 709 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as supersymmetric particles, heavy bosons, axions, dark photons, etc. Particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as Higgs Boson Physics, Supersymmetry, Grand Unified Theories, Neutrino Mixing, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Cosmology, Particle Detectors, Colliders, Probability and Statistics. Among the 120 reviews are many that are new or heavily revised, including a new review on Machine Learning, and one on Spectroscopy of Light Meson Resonances.The Review is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 includes the Summary Tables and 97 review articles. Volume 2 consists of the Particle Listings and contains also 23 reviews that address specific aspects of the data presented in the Listings.The complete Review (both volumes) is published online on the website of the Particle Data Group (pdg.lbl.gov) and in a journal. Volume 1 is available in print as the PDG Book. A Particle Physics Booklet with the Summary Tables and essential tables, figures, and equations from selected review articles is available in print, as a web version optimized for use on phones, and as an Android app.}", issn = {2050-3911}, doi = {10.1093/ptep/ptac097}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1093/ptep/ptac097}, eprint = {https://academic.oup.com/ptep/article-pdf/2022/8/083C01/49175539/ptac097.pdf}, File = {~/org/Papers/pdg_2022_ptac097.pdf} }
- PDG 2020
@article{Zyla:2020zbs, author = "Zyla, P.A. and others", collaboration = "Particle Data Group", title = "{Review of Particle Physics}", doi = "10.1093/ptep/ptaa104", journal = "PTEP", volume = "2020", number = "8", pages = "083C01", year = "2020" }
- X-ray data booklet.
The X-ray data booklet not only contains tables for the relative intensity of
X-ray fluorescence lines, binding energies of each electron and
fluorescence energies, but also a plot of the fluorescence yield,
i.e. the fraction with which an excited nucleus decays via a
radiative emission of an X-ray instead of an Auger electron.
The latter:
https://xdb.lbl.gov/Section1/Sec_1-3.html (and the corresponding
section in the book has a newer plot)
@article{williams2001x, title={X-ray data booklet}, author={Williams, Gwyn P}, journal={X-ray data booklet}, url={https://xdb.lbl.gov/xdb-new.pdf}, year={2001}, File = {~/org/Papers/xray_data_booklet_xdb-new.pdf} }
- Atomic radiative and radiationless yields for K and L shells:
Paper containing tables for the atomic radiation and radiationless
yields of K and L shells in excited nuclei.
I.e. it has a table of the X-ray fluorescence yields for
elements. Very valuable to know how much is emitted as X-rays and
how much as Auger electrons.
@article{krause1979atomic, title={Atomic radiative and radiationless yields for K and L shells}, author={Krause, Manfred Otto}, journal={Journal of physical and chemical reference data}, volume={8}, number={2}, pages={307--327}, year={1979}, publisher={American Institute of Physics for the National Institute of Standards and~…}, File = {~/org/Papers/atomic_radiative_radiationless_yields_k_l_shells_Krause_jpcrd136.pdf} }
- X-ray fluorescence yield library,
and a PDF of numbers calculated with it. The most interesting table is: ~/org/Papers/xraylib_tables_v2.3_fluorescence_yields.pdf The source code is hosted on: https://github.com/tschoonj/xraylib This is the main paper:@article{BRUNETTI20041725, title = {A library for X-ray–matter interaction cross sections for X-ray fluorescence applications}, journal = {Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy}, volume = {59}, number = {10}, pages = {1725-1731}, year = {2004}, note = {17th International Congress on X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis}, issn = {0584-8547}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sab.2004.03.014}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0584854704001843}, author = {A. Brunetti and M. {Sanchez del Rio} and B. Golosio and A. Simionovici and A. Somogyi}, keywords = {Library, X-ray, Fluorescence}, abstract = {Quantitative estimate of elemental composition by spectroscopic and imaging techniques using X-ray fluorescence requires the availability of accurate data of X-ray interaction with matter. Although a wide number of computer codes and data sets are reported in literature, none of them is presented in the form of freely available library functions which can be easily included in software applications for X-ray fluorescence. This work presents a compilation of data sets from different published works and an xraylib interface in the form of callable functions. Although the target applications are on X-ray fluorescence, cross sections of interactions like photoionization, coherent scattering and Compton scattering, as well as form factors and anomalous scattering functions, are also available.}, File = {~/org/Papers/xraylib_library_brunetti2004.pdf} }
- Second paper about xray lib:
@article{SCHOONJANS2011776, title = {The xraylib library for X-ray–matter interactions. Recent developments}, journal = {Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy}, volume = {66}, number = {11}, pages = {776-784}, year = {2011}, issn = {0584-8547}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sab.2011.09.011}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0584854711001984}, author = {Tom Schoonjans and Antonio Brunetti and Bruno Golosio and Manuel {Sanchez del Rio} and Vicente Armando Solé and Claudio Ferrero and Laszlo Vincze}, keywords = {X-ray fluorescence, Quantification, Fundamental parameters, Software library}, abstract = {This work presents the recent developments of xraylib, an ANSI C library that provides convenient access to a large number of X-ray related databases, with a focus on quantitative X-ray fluorescence applications. The enhancements include improved X-ray fluorescence production cross sections that take into account cascade effects and M-lines, as well as revised line energies, atomic level widths, Compton broadening profiles etc. A full overview of the complete application programming interface is presented.}, File = {~/org/Papers/xraylib_library_recent_developments_schoonjans2011.pdf} }
- Another table about X-ray fluorescence yields and Auger yields
containing an explanation on how to calculate Auger yields:
url = {https://application.wiley-vch.de/books/info/0-471-35633-6/toi99/www/atomic/flo.pdf} File = {~/org/Papers/fluorescence_auger_yields_table_wiley.pdf}
- Henke.gov online calculator
@article{henke1993x, title={X-ray interactions: photoabsorption, scattering, transmission, and reflection at E= 50-30,000 eV, Z= 1-92}, author={Henke, Burton L and Gullikson, Eric M and Davis, John C}, journal={Atomic data and nuclear data tables}, volume={54}, number={2}, pages={181--342}, year={1993}, publisher={Elsevier}, url={https://henke.lbl.gov/optical_constants/} }
- JLP Horizons API:
FINISH ME https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/
@online{jplHorizons, title = {JLP Horizons}, url = {https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/}, urldate = {2023-08-05} }
- First paper about the AGSS09 solar model
@article{agss09_chemical, author = {Martin Asplund and Nicolas Grevesse and A. Jacques Sauval and Pat Scott}, title = {The Chemical Composition of the Sun}, journal = {Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics}, volume = 47, number = 1, pages = {481-522}, year = 2009, doi = {10.1146/annurev.astro.46.060407.145222}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev.astro.46.060407.145222}, DATE_ADDED = {Fri Nov 10 13:11:17 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/solar_physics/asplund2009_agss09_chemical_composition.pdf} }
- Second paper about AGSS09 solar model
@article{agss09_new_solar, author = {Aldo M. Serenelli and Sarbani Basu and Jason W. Ferguson and Martin Asplund}, title = {New Solar Composition: the Problem With Solar Models Revisited}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, volume = 705, number = 2, pages = {L123-L127}, year = 2009, doi = {10.1088/0004-637x/705/2/l123}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/705/2/L123}, DATE_ADDED = {Fri Nov 10 13:13:53 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/solar_physics/Serenelli_2009_ApJ_705_L123_agss09_new_solar_composition.pdf} }
- My bachelor thesis
type = {bscthesis},
author = {Sebastian Schmidt},
title = {Verbesserung der Untergrundunterdrückung eines neuen {CAST} Detektors mittels multivariater Methoden aus {TMVA}},
institution = {Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn},
date = {2013-09},
- My master thesis
type = {mathesis},
author = {Sebastian Schmidt},
title = {Search for particles beyond the {SM} using an {InGrid} detector at {CAST}},
institution = {Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn},
date = {2016-11},
File = {~/org/Papers/schmidt2016_msc_search_particles_beyond_sm_ingrid_cast.pdf}
- Hendrik’s master thesis ~/org/Papers/hendrik_schmick_cast_cdl_msc.pdf
type = {mathesis},
author = {Hendrik Schmick},
title = {Characterization of an improved GridPix detector for solar axion search at {CAST}},
institution = {Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn},
date = {2019-07},
File = {~/org/Papers/hendrik_schmick_cast_cdl_msc.pdf}
- Luca Lista’s arxiv paper, a shortened version of the book
@article{lista16_arxiv, author = {Luca Lista}, title = {Practical Statistics for Particle Physicists}, journal = {arXiv}, year = 2016, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.1609.04150}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.04150}, DATE_ADDED = {Tue Nov 14 12:20:51 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/luca_lista_practical_statistics_for_particle_physicists_1609.04150.pdf} }
- Luca Lista’s book about statistics. The 2nd version. See below for the 3rd version Note: there is a typo in eq. 5.22 of (at least) the 2nd edition. It should be -lnL = s + b - Σ… (the book has a + in front of the sum). Also: the book is free apparently: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-319-62840-0.pdf -> No, but logging in via CERN is enough to download it!
author = {Luca Lista},
title = {Statistical Methods for Data Analysis in Particle
year = 2017,
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62840-0},
DATE_ADDED = {Tue Oct 17 17:28:19 2023},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-62840-0},
series = {Lecture Notes in Physics},
File = {~/org/Papers/luca_lista_statistical_methods_data_analytics_particle_physics_2017_2nd_edition.pdf}
- Luca Lista’s book about statistics in the 3rd version!
