In this lesson, we will review/reinforce the different ways you can create actors and send them messages. This lesson is more conceptual and has less coding for you to do, but it's an essential foundation and key to understanding the code you will see down the line.
In this lesson, the code has changed a bit. The change is that the ConsoleReaderActor
no longer does any validation work, but instead, just passes off the messages it receives from the console to another actor for validation (the ValidationActor
An IActorRef
is a reference or handle to an actor. The purpose of an IActorRef
is to support sending messages to an actor through the ActorSystem
. You never talk directly to an actor—you send messages to its IActorRef
and the ActorSystem
takes care of delivering those messages for you.
You do talk to them, just not directly :) You have to talk to them via the intermediary of the ActorSystem
Here are two of the reasons why it is an advantage to send messages to an IActorRef
and let the underlying ActorSystem
do the work of getting the messages to the actual actor.
- It gives you better information to work with and messaging semantics. The
wraps all messages in anEnvelope
that contains metadata about the message. This metadata is automatically unpacked and made available in the context of your actor. - It allows "location transparency": this is a fancy way of saying that you don't have to worry about which process or machine your actor lives in. Keeping track of all this is the system's job. This is essential for allowing remote actors, which is how you can scale an actor system up to handle massive amounts of data (e.g. have it work on multiple machines in a cluster). More on this later.
For now, this is not something you should worry about. The underlying ActorSystem
of Akka.NET itself provides mechanisms to guarantee this, but GuaranteedDeliveryActors
are an advanced topic.
For now, just trust that delivering messages is the ActorSystem
s job, not yours.
There are two ways to get an IActorRef
Actors form intrinsic supervision hierarchies (we cover in detail in lesson 5). This means there are "top level" actors, which essentially report directly to the ActorSystem
itself, and there are "child" actors, which report to other actors.
To make an actor, you have to create it from its context. And you've already done this! Remember this?
// assume we have an existing actor system, "MyActorSystem"
IActorRef myFirstActor = MyActorSystem.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new MyActorClass()),
As shown in the above example, you create an actor in the context of the actor that will supervise it (almost always). When you create the actor on the ActorSystem
directly (as above), it is a top-level actor.
You make child actors the same way, except you create them from another actor, like so:
// have to create the child actor somewhere inside MyActorClass
// usually happens inside OnReceive or PreStart
class MyActorClass : UntypedActor{
protected override void PreStart(){
IActorRef myFirstChildActor = Context.ActorOf(Props.Create(() =>
new MyChildActorClass()), "myFirstChildActor");
*CAUTION*: Do NOT call new MyActorClass()
outside of Props
and the ActorSystem
to make an actor. We can't go into all the details here, but essentially, by doing so you're trying to create an actor outside the context of the ActorSystem
. This will produce a completely unusable, undesirable object.
All actors have an address (technically, an ActorPath
) which represents where they are in the system hierarchy, and you can get a handle to them (get their IActorRef
) by looking them up by their address.
We will cover this in much more detail in the next lesson.
You may have noticed that we passed names into the ActorSystem
when we were creating the above actors:
// last arg to the call to ActorOf() is a name
IActorRef myFirstActor = MyActorSystem.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new MyActorClass()),
This name is not required. It is perfectly valid to create an actor without a name, like so:
// last arg to the call to ActorOf() is a name
IActorRef myFirstActor = MyActorSystem.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new MyActorClass()))
That said, the best practice is to name your actors. Why? Because the name of your actor is used in log messages and in identifying actors. Get in the habit, and your future self will thank you when you have to debug something and it has a nice label on it.
All actors exist within a context, which you can acccess by the Context
property built into every actor.
The Context
holds metadata about the current state of the actor, such as the Sender
of the current message and things like current actors Parent
or Children
, Children
, and Sender
all provide IActorRef
s that you can use.
Think of Props
as a recipe for making an actor. Technically, Props
is a configuration class that encapsulates all the information needed to make an instance of a given type of actor.
objects are shareable recipes for creating an instance of an actor. Props
get passed to the ActorSystem
to generate an actor for your use.
Right now, Props
probably feels like overkill. (If so, no worries.) But here's the deal.
The most basic Props
, like we've seen, seem to only include the ingredients needed to make an actor—its class and required args to its constructor.
BUT, what you haven't seen yet is that Props
get extended to contain deployment information and other configuration details that are needed to do remote work. For example, Props
are serializable, so they can be used to remotely create and deploy entire groups of actors on another machine somewhere on the network!
That's getting way ahead of ourselves though, but the short answer is that we need Props
to support a lot of the advanced features (clustering, remote actors, etc) that give Akka.NET the serious horsepower which makes it interesting.
