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312 lines (254 loc) · 12.3 KB

Infer your own data

This tutorial is aimed at helping people understand how to infer any data with GOPT. There will be some restrictions on "any data", I will explain it later.

  1. Install Kaldi and GOPT. Sometimes Kaldi can be fuzzy. If meeting any problems, use a docker image of Kaldi instead.

  2. Download the original speechocean762 to your disk.

  3. Copy speechocean762 and change to your dataset’s name. In this example, I use test_dataset

  4. There are multiple hacks we need to do to make our test_dataset runnable.

  5. First, delete unnecessary .wav files. Replace them with your own.

  6. Update all files in both test and train. Including spk2age, spk2gender, spk2utt, text, utt2spk, wav.scp. Remember, words in text need to be capitalized.

  7. Because I only have 1 wav file, all these files will be 1-line. For example, I set the speaker ID to be 0001 and utt_id to be test. So:

    wav.scp includes

    test	WAVE/SPEAKER0001/test.wav

    spk2utt includes

    0001 test

    If you are dealing with multiple data, remember Kaldi requires to keep sorting correctly. It is recommended to use the same system as speechocean762 did. Here is my code example of doing this. (My dataset contains columns id_user, word (transcript) and file_name (which is a path)). The lexicon_dict_l contains word -> suffx/prefix added phones. If you are interestd, the generation of such dict can be seen in the end of this tutorial.

    scp_file = "wav.scp"
    spk2utt = "spk2utt"
    utt2spk = "utt2spk"
    text = "text"
    scp_str = ""
    spk2utt_str = ""
    utt2spk_str = ""
    text_str = ""
    text_phone = ""
    id_list = ["%04d" % x for x in range(10000)]
    speaker_hist = set()
    dataset.sort_values(by="id_user", ascending=True, inplace=True)
    j = 0
    holder = ""
    cache = ""
    for _, line in dataset.iterrows():
        spk = id_list[len(speaker_hist)]
        if cache == "":
            cache = spk
        utt = spk + id_list[j]
        j += 1
        scp_str = scp_str + utt + ' ' + f"WAVE/{line.file_name}\n"
        if cache != spk:
            spk2utt_str = spk2utt_str + holder + '\n'
            holder = ""
        if len(holder)==0:
            holder = spk + " " + utt
            holder = holder + " " + utt
        cache = spk
        utt2spk_str = utt2spk_str + utt + " " + spk + '\n'
        text_str = text_str + utt + " " + line.word.upper() + '\n' 
        text_phone = text_phone + utt + ".0\t" + lexicon_dict_l[line.word.upper()] + '\n'
        spk2utt_str = spk2utt_str + holder + '\n'
    with open(scp_file, 'w') as f:
    with open(spk2utt, 'w') as f:
    with open(utt2spk, 'w') as f:
    with open(text, 'w') as f:
    with open("text-phone", 'w') as f:
  8. In resource/text-phone, delete unnecessary lines and replace your own. Here, each lines begins with <utt_id>.<n> which represents the n-th word in your text. After it, please append the corresponding phones of that word.

    To be specific, find your corresponding phones in resource/lexicon.txt. For instance, the word FAN would be F AE0 N. For all the first phones, add an additional suffix B, for the last phones, add an additional suffix E and for all others, add the suffix I. If there is only one phone, add the suffix S.

    For example, if my text is “FAN WORKS”, the final result in text-phone is

    test.0 F_B AE0_I N_E
    test.1 W_B ER0_I K_I S_E

    If your don’t do this right, you will stuck at stage 7.

  9. Download and extract all tars in

  10. In gop_speechocean762/s5/ , change lines 38-42 to your extracted results. In my case, I use


    Also, change stage to 2to avoid download. Change nj to the number of examples. In my case, I set to 1.

  11. After running, confirm you have non-empty feat files in gop_train and gop_test. Mine looks like this

    (gopt) yifan@XXX:~/develop/kaldi/egs/gop_speechocean762/s5/exp/gop_train$ tree .
    ├── feat.1.ark
    ├── feat.1.scp
    ├── feat.scp
    ├── gop.1.ark
    ├── gop.1.scp
    ├── gop.scp
    └── log
        └── compute_gop.1.log
  12. Execute the following original guide in GOPT.

    cd $gopt_path
    mkdir -p data/raw_kaldi_gop/librispeech
    cp src/extract_kaldi_gop/{,} ${kaldi_path}/egs/gop_speechocean762/s5/local/
    cd ${kaldi_path}/egs/gop_speechocean762/s5
  13. Now we need to change the original GOPT files

  14. First, in, delete the continue (PS: label in this file is lable. Ummm, you can’t unsee them.)

  15. In the same file, because we do not have score, change to

  16. Run the edited python local/, skip, not needed for inference.

  17. Continue with

    cd $gopt_path
    cp -r ${kaldi_path}/egs/gop_speechocean762/s5/gopt_feats/* data/raw_kaldi_gop/<your dataset name>
  18. Change another GOPT file, src/prep_data/ Because we do not have score any more, all we want to have is the phn. Also we need to replace the hardcoding path to <your dataset name>. You can debug it yourself, here is my edited results.

