You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
gameobj tes;
int playerhp = 8;
int plhplim = 15;
int playermoney = 0;
int playerkey = 0;
int playerbomb = 1;
char* pl_onetime;
char* pl_multime;
struct SMALL_RECT {
SHORT Right;
SHORT Bottom;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
void sleep(unsigned ms) {
void sleep(unsigned ms) {
usleep(ms * 1000); // supposedly this should work on Mac, but I don't have a Mac, so I am not sure
void clearScreen() {
// this creates less flicker than standard "clear()"
move(0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < SCREEN_HEIGHT;i++)
for (int j=0;j<SCREEN_WIDTH;j++)
printw(" ");
void printInMiddle(int y, int colorPair, char *string) {
int length = strlen(string);
int x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - length)/2;
mvprintw(y, x, "%s",string);
int doMenu() {
int selectedItem = 0;
while (1) {
// 1. get buffered user input
int ch = getch();
if (ch == KEY_UP )
selectedItem = (selectedItem+2) %3;
else if(ch==KEY_DOWN)
selectedItem = (selectedItem + 1) % 3;
else if (ch == ' ') {
if (selectedItem == 1) showcon();
else return selectedItem;
// 2. render the display this turn
clear(); // clear what's on screen last time
//box(win, 10, 10);
printInMiddle(17, 0, "ESTR1002B Game Project Sample");
/* if (selectedItem % 2 == 0) {
printInMiddle(9, 1, " Start Game ");
printInMiddle(10, 0, " Exit ");
} else {
printInMiddle(9, 0, " Start Game ");
printInMiddle(10, 1, " Exit ");
if(selectedItem%3==0) printInMiddle(19, 1, " Start Game ");
else printInMiddle(19, 0, " Start Game ");
if (selectedItem % 3 == 1) printInMiddle(20, 1, " Control Settings ");
else printInMiddle(20, 0, " Control Settings ");
if (selectedItem % 3 == 2) printInMiddle(11, 1, " Exit ");
else printInMiddle(21, 0, " Exit ");
printInMiddle(32, 0, "Press space to select ... ");
refresh(); // update the display in one go, very important
// 3. stop running for some time to prevent using up all CPU power;
sleep(10); // want to sleep for roughly 10ms
void drawBackground() {
clearScreen();// just call clear screen now...
move(8, 0);
for (int i = 0;i < 24;i++)
for (int i = 0;i <= 8;i++)
move(i, 24);
typedef struct {
double x, y; // current position
double destX, destY; // destination
double speed;
ObjectType type;
int turnsAlive;
bool destroyOnDest; // whether this object gets destroyed when reaching destination
} GameObject;
GameObject gameObject[100]; // stores all game object!
int playerId;
Direction playerFacing;
void moveObjects() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (gameObject[i].type == NOTHING)
double dispX = gameObject[i].destX - gameObject[i].x;
double dispY = gameObject[i].destY - gameObject[i].y;
double disp = sqrt(dispX * dispX + dispY * dispY);
if ((fabs(dispX) > 0.01) || (fabs(dispY) > 0.01)) {
// if gameobject is not in destination, move it!
double deltaX, deltaY;
if (disp < gameObject[i].speed) {
// if displacement is less than speed, move to destination directly
deltaX = dispX;
deltaY = dispY;
else {
deltaX = dispX / disp * gameObject[i].speed;
deltaY = dispY / disp * gameObject[i].speed;
gameObject[i].x += deltaX;
gameObject[i].y += deltaY;
} else {
// reaches destination...
if (gameObject[i].destroyOnDest == TRUE && gameObject[i].turnsAlive > 0) {
if (gameObject[i].type == BOMB) {
// spawn fragments when bombs are destroyed!
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
int bulletId = setupObject(BULLET, gameObject[i].x, gameObject[i].y, 0.5);
gameObject[bulletId].destX = gameObject[i].x + DIAGONALX[k] * 10;
gameObject[bulletId].destY = gameObject[i].y + DIAGONALY[k] * 10;
gameObject[bulletId].destroyOnDest = TRUE;
gameObject[i].type = NOTHING; // destroy it!
void displayObjects() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (gameObject[i].type == NOTHING)
int screenX = gameObject[i].x;
int screenY = gameObject[i].y;
if (move(screenY, screenX) != ERR) {
if (gameObject[i].type == PLAYER) {
addch(97 | A_ALTCHARSET);
if (move(screenY - 1, screenX) != ERR) {
else if (gameObject[i].type == BULLET) {
addch(96 | A_ALTCHARSET);
else if (gameObject[i].type == BOMB) {
int setupObject(int type, double startX, double startY, double speed) {
for (int i = 99; i >= 0; i--) {
if (gameObject[i].type != NOTHING)
continue; // if not empty, try next
// setup the level and player!
playerId = setupObject(PLAYER,SCREEN_WIDTH/2,SCREEN_HEIGHT/2,0.1);
tes.destroyable = tes.damage = tes.desx = tes.desy = tes.hp = tes.x = tes.y = 0;
tes.width = 5;tes.height = 3;
tes.icon[0][0] = ' ';tes.icon[0][1] = '^';tes.icon[0][2] = '_';tes.icon[0][3] = '^';tes.icon[0][4] = ' ';tes.icon[1][0] = '<';
tes.icon[1][1] = '-';tes.icon[1][2] = '-';tes.icon[1][3] = '-';tes.icon[1][4] = '-';tes.icon[2][0] = '<';
tes.icon[2][1] = '-';tes.icon[2][2] = '-';tes.icon[2][3] = '-';tes.icon[2][4] = '-';
// main game loop...
while (1) {
// 1. draw background...
