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Partial Types proposal is a generalization on "partial borrowing"-like proposals.

This proposal is universal flexible tool to work safe with partial parameters, partial arguments, partial references and partial borrowing.

Advantages: maximum type safety, maximum type control guarantee, no ambiguities, flexibility, usability and universality.


Safe, Flexible controllable partial parameters for functions and partial consumption (including partial not borrowing) are highly needed.

Partial Types extension gives to type-checker a mathematical guarantee that using simultaneously partial typed variable, it multiple partial references and partial borrowing is as safe as using them at a sequence. A guarantee to borrow-checker that by & var.{x,y} or &mut var.{z,t} borrowing the whole variable and pretending to borrow just several fields is fully safe.

And since it is a guarantee by type, not by values, it has zero cost in binary! Any type error is a compiler error, so no errors in the runtime.

We could apply theoretically this extension to all Product Types (PT = T1 and T2 and T3 and ...) and it fully covers all variants of possible uses of Product Types.

So, most promised candidates are Structs and Tuples.

This extension is not only fully backward-compatible, but is fully forward-compatible! Forward-compatibility is an ability to use updated functions old way.

Guide-level explanation

For Product Types PT = T1 and T2 and T3 and ... (structs, tuples) we assume they are like structs with controllable field-access.

<%permit> - field is accessible (always implicit), %deny - field is forbidden to use, %miss - it is uninitialized field, field is forbidden to use.

Let we wish to have next structure:

struct SR <T>{
    val : T,
    lnk : & T, // reference to val

Now it is impossible to write immutable self-referential types. But with partial initialization it becomes easy:

let x = SR {val : 5i32 };
    // omitted field is uninitialized, it has %miss field-access
    // x : SR<i32>.{val, %miss lnk}

x.lnk let= & x.val;
    // (let=) "extender", late initialized field
    // x : SR<i32>;
    // x : SR<i32>.%full;

Easy-peasy! We create partial type and extend by late initializing fields!

let baz = (7i16, &51i32, "some_other_string").{1, 2, %unfill};
    // or set access-filer before tuple constructor 
    // baz : (i16, &i32, &str).{1, 2, %miss 0};

let bar = (%miss 7i16, &51i32, "some_other_string");
    // or set access-filer before tuple constructor 
    // baz : (i16, &i32, &str).{1, 2, %miss 0};

bar.0 let= 68;
	// (let=) "extender", late initialized field
	// bar : (i16, &i32, &str);
	// bar : (i16, &i32, &str).%full;

Same with tuples.

Ok, let's try a bit more impossible now - two mutual borrowings of same variable (but different fields):

struct Point {
  x: f64,
  y: f64, 
  was_x: f64, 
  was_y: f64,
  state : f64,
let mut p1 = Point {x:1.0, y:2.0, was_x: 4.0, was_y: 5.0, state: 12.0};
	// p1 : Point
let ref_p1was = &mut p1.{wax_x, was_y};
	// ".{}" is a getter several fields, similar to "." get 1 field 
	// pfull : &mut Point.%{was_x, was_y, %unfill}
let ref_p1now = &mut p1.{x, y};
	// pfull : &mut Point.%{x, y, %unfill}
let Point {%deny x, %deny y, was_x: upd_x, was_y: upd_y, %deny state} = ref_p1was;
    // all %deny and %miss fields must be '_', error in other case
	// similar with binding deconstruction

It is simple and will be possible.

Same easy to write functions, which consume partial parameters:

fn re_ref_t (&self : & Self.%{t, %any}) -> &f64 {

fn refmut_w (&mut self : &mut Self.%{w, %any}) -> &mut f64 {
   &mut self.w

We could do much harder things: we wish parallel using function implementation, which update either x or y and both read state field.

impl {
	pub fn mx_rstate(&mut self1 : &mut Self.%{x, %any}, &self2 : & Self.{state, %any})
	{ /* ... */ }
	pub fn my_rstate(&mut self1 : &mut Self.%{y, %any}, &self2 : & Self.{state, %any})  
	{ /* ... */ }

	// Unfortunately it is a mandatory to extensive mut-borrow 'state' field!
	pub fn mxystate(&mut self : &mut Self.%{x, y, state, %any})  
		/* ... */
		self.{x, state}.mx_rstate();
		/* ... */
		self.{y, state}.my_rstate();
		/* ... */		

We need for this ... several selfs! Wow!

