Native bindings for Hyperledger Indy.
This module has a native compile step. It compiles C++ code and dynamically links to libindy
You will need:
- C++ build tools and Python 2. See this for platform recommendations.
v1.6+ in your system library path. (i.e./usr/lib/
for linux)
Then you can install via npm:
npm install --save indy-sdk
Use environment variable RUST_LOG={info|debug|trace}
to output logs of Libindy.
i.e. ld: library not found for -llibindy
First, make sure you have the latest libindy for your platform. Also make sure you have any other libraries it depends on. See indy-sdk/doc
Second, make sure it's in the linker search path. The easiest way is to use the system library path.
- ubuntu
- osx
- windows
If you want to put the library in a custom folder i.e. /foo/bar/
then you can do this:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/foo/bar npm i --save indy-sdk
Then when you run your code, you'll still need the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/foo/bar node index.js
We use node-gyp to manage the cross-platform build. Their readme is quite helpful.
var indy = require('indy-sdk')
var did = '...'
var fullVerkey = '...'
indy.abbreviateVerkey(did, fullVerkey, function(err, verkey){
// if you do not provide a callback, a Promise is returned
var verkey = await indy.abbreviateVerkey(did, fullVerkey)
All the functions may yield an IndyError. The errors are based on libindy error codes defined here.
- the code number from libindyerr.indyName
- the name string for the code
Create credential schema entity that describes credential attributes list and allows credentials interoperability.
Schema is public and intended to be shared with all anoncreds workflow actors usually by publishing SCHEMA transaction to Indy distributed ledger.
It is IMPORTANT for current version POST Schema in Ledger and after that GET it from Ledger with correct seq_no to save compatibility with Ledger. After that can call issuerCreateAndStoreCredentialDef to build corresponding Credential Definition.
: String - DID of schema issuername
: String - a name the schemaversion
: String - a version of the schemaattrNames
: Json- -> [
: String,schema
: Json ] - schema_id: identifier of created schema schema_json: schema as json
Errors: Common*
, Anoncreds*
issuerCreateAndStoreCredentialDef ( wh, issuerDid, schema, tag, signatureType, config ) -> [ credDefId, credDef ]
Create credential definition entity that encapsulates credentials issuer DID, credential schema, secrets used for signing credentials and secrets used for credentials revocation.
Credential definition entity contains private and public parts. Private part will be stored in the wallet. Public part will be returned as json intended to be shared with all anoncreds workflow actors usually by publishing CRED_DEF transaction to Indy distributed ledger.
It is IMPORTANT for current version GET Schema from Ledger with correct seq_no to save compatibility with Ledger.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)issuerDid
: String - a DID of the issuer signing cred_def transaction to the Ledgerschema
: Json - credential schema as a jsontag
: String - allows to distinct between credential definitions for the same issuer and schemasignatureType
: String - credential definition type (optional, 'CL' by default) that defines credentials signature and revocation math. Supported types are:- 'CL': Camenisch-Lysyanskaya credential signature type
: Json - (optional) type-specific configuration of credential definition as json:- 'CL':
- support_revocation: whether to request non-revocation credential (optional, default false)
- -> [
: String,credDef
: Json ] - cred_def_id: identifier of created credential definition cred_def_json: public part of created credential definition
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Anoncreds*
issuerCreateAndStoreRevocReg ( wh, issuerDid, revocDefType, tag, credDefId, config, tailsWriterHandle ) -> [ revocRegId, revocRegDef, revocRegEntry ]
Create a new revocation registry for the given credential definition as tuple of entities
- Revocation registry definition that encapsulates credentials definition reference, revocation type specific configuration and secrets used for credentials revocation
- Revocation registry state that stores the information about revoked entities in a non-disclosing way. The state can be represented as ordered list of revocation registry entries were each entry represents the list of revocation or issuance operations.
Revocation registry definition entity contains private and public parts. Private part will be stored in the wallet. Public part will be returned as json intended to be shared with all anoncreds workflow actors usually by publishing REVOC_REG_DEF transaction to Indy distributed ledger.
Revocation registry state is stored on the wallet and also intended to be shared as the ordered list of REVOC_REG_ENTRY transactions. This call initializes the state in the wallet and returns the initial entry.
Some revocation registry types (for example, 'CL_ACCUM') can require generation of binary blob called tails used to hide information about revoked credentials in public revocation registry and intended to be distributed out of leger (REVOC_REG_DEF transaction will still contain uri and hash of tails). This call requires access to pre-configured blob storage writer instance handle that will allow to write generated tails.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)issuerDid
: String - a DID of the issuer signing transaction to the LedgerrevocDefType
: String - revocation registry type (optional, default value depends on credential definition type). Supported types are:- 'CL_ACCUM': Type-3 pairing based accumulator. Default for 'CL' credential definition type
: String - allows to distinct between revocation registries for the same issuer and credential definitioncredDefId
: String - id of stored in ledger credential definitionconfig
: Json - type-specific configuration of revocation registry as json:- 'CL_ACCUM':
"issuance_type": (optional) type of issuance. Currently supported:
1) ISSUANCE_BY_DEFAULT: all indices are assumed to be issued and initial accumulator is calculated over all indices;
Revocation Registry is updated only during revocation.
2) ISSUANCE_ON_DEMAND: nothing is issued initially accumulator is 1 (used by default);
"max_cred_num": maximum number of credentials the new registry can process (optional, default 100000)
: Handle (Number) - handle of blob storage to store tails- -> [
: String,revocRegDef
: Json,revocRegEntry
: Json ] - revoc_reg_id: identifier of created revocation registry definition revoc_reg_def_json: public part of revocation registry definition revoc_reg_entry_json: revocation registry entry that defines initial state of revocation registry
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Anoncreds*
Create credential offer that will be used by Prover for credential request creation. Offer includes nonce and key correctness proof for authentication between protocol steps and integrity checking.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)credDefId
: String - id of credential definition stored in the wallet- ->
: Json - credential offer json:
"schema_id": string,
"cred_def_id": string,
// Fields below can depend on Cred Def type
"nonce": string,
"key_correctness_proof" : <key_correctness_proof>
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Anoncreds*
issuerCreateCredential ( wh, credOffer, credReq, credValues, revRegId, blobStorageReaderHandle ) -> [ cred, credRevocId, revocRegDelta ]
Check Cred Request for the given Cred Offer and issue Credential for the given Cred Request.
Cred Request must match Cred Offer. The credential definition and revocation registry definition referenced in Cred Offer and Cred Request must be already created and stored into the wallet.
Information for this credential revocation will be store in the wallet as part of revocation registry under generated cred_revoc_id local for this wallet.
This call returns revoc registry delta as json file intended to be shared as REVOC_REG_ENTRY transaction. Note that it is possible to accumulate deltas to reduce ledger load.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)credOffer
: Json - a cred offer created by issuerCreateCredentialOffercredReq
: Json - a credential request created by proverCreateCredentialReqcredValues
: Json - a credential containing attribute values for each of requested attribute names. Example:
"attr1" : {"raw": "value1", "encoded": "value1_as_int" },
"attr2" : {"raw": "value1", "encoded": "value1_as_int" }
: String - id of revocation registry stored in the walletblobStorageReaderHandle
: Number - configuration of blob storage reader handle that will allow to read revocation tails- -> [
: Json,credRevocId
: String,revocRegDelta
: Json ] - cred_json: Credential json containing signed credential values
"schema_id": string,
"cred_def_id": string,
"rev_reg_def_id", Optional<string>,
"values": <see credValues above>,
// Fields below can depend on Cred Def type
"signature": <signature>,
"signature_correctness_proof": <signature_correctness_proof>
cred_revoc_id: local id for revocation info (Can be used for revocation of this credential)
revoc_reg_delta_json: Revocation registry delta json with a newly issued credential
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
Revoke a credential identified by a cred_revoc_id (returned by issuerCreateCredential).