@book{lista23_statistics, author = {Luca Lista}, title = {Statistical Methods for Data Analysis}, year = 2023, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19934-9}, DATE_ADDED = {Tue Nov 14 12:27:40 2023}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-19934-9}, series = {Lecture Notes in Physics}, File = {~/org/Papers/luca_lista_statistical_methods_data_analytics_particle_physics_2023_3rd_edition.pdf} }
- Barlow’s book on statistics
@book{barlow1993statistics, title={Statistics: a guide to the use of statistical methods in the physical sciences}, author={Barlow, Roger J}, volume={29}, year={1993}, publisher={John Wiley \& Sons}, File = {~/org/Papers/Barlow_Statistics_A_Guide_and_Reference_to_the_Use_of_Statistical_Methods_in_the_Physical_Sciences-Wiley_1993.djvu} }
- Barlow’s arxiv PDF about statistics
@article{barlow19_arxiv_statistics, author = {Roger John Barlow}, title = {Practical Statistics for Particle Physics}, journal = {arXiv}, year = 2019, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.1905.12362}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.12362}, DATE_ADDED = {Tue Nov 14 12:49:38 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/barlow19_pract_statis_partic_physic.pdf} }
- Glen Cowan’s book on statistics
@book{cowan1998statistical, title={Statistical data analysis}, author={Cowan, Glen}, year={1998}, publisher={Oxford university press}, File = {~/org/Papers/Glen_Cowan_Statistical_Data_Analysis_1998.pdf} }
- The paper where the term ‘Asimov dataset’ comes from.
title={Asymptotic formulae for likelihood-based tests of new physics},
journal={The European Physical Journal C},
publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC},
author={Cowan, Glen and Cranmer, Kyle and Gross, Eilam and Vitells, Ofer},
File = {~/org/Papers/asymptotic_formulae_asimov_dataset_1007.1727v3.pdf}
- Paper by Thomas Junk about MC Limit / TLimit. It contains a lot of
good information about how limit calculations work, even if this
discusses binned approaches.
arxiv version of the paper: ~/org/Papers/t_junk_mclimit_9902006.pdf
@article{junk99_mclimit, author = {Thomas Junk}, title = {Confidence Level Computation for Combining Searches With Small Statistics}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, volume = 434, number = {2-3}, pages = {435-443}, year = 1999, doi = {10.1016/s0168-9002(99)00498-2}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0168-9002(99)00498-2}, DATE_ADDED = {Tue Nov 14 12:09:35 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/junk1999_mclimit.pdf} }
- Paper by Cramer about what became Cramer-von Mises
@article{cramer28_gof, author = {Harald Cram{\'e}r}, title = {On the Composition of Elementary Errors}, journal = {Scandinavian Actuarial Journal}, volume = 1928, number = 1, pages = {13-74}, year = 1928, doi = {10.1080/03461238.1928.10416862}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03461238.1928.10416862}, DATE_ADDED = {Sun Oct 29 12:00:56 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/statistics/cramer1928_cvm_gof.pdf} }
- Paper by von Mises about what became Cramer-von Mises
@book{mises36_gof, author = {Richard von Mises}, title = {Wahrscheinlichkeit Statistik und Wahrheit}, year = 1936, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-41863-5}, DATE_ADDED = {Sun Oct 29 12:03:45 2023}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-41863-5}, File = {~/org/Papers/statistics/vonMises1936_wahrscheinlichkeit_und_statistik.pdf} }
- Paper by Anderson about the two sample Cramer-von Mises test
@article{anderson62_cvm_gof, author = {T. W. Anderson}, title = {On the Distribution of the Two-Sample Cramer-Von Mises Criterion}, journal = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, volume = 33, number = 3, pages = {1148-1159}, year = 1962, doi = {10.1214/aoms/1177704477}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/aoms/1177704477}, DATE_ADDED = {Sun Oct 29 12:04:48 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/statistics/anderson1962_two_sample_cvm_gof.pdf} }
- A paper about a C++ implementation of CvM. Seems quite neat, I
downloaded the code too, next to the paper location:
@article{xiao07_cramer_von_mises_two_sampl_test, author = {Yuanhui Xiao and Alexander Gordon and Andrei Yakovlev}, title = {A<i>c++</i>program for the Cram{\'e}r-Von Mises Two-Sample Test}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, volume = 17, number = 8, year = 2007, doi = {10.18637/jss.v017.i08}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.18637/jss.v017.i08}, DATE_ADDED = {Sun Oct 29 12:10:07 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/statistics/v17i08_cpp_program_cvm_gof.pdf} }
- First paper (about Metropolis-Hastings algorithm) by Nicholas
Metropolis, Arianna and Marshall Rosenbluth and Augusta and Edward