Anyway, it is easy, useful and universal!

Reference-level explanation

This proposal of Partial Types (A) for full control on parameters and arguments requires mixed-mutable (B) references and mixed-mutable dereference (of mixed-mutable references).

Full implementation of mixed-mutable variables (B) is welcomed, but minimal requirement is 2-links only of partly type variables as representative one variable of mixed-mutable type.

If mixed mutable variables (B) is hard to implement, simple Multi-Selfs (C) alternative without mixed mutable variables is possible, but it covers only part of problems.

It is totally Ok if on "Stage 1" implements (A + C), then on "Stage 2" implements (B).

  • [Partial type access]
  • [Fields names and field-access]
  • [Detailed access]
  • [Access-filter]
  • [New Picker several fields]
  • [Partially Initialized Variables]
    • [miss field-access]
    • [Auto converting miss by borrowing]
    • [Late initialized permit field from miss field]
  • [Partial Parameters]
  • [Partial Arguments]
  • [Partial Parameters]
  • [Private fields]
  • [Enum Type]

In brief, simple rules are:

context Partial types desugar
let r : Type = ... let r : Type.%full = ...
let r = var let r = var.%max
let r = & var let r = & var.%max
let r = &mut var let r = &mut var.%max
return var return var.%exact
return & var return & var.%exact
return &mut var return &mut var.%exact var) var.%arg)
let var = S{fld1:val1,..} let var = S{%permit fld1:val1,..}.%max
let var = S{} let var = S{%miss fld1,..}.%max

Partial type access

I propose to extend type system by adding type access after type name (for Product Types), like (i16, &i32, &str).%full.

If we omit to write type access, it means .%full access. Symbol (% percent) mean percent or part of the whole thing (variable in our case).

Access has similar names and meanings as lifetimes: .%full(full access, soft keyword), .%_(don't care how partial access is, soft keyword) and any other .%a(some "a" access). But in most cases we use detailed access .%{}.

Fields names and field-access

Fields names inside detailed access:

  • named field-names for structs(and units)
  • unnamed numbered for tuples
  • * "all fields" quasi-field
  • .. "rest of fields" quasi-field
  • self pseudo-field for unsupported types

Filed-access can be in 4 values:

  • <nothing> or %permit - field is accessible,
  • <omitting> or %deny` - field is forbidden to use,
  • %miss (E) - it is uninitialized field, field is forbidden to use,
  • %ignore (F) - quasi-field access, which hides truthful field access.

%permit filed-access is a default behavior: permit to read, to write, to borrow, to move.

A word %permit is need for explanations only, just use default <nothing> access.

%deny filed-access forbids to have an access to read, to write, to borrow, to move (like outside access to private field). It is a compile error if someone try to access.

A word %deny is need for explanations mostly, just use default <omitted field> access. It can be used explicitly in tuple initialization and binding deconstructions.

%unfill is a shortcut for %miss _.

%any is a shortcut for %ignore _.

Detailed access and mutability

Detailed field-access has next structure: .%{%field-access1 field-name1, %field-access2 field-name2, ..}

Detailed access is a set of unordered and unsorted field-names and their filed-accesses.

First %field-access1 field-access if it is omitted means %permit. First %field-accessM field-access for first omitted filed-name means %opposite.

The rest of omitted %field-accessN field-accesses means %same (same as previous %field-accessN-1)

%field-accessN-1 %same %opposite
%permit %permit %deny
%deny %deny %permit
%miss (E) %miss %permit


struct Point {x: f64, y: f64, was_x: f64, was_y: f64}

let pfull = Point {was_x: 4.0, was_y: 5.0};
	// pfull : Point.%{was_x, was_y, %miss x, y}

Type access .%full is a shortcut for .%{*}.

