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BerryFarmer (Express API and React Frontend)

BerryFarmer is a PERN (Postgres, Express, React, Node.js) web application that utilizes WeatherAPI to function as a farm management game in which users grow berries from the Pokemon franchise. Each user's farm is situated on a real-world location, in which the daily weather patterns of that location influence the growth of their berries. The server avoids the use of scheduled tasks or chron-jobs through the utilization of performing operations based on time deltas. The application is set up so that the backend is a freestanding Web API that can then be consumed by the static react application (or any other interface). Both the frontend and backend project files are included in this repo, but should be considered seperate entities. I've kept most of my notes included in the repo for posterity.

Installation (Backend)

The backend requires the installation of Node.js and Postgres. Once these are configured, simply type the following command while the backend folder is the current working directory:

npm i

This will install all necessary packages and dependencies.

Berries & PokeAPI

A node script, pull-berry-profiles.js is included in the top level directory of the backend. This script can be run to pull game information on Pokemon berries from PokeAPI, that information is then tweaked to match the database schema of this app, and the results are written to a SQL file called berry-profiles.sql. The results of this script are already included as part of seed-db.sql, but I included it in case you wish to make any adjustments to the berry profiles.


The PostgreSQL database can be initialized and seeded by running the following command:

npm run init-db

This will create a db called "berry_farmer" with the appropriate tables and some seed information on the local Postgres server. Aside from the berry_profiles, the seed information is not particularly suited for being included in production.

Prior to running any tests, the Test database should be initialized by running:

npm run init-test-db

This will create a db called "berry_farmer_test" with the appropriate tables on the local Postgres server. Seed data is handled by the _testCommon.ts files in the __tests__ folders.


Important! This app makes use of the WeatherAPI, which requires an API key to access. After registering a free account and retrieving your API key, you may create a .env file in the backend directory and store your API key there for use by the Express app, like so:


Installation (Frontend)

Installation of the frontend is fairly simple, so long as Node.js is already installed. As before, simply execute the following command while the frontend folder is the current working directory: npm i This will install all necessary packages and dependences.

Pokemon sprites and icons

In order to work properly, the React app will need graphics for each stage of the berry's growth, as well as an icon for each berry. In my deployment, I am using graphics from the Gen 4 Pokemon games. I decided not to include these files in the repo, however, I have included the Python scripts I used to automate retrieval of these graphics from Bulbapedia. You will need to have Python 3 installed on your local machine prior to executing these scripts. The results of these scripts will be saved to a folder called berry_pull.

The React app expects all berry-related graphics to be in the public/assets/berries folder, and match the following pattern: public/assets/berries/{BerryName}/{BerryName}-icon.png public/assets/berries/{BerryName}/{BerryName}TreeBerry.png public/assets/berries/{BerryName}/{BerryName}TreeBloom.png public/assets/berries/{BerryName}/{BerryName}TreeTaller.png

I've included the Cheri berry in the repo as an example.

The React app also expects the following folder, which is not included: public/assets/types. In this folder should be a .png with an icon for each Pokemon type (e.g. fire, water, bug, etc.), similar to the ones below:

Database Schema

API Endpoints


The home endpoint responds with a simple count of the number of farm, user, and geo_profile records in the database.

Response Example:

	"message": "You have reached the BerryFarmer API.",
	"farms": 26,
	"users": 15,
	"locations": 18


POST: /auth/register

Auth Required: None
Creates a new user in the database with the given credentials. An initial amount of funds (as defined in config.ts) is given to the new user's account. The server then responds with a JSON Web Token that can be used to authenticate further requests.
Payload Example: { "username": "abc123", "password": "password123", "email": "" }

Response Example:

  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ5b3UiOiJmb3VuZCIsImEiOiJzZWNyZXQiLCJpYXQiOjE1MTYyMzkwMjJ9.VU-u5u5c4gdljwPPKBH2p0V485tjU9mRlCJfBtzk_Q8"

POST: /auth/login

Auth Required: None
Returns a JSON Web Token with user credentials that can then be used to authenticate future requests.
Payload Example: { "username": "abc123", "password": "password123" }

Response Example:

  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ5ZXQiOiJhbm90aGVyIiwic2VjcmV0Ijoid2VsbCBkb25lISIsImlhdCI6MTUxNjIzOTAyMn0.Lbkpv64PGV8r50TbHUInYzkCBWmEUVdopYlJe2EnUjA"


GET: /users/:username

Auth Required: Logged In
Retrieves information on the given user. Email is only included in response if the logged in user is the same user being requested.

Response Example:

  "user": {
    "username": "abc123",
    "email": "",
    "farmCount": 1,
    "funds": 25.99,
    "inventory": {
      "cheri" : 5
  "message": "ok"

GET: /users/:username/farms

Auth Required: Logged In
Retrieves a list of summary information on farms owned by a given user.

Response Example:

	"farms": [
			"id": 4,
			"length": 9,
			"width": 5,
			"lastCheckedAt": "2022-01-11T10:35:41.210Z",
			"irrigationLVL": 2,
			"locationName": "Las Vegas",
			"locationRegion": "Nevada",
			"locationCountry": "United States"
			"id": 8,
			"length": 3,
			"width": 3,
			"lastCheckedAt": "2022-01-11T11:13:32.352Z",
			"irrigationLVL": 0,
			"locationName": "Boston",
			"locationRegion": "Massachusetts",
			"locationCountry": "United States of America"
	"message": "ok"

DELETE: /users/:username

Auth Required: Same User
Deletes the user, all of their farms, and all crops associated with those farms, from the database.

Response Example:

  "deleted": "abc123", "message": "ok"

PATCH: /users/:username

Auth Required: Admin
Updates the user in the db. Permitted fields: email, funds, isAdmin
Payload Example: { "funds": 9999, "isAdmin": true, "email": "" }

Response Example:

  "user": {
    "username": "abc123",
    "email": "",
    "funds": 9999
  "message": "ok"


GET: /locations

Auth Required: None
Retrieves a list of geo_profiles, with pagination (20 results per page). Accepts a query string to filter the results.
Accepted query parameters: name, region, country, page
Query Example: /locatons?region=Massachusetts

Response Example:

	"message": "ok",
	"locations": [
			"id": 5,
			"name": "Boston",
			"region": "Massachusetts",
			"country": "United States of America"
			"id": 9,
			"name": "Ware",
			"region": "Massachusetts",
			"country": "United States of America"
	"page": 0

POST: /locations

Auth Required: Logged In
Creates a new entry in the geo_profiles table. This is done by providing a search term (e.g. a city name, postal code, etc). This search term is then passed to WeatherAPI, which will respond with a matching Name, Region and Country. This unique 3 combination is saved to the database, as well as weather data for the date of the creation.
Payload Example: { "search": "89014" }

Response Example:

	"message": "created",
	"location": {
		"id": 33,
		"name": "Henderson",
		"region": "Nevada",
		"country": "USA"

GET: /locations/:locationID

Auth Required: None
Returns geo_profile name, region and country for the given locationID.

Response Example:

	"message": "ok",
	"location": {
		"id": 33,
		"name": "Henderson",
		"region": "Nevada",
		"country": "USA"

PATCH: /locations/:locationID

Auth Required: Admin
Updates the geo_profile in the db. Permitted fields: name, region, country, tz_offset
WARNING: geo_profiles are created using data pulled from the WeatherAPI, and are used for further communication with that API. Editing these fields in DB may have consequences for this communication.
Payload Example: { "country": "United States of America", "tz_offset": -8 }

Response Example:

	"message": "updated",
	"location": {
		"id": 33,
		"name": "Henderson",
		"region": "Nevada",
		"country": "United States of America"

DELETE: /locations/:locationID

Auth Required: Admin
Deletes the geo_profile in the db. Note that there is no cascading delete for geo_profiles. That means that all farms which reference the geo_profile must be deleted, or transferred to a new geo_profile before the old one can be deleted. Otherwise, the foreign key violation will trigger a BadRequestError.

Response Example:

  "message": "ok",
  "deleted": 33


POST: /farms

Auth Required: Admin
Creates a new entry in the farms table. Users should use the /farms/buy route for farm creation.
Payload Example: { "locationID": 33, "owner": "abc123", "width": 5 }

Response Example:

  "message": "created",
  "farm": {
    "id": 15,
    "length": 3,
    "width": 5,
    "irrigationLVL": 0,
    "locationID": 33,
    "owner": "abc123"

POST: /farms/buy

Auth Required: Logged In
Creates a new entry in the farms table. User should have requisite funds and not be at max farms per user limit (both defined in the Market model). If both requirements are met, farm is created and funds deducted from user.
Payload Example: { "locationID": 33 }

Response Example:

  "message": "created",
  "farm": {
    "id": 15,
    "length": 3,
    "width": 5,
    "irrigationLVL": 0,
    "locationID": 33,
    "owner": "abc123"

GET: /farms/:farmID

Auth Required: Logged In
Returns farm information for the given farm ID. If an amount of time has passed the FARM_SYNC_TIMER (as defined in config.ts) Then the server will respond with a 211 code, meaning that the user must send a POST to /farms/:farmID/sync before that resource is available for viewing.

Response Example (211):

  "message": "needs crop sync. send POST request to /farms/15/sync"

Response Example (200):

	"message": "ok",
	"farm": {
		"id": 15,
		"length": 3,
		"width": 5,
		"irrigationLVL": 0,
		"lastCheckedAt": "2022-01-11T20:52:59.912Z",
		"owner": "abc123",
		"locationName": "Henderson",
		"locationRegion": "Nevada",
		"locationCountry": "United States of America",
		"crops": []

PATCH: /farms/:farmID

Auth Required: Admin
Updates the farm in the db. Permitted fields: length, width, irrigationLVL
Users should make use of the POST /farms/:farmID/upgrade route to change these fields.
Payload Example: { length: 7, width: 3 }

Response Example:

  "message": "updated",
  "farm": {
    "id": 15,
    "length": 7,
    "width": 3,
    "irrigationLVL": 0,
    "lastCheckedAt": "2022-01-11T20:52:59.912Z",
		"owner": "abc123",
    "locationID": 33

DELETE: /farms/:farmID

Auth Required: Owner
Deletes the farm, and all associated crops, from the db.

Response Example:

  "message": "ok",
  "deleted": 15

POST: /farms/:farmID/sync

Auth Required: Owner
Performs a crop sync operation on the given farm. All crops associated with the farm have time delta-based operations performed on them, updating their moisture and, possibly, health and curGrowthStage. This operation requires weather data, and may query WeatherAPI for weather data on the farm's location if it does not already exist for the requisite dates to check. Once finished, the farm's lastCheckedAt is updated to the time this operation took place, and the server responds with the updated farm object similar to GET /farms/:farmID.

Response Example:

	"message": "updated",
	"farm": {
		"id": 15,
		"length": 3,
		"width": 5,
		"irrigationLVL": 0,
		"lastCheckedAt": "2022-01-11T20:52:59.912Z",
		"owner": "abc123",
		"locationName": "Henderson",
		"locationRegion": "Nevada",
		"locationCountry": "United States of America",
		"crops": [
				"id": 40,
				"berryType": "aguav",
				"curGrowthStage": 3,
				"moisture": 21.646842245370365,
				"health": 0,
				"plantedAt": "2022-01-11T03:39:03.456Z",
				"x": 1,
				"y": 1

POST: /farms/:farmID/upgrade

Auth Required: Owner
Increases the length, width, or irrigationLVL of the farm with the given id by 1.
The owner of the farm must have the requisite funds for the upgrade (defined in Market model) or a BadRequest will be thrown. Those funds will then be deducted from the user.
Payload Examples: { "type": "length" } OR { "type": "width" } OR { "type": "irrigation" }

Response Example:

  "message": "upgraded",
  "farm": {
    "id": 15,
    "length": 7,
    "width": 3,
    "irrigationLVL": 1,
    "lastCheckedAt": "2022-01-11T20:52:59.912Z",
		"owner": "abc123",
    "locationID": 33


GET: /berries/prices

Auth Required: None
Returns an object with the current market value of each berry type in the database. These prices are determined every server reset. Also included are the list of "hot" and "not" pokemon types, which factor into each berry's current market value.

Response Example:

  "message": "ok",
  "hot": [ "water", "dragon", "flying" ],
  "not": [ "ghost" ],
  "prices": {
    "cheri": 58.97,
    "chesto": 121.30,
    "pecha": 70.30

GET: /berries/:berryType

Auth Required: None
Returns the berry profile of the given berry type.

