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For various cases you may not be satisfied with built-in functions provided by WaveBeans framework. To solve that issue you may define functions of your own. There are two way to define function, with one main difference -- whether or not you need to pass by some parameters from configuration runtime to execution runtime.
Each function must define the type of input and output. The type (both input and output) can be only one, to bypass or return a few different parameters as one you may use tuples for two or three parameters or data classes for more.
Each operation has predefined type of input and output so you won't probably need to define it yourself, just follow the signature defined by the operation.
As the input parameter is the only one, there is a trick you may use to work with the parameters if they are defined as Pair, Triple, or Data class to keep your code cleaner. There is destruction operation.
For example within lambda expression:
{ parameter -> parameter.first * parameter.second } // if you use parameter directly
{ it.first * it.second } // or implicitly,
{ (sample, multiplier) -> sample * multiplier } // instead you may destruct it and give them proper name,
// by specifying them inside parentheses
To use within class definition:
fun apply(argument: Pair<Sample, Double>): Sample { // `argument` type is specified explicitly
val (sample, multiplier) = argument // destruct it
return sample * multiplier // apply the operation by using variable proper naming
For more information please follow Kotlin documentation.
If you don't need to bypass any parameters to execution runtime, you can define the function very shortly with so called lambda-function. Inside lambda function the operand can be used as it
, or defined explicitly.
For example to define map function:
.map { it * 2 } // `it` is defined by default
.map { sample -> sample / 2 } // or you may define operand name explicitly
In this case if you'll try to bypass parameter outside of the lambda expression and try to execute the stream, you'll get an exception with message like
Wrapping function $clazzName failed, perhaps it is implemented as inner class and should be wrapped manually
. That'll highlight that you can't define the function that way and you need to define proper class.
This way is very compact and most of the time parameters contain everything that is required to perform the operation.
This is the most cumbersome way to define the function but at the same time the most flexible. You can define a function as a class, but keep in mind that shouldn't be the inner class or anonymous class. Also, to bypass parameters you would need to be able to serialize them into string representation. There are functions defined for primitive types, for your own classes you would need to do it on your own
So, to define function as class you need to extend Fn<T,R>
abstract class. That class has initParameters
as constructor parameter, which is used to bypass parameters into the function body during execution. The class must have at least one constructor defined with no parameters -- meaning no parameters required, or with initParameters
with type io.wavebeans.lib.FnInitParameters
. However for convenience and readability it is recommended to provide second constructor that has parameters you want to bypass into execution runtime.
As an example let's define a map function that changes an amplitude of the audio stream by defined value:
class ChangeAmplitudeFn(parameters: FnInitParameters) // there should be at least one constructor defined this way
: Fn<Sample, Sample>(parameters) { // extend Fn<T,R> class, Sample is input (T) and output (R)
// types of the function.
constructor(factor: Double) // for convenience let's define proper constructor
: this(FnInitParameters().add("factor", factor)) // and build parameters for our function
private val factor = initParams.double("factor") // extracting the double value of the factor parameter,
// it is better to do once
override fun apply(argument: Sample): Sample { // here is the body of the function
return argument * factor // and simply multiply sample by the specified factor,
// that changes its amplitude.
// apply created function on the stream.
As FnInitParameters are being used to transfer the function arguments, it is not convenient to use that class every time you need something, so it's better to extract them as a variable or class properties. You always can extract them inside apply()
method body, though from perfomance perspective it might be expensive in some cases. In this case class properties are preferrable way to do it.
class ChangeAmplitudeFn(parameters: FnInitParameters): Fn<Sample, Sample>(parameters) {
constructor(factor: Double): this(FnInitParameters().add("factor", factor))
// good way to extract the `factor`
private val factor = initParams.double("factor")
override fun apply(argument: Sample): Sample {
val factor = initParams.double("factor") // bad way to extract the `factor`
return argument * factor
Type io.wavebeans.lib.FnInitParameters
is the specific class that is used to bypass parameters from configuration runtime to execution runtime. For transferring all values should be serialized into strings.
There is an API for handling primitive types and their collections:
.add("double", 1.0) // will be stored as double string "1.0"
.add("int", 123) // will be stored as int string "123"
.add("string", "some_string") // will be stored as is
.addStrings("strings", listOf("string1", "string2")) // will be stored as comma-separated strings "string1,string2"
.addDoubles("doubles", listOf(1.0, 2.0)) // will be stored as comma separated double string "1.0,2.0"
.addInts("ints", listOf(1, 2)) // will be stored as comma separated double string "1,2"
And it works similar wth floats and longs.
To store an object or any other type you would need to specify the stringifier that converts an object to a string.
.addObj("timeUnit", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) { } // stringifying simple but different type
.addObj("pairOfLongs", Pair(1L, 2L)) { "${it.first}:${it.second}" } // stringifying complex type
.addObj("myListOfInts", listOf(1, 2, 3)) { it.joinToString(",") { it.toString() } } // stringifying collections your way
As you probably noticed, API of parameters allows you to specify parameters one by one without storing the result in interim variable, so these coding styles has same result:
// defining parameters with storing in interim variable
val p = FnInitParameters()
p.add("timeValue", 1)
p.addObj("timeUnit", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) { }
// specifying parameters sequentially
.add("timeValue", 1)
.addObj("timeUnit", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) { }
To read parameters you would need to specify explicitly what you want get. Keep in mind, some of the methods may work for different values stored as they are interchangeable in some sense (i.e. you can get int as double). All parameters are nullable, but you can ask for non-nullable value, you would need to specify it explicitly.
Primitive types:
val double = initParams.double("double") // get non-nullable double value
val doubleOrNull = initParams.doubleOrNull("double") // get nullable double value
val doubles = initParams.doubles("doubles") // get non-nullable list of doubles
val doublesOrNull = initParams.doublesOrNull("doubles") // get nullable list of doubles
It works similar for float, int and long.
For getting an object, similar way to specifying stringifier you would need to specify objectifier that parses the value. You may get an object as nullable or not as well:
val timeUnit = initParams.obj("timeUnit") { TimeUnit.valueOf(it) }
val pairOfLongs = initParams.objOrNull("pairOfLongs") {
val (first, second) = it.split(":").map { it.toLong() }.take(2)
Pair(first, second)
val myListOfInts = initParams.obj("myListOfInts") { it.split(",").map { it.toInt() } }