@article{metropolis53_mcmc, author = {Nicholas Metropolis and Arianna W. Rosenbluth and Marshall N. Rosenbluth and Augusta H. Teller and Edward Teller}, title = {Equation of State Calculations By Fast Computing Machines}, journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, volume = 21, number = 6, pages = {1087-1092}, year = 1953, doi = {10.1063/1.1699114}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1699114}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Jan 6 13:53:03 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/statistics/mcmc_metropolis_rosenbluth_teller_eq_of_state_J_Chem_Phys1953Metropolis.pdf} }
- Second paper by Hastings (about Metropolis-Hastings algorithm)
@article{hastings70_mcmc, author = {W. K. Hastings}, title = {Monte Carlo Sampling Methods Using Markov Chains and Their Applications}, journal = {Biometrika}, volume = 57, number = 1, pages = {97-109}, year = 1970, doi = {10.1093/biomet/57.1.97}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/biomet/57.1.97}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Jan 6 13:25:13 2024}, File = {~/org/Papers/statistics/mcmc_hastings_mc_sampling_markov_biomet_57.1.97.pdf} }
- Gaisser, book containing power law description of muon flux at surface valid above 100 GeV (decay negligible)
title={Cosmic rays and particle physics},
author={Gaisser, Thomas K and Engel, Ralph and Resconi, Elisa},
publisher={Cambridge University Press},
File = {~/org/Papers/Gaisser2016_Cosmic_Rays_and_Particle_Physics_Cambridge.pdf}
- Short review paper about cosmic rays and the primary flux. Discusses
possible origins of the “Knee” and “Ankle” of the primary flux.
@article{kampert01cosmics, author = {K.H. Kampert}, title = {Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics}, journal = {Acta Physica Hungarica A) Heavy Ion Physics}, volume = 14, number = {1-4}, pages = {203-215}, year = 2001, doi = {10.1556/aph.14.2001.1-4.20}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1556/aph.14.2001.1-4.20}, DATE_ADDED = {Mon Oct 2 10:43:04 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/kampert2001_cosmic_rays_particle_physics_review.pdf} }
- Paper giving fits for muon flux distribution at surface.
author = {Shukla, Prashant and Sankrith, Sundaresh},
title = {Energy and angular distributions of atmospheric muons at the Earth},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Physics A},
volume = {33},
number = {30},
pages = {1850175},
year = {2018},
doi = {10.1142/S0217751X18501750},
URL = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217751X18501750},
File = {~/org/Papers/energy_angular_muons_earth_1606.06907.pdf}
- Paper about measurement in Hamburg of muon flux at 75°
@article{PhysRevD.19.1368, title = {Cosmic-ray muon spectrum up to 1 TeV at 75\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{} zenith angle}, author = {Jokisch, H. and Carstensen, K. and Dau, W. D. and Meyer, H. J. and Allkofer, O. C.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. D}, volume = {19}, issue = {5}, pages = {1368--1372}, numpages = {0}, year = {1979}, month = {Mar}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.19.1368}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.19.1368}, File = {~/org/Papers/hamburg_muons_75deg_PhysRevD.19.1368.pdf} }
The Opacity Project https://cds.unistra.fr/topbase/TheOP.html mentions the following references to be cited: \cite{team1995opacity,hummer1988equation,seaton1987atomic,seaton1994opacities,badnell2005updated,seaton2005mnras}
title={The opacity project},
author={Team, Opacity},
publisher={Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, Philadelphia}
title={The equation of state for stellar envelopes. I-an occupation probability formalism for the truncation of internal partition functions},
author={Hummer, DG and Mihalas, Dimitri},
journal={Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 331, Aug. 15, 1988, p. 794-814. Research supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung.},
title={Atomic data for opacity calculations. I. General description},
author={Seaton, MJ},
journal={Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics},
publisher={IOP Publishing}
title={Opacities for stellar envelopes},
author={Seaton, MJ and Yan, Yu and Mihalas, D and Pradhan, Anil K},
journal={Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society},
publisher={Oxford University Press Oxford, UK}
title={Updated opacities from the Opacity Project},
author={Badnell, Nigel R and Bautista, MA and Butler, K and Delahaye, Franck and Mendoza, Claudio and Palmeri, Patrick and Zeippen, Claude J and Seaton, MJ},
journal={Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society},
publisher={Blackwell Science Ltd Oxford, UK}
title={MNRAS Letters 362, Issue 1. pp},
author={Seaton, MJ},
- The paper about the Perceptron by Rosenblatt in 1958.
title={The perceptron: a probabilistic model for information storage and organization in the brain.},
author={Rosenblatt, Frank},
journal={Psychological review},
publisher={American Psychological Association}
- The first paper (I think) to use an MLP with non linear activation
function and something akin to SGD to train 2 out of 5 layers.