The corresponding credential definition and revocation registry must be already created an stored into the wallet.
This call returns revoc registry delta as json file intended to be shared as REVOC_REG_ENTRY transaction. Note that it is possible to accumulate deltas to reduce ledger load.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)blobStorageReaderHandle
: NumberrevRegId
: String - id of revocation registry stored in walletcredRevocId
: String - local id for revocation info- ->
: Json - revoc_reg_delta_json: Revocation registry delta json with a revoked credential
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
Merge two revocation registry deltas (returned by issuerCreateCredential or issuerRevokeCredential) to accumulate common delta. Send common delta to ledger to reduce the load.
: Json - revocation registry delta.otherRevRegDelta
: Json - revocation registry delta for which PrevAccum value is equal to current accum value of rev_reg_delta_json.- ->
: Json - merged_rev_reg_delta: Merged revocation registry delta
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
Creates a master secret with a given id and stores it in the wallet. The id must be unique.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)masterSecretId
: String - (optional, if not present random one will be generated) new master id- ->
: String - out_master_secret_id: Id of generated master secret
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
proverCreateCredentialReq ( wh, proverDid, credOffer, credDef, masterSecretId ) -> [ credReq, credReqMetadata ]
Creates a credential request for the given credential offer.
The method creates a blinded master secret for a master secret identified by a provided name. The master secret identified by the name must be already stored in the secure wallet (see prover_create_master_secret) The blinded master secret is a part of the credential request.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)proverDid
: String - a DID of the provercredOffer
: Json - credential offer as a json containing information about the issuer and a credentialcredDef
: Json - credential definition json related to <cred_def_id> in <cred_offer_json>masterSecretId
: String - the id of the master secret stored in the wallet- -> [
: Json,credReqMetadata
: Json ] - cred_req_json: Credential request json for creation of credential by Issuer
"prover_did" : string,
"cred_def_id" : string,
// Fields below can depend on Cred Def type
"blinded_ms" : <blinded_master_secret>,
"blinded_ms_correctness_proof" : <blinded_ms_correctness_proof>,
"nonce": string
cred_req_metadata_json: Credential request metadata json for further processing of received form Issuer credential.
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
Check credential provided by Issuer for the given credential request, updates the credential by a master secret and stores in a secure wallet.
To support efficient and flexible search the following tags will be created for stored credential:
"schema_id": <credential schema id>,
"schema_issuer_did": <credential schema issuer did>,
"schema_name": <credential schema name>,
"schema_version": <credential schema version>,
"issuer_did": <credential issuer did>,
"cred_def_id": <credential definition id>,
"rev_reg_id": <credential revocation registry id>, // "None" as string if not present
// for every attribute in <credential values>
"attr::<attribute name>::marker": "1",
"attr::<attribute name>::value": <attribute raw value>,
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)credId
: String - (optional, default is a random one) identifier by which credential will be stored in the walletcredReqMetadata
: Json - a credential request metadata created by proverCreateCredentialReqcred
: Json - credential json received from issuercredDef
: Json - credential definition json related to <cred_def_id> in <cred_json>revRegDef
: Json - revocation registry definition json related to <rev_reg_def_id> in <cred_json>- ->
: String - out_cred_id: identifier by which credential is stored in the wallet
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
Gets human readable credentials according to the filter. If filter is NULL, then all credentials are returned. Credentials can be filtered by Issuer, credential_def and/or Schema.
NOTE: This method is deprecated because immediately returns all fetched credentials. Use <proverSearchCredentials> to fetch records by small batches.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)filter
: Json - filter for credentials
"schema_id": string, (Optional)
"schema_issuer_did": string, (Optional)
"schema_name": string, (Optional)
"schema_version": string, (Optional)
"issuer_did": string, (Optional)
"cred_def_id": string, (Optional)
- ->
: Json - credentials json
"referent": string, // cred_id in the wallet
"attrs": {"key1":"raw_value1", "key2":"raw_value2"},
"schema_id": string,
"cred_def_id": string,
"rev_reg_id": Optional<string>,
"cred_rev_id": Optional<string>
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
Gets human readable credential by the given id.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)credId
: String - Identifier by which requested credential is stored in the wallet- ->
: Json - credential json:
"referent": string, // cred_id in the wallet
"attrs": {"key1":"raw_value1", "key2":"raw_value2"},
"schema_id": string,
"cred_def_id": string,
"rev_reg_id": Optional<string>,
"cred_rev_id": Optional<string>
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
Search for credentials stored in wallet. Credentials can be filtered by tags created during saving of credential.
Instead of immediately returning of fetched credentials this call returns search_handle that can be used later to fetch records by small batches (with proverFetchCredentials).
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)query
: Json - Wql query filter for credentials searching based on tags. where query: indy-sdk/doc/design/011-wallet-query-language/ -> [
: Handle (Number),totalCount
: Number ] - search_handle: Search handle that can be used later to fetch records by small batches (with proverFetchCredentials) total_count: Total count of records
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
Fetch next credentials for search.
: Handle (Number) - Search handle (created by proverSearchCredentials)count
: Number - Count of credentials to fetch- ->
: Json - credentials_json: List of human readable credentials:
"referent": string, // cred_id in the wallet
"attrs": {"key1":"raw_value1", "key2":"raw_value2"},
"schema_id": string,
"cred_def_id": string,
"rev_reg_id": Optional<string>,
"cred_rev_id": Optional<string>
NOTE: The list of length less than the requested count means credentials search iterator is completed.
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
Close credentials search (make search handle invalid)
: Handle (Number) - Search handle (created by proverSearchCredentials)- -> void
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
Gets human readable credentials matching the given proof request.
NOTE: This method is deprecated because immediately returns all fetched credentials. Use <proverSearchCredentialsForProofReq> to fetch records by small batches.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)proofRequest
: Json - proof request json
"name": string,
"version": string,
"nonce": string,
"requested_attributes": { // set of requested attributes
"<attr_referent>": <attr_info>, // see below
"requested_predicates": { // set of requested predicates
"<predicate_referent>": <predicate_info>, // see below
"non_revoked": Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below,
// If specified prover must proof non-revocation
// for date in this interval for each attribute
// (can be overridden on attribute level)
- ->
: Json - credentials_json: json with credentials for the given proof request.
"requested_attrs": {
"<attr_referent>": [{ cred_info: <credential_info>, interval: Optional<non_revoc_interval> }],
"requested_predicates": {
"requested_predicates": [{ cred_info: <credential_info>, timestamp: Optional<integer> }, { cred_info: <credential_2_info>, timestamp: Optional<integer> }],
"requested_predicate_2_referent": [{ cred_info: <credential_2_info>, timestamp: Optional<integer> }]
}, where credential is
"referent": <string>,
"attrs": {"attr_name" : "attr_raw_value"},
"schema_id": string,
"cred_def_id": string,
"rev_reg_id": Optional<int>,
"cred_rev_id": Optional<int>,
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
Search for credentials matching the given proof request.
Instead of immediately returning of fetched credentials this call returns search_handle that can be used later to fetch records by small batches (with proverFetchCredentialsForProofReq).
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)proofRequest
: Json - proof request json
"name": string,
"version": string,
"nonce": string,
"requested_attributes": { // set of requested attributes
"<attr_referent>": <attr_info>, // see below
"requested_predicates": { // set of requested predicates
"<predicate_referent>": <predicate_info>, // see below
"non_revoked": Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below,
// If specified prover must proof non-revocation
// for date in this interval for each attribute
// (can be overridden on attribute level)
: Json - (Optional) List of extra queries that will be applied to correspondent attribute/predicate:
"<attr_referent>": <wql query>,
"<predicate_referent>": <wql query>,
where wql query: indy-sdk/doc/design/011-wallet-query-language/
- ->
: Handle (Number) - search_handle: Search handle that can be used later to fetch records by small batches (with proverFetchCredentialsForProofReq)
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
Fetch next credentials for the requested item using proof request search handle (created by proverSearchCredentialsForProofReq).
