Releases: WodenWang820118/tag-check
What's Changed
- refactor: update and drop deprecated packages by @WodenWang820118 in #261
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 193 ts electron forge by @WodenWang820118 in #262
- fix: remove webpack tools for Electron by @WodenWang820118 in #263
- Develop: Vite; TypeScript with Electron by @WodenWang820118 in #264
- hotfix: ES module issue by @WodenWang820118 in #265
Full Changelog: v1.1.2-beta...v1.1.3-beta
What's Changed
- hotfix: extra dependencies for Electron backend by @WodenWang820118 in #260
Full Changelog: v1.1.1-beta...v1.1.2-beta
What's Changed
- hotfix: docusaurus documentation by @WodenWang820118 in #259
Full Changelog: v1.1.0-beta...v1.1.1-beta
What's Changed
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 191 storybook for designer by @WodenWang820118 in #257
- Develop: storybook by @WodenWang820118 in #258
Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.1.0-beta
What's Changed
- hotfix: create root project path in SQLite3 if not existed by @WodenWang820118 in #248
- feat: nx version 20.0.0 by @WodenWang820118 in #249
- feat: storybook for ng-frontend project by @WodenWang820118 in #250
- refactor: material icon; webpack 5; component SCSS by @WodenWang820118 in #251
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 188 nx docusaurus by @WodenWang820118 in #252
- refactor: update spec by @WodenWang820118 in #253
- fix: first navigation and click by @WodenWang820118 in #254
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 190 bug target closed by @WodenWang820118 in #255
- Develop: enhanced docs and bug fixes by @WodenWang820118 in #256
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta...v1.0.2
This is the Beta version of TagCheck. The rest of work would be highly on test implementations.
What's Changed
- feat: firebase error collection by @WodenWang820118 in #226
- fix: pre-load localStorage and cookies by @WodenWang820118 in #227
- feat: add sonar for code quality examinations by @WodenWang820118 in #228
- fix: update build.yml to include main branch and add badges. by @WodenWang820118 in #229
- fix: update by @WodenWang820118 in #230
- fix: update and add more e2e tests by @WodenWang820118 in #231
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 170 refactor pure functions to injectable services by @WodenWang820118 in #232
- feat: AOP logging for controller and class methods by @WodenWang820118 in #233
- fix: maintainability by @WodenWang820118 in #234
- fix: add test coverage to SonarCloud by @WodenWang820118 in #235
- fix: attempt to fix 0 coverage by @WodenWang820118 in #236
- refactor: user documentation by @WodenWang820118 in #237
- feat: and @log removal by @WodenWang820118 in #238
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 182 uiux by @WodenWang820118 in #239
- fix: pull page screenshot by @WodenWang820118 in #240
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 178 error handling by @WodenWang820118 in #241
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 169 optimize types by @WodenWang820118 in #242
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 171 end to end tests for electron by @WodenWang820118 in #243
- feat: pre-realease and GitHub action by @WodenWang820118 in #244
- Develop: Beta by @WodenWang820118 in #245
- fix: version cannot be parsed as number by @WodenWang820118 in #246
Full Changelog: v3.0.0-alpha...v1.0.0-beta
In this version, almost all features are completed for previewing/verifying GTM tags on Windows, including
- A video recorder to record the testing process.
- Test histories are available for downloading
- An interactive visualization while performing the automatic testing
- Appealing frontend theme
On the other hand, in terms of better development experience and code quality:
- Migrate npm to pnpm for better
management and fasterelectron-forge make
, which originally 30 minutes to 5 minutes - Refactor the Electron main process into various modules
- Perform pre-commit husky configuration and perform critical backend end-to-end tests and unit tests
- Upgrade electron, Puppeteer, and nx-related packages to the latest versions
There will be two zip files. Please unzip the tag check one.
- TagCheck: there will be an electron icon. Please double-click and wait until the application opens. There's a spinning loading screen that loads before the server starts.
- Click Upload Project card and upload another zip file.
- Have fun and explore the app
- CI/CD using GitHub actions for Windows, MacOS, and Linux
- Logical business bug fixes
- UI/UX improvement
- Testing on various websites, involving navigation to cross-origin websites such as e-commerce transaction sites
- Tests and verification on GTM configuration automation
- Clear documentation for non-technical users
- More tests to ensure product quality
What's Changed
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 144 Sentry in NestJS by @WodenWang820118 in #207
- fix: interrupt operations by @WodenWang820118 in #208
- fix: activate request interceptor by settings.json by @WodenWang820118 in #209
- fix: button style and editor height by @WodenWang820118 in #210
- fix: GTM operator should be always headful by @WodenWang820118 in #211
- refactor: main.cjs to Single Responsibility Principle modules. by @WodenWang820118 in #212
- feat: loading window while loading the app. by @WodenWang820118 in #213
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 156 update view after project upload by @WodenWang820118 in #214
- fix: use progress to determine the navigation timing. by @WodenWang820118 in #215
- fix: adjust Puppeteer viewport to be smaller by @WodenWang820118 in #216
- feat: scroll to bottom after conversion. by @WodenWang820118 in #217
- refactor: consistent color palette by @WodenWang820118 in #218
- refactor: align to the right according to the design. by @WodenWang820118 in #219
- refactor: align styles according to the design. by @WodenWang820118 in #220
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 152 GitHub readme documentation and request capturing by @WodenWang820118 in #221
- refactor: avoid common used ports. by @WodenWang820118 in #222
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 151 documentation module refactor by @WodenWang820118 in #223
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 165 remove xlsx by @WodenWang820118 in #224
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Refactor by @WodenWang820118 in #188
- fix: inspect via GTM failure. by @WodenWang820118 in #189
Full Changelog: v2.2.0-alpha...v2.2.1-alpha
UI updates and bug fixes
What's Changed
- fix: allow users to use chromium tool for testing. by @WodenWang820118 in #176
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 115 project upload bug by @WodenWang820118 in #177
- fix: use puppeteer-chromium-resolver by @WodenWang820118 in #178
- Guanxinwang0118/tc 120 bigtable toolbar bug by @WodenWang820118 in #179
- fix: state management by @WodenWang820118 in #180
- feat: add JSON updates validators by @WodenWang820118 in #181
- feat: project pagination by @WodenWang820118 in #182
- fix: update view after adding projects. by @WodenWang820118 in #183
- feat: abort working Puppeteer by @WodenWang820118 in #184
- fix: reload behavior and reactive data updates by @WodenWang820118 in #185
- feat: backend failure handling by @WodenWang820118 in #186
Full Changelog: v2.1.3-alpha...v2.2.0-alpha
Backend Activation Improvement
Use two seconds as a timeout to ensure the first app activation.
Please unzip the sample project and put it under the tag_check_projects
folder. Then, open the app to explore the functionalties.