It is forbidden to have .%{%deny *} values and .%{%deny *} references (but who knows, maybe they are suitable uninhabited types, phantom types or proxy types).

Access-filter and Mutable Filter

Rust consumer use same names for action and for type clarifications, so we follow this style.

Access-filter is an action, which is looks like detailed access and it is written left to variable at consuming (moving, borrowing, referencing, initializing, returning, pick fields).

↓filter / →var access %permit %deny %miss (E) %ignore (D)
%permit %permit !ERROR !ERROR !ERROR
%deny %deny %deny %deny %deny
%miss (E) !ERROR !ERROR %miss !ERROR
%ignore (F) !ERROR !ERROR !ERROR %ignore

It is allowed to write explicitly specific access-filter with same rules as detailed access.

Default filter on consumption if filter is omitted for:

  • var ~ var.%max
  • & var ~ & var.%max
  • &mut var ~ &mut var.%max

(A + D)

  • return var ~ return var.%exact
  • return & var ~ return & var.%exact
  • return &mut var ~ return &mut var.%exact

where filters are based on variable field-access:

↓var access .%max .%exact (D)
%permit %permit %permit
%deny %deny %deny
%miss (E) %miss %miss
%ignore %deny %ignore

New Picker several fields

Rust has special syntax for "pick one field" (get field-access):

struct Point {x: f64, y: f64, was_x: f64, was_y: f64}

let mut pfull = Point {was_x: 4.0, was_y: 5.0};

let px = pfull.x;
let rpy = & pfull.y;
let bpwasx = &mut pfull.was_x;

But it is still impossible to "pick several fields". With partial types it become possible.

I suggest to add additional picker for variables var.{fld1, fld2, ..} (similar to partiality var.%{fld1, fld2}):

let pxy = pfull.{x, y};
//   same as
let pxy = pfull.%{x, y};

let rpxy = & pfull.{x,y};
//   same as
let rpxy = & pfull.%{x,y};

let rpwas = & pfull.{was_x, was_y};
//   same as
let rpwas = & pfull.%{was_x, was_y};

Partially Initialized Variables

Partially Initialized Variable has next structure:

  • for structs: Construct{%field-access1 field-name1: value1, %field-access1 field-name2: value2, ..}.%access-filter;
  • for tuples: (%field-access1 value1, %field-access1 value2, ..).%access-filter;

Access filter %access-filter if it is omitted means .%max.

All %field-accessN field-access in tuples if they are omitted mean %permit.

All %field-accessN field-accesses (for explicit filed-names in structs) if they are omitted mean %permit. All %field-accessM field-accesses for omitted filed-names in structs mean %miss.

Now it is impossible to initialize outside a new struct with private fields. With partial types it is possible, but variable type access cannot be .%full in that case.

Also, constructor could copy "rest of fields" not from single variable, but from several variables (if they don't overlap permitted fields) and even fill empty constructor:

struct Point {x: f64, y: f64, was_x: f64, was_y: f64}

let pwas = Point {was_x: 4.0, was_y: 5.0};
	// pwas : Point.%{was_x, was_y}

let pnow = Point {x: 1.0, y: 2.0};
	// pnow : Point.%{x, y}
let pfull1 = Point {..p1, ..p2};
	// pfull1 : Point
    // pfull1 : Point.%full

let pfull2 = Point {x: 42.0, was_x: -5.0, ..p1, ..p2};
	// pfull2 : Point
    // pfull2 : Point.%full

miss field-access

(A + E)

Theory of types do not forbid extension of Partial Type, but internal Rust representation of variables gives significant limitations on such action.

%miss field-access allows to extend Partial Type.

%miss filed-access like %deny filed-access forbids to have an access to read, to write, to borrow, to move like access to private field. It is a compile error if someone try to access.

%unfill is a shortcut for %miss ...

