English | 简体中文 intro A react table component which supports render tree structure data. Powered by enable platform team of youzan company. Demo the table tree is just as follows. to achieve the above effect, the code is as follows. table props and columns props table props table props type required default columns array[object] true datasets array[object] true rootId number true rowKey string false 'id' loading element false total object false header object false className string false '' style object false {} column props column props type required default title string true name string true bodyRender node false data[name] total props this property can be set the total row in the last row. total props type required default visible boolean false false name string false '合计数据' header props this property can be set table header fixed, the field of top is the distance to window top. When fixed is true, the feature is open. header props type required default fixed boolean false false top number false 0 Contributing start the project yarn webpack-dev packaging for prod environment yarn webpack-prod Support react 16.3+ development Environment yarn 1.9.4 node 8.11.2+