theme: Plain Jane
^ My name is Wade Waldron. I am a Senior Consultant with Lightbend.
^ Co-Author of Applied Akka Patterns.
^ Today I am going to be talking about Domain Driven Design and Onion Architecture in Scala
^ I wanted to talk about DDD and Onion Architecture because the introduction of these tools brought many improvements to my code.
^ Clarity
^ Portability
^ Accuracy
^ Don't forget to rate the presentation.
^ DDD is not CQRS or Event Sourcing.
^ Focus on Core DDD but also Onion Architecture
^ Onion Architecture not required.
Domain Driven Design is often combined with:
- Event Sourcing
- Onion Architecture
- It is not required
^ Case Study: How to Fry an Egg
^ Specifically, what happens when someone requests that an egg be cooked. What is the process.
^ Lots of good nuances and edge cases.
^ Relatable
^ Easy to understand
^ Not "over done"
^ "What is a Domain?"
^ A sphere of knowledge. eg. Selling products, geological process, cooking an egg.
^ DDD focuses on the core domain.
^ De-emphasize technologies, user interfaces, etc.
^ Core Domain is often more constant.
^ Capturing truth of the real world in the domain model.
^ Software is not the model. It is an implementation
^ Other implementations include documentation or diagrams.
^ DDD encourages communication between domain and technical experts.
^ Experts communicate using a common language.
- Domain: A sphere of knowledge
- Domain Driven Design: A technique for developing software that puts the primary focus on the core domain
^ Common language is the Ubiquitous Language.
^ Set of concepts in the domain understood by experts.
^ Code should reflect the domain model.
^ We want to be able to talk to Domain experts about the model.
^ Avoid vague terms like "entity" or "process" or "action".
- A common language that can be used by domain experts and technical experts
- Reflected in the software model
^ Here are terms from the domain.
^ A domain expert (chef, cook) can understand
^ Some terms may not end up in our code.
- Nouns
- Cook
- Egg, Sunny Side Up, Scrambled
- Stove, Frying Pan
- Verbs
- Fry, Prepare
- Crack
^ Capturing a complex domain requires too much logic, results in spaghetti.
^ Bounded Contexts to solve.
^ Subset of the domain.
^ Outside the Bounded Context words/rules may have different meanings.
^ Bounded Contexts + Microservices
- The setting or context where ideas from the ubiquitous language apply
- Outside of the bounded context, the words meaning may change, or it may not apply
- Bounded Contexts fit well with Microservice Architectures
^ What are the bounded contexts in our case study?
^ Food Prep
^ Grocery Shopping
^ Washing Dishes
^ Frying pan has no meaning while grocery shopping.
^ Egg has different meaning in washing dishes.
^ Trying to create one domain for all of this would be too big.
- Food Preparation
- Grocery Shopping
- Washing Dishes
^ Building Blocks for DDD
^ Find more info on Wikipedia or the DDD book by Eric Evans
- Value Objects: A domain object defined by it's attributes
- Entity: A domain object defined by an identity
- Aggregate: A collection of objects bound by a root entity
- Service: Contains operations that don't fit other domain objects
- Repository: Abstraction for retrieving instances of domain objects
- Factory: Abstraction for creating instances of domain objects
^ Examples of domain objects, pulled from ubiquitous language.
- Cook, CookFactory, CookRepository
- Egg, EggStyle
- FryingPan
^ We know what DDD is, what is Onion Architecture?
^ Applications separated into layers, like an onion.
^ Domain near the center of the onion
^ Other layers build around Domain
^ Outer layers depend on/coupled to inner layers
^ Inner layers have no knowledge of outer layers
^ Inner layers define interfaces
^ Outer layers implement interfaces
^ Core: Basic Building Blocks
^ Domain: Key business logic
^ API/Services: Public Interface to the Domain
^ Infrastructure: External dependencies, User Interfaces, Databases
- Application is built around the domain
- Outer layers depend on and are coupled to the inner layers
- Inner layers are decoupled from the outer layers
- Inner layers define interfaces that may be implemented in the outer layers
^ Lets look at the API
^ Good starting point
^ Defines what kind of questions we want to ask the domain
^ Inputs/Outputs
^ API Insulates Domain from Infrastructure. Keeps it from bleeding, keeps it consistent.
^ Restructure domain as it evolves without affecting infrastructure. API stays the same.
^ Good place for high level tests.
- API Insulates the Domain from the Infrastructure
- Provides a single consistent code interface
- Domain can be restructured/rewritten without affecting the Infrastructure
- API is a good place for high level functional tests
^ First crack at some code.