Auto converting miss by borrowing

(A + E)

Mutable and immutable borrowing (but not moving) automatically convert %miss field access into %deny for reference.

let pfull = Point {was_x: 4.0, was_y: 5.0};
	// pfull : Point.%{was_x, was_y, %unfill}

let ref_pful = & pfull;
	// ref_pful : Point.%{was_x, was_y}

Late initialized permit field from miss field

(A + E)

If field has %miss field-access we could change it to %permit together with initializing the field by let= operator.

struct SR <T>{
    val : T,
    lnk : & T, // reference to val

let x = SR {val : 5i32 };
    // x : SR<i32>.%{val, %miss lnk}

x.lnk let= & x.val;
    // (let=) "extender", late initialized field
	// change from .%{%miss lnk, ..} to .%{%permit lnk, ..}
    // x : SR<i32>;
    // x : SR<i32>.%full;

It is an compiler error if let= operator tries to extend not %miss filed-accessed fields (%permit or %deny or %ignore).

We could also extend several fields in single expression:

let pfull = Point {x : 5.0, y : 6.0, was_x : 7.0, was_y : 13.0};
    // pfull : Point
let pxy = Point {x : 5.0, y : 6.0 };
    // pxy : Point.%{x, y}

pxy.{was_x, was_y} let= pfull.{was_x, was_y};
    // pxy : Point;
    // pxy : Point.%full;

I assumed, that %miss field-access could preserve at move action, but maybe it was my over-optimistic guess.

Is is possible after creating one variable with missed field, move (partly) it into another variable, and then independently extend same field at both variables?

let p = Point{x : 1.0, y: 2.0};
let rp = & p.{x};
    // rp : & Point.%{x}  not  rp : & Point.%{x, %miss y}

rp.y let= &8.0;
// or
*rp.y let= 8.0;
// error : cannot extend denied field by let=

By theory of types it is not forbidden, but in reality due Rust variable representations this "extender" rewrites p.y.

That's why we need to distinguish %deny from %miss.

Partial Parameters

(A + F)

Partial Parameters has additional field-access on type - %ignore.

Inside function body all %ignore fields of parameter hide filter-access of incoming argument into %ignore and they remain ignorant till return.

No one could consume %ignore fields (except return-consumer) because we have no guarantee, that some field is permitted. It is a compiler error!

    pub fn t_refmut(&self : &mut Self.%{t, %any}) -> &mut f64 {
        &mut self.x
        //   ^~~~~~
        // error: 'x' is an ignored field

%any is a shortcut to %any = %ignore ...

(A + D)

Return consumers (omitted or explicit) could consume %ignore field, that's why default omitted access filter for return consumers is not %max, but %exact.

Fill the difference:

    pub fn t_refmut1(&self : &mut Self.%{t, %any}) -> &mut Self.%{t} {
        &mut self.%max

    pub fn t_refmut2(&self : &mut Self.%a@%{t, %any}) -> &mut Self.%a {
        &mut self
        // same as
        &mut self.%exact

(A + C)

Multi-Sefs of Partial types partly allows to write controllable access to parameters. Sure, new keywords: self1, self2, self3, self4.

impl {
	// we could accurate write this function
	pub fn mx_rstate(&mut self1 : &mut Self.%{x, %any}, & self2 : & Self.%{state, %any})
	{ /* ... */ }
	// we could accurate write this function
	pub fn my_rstate(&mut self1 : &mut Self.%{y, %any}, & self2 : & Self.%{state, %any})  
	{ /* ... */ }

	// Unfortunately it is a mandatory to extensive mut-borrow 'state' field!
	pub fn mxystate(&mut self : &mut Self.%{x, y, state, %any})  
		/* ... */
		self.{x, state}.mx_rstate();
		/* ... */
		self.{y, state}.my_rstate();
		/* ... */		

Partial Arguments

For function argument we add another default omitted access filter %arg - qualified safe filter with minimum permit-fields, but it refers not to variable access, but to parameter accesses, so we could use it in arguments consumption only! It is an compile error if %arg is written outside of contents!

param access .%arg
%permit %permit
%deny %deny
%ignore (F) %deny

Implementations always consumes self by .%arg filter!