//renderIcon(0, 10, tes);
// 2. get buffered user input and determine player action
int ch = getch();
if (ch == KEY_UP) { gameObject[playerId].destY = gameObject[playerId].y - 1; playerFacing = NORTH; }
else if (ch == KEY_DOWN) { gameObject[playerId].destY = gameObject[playerId].y + 1; playerFacing = SOUTH; }
else if (ch == KEY_LEFT) { gameObject[playerId].destX = gameObject[playerId].x - 1; playerFacing = WEST; }
else if (ch == KEY_RIGHT) { gameObject[playerId].destX = gameObject[playerId].x + 1; playerFacing = EAST; }
else if (ch == ' ') {
// shoot!
int bulletId = setupObject(BULLET, gameObject[playerId].x, gameObject[playerId].y, 0.5);
gameObject[bulletId].destX = gameObject[playerId].x + DIRECTION2X[playerFacing] * 20;
gameObject[bulletId].destY = gameObject[playerId].y + DIRECTION2Y[playerFacing] * 20;
gameObject[bulletId].destroyOnDest = TRUE;
else if (ch == 'b') {
int bombId = setupObject(BOMB, gameObject[playerId].x, gameObject[playerId].y, 0.25);
gameObject[bombId].destX = gameObject[playerId].x + DIRECTION2X[playerFacing] * 10;
gameObject[bombId].destY = gameObject[playerId].y + DIRECTION2Y[playerFacing] * 10;
gameObject[bombId].destroyOnDest = TRUE;
// 3. update all game objects positions
// 4. render the display this turn
refresh(); // update the display in one go
// 5. stop running for some time to prevent using up all CPU power;
// if you want to compensate for computational time and sleep non-fixed amount of time,
// you will need to get system time like clock() and calculate, but that is not necessary most of the time
sleep(20); // want to sleep for a few ms; for Mac, probably have to include another library
// Setting up the environment; you don't need to understand these things unless you want something entirely different
initscr(); // start the curses mode
raw(); // disable line buffering
keypad(stdscr, TRUE); // to detect UP, DOWN etc
timeout(0); // make getch() non-blocking, i.e. won't stop the program when we ask for user input
noecho(); // don't print user input on screen while we do getch
curs_set(0); // don't display cursor
// Set up colors...colors are always in pairs in a terminal!
// Game logic!
while (1) {
int selectedMenu = doMenu();
if (selectedMenu == 1) exit(0);
else doGameLoop();
// Cleaning up...
endwin(); // end the curses mode
return 0;
printInMiddle(32, 0, " Press space to title ");
for (int i = 0;i < 100;i++) {
move(0, i);
printw("%c", i);
for (int i = 100;i < 200;i++) {
move(1, i-100);
printw("%c", i);
for (int i = 200;i < 256;i++) {
move(2, i - 100);
printw("%c", i);
while (1) {
int ch = getch();
if (ch == ' ') return;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 80
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 50
gameobj tes;
int playerhp = 8;
int plhplim = 15;
int playermoney = 0;
int playerkey = 0;
int playerbomb = 1;
char* pl_onetime;
char* pl_multime;
struct SMALL_RECT {
SHORT Right;
SHORT Bottom;
void setupDisplay() {
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
system("chcp 437"); // Windows-only
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
void sleep(unsigned ms) {
void sleep(unsigned ms) {
usleep(ms * 1000); // supposedly this should work on Mac, but I don't have a Mac, so I am not sure
void showcon();
void init_main();
void adjustWindowSize()
struct SMALL_RECT test;
void clearScreen() {
// this creates less flicker than standard "clear()"
move(0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < SCREEN_HEIGHT;i++)
for (int j=0;j<SCREEN_WIDTH;j++)
printw(" ");
void printInMiddle(int y, int colorPair, char *string) {
int length = strlen(string);
int doMenu() {
int selectedItem = 0;
void drawBackground() {
clearScreen();// just call clear screen now...
move(8, 0);
for (int i = 0;i < 24;i++)
for (int i = 0;i <= 8;i++)
move(i, 24);
typedef enum {NOTHING = 0, PLAYER, BULLET, BOMB} ObjectType;
typedef enum { NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST } Direction;
double DIRECTION2X[4] = { 0, 1, 0, -1 };
double DIRECTION2Y[4] = { -1, 0, 1, 0 };
double DIAGONALX[4] = { 1, 1, -1, -1 };
double DIAGONALY[4] = { 1, -1, 1, -1 };
typedef struct {
double x, y; // current position
double destX, destY; // destination
double speed;
ObjectType type;
int turnsAlive;
bool destroyOnDest; // whether this object gets destroyed when reaching destination
} GameObject;
GameObject gameObject[100]; // stores all game object!
int playerId;
Direction playerFacing;
void moveObjects() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (gameObject[i].type == NOTHING)
void displayObjects() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (gameObject[i].type == NOTHING)
int setupObject(int type, double startX, double startY, double speed) {
for (int i = 99; i >= 0; i--) {
if (gameObject[i].type != NOTHING)
continue; // if not empty, try next
int doGameLoop() {
// Extended characters table:
// e.g. addch(97 | A_ALTCHARSET) will print out a "brick" character
// addch(96 | A_ALTCHARSET) will print out a diamond
int main()
// NOTE: Official HOWTO for Curses library:
// NOTE: How to setup PDCurses:
void showcon() {
printInMiddle(18, 0, " Arrow up/down/left/right: Move ");
printInMiddle(19, 0, " W/S/A/D: Shoot ");
printInMiddle(20, 0, "E: Bomb");
printInMiddle(21, 0, " Q: One-time Skills ");
printInMiddle(22, 0, " F: Reusable Skills ");
void init_main() {
pl_multime= (char*)malloc(20 * sizeof(char));
pl_onetime= (char*)malloc(20 * sizeof(char));
pl_multime = "Roll";
pl_onetime = "The moon";
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: