This repository has the contracts that implement the wrapped btc token and wrapped eth token on Tron network.
npm install
npm test
node deployer.js --inputFile [file] --feeLimit [number] --energyLimit [number] --userFeePercentage [number] --rpcUrl [url] --dontSendTx [bool] --tokenName [string]
node deployer.js --inputFile deployerInputTestrpc.json --feeLimit 1000000000 --energyLimit 10000000 --userFeePercentage 50 --rpcUrl '' --dontSendTx false --tokenName 'WBTC'
* feeLimit: The maximum SUN consumes by deploying this contract (1TRX = 1,000,000SUN)
* userFeePercentage: The energy consumption percentage specified for the user calling this contract.
* energyLimit: The max energy which will be consumed by the owner in the process of execution or creation of the contract.