simple webhook server to emby Telegram notification
- Integrates with the webhook plugin.
- Telegram notifications with media images and summary when a new movie or series is added to Emby.
- Some pictures:
1 - Search Botfather in telegram.
2 - Send command /newbot to Botfather.
3 - Give the Telegram bot a name.
4 - Give the Telegram bot a unique username, it must end in "bot".
5 - Save the Telegram bot's access token, we will use it later in the configuration file.
6 - Get your chat ID by starting a chat with your bot, sending a message and then visiting<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>/getUpdates to find the chat ID in the returned JSON.
1 - Create config.yaml file like example in this repo.
1.1 - You can add admins to get all notification from emby-server.
1.2 - You can add users to get new/delete items from emby-server.
(you can add users while the service is still running)
2 - Run the server with docker/podman:
docker run:
docker run -d --restart=always -v </path/to/config/dir>:/config -p 5000:5000 yoas1/emby-telegram-notifier:v0.1
docker compose:
version: "3.5"
container_name: emby-webhook
image: yoas1/emby-telegram-notifier:v0.1
- </path/to/config/dir>:/config
- 5000:5000
restart: always
3 - Create emby notification:
- Go to Settings --> Notifications
- Add Notifications --> select Webhook:
- Name: name to your notification
- Url: http://server-ip:5000/webhook
- Request content type: application/json
- Events: select your send events to telegram
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests for new features, bug fixes, or improvements.