- Display links to related pages when included in annotation metadata; only show related pages section when an annotation has related pages.
- Remove starter blog posts and document available blog functionality in README.md
- bugfix: update annotation-by-tag template so it displays all tagged annotations, not just the first
Compatible with readux 1.6 and teifacsimile-to-jekyll 0.6.
Developed with readux 1.4 and teifacsimile-to-jekyll 0.65.
Jekyll theme adapted from Lanyon customized to support displaying an annotated facsimile edition as generated by Readux and teifacsimile-to-jekyll, including volume pages, annotations, and tags.
- volume page layout displays page image with text overlay (HTML generated by teifacsimile-to-jekyll, styles adapted from Readux)
- annotations displayed in the margin of volume pages, adapted from Readux display and annotator-marginalia
- browse pages by thumbnail, with all images on one page, loaded as needed for display
- page thumbnails include annotation count indicator (adapted from Readux)
- annotations display tags; browse annotations by tag
- simple keyword searching on volume pages and annotation content, based on Simple-Jekyll-Search
- supports customization for volume page urls and labels
- site homepage includes embedded citation information for harvest by Zotero and similar tools, based on annotated edition data from the site config file
- social media metadata to provide previews when sharing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and the like
- site homepage provides link to annotated edition TEI if linked in site config file
- individual annotation pages, linked from marginalia view, to provide better access to long-form or multimedia annotation and for citability
- tablet/mobile friendly design:
- sidebar configuration now defaults to overlay instead of push
- touch swipe to navigate next/previous volume pages
- on smaller screens, annotations fall below the page image
- when annotations are displayed below the page image, an annotation count with jump link is displayed at the top of the page
- use HTML5 picture element to display smaller page thumbnail images for smaller screens on page browse