Before we tell you how to make Props
, let me tell you what NOT to do.
. Similar to trying to make an actor by calling new MyActorClass()
, this is fighting the framework and not letting Akka's ActorSystem
do its work under the hood to provide safe guarantees about actor restarts and lifecycle management.
There are 3 ways to properly create Props
, and they all involve a call to Props.Create()
- The
Props props1 = Props.Create(typeof(MyActor));
While it looks simple, we recommend that you do not use this approach. Why? Because it has no type safety and can easily introduce bugs where everything compiles fine, and then blows up at runtime.
- The lambda syntax:
Props props2 = Props.Create(() => new MyActor(..), "...");
This is a mighty fine syntax, and our favorite. You can pass in the arguments required by the constructor of your actor class inline, along with a name.
- The generic syntax:
Props props3 = Props.Create<MyActor>();
Another fine syntax that we whole-heartedly recommend.
You actually already know this, and have done it. You pass the Props
—the actor recipe—to the call to Context.ActorOf()
and the underlying ActorSystem
reads the recipe, et voila! Whips you up a fresh new actor.
Enough of this conceptual business. Let's get to it!
Before we can get into the meat of this lesson (Props
and IActorRef
s), we have to do a bit of cleanup.
We're going to move all our validation code into its own actor. It really doesn't belong in the ConsoleReaderActor
. Validation deserves to have its own actor (similar to how you want single-purpose objects in OOP).
Make a new class called ValidationActor
and put it into its own file. Fill it with all the validation logic that is currently in ConsoleReaderActor
// ValidationActor.cs
using Akka.Actor;
namespace WinTail
/// <summary>
/// Actor that validates user input and signals result to others.
/// </summary>
public class ValidationActor : UntypedActor
private readonly IActorRef _consoleWriterActor;
public ValidationActor(IActorRef consoleWriterActor)
_consoleWriterActor = consoleWriterActor;
protected override void OnReceive(object message)
var msg = message as string;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
// signal that the user needs to supply an input
new Messages.NullInputError("No input received."));
var valid = IsValid(msg);
if (valid)
// send success to console writer
_consoleWriterActor.Tell(new Messages.InputSuccess("Thank you!
Message was valid."));
// signal that input was bad
_consoleWriterActor.Tell(new Messages.ValidationError("Invalid:
input had odd number of characters."));
// tell sender to continue doing its thing
// (whatever that may be, this actor doesn't care)
Sender.Tell(new Messages.ContinueProcessing());
/// <summary>
/// Determines if the message received is valid.
/// Checks if number of chars in message received is even.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="msg"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static bool IsValid(string msg)
var valid = msg.Length % 2 == 0;
return valid;
Okay, now we can get to the good stuff! We are going to use what we've learned about Props
and tweak the way we make our actors.
Again, we do not recommend using the typeof
syntax. For practice, use both of the lambda and generic syntax!
Remember: do NOT try to create
by callingnew Props(...)
.When you do that, kittens die, unicorns vanish, Mordor wins and all manner of badness happens. Just don't do it.
In this section, we're going to split out the Props
objects onto their own lines for easier reading. In practice, we usually inline them into the call to ActorOf
In Main()
, remove your existing actor declarations so we have a clean slate.
Your code should look like this right now:
// Program.cs
static void Main(string[] args)
// initialize MyActorSystem
MyActorSystem = ActorSystem.Create("MyActorSystem");
// nothing here where our actors used to be!
// tell console reader to begin
// blocks the main thread from exiting until the actor system is shut down
Go to Program.cs
. Inside of Main()
, split out consoleWriterProps
onto its own line like so:
// Program.cs
Props consoleWriterProps = Props.Create(typeof (ConsoleWriterActor));
Here you can see we're using the typeof syntax, just to show you what it's like. But again, we do not recommend using the typeof
syntax in practice.
Going forward, we'll only use the lambda and generic syntax for Props
Add this just to Main()
// Program.cs
Props validationActorProps = Props.Create(
() => new ValidationActor(consoleWriterActor));
As you can see, here we're using the lambda syntax.
Add this just to Main()
// Program.cs
Props consoleReaderProps = Props.Create<ConsoleReaderActor>(validationActor);
This is the generic syntax. Props
accepts the actor class as a generic type argument, and then we pass in whatever the actor's constructor needs.
Great! Now that we've got Props
for all the actors we want, let's go make some actors!
Remember: do not try to make an actor by calling new Actor()
outside of a Props
object and/or outside the context of the ActorSystem
or another IActorRef
. Mordor and all that, remember?
