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Plex Metadata Fields Available

Dingmatt edited this page Feb 19, 2017 · 12 revisions
TSEMAGT Metadata Model Classes Description - Source:
T–––––– class TV_Show Represents a TV show, or the top -level of other episodic content.
–S––––– class Season Represents a season of a TV show.
––E–––– class Episode Represents an episode of a TV show or other episodic content.
–––M––– class Movie Represents a movie (e.g. a theatrical release, independent film, home movie, etc.)
––––A–– class Album Represents a music album.
–––––G– class Artist Represents an artist or group.
––––––T class Track Represents an audio track (e.g. music, audiobook, podcast, etc.)
------- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
T–EMAG– title A string specifying the title.
TSEMAG– summary A string specifying the summary.
T–EMA–– originally_available_at A date object specifying the movie/episode’s original release date.
T–EMAG– rating A float between 0 and 10 specifying the movie/episode’s rating.
T––MA–– studio A string specifying the studio.
T––MA–– countries A set of strings specifying the countries involved in the production of the movie.
T––M––– duration An integer specifying the duration of the movie, in milliseconds.
T––MAG– genres A set of strings specifying the movie’s genre.
T––MAG– tags A set of strings specifying the movie’s tags.
T––MAG– collections A set of strings specifying the movie’s collections.
T––M––– content_rating A string specifying the movie’s content rating.
––E–––– absolute_index An integer specifying the absolute index of the episode within the entire series.
––––––T name A string specifying the track’s name.
–S––––– episodes A map of Episode objects.
––––A–– tracks A map of Track objects.
------- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
––EM––– writers A set of strings specifying the writers.
––EM––– directors A set of strings specifying the directors.
––EMA–– producers A set of strings specifying the producers.
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–––M––– year An integer specifying the movie’s release year.
–––M––– content_rating_age A string specifying the minumum age for viewers of the movie.
–––M––– trivia A string containing trivia about the movie.
–––M––– quotes A string containing memorable quotes from the movie.
–––MA–– original_title A string specifying the original title.
–––M––– tagline A string specifying the tagline.
------- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
T––M–G– art A container of proxy objects representing the movie’s background art.
TS–MAG– posters A container of proxy objects representing the movie’s posters.
TS––––– banners A container of proxy objects representing the season’s banner images.
T––M–G– themes A container of proxy objects representing the movie’s theme music.
––E–––– thumbs A container of proxy objects representing the episode’s thumbnail images.
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Metadata source Plex TVDB Themes Scudlee's mapping file
Metadata Hama tags anidb tvdb, tvdb2, tvdb3, tvdb4 tmdb, tsdb imdb N/A N/A
TV_Show - Serie - title Yes Yes
TV_Show - Serie - summary Yes Yes
TV_Show - Serie - originally_available_at Yes Yes
TV_Show - Serie - rating Yes Yes
TV_Show - Serie - studio Yes Yes Yes (If not in AniDB)
TV_Show - Serie - countries ? ?
TV_Show - Serie - duration No No
TV_Show - Serie - genres Yes Yes
TV_Show - Serie - tags ? ?
TV_Show - Serie - collections Yes (related_anime) ? Yes (Movie only)
TV_Show - Serie - content_rating Yes Yes
TV_Show - Serie - art No Yes Yes
TV_Show - Serie - posters Yes (variable low res) Yes Yes Yes
TV_Show - Serie - banners No Yes No
TV_Show - Serie - themes No No Yes
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
TV_Show - Season - summary No No
TV_Show - Season - posters No Yes
TV_Show - Season - banners No Yes
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
TV_Show - Episode - title Yes Yes
TV_Show - Episode - summary No Yes
TV_Show - Episode - originally_available_at Yes Yes
TV_Show - Episode - rating No Yes
TV_Show - Episode - absolute_index Yes Yes (on some series)
TV_Show - Episode - writers Yes Yes
TV_Show - Episode - directors Yes Yes
TV_Show - Episode - producers Yes Yes
TV_Show - Episode - thumbs No Yes
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