@article{amari67_mlp, author = {Shunichi Amari}, title = {A Theory of Adaptive Pattern Classifiers}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers}, volume = {EC-16}, number = 3, pages = {299-307}, year = 1967, doi = {10.1109/pgec.1967.264666}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/PGEC.1967.264666}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Oct 28 21:50:22 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/ML/amari1967_mlp.pdf} }
- Introduction of backpropagation as SGD with momentum, I think.
@article{rumelhart86_backprop, author = {David E. Rumelhart and Geoffrey E. Hinton and Ronald J. Williams}, title = {Learning Representations By Back-Propagating Errors}, journal = {Nature}, volume = 323, number = 6088, pages = {533-536}, year = 1986, doi = {10.1038/323533a0}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/323533a0}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Oct 28 21:37:04 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/ML/backpropagation_rumelhart1986.pdf} }
- The paper that introduced the ADAM optimizer.
@article{kingma14_adam, author = {Diederik P. Kingma and Jimmy Ba}, title = {Adam: a Method for Stochastic Optimization}, year = 2014, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.1412.6980}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Oct 28 21:38:42 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/ML/adam_optimizer_1412.6980.pdf} }
- A nice overview of the history of machine learning bringing us to
the modern day.
@article{schmidhuber22_history, author = {Juergen Schmidhuber}, title = {Annotated History of Modern Ai and Deep Learning}, year = 2022, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2212.11279}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.11279}, DATE_ADDED = {Sat Oct 28 21:24:37 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/ML/schmidhuber_annotated_history_modern_ai_2212.11279.pdf} }
- The paper that apparently introduces ReLU for feature extraction in
hierarchical neural networks.
@article{fukushima69_ReLU, author = {Kunihiko Fukushima}, title = {Visual Feature Extraction By a Multilayered Network of Analog Threshold Elements}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics}, volume = 5, number = 4, pages = {322-333}, year = 1969, doi = {10.1109/tssc.1969.300225}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSSC.1969.300225}, DATE_ADDED = {Sun Oct 29 20:17:29 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/ML/fukushima1969_visual_feature_extraction_relu.pdf} }
- Usage of ReLU for deep neural networks is efficient. Paper.
@InProceedings{pmlr-v15-glorot11a, title = {Deep Sparse Rectifier Neural Networks}, author = {Glorot, Xavier and Bordes, Antoine and Bengio, Yoshua}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics}, pages = {315--323}, year = {2011}, editor = {Gordon, Geoffrey and Dunson, David and Dudík, Miroslav}, volume = {15}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, address = {Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA}, month = {11--13 Apr}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {http://proceedings.mlr.press/v15/glorot11a/glorot11a.pdf}, url = {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v15/glorot11a.html}, abstract = {While logistic sigmoid neurons are more biologically plausible than hyperbolic tangent neurons, the latter work better for training multi-layer neural networks. This paper shows that rectifying neurons are an even better model of biological neurons and yield equal or better performance than hyperbolic tangent networks in spite of the hard non-linearity and non-differentiability at zero, creating sparse representations with true zeros which seem remarkably suitable for naturally sparse data. Even though they can take advantage of semi-supervised setups with extra-unlabeled data, deep rectifier networks can reach their best performance without requiring any unsupervised pre-training on purely supervised tasks with large labeled datasets. Hence, these results can be seen as a new milestone in the attempts at understanding the difficulty in training deep but purely supervised neural networks, and closing the performance gap between neural networks learnt with and without unsupervised pre-training.}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/ML/glorot11a_deep_sparse_rectifier_nn_relu.pdf} }
- Paper introducing the DIRECT global, derivative free optimization
@article{jones93_direct, author = {D. R. Jones and C. D. Perttunen and B. E. Stuckman}, title = {Lipschitzian Optimization Without the Lipschitz Constant}, journal = {Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications}, volume = 79, number = 1, pages = {157-181}, year = 1993, doi = {10.1007/bf00941892}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00941892}, DATE_ADDED = {Sun Nov 12 13:47:24 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/jones1993_direct_optimization_algo.pdf} }