: Handle (Number) - Search handle (created by proverSearchCredentialsForProofReq)itemReferent
: String - Referent of attribute/predicate in the proof requestcount
: Number - Count of credentials to fetch- ->
: Json - credentials_json: List of credentials for the given proof request.
cred_info: <credential_info>,
interval: Optional<non_revoc_interval>
"referent": <string>,
"attrs": {"attr_name" : "attr_raw_value"},
"schema_id": string,
"cred_def_id": string,
"rev_reg_id": Optional<int>,
"cred_rev_id": Optional<int>,
"from": Optional<int>, // timestamp of interval beginning
"to": Optional<int>, // timestamp of interval ending
NOTE: The list of length less than the requested count means that search iterator
correspondent to the requested <item_referent> is completed.
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
Close credentials search for proof request (make search handle invalid)
: Handle (Number) - Search handle (created by proverSearchCredentialsForProofReq)- -> void
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
proverCreateProof ( wh, proofReq, requestedCredentials, masterSecretName, schemas, credentialDefs, revStates ) -> proof
Creates a proof according to the given proof request Either a corresponding credential with optionally revealed attributes or self-attested attribute must be provided for each requested attribute (see proverGetCredentials_for_pool_req). A proof request may request multiple credentials from different schemas and different issuers. All required schemas, public keys and revocation registries must be provided. The proof request also contains nonce. The proof contains either proof or self-attested attribute value for each requested attribute.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)proofReq
: JsonrequestedCredentials
: Json - either a credential or self-attested attribute for each requested attribute
"self_attested_attributes": {
"self_attested_attribute_referent": string
"requested_attributes": {
"requested_attribute_referent_1": {"cred_id": string, "timestamp": Optional<number>, revealed: <bool> }},
"requested_attribute_referent_2": {"cred_id": string, "timestamp": Optional<number>, revealed: <bool> }}
"requested_predicates": {
"requested_predicates_referent_1": {"cred_id": string, "timestamp": Optional<number> }},
: Stringschemas
: Json - all schemas json participating in the proof request
<schema1_id>: <schema1_json>,
<schema2_id>: <schema2_json>,
<schema3_id>: <schema3_json>,
: Json - all credential definitions json participating in the proof request
"cred_def1_id": <credential_def1_json>,
"cred_def2_id": <credential_def2_json>,
"cred_def3_id": <credential_def3_json>,
: Json - all revocation states json participating in the proof request
"rev_reg_def1_id": {
"timestamp1": <rev_state1>,
"timestamp2": <rev_state2>,
"rev_reg_def2_id": {
"timestamp3": <rev_state3>
"rev_reg_def3_id": {
"timestamp4": <rev_state4>
where wql query: indy-sdk/doc/design/011-wallet-query-language/
- ->
: Json - Proof json For each requested attribute either a proof (with optionally revealed attribute value) or self-attested attribute value is provided. Each proof is associated with a credential and corresponding schema_id, cred_def_id, rev_reg_id and timestamp. There is also aggregated proof part common for all credential proofs.
"requested": {
"revealed_attrs": {
"requested_attr1_id": {sub_proof_index: number, raw: string, encoded: string},
"requested_attr4_id": {sub_proof_index: number: string, encoded: string},
"unrevealed_attrs": {
"requested_attr3_id": {sub_proof_index: number}
"self_attested_attrs": {
"requested_attr2_id": self_attested_value,
"requested_predicates": {
"requested_predicate_1_referent": {sub_proof_index: int},
"requested_predicate_2_referent": {sub_proof_index: int},
"proof": {
"proofs": [ <credential_proof>, <credential_proof>, <credential_proof> ],
"aggregated_proof": <aggregated_proof>
"identifiers": [{schema_id, cred_def_id, Optional<rev_reg_id>, Optional<timestamp>}]
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
verifierVerifyProof ( proofRequest, proof, schemas, credentialDefsJsons, revRegDefs, revRegs ) -> valid
Verifies a proof (of multiple credential). All required schemas, public keys and revocation registries must be provided.
: Json - proof request json
"name": string,
"version": string,
"nonce": string,
"requested_attributes": { // set of requested attributes
"<attr_referent>": <attr_info>, // see below
"requested_predicates": { // set of requested predicates
"<predicate_referent>": <predicate_info>, // see below
"non_revoked": Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below,
// If specified prover must proof non-revocation
// for date in this interval for each attribute
// (can be overridden on attribute level)
: Json - created for request proof json
"requested": {
"revealed_attrs": {
"requested_attr1_id": {sub_proof_index: number, raw: string, encoded: string},
"requested_attr4_id": {sub_proof_index: number: string, encoded: string},
"unrevealed_attrs": {
"requested_attr3_id": {sub_proof_index: number}
"self_attested_attrs": {
"requested_attr2_id": self_attested_value,
"requested_predicates": {
"requested_predicate_1_referent": {sub_proof_index: int},
"requested_predicate_2_referent": {sub_proof_index: int},
"proof": {
"proofs": [ <credential_proof>, <credential_proof>, <credential_proof> ],
"aggregated_proof": <aggregated_proof>
"identifiers": [{schema_id, cred_def_id, Optional<rev_reg_id>, Optional<timestamp>}]
: Json - all schema jsons participating in the proof
<schema1_id>: <schema1_json>,
<schema2_id>: <schema2_json>,
<schema3_id>: <schema3_json>,
: JsonrevRegDefs
: Json - all revocation registry definitions json participating in the proof
"rev_reg_def1_id": <rev_reg_def1_json>,
"rev_reg_def2_id": <rev_reg_def2_json>,
"rev_reg_def3_id": <rev_reg_def3_json>,
: Json - all revocation registries json participating in the proof
"rev_reg_def1_id": {
"timestamp1": <rev_reg1>,
"timestamp2": <rev_reg2>,
"rev_reg_def2_id": {
"timestamp3": <rev_reg3>
"rev_reg_def3_id": {
"timestamp4": <rev_reg4>
- ->
: Boolean - valid: true - if signature is valid, false - otherwise
Errors: Annoncreds*
, Common*
, Wallet*
createRevocationState ( blobStorageReaderHandle, revRegDef, revRegDelta, timestamp, credRevId ) -> revState
Create revocation state for a credential in the particular time moment.
: Number - configuration of blob storage reader handle that will allow to read revocation tailsrevRegDef
: Json - revocation registry definition jsonrevRegDelta
: Json - revocation registry definition delta jsontimestamp
: Timestamp (Number) - time represented as a total number of seconds from Unix EpochcredRevId
: String - user credential revocation id in revocation registry- ->
: Json - revocation state json:
"rev_reg": <revocation registry>,
"witness": <witness>,
"timestamp" : integer
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Anoncreds*
updateRevocationState ( blobStorageReaderHandle, revState, revRegDef, revRegDelta, timestamp, credRevId ) -> updatedRevState
Create new revocation state for a credential based on existed state at the particular time moment (to reduce calculation time).
: Number - configuration of blob storage reader handle that will allow to read revocation tailsrevState
: Json - revocation registry state jsonrevRegDef
: Json - revocation registry definition jsonrevRegDelta
: Json - revocation registry definition delta jsontimestamp
: Timestamp (Number) - time represented as a total number of seconds from Unix EpochcredRevId
: String - user credential revocation id in revocation registry- ->
: Json - revocation state json:
"rev_reg": <revocation registry>,
"witness": <witness>,
"timestamp" : integer
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Anoncreds*
: Stringconfig
: Json- ->
: Number
: Stringconfig
: Json- ->
: Number
Creates keys pair and stores in the wallet.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)key
: Json - Key information as json. Example:
"seed": string, // Optional (if not set random one will be used); Seed information that allows deterministic key creation.