Add this to Main()
on the line after consoleWriterProps
// Program.cs
IActorRef consoleWriterActor = MyActorSystem.ActorOf(consoleWriterProps,
Add this to Main()
on the line after validationActorProps
// Program.cs
IActorRef validationActor = MyActorSystem.ActorOf(validationActorProps,
Add this to Main()
on the line after consoleReaderProps
// Program.cs
IActorRef consoleReaderActor = MyActorSystem.ActorOf(consoleReaderProps,
You may not have noticed it, but we actually are using a special IActorRef
now: Sender
. Go look for this in ValidationActor.cs
// tell sender to continue doing its thing
// (whatever that may be, this actor doesn't care)
Sender.Tell(new Messages.ContinueProcessing());
This is the special Sender
handle that is made available within an actors Context
when it is processing a message. The Context
always makes this reference available, along with some other metadata (more on that later).
Just a bit of cleanup since we've changed our class structure. Then we can run our app again!
Now that ValidationActor
is doing our validation work, we should really slim down ConsoleReaderActor
. Let's clean it up and have it just hand the message off to the ValidationActor
for validation.
We'll also need to store a reference to ValidationActor
inside the ConsoleReaderActor
, and we don't need a reference to the the ConsoleWriterActor
anymore, so let's do some cleanup.
Modify your version of ConsoleReaderActor
to match the below:
// ConsoleReaderActor.cs
// removing validation logic and changing store actor references
using System;
using Akka.Actor;
namespace WinTail
/// <summary>
/// Actor responsible for reading FROM the console.
/// Also responsible for calling <see cref="ActorSystem.Shutdown"/>.
/// </summary>
class ConsoleReaderActor : UntypedActor
public const string StartCommand = "start";
public const string ExitCommand = "exit";
private readonly IActorRef _validationActor;
public ConsoleReaderActor(IActorRef validationActor)
_validationActor = validationActor;
protected override void OnReceive(object message)
if (message.Equals(StartCommand))
#region Internal methods
private void DoPrintInstructions()
Console.WriteLine("Write whatever you want into the console!");
Console.WriteLine("Some entries will pass validation; some won't...\n\n");
Console.WriteLine("Type 'exit' to quit this application at any time.\n");
/// <summary>
/// Reads input from console, validates it, then signals appropriate response
/// (continue processing, error, success, etc.).
/// </summary>
private void GetAndValidateInput()
var message = Console.ReadLine();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) &&
String.Equals(message, ExitCommand, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// if user typed ExitCommand, shut down the entire actor
// system (allows the process to exit)
// otherwise, just hand message off to validation actor
// (by telling its actor ref)
As you can see, we're now handing off the input from the console to the ValidationActor
for validation and decisions. ConsoleReaderActor
is now only responsible for reading from the console and handing the data off to another more sophisticated actor.
We can't very well recommend you not use the typeof
syntax and then let it stay there. Real quick, go back to Main()
and update consoleWriterProps
to be use the generic syntax.
Props consoleWriterProps = Props.Create<ConsoleWriterActor>();
There. That's better.
Compare your code to the solution in the Completed folder to see what the instructors included in their samples.
If everything is working as it should, the output you see should be identical to last time:
Since we harped on it earlier, let's illustrate the risk of using the typeof
syntax and why we avoid it.
We've left a little landmine as a demonstration. You should blow it up just to see what happens.
- Open up Completed/Program.cs.
- Find the lines containing
(should be around line 18). - Uncomment these lines.
- Look at what we're doing here—intentionally substituting a non-actor class into a
object! Ridiculous! Terrible! - While this is an unlikely and frankly ridiculous example, that is exactly the point. It's just leaving open the door for mistakes, even with good intentions.
- Look at what we're doing here—intentionally substituting a non-actor class into a
- Build the solution. Watch with horror as this ridiculous piece of code compiles without error!
- Run the solution.
- Try to shield yourself from everything melting down when your program reaches that line of code.
Okay, so what was the point of that? Contrived as that example was, it should show you that using the typeof
syntax for Props
has no type safety and is best avoided unless you have a good reason to use it.
Awesome work! Well done on completing your this lesson. It was a big one.
Let's move onto Lesson 4 - Child Actors, Actor Hierarchies, and Supervision.
Come ask any questions you have, big or small, in this ongoing Bootcamp chat with the Petabridge & Akka.NET teams.
If there is a problem with the code running, or something else that needs to be fixed in this lesson, please create an issue and we'll get right on it. This will benefit everyone going through Bootcamp.