- Paper introducing the locally biased version of DIRECT:
@article{gablonsky01_direct_L, author = {J.M. Gablonsky and C.T. Kelley}, title = {A Locally-Biased form of the DIRECT Algorithm}, journal = {Journal of Global Optimization}, volume = 21, number = 1, pages = {27-37}, year = 2001, doi = {10.1023/a:1017930332101}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1017930332101}, DATE_ADDED = {Sun Nov 12 13:48:44 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/gablonsky2001_direct_L_optimization_algo.pdf} }
- Romberg integration
@article{romberg_integration, author="Romberg, W.", title="Vereinfachte numerische Integration", journal="Norske Vid. Selsk. Forh.", publisher="Trondheim", year="1955", volume="28", pages="30-36", URL="https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1573950399004224384" }
author = {Schmidt, Sebastian Michael},
title = {{TimepixAnalysis}},
url = {https://github.com/Vindaar/TimepixAnalysis},
year = {2022}
author = {{SciNim contributors}},
title = {{Flambeau}},
url = {https://github.com/SciNim/Flambeau},
version = {0.0.3},
year = {2023}
- PyTorch
@inproceedings{Paszke_PyTorch_An_Imperative_2019, author = {Paszke, Adam and Gross, Sam and Massa, Francisco and Lerer, Adam and Bradbury, James and Chanan, Gregory and Killeen, Trevor and Lin, Zeming and Gimelshein, Natalia and Antiga, Luca and Desmaison, Alban and Kopf, Andreas and Yang, Edward and DeVito, Zachary and Raison, Martin and Tejani, Alykhan and Chilamkurthy, Sasank and Steiner, Benoit and Fang, Lu and Bai, Junjie and Chintala, Soumith}, booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32}, editor = {Wallach, H. and Larochelle, H. and Beygelzimer, A. and d'Alché-Buc, F. and Fox, E. and Garnett, R.}, pages = {8024--8035}, publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.}, title = {{PyTorch: An Imperative Style, High-Performance Deep Learning Library}}, url = {http://papers.neurips.cc/paper/9015-pytorch-an-imperative-style-high-performance-deep-learning-library.pdf}, year = {2019} }
- SDL2, just the website really
title = {{SDL} - {Simple DirectMedia Layer}},
version = {2},
url = {https://www.libsdl.org/}
- McXTrace
@article{mc_xtrace, author = {Erik Bergb{\"a}ck Knudsen and Andrea Prodi and Jana Baltser and Maria Thomsen and Peter Kj{\ae}r Willendrup and Manuel Sanchez del Rio and Claudio Ferrero and Emmanuel Farhi and Kristoffer Haldrup and Anette Vickery and Robert Feidenhans'l and Kell Mortensen and Martin Meedom Nielsen and Henning Friis Poulsen and S{\o}ren Schmidt and Kim Lefmann}, title = {\textit{McXtrace}: a Monte Carlo Software Package for Simulating X-Ray Optics, Beamlines and Experiments}, journal = {Journal of Applied Crystallography}, volume = 46, number = 3, pages = {679-696}, year = 2013, doi = {10.1107/s0021889813007991}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0021889813007991}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu Nov 9 15:47:01 2023}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/Raytracing/mcxtrace_10.1107@s0021889813007991.pdf} }
Used for NuSTAR
@software{mt_rayor, title = {{MT\_RAYOR} - A raytracing system for X-ray telescopes}, version = {4.6.5}, url = {https://ftp.spacecenter.dk/pub/njw/MT_RAYOR/mt_rayor_man4.pdf}, File = {~/org/Papers/mt_rayor_manual_4.6.5.pdf} }
- Yorick programming language, the language MT_RAYOR is written in:
@software{yorick, title = {{Yorick} - interpreted programming language}, url = {https://github.com/LLNL/yorick}, File = {~/org/Papers/mt_rayor_manual_4.6.5.pdf} }
title = {{TOS} - Timepix Operating Software},
url = {https://github.com/Vindaar/TOS},
repository -> Now renamed to SolarAxionRayTracing
author = {von Oy, Johanna},
title = {{SolarAxionRayTracing}},
url = {https://github.com/jovoy/SolarAxionRayTracing},
year = {2023}
by Sebastian and Lennert% @software{Hoof_SolarAxionFlux_2021, % author = {Hoof, Sebastian and Thormaehlen, Lennert}, % month = apr, % title = {{SolarAxionFlux}}, % url = {https://github.com/sebhoof/SolarAxionFlux}, % version = {v0.8b}, % year = {2021} % } @misc{Hoof_SolarAxionFlux_2021, author = {Hoof, Sebastian and Thormaehlen, Lennert}, title = {{SolarAxionFlux. A C++/Python library for calculating the solar axion flux for different solar models and opacity codes.}}, year = {2021}, note = {[Github repository]}, howpublished = {Available on Github at \url{https://github.com/sebhoof/SolarAxionFlux}} }
- Nim
@software{nim, author = {Rumpf, Andreas}, title = {Nim programming language}, url = {https://nim-lang.org}, year = {2022} }
@software{gcc, author = {{GNU Project}}, title = {{GCC}, the {GNU} Compiler Collection}, url = {https://gcc.gnu.org}, year = {2022} }
@InProceedings{LLVM:CGO04, Author = {Chris Lattner and Vikram Adve}, Title = {{LLVM}: A Compilation Framework for Lifelong Program Analysis and Transformation}, Booktitle = CGO, Address = {San Jose, CA, USA}, Month = {Mar}, Year = {2004}, pages = {75--88}, }
author = {Schmidt, Sebastian Michael and {SciNim contributors}},