^ Look at the code
^ Issues
^ Scrambled? Sunny Side Up? Poached?
^ Would you ever hand an egg and say cook this?
^ Time? Doesn't capture the time to cook the egg.
class FoodPrepApi {
def fry(egg: Egg): FriedEgg = ???
^ Address our previous issues.
^ Egg Style
^ No longer handing the Egg
^ Returning a Future, encapsulates time and failure
^ What types of failures?
^ Recoverable: Egg was dropped (should be fixed without returning a failure)
^ Unrecoverable: Out of eggs (have to return a failure. Can not complete.)
class FoodPrepApi {
def prepareEgg(style: EggStyle): Future[CookedEgg] = ???
^ Functional Tests around API
^ Simple test. Nothing mocked or stubbed.
^ Real Repos, real Domain Classes.
^ Verifies that everything works when wired together.
class FoodPrepApiTest extends FreeSpec with ScalaFutures {
"prepareEgg" - {
"should return a CookedEgg with the specified style" in new TestModule {
val style = EggStyle.SunnySideUp
val expectedEgg = CookedEgg(style)
whenReady(foodPrepApi.prepareEgg(style)) { egg =>
assert(egg === expectedEgg)
^ API required a minimal amount of Domain to be created.
^ Use High Level test to drive out domain.
^ API or test may evolve as we further explore domain.
^ Created Egg Style. See Slide.
^ Created Egg. See Slide.
^ Both implemented as Algebraic Data Types
sealed trait EggStyle
object EggStyle {
case object Scrambled extends EggStyle
case object SunnySideUp extends EggStyle
case object Poached extends EggStyle
sealed trait Egg
object Egg {
case object RawEgg extends Egg
case class CookedEgg(style: EggStyle) extends Egg
^ Algebraic Data Types good for building domains.
^ Capture domain logic in the Type system.
^ Compiler can test domain rules, rather than writing tests.
- Useful for building rich domains
- Provide added type safety
- Capture truth of the domain at compile time
^ Related to ADTs is Tiny Types or Wrapper Types
^ Lightweight wrapper classes around primitive data types.
^ Compile time checking of the model.
^ No bare strings or integers.
^ Ensures we don't accidentally pass the wrong string or integer to a function.
^ Provides a location to hang validation logic (eg. Email Address)
^ Enriches Domain
- Compile time checking of primitives
- Encapsulates data validation
- Use "AnyVal" to avoid memory cost of wrapper classes
^ Example of a Tiny Type.
^ Accidentally mix up Ids or mix other types where we wanted Ids.
^ Prevents mistakes
^ Enables us to later enrich the class and our domain.
case class CookId(value: String) extends AnyVal
^ We can identify our cook. This means Cook is an Entity.
^ Cook Aggregates other parts of the domain (eg. Frying Pan or Spatula)
^ Cook is our Aggregate Root
^ Bulk of operations will interact with the cook.
^ How do we know it's an aggregate root?
^ Qualities of Aggregate Root
^ Aggregates other entities
^ Controls access to entities
^ Other entities forbidden from accessing without going through the aggregate first.
^ Not always obvious. Cooks seems straight forward.
^ If entity is focus of domain operations, may be aggregate root.
^ If deleted or destroyed, deletes other entities, may be aggregate root.
^ Cook example. Delete Frying Pan? Is it relevant without a cook?
^ Cook aggregates frying pan.
- Aggregates other entities. The top most entity that aggregates other entities is the Aggregate Root.
- Controls access to those entities.
- Other entities are forbidden from accessing the child entities without first going through the Aggregate Root.
^ Domain Class Frying Pan
^ Flawed.
^ Takes an option. Constant checking if Egg is present.
^ Returning Try. Wrap exceptions
^ Cooks don't ever add eggs to full frying pans
^ Cooks don't ever remove eggs from empty frying pans.
^ Awkward to use, awkward to test, and wrong.
case class FryingPan(cookingEgg: Option[PartiallyCookedEgg] = None) {
import FryingPan._
def add(egg: RawEgg, style: EggStyle): Try[FryingPan] = {
cookingEgg match {
case Some(_) => Failure(FryingPanFullException)
case None => Success(this.copy(Some(egg.startCooking(style))))
def remove(): Try[(FryingPan, CookedEgg)] = {
cookingEgg match {
case Some(egg) => egg.finishCooking().map(cookedEgg => (this.copy(None),cookedEgg))
case None => Failure(FryingPanEmptyException)
^ Alternative implementation. Better. Uses ADT.