"crypto_type": string, // Optional (if not set then ed25519 curve is used); Currently only 'ed25519' value is supported for this field.
- ->
: String - Ver key of generated key pair, also used as key identifier
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Saves/replaces the meta information for the giving key in the wallet.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)verkey
: Stringmetadata
: String- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Retrieves the meta information for the giving key in the wallet.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)verkey
: String- ->
: String - The meta information stored with the key; Can be null if no metadata was saved for this key.
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Signs a message with a key.
Note to use DID keys with this function you can call keyForDid to get key id (verkey) for specific DID.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)signerVk
: String - id (verkey) of message signer. The key must be created by calling createKey or createAndStoreMyDidmessageRaw
: Buffer - a pointer to first byte of message to be signed- ->
: Buffer - a signature string
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Verify a signature with a verkey.
Note to use DID keys with this function you can call keyForDid to get key id (verkey) for specific DID.
: String - verkey of the message signermessageRaw
: Buffer - a pointer to first byte of message that has been signedsignatureRaw
: Buffer - a pointer to first byte of signature to be verified- ->
: Boolean - valid: true - if signature is valid, false - otherwise
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Ledger*
, Crypto*
Encrypt a message by authenticated-encryption scheme.
Sender can encrypt a confidential message specifically for Recipient, using Sender's public key. Using Recipient's public key, Sender can compute a shared secret key. Using Sender's public key and his secret key, Recipient can compute the exact same shared secret key. That shared secret key can be used to verify that the encrypted message was not tampered with, before eventually decrypting it.
Note to use DID keys with this function you can call keyForDid to get key id (verkey) for specific DID.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)senderVk
: String - id (verkey) of message sender. The key must be created by calling createKey or createAndStoreMyDidrecipientVk
: String - id (verkey) of message recipientmessageRaw
: Buffer - a pointer to first byte of message that to be encrypted- ->
: Buffer - an encrypted message as a pointer to array of bytes.
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Ledger*
, Crypto*
Decrypt a message by authenticated-encryption scheme.
Sender can encrypt a confidential message specifically for Recipient, using Sender's public key. Using Recipient's public key, Sender can compute a shared secret key. Using Sender's public key and his secret key, Recipient can compute the exact same shared secret key. That shared secret key can be used to verify that the encrypted message was not tampered with, before eventually decrypting it.
Note to use DID keys with this function you can call keyForDid to get key id (verkey) for specific DID.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)recipientVk
: String - id (verkey) of message recipient. The key must be created by calling createKey or createAndStoreMyDidencryptedMsgRaw
: Buffer - a pointer to first byte of message that to be decrypted- -> [
: String,decryptedMsgRaw
: Buffer ] - sender verkey and decrypted message as a pointer to array of bytes
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Encrypts a message by anonymous-encryption scheme.
Sealed boxes are designed to anonymously send messages to a Recipient given its public key. Only the Recipient can decrypt these messages, using its private key. While the Recipient can verify the integrity of the message, it cannot verify the identity of the Sender.
Note to use DID keys with this function you can call keyForDid to get key id (verkey) for specific DID.
: String - verkey of message recipientmessageRaw
: Buffer - a pointer to first byte of message that to be encrypted- ->
: Buffer - an encrypted message as a pointer to array of bytes
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Ledger*
, Crypto*
Decrypts a message by anonymous-encryption scheme.
Sealed boxes are designed to anonymously send messages to a Recipient given its public key. Only the Recipient can decrypt these messages, using its private key. While the Recipient can verify the integrity of the message, it cannot verify the identity of the Sender.
Note to use DID keys with this function you can call keyForDid to get key id (verkey) for specific DID.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)recipientVk
: String - id (verkey) of my key. The key must be created by calling createKey or createAndStoreMyDidencryptedMsg
: Buffer- ->
: Buffer - decrypted message as a pointer to an array of bytes
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Creates keys (signing and encryption keys) for a new DID (owned by the caller of the library). Identity's DID must be either explicitly provided, or taken as the first 16 bit of verkey. Saves the Identity DID with keys in a secured Wallet, so that it can be used to sign and encrypt transactions.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)did
: Json - Identity information as json. Example:
"did": string, (optional;
if not provided and cid param is false then the first 16 bit of the verkey will be used as a new DID;
if not provided and cid is true then the full verkey will be used as a new DID;
if provided, then keys will be replaced - key rotation use case)
"seed": string, (optional; if not provide then a random one will be created)
"crypto_type": string, (optional; if not set then ed25519 curve is used;
currently only 'ed25519' value is supported for this field)
"cid": bool, (optional; if not set then false is used;)
- -> [
: String,verkey
: String ] - did: DID generated and stored in the wallet verkey: The DIDs verification key
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Generated temporary keys (signing and encryption keys) for an existing DID (owned by the caller of the library).
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)did
: Stringidentity
: Json - Identity information as json. Example:
"seed": string, (optional; if not provide then a random one will be created)
"crypto_type": string, (optional; if not set then ed25519 curve is used;
currently only 'ed25519' value is supported for this field)
- ->
: String - verkey: The DIDs verification key
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Apply temporary keys as main for an existing DID (owned by the caller of the library).
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)did
: String - DID stored in the wallet- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Saves their DID for a pairwise connection in a secured Wallet, so that it can be used to verify transaction.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)identity
: Json - Identity information as json. Example:
"did": string, (required)
"verkey": string (optional, can be avoided if did is cryptonym: did == verkey),
- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Returns ver key (key id) for the given DID.
"keyForDid" call follow the idea that we resolve information about their DID from the ledger with cache in the local wallet. The "openWallet" call has freshness parameter that is used for checking the freshness of cached pool value.
Note if you don't want to resolve their DID info from the ledger you can use "keyForLocalDid" call instead that will look only to the local wallet and skip freshness checking.
Note that "createAndStoreMyDid" makes similar wallet record as "createKey". As result we can use returned ver key in all generic crypto and messaging functions.
: Handle (Number) - Pool handle (created by open_pool).wh
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)did
: String- ->
: String - The DIDs ver key (key id).
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Returns ver key (key id) for the given DID.
"keyForLocalDid" call looks data stored in the local wallet only and skips freshness checking.
Note if you want to get fresh data from the ledger you can use "keyForDid" call instead.
Note that "createAndStoreMyDid" makes similar wallet record as "createKey". As result we can use returned ver key in all generic crypto and messaging functions.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)did
: String- ->
: String - The DIDs ver key (key id).
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Set/replaces endpoint information for the given DID.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)did
: Stringaddress
: StringtransportKey
: String- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Returns endpoint information for the given DID.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)poolHandle
: Handle (Number)did
: String- -> [
: String,transportVk
: String ] - The DIDs endpoint.
- transport_vk - The DIDs transport key (ver key, key id).
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Saves/replaces the meta information for the giving DID in the wallet.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)did
: Stringmetadata
: String- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Retrieves the meta information for the giving DID in the wallet.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)did
: String- ->
: String - The meta information stored with the DID; Can be null if no metadata was saved for this DID.
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Retrieves the information about the giving DID in the wallet.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)myDid
: String- ->
: Json - did_with_meta: { "did": string - DID stored in the wallet, "verkey": string - The DIDs transport key (ver key, key id), "metadata": string - The meta information stored with the DID }
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Retrieves the information about all DIDs stored in the wallet.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)- ->
: Json - dids: [{ "did": string - DID stored in the wallet, "verkey": string - The DIDs transport key (ver key, key id)., "metadata": string - The meta information stored with the DID }]
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Retrieves abbreviated verkey if it is possible otherwise return full verkey.