Response Example:

	"message": "ok",
	"berry": {
		"name": "cheri",
		"growthTime": 3,
		"maxHarvest": 5,
		"size": 20,
		"dryRate": 15,
		"pokeType": "fire",
		"pokePower": 60,
		"idealTemp": 35,
		"idealCloud": 0,
		"price": 58.97

POST: /berries/buy

Auth Required: Logged In
Attempts to buy an amount of given berryType. Upon success, the funds from the buy order are deducted from the logged in user, and the amount of specified berries is added to their inventory. If the logged in user does not have the requisite funds for the amount of berries stated in the payload, a BadRequestError is thrown. NOTE: When buying berries, a markup is applied as defined in the Market model. (Default is 1.15 or 15% markup)
Payload Example: { "berryType": "cheri", "amount": 3 }

Response Example:

  "message": "Bought 3 cheri berries for $203.45",
  "buyOrderPrice": 203.45

POST: /berries/sell

Auth Required: Logged In
Attempts to sell an amount of given berryType from the logged in user's inventory. Upon success, the funds from the sell order are added to the logged in user, and the amount of specified berries is deducted from their inventory. If the logged in user does not have the amount of berries stated in the payload, a BadRequestError is thrown.
Payload Example: { "berryType": "cheri", "amount": 5 }

Response Example:

  "message": "Sold 5 cheri berries for $294.85",
  "sellOrderPrice": 294.85


POST: /crops

Auth Required: Owner
Creates a new crop in the database. The farmID in the payload is used for verifying Owner authorization. If the user hitting this route is not an admin, they must have the specified berry type in their inventory, and one of that berry type will be deducted on successful crop creation. If an admin is hitting this route, they may opt to set the curGrowthStage on creation. If curGrowthStage is included in the payload, and the user hitting the route is NOT an admin, a 403 ForbiddenError will be thrown, even if all other fields are valid. Before the crop is created, a farm sync is called on the given ID (to prevent disparity between plantedAt and lastCheckedAt).
Payload Example: { "x": 1, "y": 2, "farmID": 15, "berryType": "cheri", "curGrowthStage": 2 (admin only) }

Response Example:

  "message": "created",
  "crop": {
    "id": 41,
    "curGrowthStage": 2,
		"plantedAt": "2022-01-11T03:41:03.456Z",
		"farmID": 15,
		"x": 1,
		"y": 2,
		"moisture": 0,
		"health": 100,
		"berryType": "cheri"

GET: /crops/:cropID

Auth Required: None
Returns information for the crop with the given ID, with adjoined berry profile.

Response Example:

	"message": "ok",
	"crop": {
		"id": 40,
		"curGrowthStage": 3,
		"plantedAt": "2022-01-11T03:39:03.456Z",
		"farmID": 8,
		"x": 1,
		"y": 1,
		"moisture": 21.646842245370365,
		"health": 35,
		"berry": {
			"type": "aguav",
			"growthTime": 5,
			"maxHarvest": 5,
			"size": 64,
			"pokeType": "dragon",
			"dryRate": 12,
			"pokePower": 60,
			"idealCloud": 70,
			"idealTemp": 16

PATCH: /crops/:cropID

Auth Required: Owner
Versatile endpoint, it behaves differently if it's being accessed by admin users. Admin users can patch crop moisture, curGrowthStage and health. When patching moisture as admin, the moisture is SET TO the number specified in the payload.
Admin => { moisture?, curGrowthStage?, health? }

If accessed by non-admin farm owners, the payload may only contain the moisture field. The number specified in the payload will be ADDED TO the crop's current moisture. Negative moisture amounts are not permitted.
User => { moisture }

When accessed by non-admins, this route may respond with a 211 code if the farm this crop exists on is in need of a sync. This is to prevent users from watering (neglected) crops prior to triggering a growth.

Response Example (211):

	"message": "Farm needs crop sync. Send POST request to /farms/8/sync"

Response Example (200):

	"message": "updated",
  "crop": {
    "id": 40,
    "curGrowthStage": 3,
		"plantedAt": "2022-01-11T03:39:03.456Z",
		"farmID": 8,
		"x": 1,
		"y": 1,
		"moisture": 40.123,
		"health": 35,
		"berryType": "aguav"

DELETE: /crops/:cropID

Auth Required: Owner
Removes the crop with the given ID from the database.

Response Example:

  "message": "ok",
  "deleted": 40

POST: /crops/:cropID/harvest

Auth Required: Owner
If given crop is at max growth (curGrowthStage == 4), the Crop model calculates # of berries harvested (based on crop health and max harvest of berry profile) and then adds it to the farm owner's inventory.
The crop with this ID is then deleted.

Response Example:

  "message": "ok",
  "harvest": {
    "amount": 3,
    "berryType": "cheri"