^ Compiler won't let us add an egg to a full frying pan or remove from an empty frying pan.
^ Compile time checking of our domain model. YAY.
^ Encoded rules of the domain inside methods that are part of the domain class, but also types.
^ No more options, tries, or exceptions.
^ Simpler to test.
sealed trait FryingPan
case class EmptyFryingPan() extends FryingPan {
def add(egg: RawEgg, style: EggStyle): FullFryingPan = FullFryingPan(egg.startCooking(style))
case class FullFryingPan(egg: PartiallyCookedEgg) extends FryingPan {
def remove(): (EmptyFryingPan, CookedEgg) = (EmptyFryingPan(), egg.finishCooking())
^ DDD is about evolving understanding of the domain.
^ Reflecting evolution in the code.
^ Rough edges signal the model might be wrong.
^ Find the rough edges and fix the model and the code.
^ Domain may change. New laws, new technologies. Model must change with it.
^ Domain models aren't fixed. Need to be prepared to evolve the model.
- We never know the truth of the domain until we have spent time with it.
^ DDD and Onion Architecture help evolve model by separating concerns.
^ Domain is separate from infrastructure. They can evolve independently.
^ API layer ensures Infrastructure and Domain remain separate and distinct.
^ Repositories and Factories insulate us from concerns like data storage.
^ Repositories and Factories. Part of the Domain.
^ Implementations are usually in Infrastructure.
^ Usually an element of infrastructure (file system, database etc) involved with creating or retrieving objects.
^ Don't leak these concerns into the domain. Wrapped in Repo or Factory to keep domain pure.
^ Often abstract over a database, but could be a file, or REST API or even in memory.
- Abstract over data storage/creation concerns
- Keeps the infrastructure from leaking into the domain
- Not limited to databases
- Database
- File
- REST Api
- In Memory
^ Simple example of a trait for Egg Repository.
^ Nothing to indicate the nature of the repo (Carton, Fridge, other).
^ Defines operations to perform, but not how they will be performed.
^ I provide In Memory implementations, but could be replaced with DB access.
^ Repository is not tied to implementation, so we can change as necessary.
trait EggRepository {
def findAndRemove(): Future[Option[RawEgg.type]]
def add(egg: RawEgg.type): Future[Unit]
^ Onion Architecture relies on the Dependency Inversion Principle.
^ High level modules don't depend on low level modules.
^ Depend on abstractions.
^ Dependency Inversion Principle is often implemented with Dependency Injection
^ Injector supplies necessary dependencies where needed.
High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
- Onion Architecture relies on the Dependency Inversion Principle
- High Level Modules = Inner Layers
- Low Level Modules = Outer Layers
- Domain often defines traits that are implemented in Infrastructure
- Often implemented with Dependency Injection
^ Sample code uses "thin cake pattern" (Adam Warski). I developed this technique independently, inspired by Cake pattern, and later discovered his blog about it.
^ Further adapted here for Onion Architecture.
^ Series of traits, defined and organized according to Onion Architecture.
^ Traits define pieces of the application that are part of that layer of the onion. These are "modules".
^ Models provide concrete implementations where possible, or left abstract to be defined later in another layer.
^ Various layers organized into packages. Modules exist in corresponding package.
^ Modules follow same rules as Onion Architecture. Inner modules not allowed to depend on outer modules.
trait DomainModule {
def cookRepository: CookRepository
def eggRepository: EggRepository
trait ApiModule { this: DomainModule =>
implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContext
val foodPrepApi: FoodPrepApi = new FoodPrepApi(cookRepository)
trait InfrastructureModule { this: DomainModule with ApiModule =>
override val eggRepository: EggRepository = new InMemoryEggRepository()
override val cookRepository: CookRepository = new InMemoryCookRepository(eggRepository)
override implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContext =
class Injector extends InfrastructureModule with ApiModule with DomainModule
^ DDD is evolutionary. Don't build it once and call it done.
^ Learn as we go. Update our understanding.
^ Done well code can be readable, maintainable, portable.
^ Past projects, common to invisibly change database implementations.
^ Sometimes swapped entire domain logic without clients noticing because API didn't change.
^ Adding new ways to access Domain (REST vs Event Driven vs GUI) trivial due to re-use of API call.
^ End goal to move us away from worrying about specific implementation details
^ Focus instead on how software will be used. Not the user interface, that's just presentation.
^ What is the real problem we are trying to solve? How is it solved when software isn't there?
^ DDD is about finding the people who can answer these questions, and talking to them in language they understand.
^ Taking understanding gained through this conversation and reflecting it in code.
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