- [BC Break] Use "doctrine/cache" for caching
- [BC Break] Change KeyCreator interface to return an array from getKey
- [BC Break] Remove support for "url-params" and "controller" contexts, replaced with "page"
- [BC Break] Introduced new expression language for creating cache invalidation rules
- Added special <% cache 'Name' %> syntax for templates
- [BC BREAK] Removed ability to use
- Added support for caching by whether a use is logged in (as opposed to caching for a specific user)
- Removed redundant key creation code for page, url-params, controller all combined into one functionality
- Only cache 200 status codes in global request cache
- Bugfix make CacheIncludeSiteTreeExtension consistent with SilverStripe API
- Don't cache redirects in global request cache
- Only cache GET requests in global request cache
- Bugfix for when a YAML file is empty
- Support for global caching even with security tokens
- Added new opt-in global request cache feature.
- Add ssl part to key when the request is over ssl
- Add ajax part to key when the request is ajax
- Bugfix Ensure CacheInclude controller has an instance of CacheInclude
- Support for SilverStripe 3
- [BC BREAK] Removed backwards compatibility for SilverStripe 2
- Removed Pimple as DI container. Migrated to SilverStripe Injector