All notable changes to acceptSDK will be documented in this file.
- SSL New Certificate included
- iOS 13 NSData description fix
- Version up
- Spire terminal data parsing fix
- Swift version added
- iOS 12.1 mandatory update
- SSL Certificates corrections
- SSL Certificates udpate for integration backend
- Authorize transaction offline flow
- Demo app configuration update status check
- SSL Certificates udpate for sdk-integration backend
- SSL Certificates udpate for MPOS and FiveByFive backends
- Elastic Engine and Payment Engine custom attributes
- Payment Custom Data - Custom Fields and Sub Merchant
- Cancel Payment - pay completion crash
- Receipt Description amounts
- Missing TID in the Contactless flow
- Terminal configuration update - fix for B/T communication
- Proper handling of the terminals in the case more than one terminal of the same type is paired and being used
- ATrust functionality for Austria
- Double completion in updateTerminalFirmware
- SSL certificates for backends
- Request DEP report for Austria
- Error object populated in the case of terminated transaction
- Spire terminal reverts to Standby after payment flow completion
- SSL certificates for backends
- AMEX support
- AirPrint printing
- BBPOS unexpected unplugging crash
- New methods for terminal configuration and firmware updates
- Incomplete backend configuration details
- Keychain -34018 issue - missing entitlements Apple bug
- Loss of EAAccessory connection
- Capture, Authorize card payment methods and Alipay examples
- Example app using Alipay and barcode scanning
- SSL certificate for the integration backend
- Alipay and Cash payment sections in the Integration Guide
- Exclusive tax calculation
- Discount item calculation
- SEPA transaction type
- Alternative payment methods - Alipay
- Alipay support in backend API
- Contactless support disabled by default
- App transport security settings
- Contactless support for SPm2
- StarIO mPOP extension
- iOS 9 support
- Spire SPm2 extension
- Transaction reversals by backend based on Application cryptogram
- Posmate signature verification flow
- Image printing for Datecs DPP 250
- Cash payment
- Payment flow logs for Posmate and BBPOS