A collection of webpages and apps useful to students of Digital History and those active or interested in the field. _de indicates content primarily in German.
This is very much a work in progress and by no means complete. Feel free to raise issues or create pull requests to add new content.
- Center for Digital Research in the Humanities
- Verband DHd - Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum. _de
- Center for Digital Humanities Münster _de
- DHd-Blog - Blog on DH activities, focused on the broader German-speaking area _de
- Digital Humanities Now - Experimental publication that highlights and distributes informally published digital humanities scholarship.
- Digital Scholarship in the Humanities - International, peer reviewed journal on all aspects of digital scholarship in the Humanities.
- ZfdG - Journal for Digital Humanities. _de
- Clarin - European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology.
- DARIAH-EU - Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities.
- GAMS - Asset Management System for the Humanities.
- Research Guide: Digital Humanities at UCI - Provides an introduction into DH and features books, tools and software related to the field.
- Projects presented by the European Association for Digital Humanities
- Projekte der deutschsprachigen Digital Humanities _de
- TextGrid projects
- GAMS Projects
- Digital Humanity Projects Austria _de
- IT-Zertifikat der philosophischen Fakultät Köln _de
- Modulstudien Digital Humanities at FAU Erlangen - open to both FAU students and external students _de
- Weiterbildung "Digital Humanities" an der Universität Heidelberg _de
- Zertifikatskurse der Technischen Hochschule Köln _de
- Awesome Digital History - Curated lists of finding aids for primary sources as well as courses and learning tools to explore history digitally.
- Digital Benin - Documentation of royal artworks looted in the 19th century. Release planned for 2022.
- Digital History Project - overview of scholars, projects and courses in the field of Digital History
- Tempopedia - Directory of Digital History Projects
- Datenbank: Games und Erinnerungskultur - growing database containing reviews and videos about games related to remembrance culture _de
- Die Quellen sprechen - Audio-documents of primary sources, eye witness accounts and relevant historiographical discussions. _de
- Digital Holocaust Memory Project - Digital memoryscape and network for holocaust remembrance.
- Digitale Erinnerung an NS-Zwangsarbeit - List of digital media on forced labor from 1933 to 1945.
- RomArchive: Voices of the Victims - Voices and documents of those persecuted as members of Romani-speaking groups between 1933 and 1945.
- Scorched Places - Interactive map of the national-socialist book burnings in 1933.
- Werkstatt BPB: Vernetztes Erinnern - Portal of the Federal Agency for Civic Education for digital culture of remembrance. _de
- Arbeitskreis Geschichtswissenschaft und Digitale Spiele _de
- Gaming the Past
- History Respawned
- Play the Past
- Video Game History Foundation
- The Persecution of the Jews in the Netherlands - Online exhibition and podcast on the persecution of jewish people 1940 to 1945.
- The Liberation - Virtual tour of the Liberation of Dachau Concentration, April 29th 1945.
- Too long, didn't read - Creative writing and audio essays on Scandinavian history, in cooperation with Reaching for Atlantis
- Viabundus - Digital pre-modern street map of Europe.
- Welten auf Papier - Online exhibition of digitalized, animated and narrated maps from the Hanseatic Business Archives Foundation _de
- Jupyter - Web-based computational environments to work with Python, R and Julia.
- TextGrid - Digital research environment.
- Tools for Academic Research - Curated list of research tools for all academic branches.
- Visual Studio Code - Free source-code editor.
- Pycharm - IDE for Python. Community edition is free.
- Data Carpentry - Workshops teaching data skills for research.
- Digital History - A guide to gathering, preserving and presenting the past on the web.
- freeCodeCamp - Features courses on web development and data analysis with Python.
- The Programming Historian - Features a broad spectrum of peer-reviewed courses for digital historians.
- Coding Da Vince - Hackathon for open cultural data.
- DTS Hackathon - Annual hackathon revolving around Distributed Text Services
- Awesome - Meta-List of "awesome lists" related to development and software in general.
- Awesome Research - Curated list of research tools.
- Awesome Python Data Science - Curated list for data science in Python.
- Awesome Scientific Writing - Distraction-free scientific writing with Markdown, reStructuredText and Jupyter notebooks.