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Part 2: Use the model

With the model trained it's time to turn our attention to using it. We'll start by testing it in the Custom Vision website. Then we'll explore how we can call the model from code by using an SDK.

Test the model

Let's see how well our model works. It's important to use images which weren't used to train the model. After all, if the model has already seen the image it's going to know the answer.

  1. Select Quick Test
  2. Select Browse local files
  3. Navigate to testing-images and select one of the dog images
  4. Select Open
  5. Notice the tag and probability scores

Publish model

The goal of creating a model in Custom Vision is to use it in different applications. To access it from outside of the Custom Vision website it needs to be published.

  1. In the 'Performance' tab, select Publish
  2. For Model name enter dogs
  3. For Prediction resource select the prediction key you created earlier.
  4. Select Publish
  5. Select Prediction URL to view the endpoint address
  6. Copy the value in the grey textbox under If you have an image file and paste it somewhere locally where you can find it later
  7. Select Got it

Obtain keys and values

As with any service, we need to gather the keys and values to make our calls. You'll want to copy these keys into a text file; they'll be used in the next step.

  1. From the Performance screen, select Prediction URL
  2. Copy the URL under If you have an image file; this will be used to create the endpoint
  3. Copy the hex value for the Prediction-Key. It will look similar to: ba81ed4539cd46ec979a98569035a463
  4. Select Got it to close the window
  5. In the upper right corner of the Custom Vision interface, select the Gear icon for settings
  6. Copy the Project Id value

TIP: Project Id is the value on the left side of the screen

Create the endpoint value

The SDK for Custom Vision uses a slightly different URL than the one you copied earlier. The value you copied will look something like the following:

To create the endpoint value, remove everything after Your endpoint value should look like this:

Store the necessary credentials

Whenever you're writing code it's a best practice to never hard-code sensitive values, such as passwords, or any value which may change. This can lead to security breaches or code that's difficult to maintain. To create our application we're going to follow generally accepted best practices. To do this we'll use a library named python_dotenv, which allows you to set environment variables with a text file.

  1. Return to Visual Studio Code

  2. In this project's root folder, create a new file named .env

  3. Add the following values, replacing the placeholders

  4. Save the file by selecting File > Save

Install the packages

We'll be using two Python packages to support our project. The first we already introduced, python-dotenv. The next is the Custom Vision client library (or SDK), which you'll use to make the predictions.

  1. Create a new file named requirements.txt

  2. Inside requirements.txt, add the following:

  3. Save the file by selecting File > Save

  4. Open a new terminal window inside Visual Studio Code by selecting Terminal > New Terminal Window

  5. Create a new Python environment and install the packages by running the following command:

    # On Windows
    python3 -m venv venv
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    # On Linux, WSL or macOS
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. The packages will install.

Create the program

With the setup work done, it's time to add your code! We'll break this down into a few sections.

  1. Create a new file named

Import the libraries

Most Python applications start by importing the required libraries, and our program will follow the same pattern.

  1. Inside, add the following to import the necessary libraries:

    # Prediction client
    from import CustomVisionPredictionClient
    # Key class for azure
    from msrest.authentication import ApiKeyCredentials
    # dotenv to load key
    from dotenv import load_dotenv
    # Import os to read environment variables
    import os

Load the variables

Earlier we setup a few environment variables like our key and endpoint. Let's load those into memory.

  1. At the end of, add the following code to load the environment variables

    # Load the key and endpoint values
    # Set the values into variables
    key = os.getenv('KEY')
    endpoint = os.getenv('ENDPOINT')
    project_id = os.getenv('PROJECT_ID')
    published_name = os.getenv('PUBLISHED_ITERATION_NAME')

Perform the prediction

Now we can perform our prediction! We'll be using one of the images in the testing folder.

  1. At the end of, add the following code to perform a prediction of dog breed

    # Setup credentials for client
    credentials = ApiKeyCredentials(in_headers={'Prediction-key':key})
    # Create client, which will be used to make predictions
    client = CustomVisionPredictionClient(endpoint, credentials)
    # Open the test file
    with open('testing-images/american-staffordshire-terrier-10.jpg', 'rb') as image:
        # Perform the prediction
        results = client.classify_image(project_id, published_name,
        # Because there could be multiple predictions, we loop through each one
        for prediction in results.predictions:
            # Display the name of the breed, and the probability percentage
            print(f'{prediction.tag_name}: {(prediction.probability):.2%}')

Run the program

With the program created, let's run it and see what happens!

  1. Save all files by selecting File > Save All

  2. Return to the terminal inside Visual Studio Code by selecting View > Terminal

  3. Run the following command to execute the program

  4. You should now see the following output:

    american-staffordshire-terrier: 97.11%
    german-wirehaired-pointer: 1.46%
    australian-shepherd: 0.97%
    buggle: 0.46%
    shorkie: 0.00%

    Note: Your percentages may not exactly match those above


Congratulations! You have successfully created and called a custom vision model. The model you created can be used to classify image types. You can also create models to detect certain objects in an image. If you want to continue to grow your skills: