To facilitate easy customization of the YOLO model, we've structured the codebase to allow for changes through configuration files and minimal code adjustments. This guide will walk you through the steps to customize various components of the model including the architecture, blocks, data loaders, and loss functions.
# Train
python yolo/ task=train dataset=dev use_wandb=True
# Validate
python yolo/ task=validation
python yolo/ task=validation model=v9-s
python yolo/ task=validation dataset=toy
python yolo/ task=validation dataset=toy name=validation
# Inference
python yolo/ task=inference
python yolo/ task=inference device=cpu
python yolo/ task=inference +quite=True
python yolo/ task=inference name=AnyNameYouWant
python yolo/ task=inference image_size=\[480,640]
python yolo/ task=inference task.nms.min_confidence=0.1
python yolo/ task=inference task.fast_inference=deploy
python yolo/ task=inference task.fast_inference=onnx device=cpu
python yolo/ task=inference
You can change the model architecture simply by modifying the YAML configuration file. Here's how:
Modify Architecture in Config:
Navigate to your model's configuration file (typically formate like
).- Adjust the architecture settings under the
section. Ensure that every module you reference exists
, or refer to the next section on how to add new modules.
model: foo: - ADown: args: {out_channels: 256} - RepNCSPELAN: source: -2 args: {out_channels: 512, part_channels: 256} tags: B4 bar: - Concat: source: [-2, B4]
: Use this to labels any module you want, and could be the module source.source
: Set this to the index of the module output you wish to use as input; default is-1
which refers to the last module's output. Capable tags, relative position, absolute positionargs
: A dictionary used to initialize parameters for convolutional or bottleneck layers.output
: Whether to serve as the output of the model. - Adjust the architecture settings under the
To add or modify a block in the model:
Create a New Module:
Define a new class in
that inherits fromnn.Module
.The constructor should accept
as a parameter. Make sure to calculateout_channels
based on your model's requirements or configure it through the YAML file usingargs
.class CustomBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.module = # conv, bool, ... def forward(self, x): return self.module(x)
Reference in Config:
... - CustomBlock: args: {out_channels: int, etc: ...} ... ...
Custom transformations should be designed to accept an image and its bounding boxes, and return them after applying the desired changes. Here’s how you can define such a transformation:
Define Dataset:
Your class must have a
method that takes a PIL image and its corresponding bounding boxes as input, and returns them after processing.class CustomTransform: def __init__(self, prob=0.5): self.prob = prob def __call__(self, image, boxes): return image, boxes
Update CustomTransform in Config:
Specify your custom transformation in a YAML config
. For examples:Mosaic: 1 # ... (Other Transform) CustomTransform: 0.5
- Utils
- bbox_utils
Anchor2Box: transform predicted anchor to bounding boxclass
Matcher: given prediction and groudtruth, find the groundtruth for each predictionfunc
calculate_iou: calculate iou for given two list of bboxfunc
transform_bbox: transform bbox from {xywh, xyxy, xcycwh} to {xywh, xyxy, xcycwh}func
generate_anchors: given image size, make the anchor point for the given size
- dataset_utils
- logging_utils
custom_log: custom loguru, overiding the origin loggerclass
ProgressTracker: A class to handle output for each batch, epochfunc
log_model_structure: give a torch model, print it as a tablefunc
validate_log_directory: for given experiemnt, check if the log folder already existed
- model_utils
ExponentialMovingAverage: a mirror of model, do ema on modelfunc
create_optimizer: return a optimzer, for example SDG, ADAMfunc
create_scheduler: return a scheduler, for example Step, Lambda
- module_utils
auto_pad: given a convolution block, return how many pixel should conv paddingfunc
create_activation_function: given afunc
name, return a activationfunc
round_up: given number and divider, return a number is mutliplcation of dividerfunc
divide_into_chunks: for a given list and n, seperate list to n sub list
- trainer
Trainer: a class can automatic train the model
- bbox_utils
- Tools
- converter_json2txt
discretize_categories: given the dictionary class, turn id from 1: classfunc
process_annotations: handle the whole dataset annotationsfunc
process_annotation: handle a annotation(a list of bounding box)func
normalize_segmentation: normalize segmentation position to 0~1func
convert_annotations: convert json annotations to txt file structure
- data_augment
AugmentationComposer: Compose a list of data augmentation strategyclass
VerticalFlip: a custom data augmentation, Random Vertical Flipclass
Mosaic: a data augmentation strategy, follow YOLOv5
- dataloader
YoloDataset: a custom dataset for training yolo's modelclass
YoloDataLoader: a dataloader base on torch's dataloader, with custom allocate functionfunc
create_dataloader: given a config file, return a YOLO dataloader
- drawer
draw_bboxes: given a image and list of bbox, draw bbox on the imagefunc
draw_model: visualize the given model
- get_dataset
download_file: for a given link, download the filefunc
unzip_file: unzip the downloaded zip to data/func
check_files: check if the dataset file numbers is correctfunc
prepare_dataset: automatic download the dataset and check if it is correct
- loss
BoxLoss: a Custom Loss for bounding boxclass
YOLOLoss: a implementation of yolov9 lossclass
DualLoss: a implementation of yolov9 loss with auxiliary detection head
- converter_json2txt