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File metadata and controls

169 lines (117 loc) · 6.16 KB


The PRISM API is a lightweight API to calculate zonal statistics.

The API has two endpoints for now.


/stats (POST)

Calculate zonal statistics for a raster / zones combination. Which takes as inputs through POST:

  • geotiff_url, the link to a geotiff
  • zones_url OR zones, the link to a geojson with admin boundaries / a geojson with boundaries
  • ?group_by, a key to use to group zones in the geojson
  • ?geojson_out, decide if the output should be a geojson or a list of data. Default is false -> List.
  • ?intersect_comparison, ask the API to calcuate and return intersect_percentage. Formatted as >=10.1. Comparison defaults to equality if omitted.
  • ?wfs_params, A dictionary of parameters to compute statistics using the intersection between WFS FeatureCollection response polygons with admin boundaries. The parameters are the following.
    • url, WFS remote service url.
    • layer_name, the name of the vector layer. Geometry must be POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON.
    • key, Geojson property field to be extracted for each feature.
    • ?time, Layer TIME dimension if enabled.
  • ?filter_by, A dictionary of parameters that filters the features that match the geojson property key and value specified within the request.
    • key, feature property key.
    • value, feature property value.

/demo (GET)

Exposes a sample API response and takes the following query arguments:

  • ?group_by, a key to use to group zones in the geojson, eg. ADM1_PCODE
  • ?geojson_out, decide if the output should be a geojson or a list of data. Default is false -> List.

/alerts-all (GET)

Return all the alerts data that alert table holds

curl --location --request GET 'localhost:80/alerts-all' > data.json

/alerts (GET)

Based on the parameter from request URL, this endpoint will return the matched alert rows from DB.

  • id return alert data that has id
  • TODO: more GET all operations will be supported for different query cases
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:80/alerts?id=3'

/alerts (POST)

One successful call will create a new entry in database alert table. The JSON data should match the model defined in AlertModel.

curl --location --request POST 'localhost:80/alerts' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @example_alert_post.json

The following endpoints are related to data retrieval from KoboToolbox. Make sure you have set the environment variables KOBO_USERNAME, KOBO_PASSWORD

/acled (GET)

Returns armed conflict incidents using ACLED api. Make sure to have the defined ACLED credentials using environment variables ACLED_API_KEY and ACLED_API_EMAIL

  • iso, Country ISO code defined in Acled file. Verify documentation.
  • limit, Maximum number of results. 0 corresponds to all incidents.
  • ?fields, Comma separated string which specifies the fields to be returned per incident.
  • ?event_date, Return incidents only matching the given value with format YYYY-MM-DD

/kobo/forms (GET)

Returns all form responses using Kobo API

  • nameField, The name of the Kobo form.
  • datetimeField, Field used to collect all timestamps.
  • geomField, form field which contains lat lon coordinates.
  • measureField, form field used for legend rendering. Backend converts string form value to number.
  • ?beginDateTime, Filter forms starting from given date.
  • ?endDateTime, Filter forms whose date field is lower than value provided.
  • ?filterStatus, Filter forms that match the given value. Possible values are 'Approved', 'Not Approved' and 'On Hold'
curl -X GET 'http://localhost/kobo/forms?nameField=Test%20MMR&datetimeField=_submission_time&geomField=Location&measureField=The_number&beginDateTime=2021-09-15&endDateTime=2021-09-29'

/raster_geotiff (POST)

Generate a geotiff for any wfp raster using the stac API and saves it in S3. It returns the pre signed S3 geotiff URL. The instance will need to have read/write access to S3. Make sure it has the necessary IAM role or credentials.

  • collection, the name of the collection to get. For example r3h_dekad.
  • date, date of the data to get. For example : 2020-09-01.
  • lat_min, min latitude (to define the bounding box of the geotiff).
  • long_min, min longitude (to define the bounding box of the geotiff).
  • lat_max, max latitude (to define the bounding box of the geotiff).
  • long_max, max longitude (to define the bounding box of the geotiff).


To run the api locally, run:

make api

To run flask api together with database within same network, run:

docker compose -f ./docker-compose.develop.yml -f ../alerting/docker-compose.yml up


To run linting and tests, run:

make test

Debugging playwright tests

To run python tests outside of docker, run "make localtests". This will set them up to run outside docker, so that playwright can run in debug mode, with a visible browser.

  • start the frontend in docker with make test-services.
  • in a shell (tested in bash only):
cd api/app
mv tests/ tests/
KOBO_USERNAME=ovio KOBO_PW=pwd PWDEBUG=1 poetry run pytest -s tests -k test_download_report

This should open playwright in debug mode, with a browser window and a debugging one. More info:


We are using To deploy the application, update the file docker-compose.deploy.yml. Specifically, update with a domain admin email and with the hostname you will be using.

Before deploying, make sure that:

  • The EC2 instance you are using is assigned an IAM role that has access to S3.
  • All the necessary secrets needed in have been configured in the AWS secrets manager.

Finally, to deploy, run:

make deploy

There are a few known issues happening from time to time

  • permission denied when restarting or killing a docker image. To fix it, run sudo aa-remove-unknown and re-run your command.

  • address already in use. To bypass it, run the following commands for the ports you need:

# Find process ids
sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep PORT
# Kill processes
sudo kill PROCESS_ID