: String - DID.fullVerkey
: String - The DIDs verification key,- ->
: String - verkey: The DIDs verification key in either abbreviated or full form
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Crypto*
Signs and submits request message to validator pool.
Adds submitter information to passed request json, signs it with submitter sign key (see wallet_sign), and sends signed request message to validator pool (see write_request).
: Handle (Number) - pool handle (created by open_pool_ledger).wh
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)submitterDid
: String - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet.request
: Json - Request data json.- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Ledger*
, Crypto*
Publishes request message to validator pool (no signing, unlike sign_and_submit_request).
The request is sent to the validator pool as is. It's assumed that it's already prepared.
: Handle (Number) - pool handle (created by open_pool_ledger).request
: Json - Request data json.- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
, Ledger*
Send action to particular nodes of validator pool.
The list of requests can be send:
The request is sent to the nodes as is. It's assumed that it's already prepared.
: Handle (Number) - pool handle (created by open_pool_ledger).request
: Json - Request data json.nodes
: Json - (Optional) List of node names to send the request. ["Node1", "Node2",...."NodeN"]timeout
: Number - (Optional) Time to wait respond from nodes (override the default timeout) (in sec).- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
, Ledger*
Signs request message.
Adds submitter information to passed request json, signs it with submitter sign key (see wallet_sign).
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)submitterDid
: String - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet.request
: Json - Request data json.- ->
: Json - Signed request json.
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Ledger*
, Crypto*
Multi signs request message.
Adds submitter information to passed request json, signs it with submitter sign key (see wallet_sign).
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)submitterDid
: String - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet.request
: Json - Request data json.- ->
: Json - Signed request json.
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
, Ledger*
, Crypto*
Builds a request to get a DDO.
: String - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet.targetDid
: String - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet.- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds a NYM request. Request to create a new NYM record for a specific user.
: String - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.targetDid
: String - Target DID as base58-encoded string for 16 or 32 bit DID value.verkey
: String - Target identity verification key as base58-encoded string.alias
: String - NYM's alias.role
: String - Role of a user NYM record: null (common USER) TRUSTEE STEWARD TRUST_ANCHOR empty string to reset role- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds an ATTRIB request. Request to add attribute to a NYM record.
: String - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.targetDid
: String - Target DID as base58-encoded string for 16 or 32 bit DID value.hash
: String - (Optional) Hash of attribute data.raw
: Json - (Optional) Json, where key is attribute name and value is attribute value.enc
: String - (Optional) Encrypted value attribute data.- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds a GET_ATTRIB request. Request to get information about an Attribute for the specified DID.
: String - DID of the read request sender.targetDid
: String - Target DID as base58-encoded string for 16 or 32 bit DID value.hash
: String - (Optional) Requested attribute hash.raw
: String - (Optional) Requested attribute name.enc
: String - (Optional) Requested attribute encrypted value.- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds a GET_NYM request. Request to get information about a DID (NYM).
: String - DID of the read request sender.targetDid
: String - Target DID as base58-encoded string for 16 or 32 bit DID value.- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds a SCHEMA request. Request to add Credential's schema.
: String - DID of the submitter stored in secured
: Json - Credential schema.
id: identifier of schema
attrNames: array of attribute name strings
name: Schema's name string
version: Schema's version string,
ver: Version of the Schema json
- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds a GET_SCHEMA request. Request to get Credential's Schema.
: String - DID of the read request
: String - Schema ID in ledger- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Parse a GET_SCHEMA response to get Schema in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.
: Json - response of GET_SCHEMA request.- -> [
: String,schema
: Json ] - Schema Id and Schema json.
id: identifier of schema
attrNames: array of attribute name strings
name: Schema's name string
version: Schema's version string
ver: Version of the Schema json
Errors: Common*
Builds an CRED_DEF request. Request to add a Credential Definition (in particular, public key), that Issuer creates for a particular Credential Schema.
: String - DID of the submitter stored in secured
: Json - credential definition json
id: string - identifier of credential definition
schemaId: string - identifier of stored in ledger schema
type: string - type of the credential definition. CL is the only supported type now.
tag: string - allows to distinct between credential definitions for the same issuer and schema
value: Dictionary with Credential Definition's data:
primary: primary credential public key,
Optional<revocation>: revocation credential public key
ver: Version of the CredDef json
- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds a GET_CRED_DEF request. Request to get a Credential Definition (in particular, public key), that Issuer creates for a particular Credential Schema.
: String - DID of the read request
: String - Credential Definition ID in ledger.- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Parse a GET_CRED_DEF response to get Credential Definition in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.
: Json - response of GET_CRED_DEF request.- -> [
: String,credDef
: Json ] - Credential Definition Id and Credential Definition json.
id: string - identifier of credential definition
schemaId: string - identifier of stored in ledger schema
type: string - type of the credential definition. CL is the only supported type now.
tag: string - allows to distinct between credential definitions for the same issuer and schema
value: Dictionary with Credential Definition's data: {
primary: primary credential public key,
Optional<revocation>: revocation credential public key
ver: Version of the Credential Definition json
Errors: Common*
Builds a NODE request. Request to add a new node to the pool, or updates existing in the pool.
: String - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.targetDid
: String - Target Node's DID. It differs from submitter_did
: Json - Data associated with the Node:
alias: string - Node's alias
blskey: string - (Optional) BLS multi-signature key as base58-encoded string.
blskey_pop: string - (Optional) BLS key proof of possession as base58-encoded string.
client_ip: string - (Optional) Node's client listener IP address.
client_port: string - (Optional) Node's client listener port.
node_ip: string - (Optional) The IP address other Nodes use to communicate with this Node.
node_port: string - (Optional) The port other Nodes use to communicate with this Node.
services: array<string> - (Optional) The service of the Node. VALIDATOR is the only supported one now.
- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds a GET_VALIDATOR_INFO request.
: String - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet.- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds a GET_TXN request. Request to get any transaction by its seq_no.
: String - DID of the request submitter.ledgerType
: String - (Optional) type of the ledger the requested transaction belongs to:- DOMAIN - used default,
- any number
: Number- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds a POOL_CONFIG request. Request to change Pool's configuration.
: String - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.writes
: Boolean - Whether any write requests can be processed by the pool (if false, then pool goes to read-only state). True by default.force
: Boolean - Whether we should apply transaction (for example, move pool to read-only state) without waiting for consensus of this transaction.- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds a POOL_RESTART request.
: String - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet.action
: String - Action that pool has to do after received transaction.datetime
: String - <Optional> Restart time in datetime format. Skip to restart as early as possible.- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
buildPoolUpgradeRequest ( submitterDid, name, version, action, sha256, timeout, schedule, justification, reinstall, force, package ) -> request
Builds a POOL_UPGRADE request. Request to upgrade the Pool (sent by Trustee). It upgrades the specified Nodes (either all nodes in the Pool, or some specific ones).
: String - DID of the submitter stored in secured
: String - Human-readable name for the upgrade.version
: String - The version of indy-node package we perform upgrade to. Must be greater than existing one (or equal if reinstall flag is True).action
: String - Either start or cancel.sha256
: String - sha256 hash of the package.timeout
: Number - (Optional) Limits upgrade time on each Node.schedule
: String - (Optional) Schedule of when to perform upgrade on each node. Map Node DIDs to upgrade time.justification
: String - (Optional) justification string for this particular Upgrade.reinstall
: Boolean - Whether it's allowed to re-install the same version. False by default.force
: Boolean - Whether we should apply transaction (schedule Upgrade) without waitingpackage
: String - (Optional) Package to be upgraded. for consensus of this transaction.- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds a REVOC_REG_DEF request. Request to add the definition of revocation registry to an exists credential definition.
: String - DID of the submitter stored in secured
: Json - Revocation Registry data:
"id": string - ID of the Revocation Registry,
"revocDefType": string - Revocation Registry type (only CL_ACCUM is supported for now),
"tag": string - Unique descriptive ID of the Registry,
"credDefId": string - ID of the corresponding CredentialDefinition,
"value": Registry-specific data {
"issuanceType": string - Type of Issuance(ISSUANCE_BY_DEFAULT or ISSUANCE_ON_DEMAND),
"maxCredNum": number - Maximum number of credentials the Registry can serve.
"tailsHash": string - Hash of tails.
"tailsLocation": string - Location of tails file.
"publicKeys": <public_keys> - Registry's public key.
"ver": string - version of revocation registry definition json.
- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds a GET_REVOC_REG_DEF request. Request to get a revocation registry definition, that Issuer creates for a particular Credential Definition.
: String - DID of the read request
: String - ID of Revocation Registry Definition in ledger.- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Parse a GET_REVOC_REG_DEF response to get Revocation Registry Definition in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.
: Json- -> [
: String,revocRegDef
: Json ] - Revocation Registry Definition Id and Revocation Registry Definition json.
"id": string - ID of the Revocation Registry,
"revocDefType": string - Revocation Registry type (only CL_ACCUM is supported for now),
"tag": string - Unique descriptive ID of the Registry,
"credDefId": string - ID of the corresponding CredentialDefinition,
"value": Registry-specific data {
"issuanceType": string - Type of Issuance(ISSUANCE_BY_DEFAULT or ISSUANCE_ON_DEMAND),
"maxCredNum": number - Maximum number of credentials the Registry can serve.
"tailsHash": string - Hash of tails.
"tailsLocation": string - Location of tails file.
"publicKeys": <public_keys> - Registry's public key.
"ver": string - version of revocation registry definition json.
Errors: Common*
Builds a REVOC_REG_ENTRY request. Request to add the RevocReg entry containing the new accumulator value and issued/revoked indices. This is just a delta of indices, not the whole list. So, it can be sent each time a new credential is issued/revoked.
: String - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.revocRegDefId
: String - ID of the corresponding RevocRegDef.revDefType
: String - Revocation Registry type (only CL_ACCUM is supported for now).value
: Json - Registry-specific data:
prevAccum: string - previous accumulator value.
accum: string - current accumulator value.
issued: array<number> - an array of issued indices.
revoked: array<number> an array of revoked indices.
ver: string - version revocation registry entry json
- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Builds a GET_REVOC_REG request. Request to get the accumulated state of the Revocation Registry by ID. The state is defined by the given timestamp.
: String - DID of the read request sender.revocRegDefId
: String - ID of the corresponding Revocation Registry Definition in ledger.timestamp
: Timestamp (Number) - Requested time represented as a total number of seconds from Unix Epoch- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
Parse a GET_REVOC_REG response to get Revocation Registry in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.
: Json - response of GET_REVOC_REG request.- -> [
: String,revocReg
: Json,timestamp
: Timestamp (Number) ] - Revocation Registry Definition Id, Revocation Registry json and Timestamp.
"value": Registry-specific data {
"accum": string - current accumulator value.
"ver": string - version revocation registry json
Errors: Common*
Builds a GET_REVOC_REG_DELTA request. Request to get the delta of the accumulated state of the Revocation Registry. The Delta is defined by from and to timestamp fields. If from is not specified, then the whole state till to will be returned.
: String - DID of the read request sender.revocRegDefId
: String - ID of the corresponding Revocation Registry Definition in ledger.from
: Timestamp (Number) - Requested time represented as a total number of seconds from Unix Epochto
: Timestamp (Number) - Requested time represented as a total number of seconds from Unix Epoch- ->
: Json
Errors: Common*
parseGetRevocRegDeltaResponse ( getRevocRegDeltaResponse ) -> [ revocRegDefId, revocRegDelta, timestamp ]
Parse a GET_REVOC_REG_DELTA response to get Revocation Registry Delta in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.
: Json- -> [
: String,revocRegDelta
: Json,timestamp
: Timestamp (Number) ] - Revocation Registry Definition Id, Revocation Registry Delta json and Timestamp.
"value": Registry-specific data {
prevAccum: string - previous accumulator value.
accum: string - current accumulator value.
issued: array<number> - an array of issued indices.
revoked: array<number> an array of revoked indices.
"ver": string - version revocation registry delta json
Errors: Common*
Create a new non-secret record in the wallet
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)type
: String - allows to separate different record types collectionsid
: String - the id of recordvalue
: String - the value of recordtags
: Json - the record tags used for search and storing meta information as json:
"tagName1": <str>, // string tag (will be stored encrypted)
"tagName2": <str>, // string tag (will be stored encrypted)
"~tagName3": <str>, // string tag (will be stored un-encrypted)
"~tagName4": <str>, // string tag (will be stored un-encrypted)
Note that null means no tags
If tag name starts with "~" the tag will be stored un-encrypted that will allow
usage of this tag in complex search queries (comparison, predicates)
Encrypted tags can be searched only for exact matching
- -> void
Update a non-secret wallet record value
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)type
: String - allows to separate different record types collectionsid
: String - the id of recordvalue
: String - the new value of record- -> void
Update a non-secret wallet record tags
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)type
: String - allows to separate different record types collectionsid
: String - the id of recordtags
: Json - the record tags used for search and storing meta information as json:
"tagName1": <str>, // string tag (will be stored encrypted)
"tagName2": <str>, // string tag (will be stored encrypted)
"~tagName3": <str>, // string tag (will be stored un-encrypted)
"~tagName4": <str>, // string tag (will be stored un-encrypted)
If tag name starts with "~" the tag will be stored un-encrypted that will allow
usage of this tag in complex search queries (comparison, predicates)
Encrypted tags can be searched only for exact matching
- -> void
Add new tags to the wallet record
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)type
: String - allows to separate different record types collectionsid
: String - the id of recordtags
: Json - the record tags used for search and storing meta information as json:
"tagName1": <str>, // string tag (will be stored encrypted)
"tagName2": <str>, // string tag (will be stored encrypted)
"~tagName3": <str>, // string tag (will be stored un-encrypted)
"~tagName4": <str>, // string tag (will be stored un-encrypted)
If tag name starts with "~" the tag will be stored un-encrypted that will allow
usage of this tag in complex search queries (comparison, predicates)
Encrypted tags can be searched only for exact matching
Note if some from provided tags already assigned to the record than
corresponding tags values will be replaced
- -> void
Delete tags from the wallet record
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)type
: String - allows to separate different record types collectionsid
: String - the id of recordtagNames
: Json - the list of tag names to remove from the record as json array: ["tagName1", "tagName2", ...]- -> void
Delete an existing wallet record in the wallet
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)type
: String - record typeid
: String - the id of record- -> void
Get an wallet record by id
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)type
: String - allows to separate different record types collectionsid
: String - the id of recordoptions
: Json - //TODO: FIXME: Think about replacing by bitmask
retrieveType: (optional, false by default) Retrieve record type,
retrieveValue: (optional, true by default) Retrieve record value,
retrieveTags: (optional, false by default) Retrieve record tags
- ->
: Json - wallet record json:
id: "Some id",
type: "Some type", // present only if retrieveType set to true
value: "Some value", // present only if retrieveValue set to true
tags: <tags json>, // present only if retrieveTags set to true
Search for wallet records.
Note instead of immediately returning of fetched records this call returns wallet_search_handle that can be used later to fetch records by small batches (with fetchWalletSearchNextRecords).
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)type
: String - allows to separate different record types collectionsquery
: Json - MongoDB style query to wallet record tags:
"tagName": "tagValue",
"tagName2": { $regex: 'pattern' },
"tagName3": { $gte: '123' },
: Json - //TODO: FIXME: Think about replacing by bitmask
retrieveRecords: (optional, true by default) If false only "counts" will be calculated,
retrieveTotalCount: (optional, false by default) Calculate total count,
retrieveType: (optional, false by default) Retrieve record type,
retrieveValue: (optional, true by default) Retrieve record value,
retrieveTags: (optional, false by default) Retrieve record tags,
- ->
: Handle (Number) - search_handle: Wallet search handle that can be used later to fetch records by small batches (with fetchWalletSearchNextRecords)
Fetch next records for wallet search.
Not if there are no records this call returns WalletNoRecords error.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)walletSearchHandle
: Handle (Number) - wallet search handle (created by openWalletSearch)count
: Number - Count of records to fetch- ->
: Json - wallet records json:
totalCount: <str>, // present only if retrieveTotalCount set to true
records: [{ // present only if retrieveRecords set to true
id: "Some id",
type: "Some type", // present only if retrieveType set to true
value: "Some value", // present only if retrieveValue set to true
tags: <tags json>, // present only if retrieveTags set to true
Close wallet search (make search handle invalid)
: Handle (Number) - wallet search handle- -> void
Check if pairwise is exists.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)theirDid
: String - encrypted DID- ->
: Boolean - exists: true - if pairwise is exists, false - otherwise
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
Creates pairwise.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)theirDid
: String - encrypted DIDmyDid
: String - encrypted DID metadata Optional: extra information for pairwisemetadata
: String- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
Get list of saved pairwise.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)- ->
: Json - list_pairwise: list of saved pairwise
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
Gets pairwise information for specific their_did.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)theirDid
: String - encoded Did- ->
: Json - pairwise_info_json: did info associated with their did
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
Save some data in the Wallet for pairwise associated with Did.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)theirDid
: String - encoded Didmetadata
: String - some extra information for pairwise- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
Create the payment address for specified payment method
This method generates private part of payment address and stores it in a secure place. Ideally it should be secret in libindy wallet (see crypto module).
Note that payment method should be able to resolve this secret by fully resolvable payment address format.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)paymentMethod
: String - payment method to use (for example, 'sov')config
: Json - payment address config as json:
seed: <str>, // allows deterministic creation of payment address
- ->
: String - payment_address - public identifier of payment address in fully resolvable payment address format
Lists all payment addresses that are stored in the wallet
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)- ->
: Json - payment_addresses_json - json array of string with json addresses
Modifies Indy request by adding information how to pay fees for this transaction according to this payment method.
This method consumes set of inputs and outputs. The difference between inputs balance and outputs balance is the fee for this transaction.
Not that this method also produces correct fee signatures.
Format of inputs is specific for payment method. Usually it should reference payment transaction with at least one output that corresponds to payment address that user owns.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)submitterDid
: String - DID of request senderreq
: Json - initial transaction request as jsoninputs
: Json - The list of payment sources as json array: ["source1", ...]
- each input should reference paymentAddress
- this param will be used to determine payment_method
: Json - The list of outputs as json array:
recipient: <str>, // payment address of recipient
amount: <int>, // amount
: String - Optional information for payment operation- -> [
: Json,paymentMethod
: String ] - req_with_fees_json - modified Indy request with added fees info payment_method - used payment method
Parses response for Indy request with fees.
: String - payment method to useresp
: Json - response for Indy request with fees- ->
: Json - receipts_json - parsed (payment method and node version agnostic) receipts info as json:
receipt: <str>, // receipt that can be used for payment referencing and verification
recipient: <str>, //payment address of recipient
amount: <int>, // amount
extra: <str>, // optional data from payment transaction
buildGetPaymentSourcesRequest ( wh, submitterDid, paymentAddress ) -> [ getSourcesTxn, paymentMethod ]
Builds Indy request for getting sources list for payment address according to this payment method.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)submitterDid
: String - DID of request senderpaymentAddress
: String - target payment address- -> [
: Json,paymentMethod
: String ] - get_sources_txn_json - Indy request for getting sources list for payment address payment_method - used payment method
Parses response for Indy request for getting sources list.
: String - payment method to use.resp
: Json - response for Indy request for getting sources list- ->
: Json - sources_json - parsed (payment method and node version agnostic) sources info as json:
source: <str>, // source input
paymentAddress: <str>, //payment address for this source
amount: <int>, // amount
extra: <str>, // optional data from payment transaction
Builds Indy request for doing payment according to this payment method.
This method consumes set of inputs and outputs.
Format of inputs is specific for payment method. Usually it should reference payment transaction with at least one output that corresponds to payment address that user owns.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)submitterDid
: String - DID of request senderinputs
: Json - The list of payment sources as json array: ["source1", ...] Note that each source should reference payment addressoutputs
: Json - The list of outputs as json array:
recipient: <str>, // payment address of recipient
amount: <int>, // amount
: String - Optional information for payment operation- -> [
: Json,paymentMethod
: String ] - payment_req_json - Indy request for doing payment payment_method - used payment method
Parses response for Indy request for payment txn.
: String - payment method to useresp
: Json - response for Indy request for payment txn- ->
: Json - receipts_json - parsed (payment method and node version agnostic) receipts info as json:
receipt: <str>, // receipt that can be used for payment referencing and verification
recipient: <str>, // payment address of recipient
amount: <int>, // amount
extra: <str>, // optional data from payment transaction
Builds Indy request for doing minting according to this payment method.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)submitterDid
: String - DID of request senderoutputs
: Json - The list of outputs as json array:
recipient: <str>, // payment address of recipient
amount: <int>, // amount
: String - Optional information for mint operation- -> [
: Json,paymentMethod
: String ] - mint_req_json - Indy request for doing minting payment_method - used payment method
Builds Indy request for setting fees for transactions in the ledger
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)submitterDid
: String - DID of request senderpaymentMethod
: String - payment method to use fees_json { txnType1: amount1, txnType2: amount2, ................. txnTypeN: amountN, }fees
: Json- ->
: Json - set_txn_fees_json - Indy request for setting fees for transactions in the ledger
Builds Indy get request for getting fees for transactions in the ledger
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)submitterDid
: String - DID of request senderpaymentMethod
: String - payment method to use- ->
: Json - get_txn_fees_json - Indy request for getting fees for transactions in the ledger
Parses response for Indy request for getting fees
: String - payment method to useresp
: Json - response for Indy request for getting fees- ->
: Json - fees_json { txnType1: amount1, txnType2: amount2, ................. txnTypeN: amountN, }
Builds Indy request for information to verify the payment receipt
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)submitterDid
: String - DID of request senderreceipt
: String - payment receipt to verify- -> [
: Json,paymentMethod
: String ] - verify_txn_json: Indy request for verification receipt payment_method: used payment method
Parses Indy response with information to verify receipt
: String - payment method to useresp
: Json - response of the ledger for verify txn- ->
: Json
sources: [<str>, ]
receipts: [ {
recipient: <str>, // payment address of recipient
receipt: <str>, // receipt that can be used for payment referencing and verification
amount: <int>, // amount
} ],
extra: <str>, //optional data
Creates a new local pool ledger configuration that can be used later to connect pool nodes.
: String - Name of the pool ledger configuration.config
: Json? - Pool configuration json. if NULL, then default config will be used. Example:
"genesis_txn": string (optional), A path to genesis transaction file. If NULL, then a default one will be used.
If file doesn't exists default one will be created.
- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Ledger*
Opens pool ledger and performs connecting to pool nodes.
Pool ledger configuration with corresponded name must be previously created with createPoolLedgerConfig method. It is impossible to open pool with the same name more than once.
config_name: Name of the pool ledger configuration. config (optional): Runtime pool configuration json. if NULL, then default config will be used. Example:
"timeout": int (optional), timeout for network request (in sec).
