The official docker image:
docker pull perbohlin/gitinfo
Using environmental variables, the container clones all repositories from gitlab
accessible by the user GITINFO_GITLAB_USER
and access
If the GitLab instance is self-hosted and has a self-signed HTTPS certificate,
the CA-certificate should be mounted into the container, e.g at:
The container entry point automatically calls update-ca-certificates
The container uses various tools to produce HTML statistics reports, accessible
via an nginx-server. The tools are invoked when the script
in the container is called. It is recommended
to setup a cron job or similar on the host to regularly invoke the update in
the container. An example script for that purpose is included in the repository
at scripts/
This service is stateless and does not require backup.
The repository contains a docker-compose example docker-compose.yml
including a template for the needed environment variables and ca-certificate mounts.