let mut p1 : Point = Point {x:1.0, y:2.0, z:3.0, t:4.0, w:5.0};

fn re_ref_t (& p : & Point.%{t, %any}) -> &f64 {

let reft = re_ref_t(& p1);
//    same as
let reft = re_ref_t(& p1.%arg);

let mut p2 : Point2 = Point {x:1.0, was_x:2.0};

fn px_store (&mut p1 : &mut Point2.%{was_x, %any}, &p2 : & Point2.%{x, %any})  {
   *p1.was_x = *p2.x;

px_store(&mut p2, & p2);
//    same as
px_store(&mut p2.%arg, & p2.%arg);


The difference in argument use for parameters with ignored fields and without:

fn updx_with_ignore (&mut p : &mut Point.%{x, %any}, newx : f64) {
   *p.x = newx;

fn updx_without (&mut p : &mut Point.%{x}, newx : f64) {
   *p.x = newx;

updx_with_ignore(&mut p2, 6.0); // Ok
//    same as
updx_with_ignore(&mut p2.%arg, 6.0); // Ok

updx_with_ignore(&mut p2.{x,y}, 6.0); // still Ok
updx_with_ignore(&mut p2.{x,y,z}, 6.0); // still Ok
updx_with_ignore(&mut p2.%max, 6.0); // still Ok
updx_with_ignore(&mut p2.%full, 6.0); // almost Ok

updx_without(&mut p2, 6.0); // Ok
//    same as
updx_without(&mut p2.%arg, 6.0); // Ok

updx_without(&mut p2.{x,y}, 6.0); // error
updx_without(&mut p2.{x,y,z}, 6.0); // error
updx_without(&mut p2.%max, 6.0); // error
updx_without(&mut p2.%full, 6.0); // error

Partial Parameters and Mixed Parameters in Traits

Partial Parameters in Traits could have generalized type access variants:

trait Getable {
	type Target;

    fn get_val<%a>(& self: & Self.%a) -> Self::Target;

Private fields

Access to private fields looks like access to partial types. Extra denying private fields led to extra compile errors, but it is secure to control type access of private fields without extra rules.

Enum Type

What's about Enums? Enum is not a "Product" Type, but a "Sum" Type (ST = T1 or T2 or T3 or ..).

But this proposal grant some type access, not a value access!

So, this proposal ignore this type! But Partial Tyes could be used anyway, in a differnt contenxt.

Emums becomes partial in patterns.

Partial Enums could used in function pamaters and inner patterns.

enum MyEnum {
  B { x: u32 },

fn print_A(a: MyEnum.%{A}) {
    println!("a is {}", a.0);

fn print_B(b: MyEnum.%{B}) {
    println!("b is {}", b.x);

fn print_no_pattern(e: MyEnum) {
  match e {
    MyEnum::A(_)  => print_A(e); // e.%{A}
    MyEnum::B(..) => print_B(e); // e.%{B}


  • it is definitely not a minor change
  • type system became much more complicated

Rationale and alternatives

(A) A lot of proposals that are alternatives to Partial Product Types in a whole:

(A) A lot of proposals that are alternatives to Partial Sum Types in a whole:

(C), not (B): Instead of implementing (or before implementing) mixed mutable types, multi-selfs is quite simple alternative

(D) if retuning-consumer is complicated in implementation or if returning exact accessed variable has insignificant importance, this part of proposal could not be implemented. But this could led to backward incompatibility if return to implementing. So in this case we must reserve possible changes to return consumer.

(E) if implementation of operator%%= is almost impossible, we could get rid of %miss field-access and field-access filter.

(F) if we ignore forward-compatibility and ignore of access flexibility on arguments, we could not implement %ignore field-access and field-access filter.

(any.details) Alternative for another names or corrections for Partial Types.

  • %empty or %! name

Prior art

Most languages don't have such strict rules for references and links as Rust, so this feature is almost unnecessary for them.

Unresolved questions

I assumed, that %miss field-access could preserve at move action, but maybe it was my over-optimistic guess. Is is possible after creating one variable with missed field, move (partly) it into another variable, and then independently extend same field at both variables?

Future possibilities

(B) mixed mutable types after (A + C) realization.