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # @Time    : 9/19/21 11:13 PM
    # @Author  : Yuan Gong
    # @Affiliation  : Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    # @Email   :
    # @File    :
    # Generate sequence phone input and label for seq2seq models from raw Kaldi GOP features.
    import numpy as np
    def load_feat(path):
        file = np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=',')
        return file
    def load_keys(path):
        file = np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=',', dtype=str)
        return file
    def load_label(path):
        file = np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=',', dtype=str)
        return file
    def process_label(label):
        pure_label = []
        for i in range(0, label.shape[0]):
            pure_label.append(float(label[i, 1]))
        return np.array(pure_label)
    def process_feat_seq(feat, keys, labels, phn_dict):
        key_set = []
        for i in range(keys.shape[0]):
            cur_key = keys[i].split('.')[0]
        feat_dim = feat.shape[1] - 1
        utt_cnt = len(list(set(key_set)))
        print('In total utterance number : ' + str(utt_cnt))
        # Pad all sequence to 50 because the longest sequence of the so762 dataset is shorter than 50.
        seq_feat = np.zeros([utt_cnt, 50, feat_dim])
        # -1 means n/a, padded token
        # [utt, seq_len, 0] is the phone label, and the [utt, seq_len, 1] is the score label
        seq_label = np.zeros([utt_cnt, 50, 2]) - 1
        # the key format is utt_id.phn_id
        prev_utt_id = keys[0].split('.')[0]
        row = 0
        for i in range(feat.shape[0]):
            cur_utt_id, cur_tok_id = keys[i].split('.')[0], int(keys[i].split('.')[1])
            # if a new sequence, start a new row of the feature vector.
            if cur_utt_id != prev_utt_id:
                row += 1
                prev_utt_id = cur_utt_id
            # The first element is the phone label.
            seq_feat[row, cur_tok_id, :] = feat[i, 1:]
            # [utt, seq_len, 0] is the phone label
            seq_label[row, cur_tok_id, 0] = phn_dict[labels[i]]
            # [utt, seq_len, 1] is the score label, range from 0-2
            # seq_label[row, cur_tok_id, 1] = labels[i, 1]
        return seq_feat, seq_label
    def gen_phn_dict(label):
        phn_dict = {}
        phn_idx = 0
        for i in range(label.shape[0]):
            if label[i] not in phn_dict:
                phn_dict[label[i]] = phn_idx
                phn_idx += 1
        return phn_dict
    # generate sequence training data
    tr_feat = load_feat('../../data/raw_kaldi_gop/test_dataset/tr_feats.csv')
    tr_keys = load_keys('../../data/raw_kaldi_gop/test_dataset/tr_keys_phn.csv')
    tr_label = load_label('../../data/raw_kaldi_gop/test_dataset/tr_labels_phn.csv')
    phn_dict = gen_phn_dict(tr_label)
    tr_feat, tr_label = process_feat_seq(tr_feat, tr_keys, tr_label, phn_dict)
    print(tr_label.shape)'../../data/seq_data_test_dataset/tr_feat.npy', tr_feat)'../../data/seq_data_test_dataset/tr_label_phn.npy', tr_label)
    # generate sequence test data
    te_feat = load_feat('../../data/raw_kaldi_gop/test_dataset/te_feats.csv')
    te_keys = load_keys('../../data/raw_kaldi_gop/test_dataset/te_keys_phn.csv')
    te_label = load_label('../../data/raw_kaldi_gop/test_dataset/te_labels_phn.csv')
    te_feat, te_label = process_feat_seq(te_feat, te_keys, te_label, phn_dict)
    print(te_label.shape)'../../data/seq_data_test_dataset/te_feat.npy', te_feat)'../../data/seq_data_test_dataset/te_label_phn.npy', te_label)
  19. The last step requires you to run these lines. Skip word and utterence.

    mkdir data/seq_data_<your dataset name>
    cd src/prep_data
  20. Finally, in gopt/data/<your dataset name>, you will see kindly two files that are needed to do the inference. te_feat.npy and te_label_phn.npy. But remember, the te_label_phn.npycontains both phn and scores which we have not generated (and not needed). So, in order to do the inference, run the following.

    PS: to simplify stuff, my train dataset is the same as test dataset.

    import torch
    import sys
    import os
    from models import GOPT
    gopt = GOPT(embed_dim=24, num_heads=1, depth=3, input_dim=84)
    # GOPT is trained with dataparallel, so it need to be wrapped with dataparallel even you have a single gpu or cpu
    gopt = torch.nn.DataParallel(gopt)
    sd = torch.load('gopt_librispeech/best_audio_model.pth', map_location='cpu')
    gopt.load_state_dict(sd, strict=True)
    import numpy as np
    input_feat = np.load("te_feat.npy")
    input_phn = np.load("te_label_phn.npy")
    gopt = gopt.float()
    with torch.no_grad():
        t_input_feat = torch.from_numpy(input_feat[:,:,:])
        t_phn = torch.from_numpy(input_phn[:,:,0])
        u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, p, w1, w2, w3 = gopt(t_input_feat.float(),t_phn.float())

Good Luck!


  1. Suggestion: If your text contains words that are not in lexicon, I recommend always replace the content of lexicon.txt in speechocean762 with the librispeech-lexicon.txt from
  2. Example Code of cleaning the librispeech-lexicon.txt:
    with open("librispeech-lexicon.txt", 'r') as f:
        lexicon_raw =
        rows = lexicon_raw.splitlines()
    clean_rows = [row.split() for row in rows]
    lexicon_dict_l = dict()
    for row in clean_rows:
        c_row = row.copy()
        key = c_row.pop(0)
        if len(c_row) == 1:
            c_row[0] = c_row[0] + '_S'
        if len(c_row) >= 2:
            c_row[0] = c_row[0] + '_B'
            c_row[-1] = c_row[-1] + '_E'
        if len(c_row) > 2:
            for i in range(1,len(c_row)-1):
                c_row[i] = c_row[i] + '_I'
        val = " ".join(c_row)
        lexicon_dict_l[key] = val