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Webysther edited this page Apr 29, 2013 · 3 revisions

Each RPC type is based on a AbstractRPCObject which mimics the native Since the implementation is the same for the different RPC types (AMF0,XML-RPC and JSON-RPC), AbstractObject will be used to generalize them in the examples. Simply replace ak33m:AbstractObject with the appropriate tags:

RPC Type Package AS Class MXML Tag
AMF0 (Flash Remoting) com.ak33m.rpc.amf0.* AMF0Object <ak33m:AMF0Object>
XML-RPC com.ak33m.rpc.xmlrpc.* XMLRPCObject <ak33m:XMLRPCObject>
JSON-RPC com.ak33m.rpc.jsonrpc.* JSONRPCObject <ak33m:JSONRPCObject>

General Example:

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" xmlns:ak33m="" creationComplete="callFunction();">
         import mx.controls.Alert;
         function callFunction ()
           //sample method call using token pattern
          //sample method call if method has a dot (.) (as is the case with blog xmlrpc API
<ak33m:AbstractObject id="someapi" endpoint="" destination="someendpoint" fault=",event.fault.faultCode)">

Below is an example using the xmlrpc api of a blog. It uses the token pattern and the ItemResponder.

NB Any class that implements IResponder can be used. ItemResponder is the only responder natively available in Flex 2© and hence utilized in this example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" xmlns:ak33m="" creationComplete="">
                        import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
                        import mx.controls.Alert;
                        import mx.collections.ItemResponder;
                        var urlregexp:String = "^[A-Za-z]+://[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9-_%&\?\/.=]+$";
                        var endpointregexp:String = "/[A-Za-z0-9-_%&\?\/.=]";
                        function login ()
                                //This is the rpc call. Because the xmlrpc service used in this example has functions with dots (.) in them the call function is used
                                //if there was no dot the call could be blogapi.getUserInfo ()
                                var token:AsyncToken ="blogger.getUserInfo","",user_txt.text,password_txt.text);
                                var tresponder:ItemResponder = new ItemResponder(this.showUserInfo,this.onFault);
                        function showUserInfo (event:ResultEvent,token = null)
                      "User: "+event.result.nickname,"User info result");
                        function onFault (event:FaultEvent, token=null)
<!-- Validation -->
<mx:RegExpValidator id="regExpV"
source="{rooturl_txt}" property="text"
flags="g" expression="{urlregexp}" noMatchError="Please enter a valid URL"
<mx:RegExpValidator id="endpointregExpV"
source="{this.endpoint_txt}" property="text"
flags="g" expression="{endpointregexp}" noMatchError="Please enter a valid endpoint. It MUST start with a /"
<!-- User Interface -->
<mx:Panel height="300" width="380">
<mx:Form height="200" width="350" x="0" y="0">
<mx:FormHeading label="Blog Login" textAlign="left"/>
<mx:FormItem label="Root URL">
<mx:TextInput id="rooturl_txt"/>
<mx:FormItem label="Xmlrpc endpoint">
<mx:TextInput id="endpoint_txt"/>
<mx:FormItem label="Username">
<mx:TextInput id="user_txt"/>
<mx:FormItem label="Password">
<mx:TextInput id="password_txt"/>
<mx:Button label="Send" id="send_btn" click="login();"/>
<!-- RPC Object -->
<ak33m:XMLRPCObject id="blogapi" endpoint="{rooturl_txt.text}" destination="{endpoint_txt.text}" >
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