month = {9},
title = {{xrayAttenuation}},
url = {https://github.com/SciNim/xrayAttenuation},
version = {0.1.0},
year = {2022}
author = {Schmidt, Sebastian},
title = {{TrAXer} - an interactive real-time X-ray raytracer},
url = {https://github.com/Vindaar/TrAXer},
year = {2023}
repository@software{gruber_xray_sim, author = {Gruber, Markus}, month = {8}, title = {{GridPix X-ray simulation}}, url = {https://github.com/GasDet-Bonn/GridPix_xray_simulation}, year = {2023} }
- Garfield++ https://garfieldpp.web.cern.ch/garfieldpp/
@software{garfieldpp, title = {{Garfield++}}, url = {https://garfieldpp.web.cern.ch/garfieldpp/} }
- Kerry Wong
author = {Wong, Kerry},
month = {5},
title = {{MCP2210-Library}},
url = {https://github.com/kerrydwong/MCP2210-Library},
year = {2013}
author = {Markus Gruber and Tobias Schiffer and Sebastian Schmidt and Tomasz Hemperek and GasDet-Bonn contributors},
title = {{tpx-daq}},
url = {https://github.com/GasDet-Bonn/tpx3-daq},
version = {0.9.0},
year = {2023},
note = {Version relates to latest at time of writing.}
- Matplotlib
@Article{Hunter:2007, Author = {Hunter, J. D.}, Title = {Matplotlib: A 2D graphics environment}, Journal = {Computing in Science \& Engineering}, Volume = {9}, Number = {3}, Pages = {90--95}, abstract = {Matplotlib is a 2D graphics package used for Python for application development, interactive scripting, and publication-quality image generation across user interfaces and operating systems.}, publisher = {IEEE COMPUTER SOC}, doi = {10.1109/MCSE.2007.55}, year = 2007 }
- HDF5
@ONLINE{hdf5, author = {{The HDF Group}}, title = "{Hierarchical Data Format, version 5}", year = {1997-2022}, note = {https://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/}, urldate = {2022-11-12} }
- NLopt
title = {The {NLopt} nonlinear-optimization package},
author = {Steven G. Johnson},
year = {2007},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/stevengj/nlopt}}
- [X] Whitted raytracing algorithm!
-> Whitted, T. 1980. An improved illumination model for shaded
display. Communications of the ACM 23 (6), 343–49.
Paper by Whitted about his raytracing algorithm
@inproceedings{whitted79, author = {Turner Whitted}, title = {An improved illumination model for shaded display}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques}, year = 1979, doi = {10.1145/800249.807419}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/800249.807419}, DATE_ADDED = {Sun Oct 29 12:11:58 2023}, month = 8, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/Raytracing/whitted1979_raytracing.pdf} }
- [X] Mention the Path Tracing algorithm / the rendering equation /
light transport equation
-> https://doi.org/10.1145%2F15922.15901
-> https://doi.org/10.1145%2F15922.15902
@inproceedings{kajiya86, author = {James T. Kajiya}, title = {The rendering equation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques}, year = 1986, doi = {10.1145/15922.15902}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/15922.15902}, DATE_ADDED = {Sun Oct 29 12:16:05 2023}, month = 8, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/Raytracing/kajiya1986_path_tracing_the_rendering_equation.pdf} } @inproceedings{immel86, author = {David S. Immel and Michael F. Cohen and Donald P. Greenberg}, title = {A radiosity method for non-diffuse environments}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques}, year = 1986, doi = {10.1145/15922.15901}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/15922.15901}, DATE_ADDED = {Sun Oct 29 12:15:03 2023}, month = 8, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/Raytracing/immel1986_path_tracing.pdf} }
- Eric Veach’s PhD thesis. One of the bibles of modern Monte Carlo
based rendering.
@phdthesis{veach1998robust, title={Robust Monte Carlo methods for light transport simulation}, author={Veach, Eric}, year={1998}, publisher={Stanford University}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/Raytracing/veach1997_robust_monte_carlo_light_transport.pdf} }
- A paper summarizing the “path” to path tracing in movies. Christensen was at Pixar at the time.
author = {Christensen, Per H. and Jarosz, Wojciech},
title = {The Path to Path-Traced Movies},
journal = {Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision},
volume = {10},
number = {2},
year = {2016},
month = oct,
doi = {10/gfjwjc},
issn = {1572-2740},
pages = {103--175},
keywords = {special effects, animated films, industry, rendering},
File = {~/org/Papers/CS/Raytracing/christensen2016_path_to_path_traced_movies.pdf}
- [ ] Reference modern real time raytracing features & support on GPUs
-> Also mention books by Nvidia for reference to modern real time
raytracing on GPUs
Raytracing Gems I:
- Code: https://github.com/Apress/ray-tracing-gems
- Errata: https://github.com/Apress/ray-tracing-gems/blob/master/errata.md
The linked file is the unofficial version with most errata corrected. The original PDF is ~/org/Papers/CS/Raytracing/Raytracing_Gems_Nvidia.pdf.
Raytracing Gems II:
The BibTex entries are from the website itself.
@book{raytracingGemsHaines2019, title = {Ray Tracing Gems}, editor = {Eric Haines and Tomas Akenine-M\"oller}, publisher = {Apress}, year = {2019}, note ={\url{http://raytracinggems.com}}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4427-2}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/Raytracing/unofficial_RayTracingGems_v1.9.pdf} } @book{raytracingGemsIIMarrs2021, title = {Ray Tracing Gems II}, editor = {Adam Marrs, Peter Shirley, and Ingo Wald}, publisher = {Apress}, year = {2021}, note ={\url{http://raytracinggems.com/rtg2}}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4842-7185-8}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/Raytracing/Raytracing_Gems_Nvidia_2_978-1-4842-7185-8.pdf} }
- Raytracing in a Weekend, citation from the book itself)
@online{Shirley2020RTW1, title = {Ray Tracing in One Weekend}, author = {Peter Shirley}, year = {2020}, month = {December}, url = {https://raytracing.github.io/books/RayTracingInOneWeekend.html}, urldate = {2022-10-18} }
- Physically based rendering: From theory to implementation -> 4th edition is out now (for free on the website that is!)
title={Physically based rendering: From theory to implementation},
author={Pharr, Matt and Jakob, Wenzel and Humphreys, Greg},
publisher={Morgan Kaufmann}
- muon_argon_3cm_bethe_loss
@online{vega_fig:theory:muon_argon_3cm_bethe_loss, author = {Vindaar}, title = {Interactive version of fig. \cite{fig:theory:muon_argon_3cm_bethe_loss}}, year = {2021}, url = {https://vega.github.io/editor/#/gist/36357053f61c3838b139a2fca0854a4d/ar_energy_loss_cast.json}, urldate = {2021-08-17} }
- FAIR guiding principles
@article{wilkinson16_fair, author = {Mark D. Wilkinson and Michel Dumontier and IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg and Gabrielle Appleton and Myles Axton and Arie Baak and Niklas Blomberg and Jan-Willem Boiten and Luiz Bonino da Silva Santos and Philip E. Bourne and Jildau Bouwman and Anthony J. Brookes and Tim Clark and Merc{\`e} Crosas and Ingrid Dillo and Olivier Dumon and Scott Edmunds and Chris T. Evelo and Richard Finkers and Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran and Alasdair J.G. Gray and Paul Groth and Carole Goble and Jeffrey S. Grethe and Jaap Heringa and Peter A.C 't Hoen and Rob Hooft and Tobias Kuhn and Ruben Kok and Joost Kok and Scott J. Lusher and Maryann E. Martone and Albert Mons and Abel L. Packer and Bengt Persson and Philippe Rocca-Serra and Marco Roos and Rene van Schaik and Susanna-Assunta Sansone and Erik Schultes and Thierry Sengstag and Ted Slater and George Strawn and Morris A. Swertz and Mark Thompson and Johan van der Lei and Erik van Mulligen and Jan Velterop and Andra Waagmeester and Peter Wittenburg and Katherine Wolstencroft and Jun Zhao and Barend Mons}, title = {The Fair Guiding Principles for Scientific Data Management and Stewardship}, journal = {Scientific Data}, volume = 3, number = 1, pages = 160018, year = 2016, doi = {10.1038/sdata.2016.18}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2016.18}, DATE_ADDED = {Wed Nov 8 14:28:30 2023}, }
- “The cellular automaton interpretation of quantum mechanics” A (free) book by Gerard t’Hooft about an interpretation of QM using cellular automata. Reminds me of Stephen Wolfram’s work. ~/org/Papers/cellular_automaton_interpretation_quantum_mechanics_tHooft_2016_978-3-319-41285-6.pdf
title={The cellular automaton interpretation of quantum mechanics},
author={t Hooft, Gerard},
publisher={Springer Nature},
File = {~/org/Papers/cellular_automaton_interpretation_quantum_mechanics_tHooft_2016_978-3-319-41285-6.pdf}
- Paper about quantity calculus in software, i.e. unit type checking
from the fundamental point of view about different quantities.
Reasonably interesting, in particular though the discussion about
different dimensionless quantities and how they should be handled!
See appendix C in particular.
@book{flater2016architecture, title={Architecture for Software-Assisted Quantity Calculus}, author={Flater, David W and Flater, David W}, year={2016}, publisher={US Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology}, File = {~/org/Papers/CS/architecture_software_assisted_quantity_calculus_NIST.TN.1943.pdf} }
The Zenodo reference for the dataset.
author = {Schmidt, Sebastian},
title = {{Data archive for 7-GridPix 'Septemboard' detector
taken at CAST (2017/18)}},
month = feb,
year = 2024,
publisher = {Zenodo},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.10521887},
url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10521887}