Releases: WLAN-Pi/neo2
WLAN Pi 1.8.0
Change Log
Added MTR (Thanks @VergesFrancois for the recommendation!)
- More info:
Added rpcapd - rpcapd is a deamon that captures traffic on a host, and is able to send it to a remote network sniffer, as ethereal.
- Firewall rule added to UFW to allow Wireshark to connect to rpcapd service over USB ethernet interface
- More info:
Updated Front Panel Menu System (FPMS) to latest version - Kismet, Profiler, and Bettercap, can now be launched from the FPMS
Updated WlanPiShark to v.05 - includes interactive mode and time sync
Added traceroute
Updated tcpdump
Updated Kismet to latest build - includes channel utilization and dynamic updates
- Changed startup behavior to automatically add wlan0 as a data source
- Disabled Kismet from running at startup, can now be launched from the front panel menu or from shell by typing kismet
Updated Linux packages to latest versions using APT
WLAN Pi 1.7.1 beta
Change Log
- Fixed a dependency issue with profiler that prevented it from starting
- Updated WLANPiShark2 files located in the web download folder
- Increased speedtest duration to 15 seconds for download test, previously download was 10 seconds and upload was 15 seconds
WLAN Pi 1.6.1 (WLPC 2019 Edition)
Change Log
Minor release for WLPC, mostly to include some files used in sessions.
- Added: some scripts and installers for WLPC sessions
- Added: WLANPiShark2 -
- Changed: Improved DHCP server configuration for ethernet over USB connection, expanded DHCP scope to allow for more DHCP leases, this should fix an issue when switching the WLAN Pi between multiple devices within a short period of time
- Changed: wlan0 now starts automatically in monitor mode, previously started in managed mode
WLAN Pi 1.6.0 (WLPC 2019 Edition)
Change Log
- Added: bettercap 2.14 -
- Added: profiler - thanks @wifinigel!
- Changed: DHCP configure for Ethernet over USB, removed gateway/router address in DHCP config for USB-over-Ethernet, this should prevent any routing issue that could potentially breaking internet connectivity
- Changed: wifi-explorer pro sensor now loads via a service (rather than using rc.local), service is set to start automatically, and it can now be stopped/restarted using: sudo service wifiexplorer-sensor {stop|start|restart}
- Changed: minor tweaks to the web menu, new shortcuts for profiler and downloads, we could really use a web developer… :/ any volunteers?
WLAN Pi 1.5.0 (Released Jan 5, 2019)
- USB OTG Port now works as a USB Ethernet adapter including a DHCP server (default IP =
- Kismet Wireless updated to Kismet 2019-01-BETA2
- Realtek RTL88XX drivers updated to Dec 12 2018 commit from from
- IW updated to version 4.14 (previous version 4.9)
- Linux kernel updated to 4.14.91-sunxi64 (previous version 4.14.79-sunxi64)
WLAN Pi 1.8 beta
Change Log
Added MTR (Thanks @VergesFrancois for the recommendation!)
- More info:
Added rpcapd - rpcapd is a deamon that captures traffic on a host, and is able to send it to a remote network sniffer, as ethereal.
- More info:
Added traceroute
Added telnet
Updated Front Panel Menu System (FPMS) to latest version - Kismet, Profiler, and Bettercap, can now be started from the FPMS
Updated WlanPiShark to include interactive mode and time sync
Updated tcpdump to latest version
Disabled Kismet from running at startup, can now be launched from the FPMS
Some other misc tweaks
WLAN Pi 1.7 beta
Change Log
Added a new menu system to the OLED display - Huge props to @bryceroyal & @wifinigel for all their amazing work on this!
Added Wi-Fi hotspot v.02 - Thanks @VergesFrancois!
Added Wi-Fi console v.04 - Thanks @wifinigel!
Updated Profiler to v.03 - Thanks @Watkinschoffer!
Updated iperf3 to v3.7
- More info:
Updated iperf2 to v2.0.13
- More info:
Updated HTML5 Speedtest to latest commit
Updated bettercap to v2.24.1
Updated Kismet to 2019-07-R2
- More info:
Updated WLANPiShark to v.03
Updated linux kernel to v4.19.57-sunxi64
Updated linux and python packages
WLAN Pi 1.4.2 (Released Nov 9th, 2018)
- Realtek driver switched to branch 5.2.20 due to compatibility issues with Kismet
- Removed ISP lookup during speedtest to improve loading times (especially when using without an internet connection)
- Updated Kismet using latest source code
WLAN Pi v1.4 (Released Oct 2nd, 2018)
Initial commit
WLAN Pi v1.3 (Released Jun 3rd, 2018)
What’s new?
- Added wlan-client-capability script - Thanks @wifinigel for creating this awesome script!
- More details and usage instructions:
- OLED screen now turns off after a period of time to prevent a nasty case of screen burn - thanks @blakekrone for the suggestion!
- Disabled wpa_supplicant service from starting as it was causing conflicts with other services that used the WLAN interface
- To re-enabled: $ systemctl unmask wpa_supplicant.service
- Kismet updated to the latest development package - thanks @kismetwireless for the continued development of this great tool!
- HTML5 Speedtest updated to latest version -
- Realtek RTL8812au v5.1.5 WLAN driver updated using aircrack-ng repo
- source version: 73300001A722E8085DF9252
- Kernel updated to Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4.14.47-sunxi64
- All installed linux packages updated to latest versions