"extended_timeout": int (optional), extended timeout for network request (in sec).
"preordered_nodes": array<string> - (optional), names of nodes which will have a priority during request sending:
["name_of_1st_prior_node", "name_of_2nd_prior_node", .... ]
Note: Not specified nodes will be placed in a random way.
: Stringconfig
: Json- ->
: Handle (Number) - Handle to opened pool to use in methods that require pool connection.
Errors: Common*
, Ledger*
Refreshes a local copy of a pool ledger and updates pool nodes connections.
: Handle (Number) - pool handle returned by openPoolLedger- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Ledger*
Lists names of created pool ledgers
- ->
: Json
Closes opened pool ledger, opened nodes connections and frees allocated resources.
: Handle (Number) - pool handle returned by openPoolLedger.- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Ledger*
Deletes created pool ledger configuration.
: String - Name of the pool ledger configuration to delete.- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Ledger*
Set PROTOCOL_VERSION to specific version.
There is a global property PROTOCOL_VERSION that used in every request to the pool and specified version of Indy Node which Libindy works.
: Number - Protocol version will be used: 1 - for Indy Node 1.3 2 - for Indy Node 1.4- -> void
Errors: Common*
Create a new secure wallet.
: Json - Wallet configuration json.
"id": string, Identifier of the wallet.
Configured storage uses this identifier to lookup exact wallet data placement.
"storage_type": optional<string>, Type of the wallet storage. Defaults to 'default'.
'Default' storage type allows to store wallet data in the local file.
Custom storage types can be registered with indy_register_wallet_storage call.
"storage_config": optional<object>, Storage configuration json. Storage type defines set of supported keys.
Can be optional if storage supports default configuration.
For 'default' storage type configuration is:
"path": optional<string>, Path to the directory with wallet files.
Defaults to $HOME/.indy_client/wallets.
Wallet will be stored in the file {path}/{id}/sqlite.db
: Json - Wallet credentials json
"key": string, Passphrase used to derive wallet master key
"storage_credentials": optional<object> Credentials for wallet storage. Storage type defines set of supported keys.
Can be optional if storage supports default configuration.
For 'default' storage type should be empty.
"key_derivation_method": optional<string> algorithm to use for master key derivation:
ARAGON2I_MOD (used by default)
ARAGON2I_INT - less secured but faster
- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
Open the wallet.
Wallet must be previously created with createWallet method.
: Json - Wallet configuration json.
"id": string, Identifier of the wallet.
Configured storage uses this identifier to lookup exact wallet data placement.
"storage_type": optional<string>, Type of the wallet storage. Defaults to 'default'.
'Default' storage type allows to store wallet data in the local file.
Custom storage types can be registered with indy_register_wallet_storage call.
"storage_config": optional<object>, Storage configuration json. Storage type defines set of supported keys.
Can be optional if storage supports default configuration.
For 'default' storage type configuration is:
"path": optional<string>, Path to the directory with wallet files.
Defaults to $HOME/.indy_client/wallets.
Wallet will be stored in the file {path}/{id}/sqlite.db
: Json - Wallet credentials json
"key": string, Passphrase used to derive current wallet master key
"rekey": optional<string>, If present than wallet master key will be rotated to a new one
derived from this passphrase.
"storage_credentials": optional<object> Credentials for wallet storage. Storage type defines set of supported keys.
Can be optional if storage supports default configuration.
"key_derivation_method": optional<string> algorithm to use for master key derivation:
ARAGON2I_MOD (used by default)
ARAGON2I_INT - less secured but faster}
"rekey_derivation_method": optional<string> algorithm to use for master rekey derivation:
ARAGON2I_MOD (used by default)
ARAGON2I_INT - less secured but faster
- ->
: Handle (Number) - err: Error code handle: Handle to opened wallet to use in methods that require wallet access.
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
Exports opened wallet
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)exportConfig
: JSON - settings for export operation
"path": <string>, Path of the file that contains exported wallet content
"key": <string>, Passphrase used to derive export key
"key_derivation_method": optional<string> algorithm to use for export key derivation:
ARAGON2I_MOD (used by default)
ARAGON2I_INT - less secured but faster
- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
Creates a new secure wallet and then imports its content according to fields provided in import_config This can be seen as an createWallet call with additional content import
: Json - Wallet configuration json.
"id": string, Identifier of the wallet.
Configured storage uses this identifier to lookup exact wallet data placement.
"storage_type": optional<string>, Type of the wallet storage. Defaults to 'default'.
'Default' storage type allows to store wallet data in the local file.
Custom storage types can be registered with indy_register_wallet_storage call.
"storage_config": optional<object>, Storage configuration json. Storage type defines set of supported keys.
Can be optional if storage supports default configuration.
For 'default' storage type configuration is:
"path": optional<string>, Path to the directory with wallet files.
Defaults to $HOME/.indy_client/wallets.
Wallet will be stored in the file {path}/{id}/sqlite.db
: Json - Wallet credentials json
"key": string, Passphrase used to derive wallet master key
"storage_credentials": optional<object> Credentials for wallet storage. Storage type defines set of supported keys.
Can be optional if storage supports default configuration.
For 'default' storage type should be empty.
"key_derivation_method": optional<string> algorithm to use for master key derivation:
ARAGON2I_MOD (used by default)
ARAGON2I_INT - less secured but faster
: Json
"path": <string>, Path of the file that contains exported wallet content
"key": <string>, Passphrase used to derive export key
- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
Closes opened wallet and frees allocated resources.
: Handle (Number) - wallet handle (created by openWallet)- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
Deletes created wallet.
: Json - Wallet configuration json.
"id": string, Identifier of the wallet.
Configured storage uses this identifier to lookup exact wallet data placement.
"storage_type": optional<string>, Type of the wallet storage. Defaults to 'default'.
'Default' storage type allows to store wallet data in the local file.
Custom storage types can be registered with indy_register_wallet_storage call.
"storage_config": optional<object>, Storage configuration json. Storage type defines set of supported keys.
Can be optional if storage supports default configuration.
For 'default' storage type configuration is:
"path": optional<string>, Path to the directory with wallet files.
Defaults to $HOME/.indy_client/wallets.
Wallet will be stored in the file {path}/{id}/sqlite.db
: Json - Wallet credentials json
"key": string, Passphrase used to derive wallet master key
"storage_credentials": optional<object> Credentials for wallet storage. Storage type defines set of supported keys.
Can be optional if storage supports default configuration.
For 'default' storage type should be empty.
"key_derivation_method": optional<string> algorithm to use for master key derivation:
ARAGON2I_MOD (used by default)
ARAGON2I_INT - less secured but faster
- -> void
Errors: Common*
, Wallet*
If you need to get closer to the metal, you can access the node bindings directly.
- The function names and parameters are the same.
- It will not json stringify or parse for you.
- Only callbacks.
- Errors are plain numbers for indy error codes.
var indy = require('indy-sdk')
indy.capi.abbreviateVerkey(did, fullVerkey, function(err, verkey){
// err will be 0 on success, and a code number on failure
// verkey will be the result string on success
Setup an Indy SDK environment, and start a local pool.
# You will need libindy in your system library path. (i.e. /usr/lib/ for linux)
# or in this directory (i.e. wrappers/nodejs/
# Copy over the libindy header files. This is needed for the build step.
cp -r ../../libindy/include/ .
# Install dependencies and do the initial build.
npm install
# Run the tests
RUST_LOG=trace TEST_POOL_IP= npm test
# If you built with libindy locally (i.e. wrappers/nodejs/ you need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# To recompile the native bindings
npm run rebuild
Much of the cpp code and README documentation is generated by scripts in the codegen