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title sponsor slug date findings contest
Kuiper contest


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 code contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the code contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of Kuiper contest smart contract system written in Solidity. The code contest took place between October 8—October 10 2021.

Note: this audit contest originally ran under the name defiProtocol.


9 Wardens contributed reports to the Kuiper contest:

  1. kenzo
  2. pants
  3. pauliax
  4. WatchPug (jtp and ming)
  5. loop
  6. ye0lde
  7. 0xngndev
  8. defsec

This contest was judged by Alex the Entreprenerd.

Final report assembled by itsmetechjay and CloudEllie.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 21 unique vulnerabilities and 71 total findings. All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.

Of these vulnerabilities, 1 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity, 8 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity, and 12 received a risk rating in the category of LOW severity.

C4 analysis also identified 16 non-critical recommendations and 34 gas optimizations.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Kuiper contest repository, and is composed of 11 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 552 lines of Solidity code and 460 lines of JavaScript.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities according to a methodology based on OWASP standards.

Vulnerabilities are divided into three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

Further information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website.

High Risk Findings (1)

Submitted by kenzo.

A malicious user can listen to the mempool and immediately bond when an auction starts, without aim of settling the auction. As no one can cancel his bond in less than 24h, this will freeze user funds and auction settlement for 24h until his bond is burned and the new index is deleted. The malicious user can then repeat this when a new auction starts.

While the malicious user will have to pay by having his bond burned, it might not be enough of a detriment for the DOS of the basket.


Denial of service of the auction mechanism. The malicious user can hold the basket "hostage" and postpone or prevent implementing new index. The only way to mitigate it would be to try to front-run the malicious user, obviously not ideal.

Proof of Concept


  • The attacker would listen to this function / PublishedNewIndex event and upon catching it, immediately bond the auction.
  • The publisher has no way to burn a bond before 24h has passed. But even if he could, it would not really help as the attacker could just bond again (though losing funds in the process).


  • Only the bonder can settle.


  • Can only burn 24h after bond.

Tools Used

Manual analysis, hardhat.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

If we only allow one user to bond, I see no real way to mitigate this attack, because the malicious user could always listen to the mempool and immediately bond when an auction starts and thus lock it.

So we can change to a mechanism that allows many people to bond and only one to settle; but at that point, I see no point to the bond mechanism any more. So we might as well remove it and let anybody settle the auction.

With the bond mechanism, a potential settler would have 2 options:

  • Bond early: no one else will be able to bond and settle, but the user would need to leave more tokens in the basket (as newRatio starts large and decreases in time)
  • Bond late: the settler might make more money as he will need to leave less tokens in the basket, but he risks that somebody else will bond and settle before him.

Without a bond mechanism, the potential settler would still have these equivalent 2 options:

  • Settle early: take from basket less tokens, but make sure you win the auction
  • Settle late: take from basket more tokens, but risk that somebody settles before you

So that's really equivalent to the bonding scenario.

I might be missing something but at the moment I see no detriment to removing the bonding mechanism.

frank-beard (Kuiper) acknowledged

itsmetechjay (organizer) commented:

Warden apologizes for linking the code of the previous defiProtocol contest, however, these lines are not changed in the new contest.

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

I fully agree with this, anyone can grief the rest of the funds by bonding.

Personally, this is so easy to execute that I have to raise the severity to High, as it means that every single time there's a benefit to performing a DOS, any malicious actor just has to bond to do it

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

The sponsor may want to consider de-prioritizing bonding to rebalance, by allowing multiple users to bond and rebalance at the same time (or by having bond and rebalance happen at the same time)

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

After thinking about it, I had put into question the high severity because of the "extractability of value". However because this finding allows to effectively DOS the auction, at any time, I still believe High Risk to be the correct severity

Medium Risk Findings (8)

Submitted by WatchPug, also found by kenzo, pants, and pauliax.

function mint(uint256 amount) public nonReentrant override {
    mintTo(amount, msg.sender);

function mintTo(uint256 amount, address to) public nonReentrant override {
    require(auction.auctionOngoing() == false);

The mint() method is malfunction because of the extra nonReentrant modifier, as mintTo already has a nonReentrant modifier.


Change to:

function mint(uint256 amount) public override {
    mintTo(amount, msg.sender);

frank-beard (Kuiper) confirmed

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

Mint is factually broken, definitely an oversight. I don't think high severity is correct here though as since no-one can mint, no funds are at risk. I'll go with medium severity as per the docs:

2 — Med: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the **protocol or its availability could be impacted**, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.

Submitted by pants.

The function Factory.setAuctionDecrement() allows the owner to set the state variable Factory.auctionDecrement to zero.


If Factory.auctionDecrement equals zero then the function Auction.settleAuction() will always revert due to a division by zero:

uint256 b = (bondBlock - auctionStart) * BASE / factory.auctionDecrement();

Tool Used

Manual code review.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add an appropriate require statement to the function Factory.setAuctionDecrement() to disallow setting Factory.auctionDecrement to zero.

frank-beard (Kuiper) acknowledged

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

I agree with the finding, because this shows a way to DOS the protocol, given specific conditions, I will raise the severity to medium

Submitted by pants.

The function Factory.setBondPercentDiv() allows the owner to set the state variable Factory.bondPercentDiv to zero.


If Factory.bondPercentDiv equals zero then the function Auction.bondForRebalance() will always revert due to a division by zero:

bondAmount = basketToken.totalSupply() / factory.bondPercentDiv();

Tool Used

Manual code review.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add an appropriate require statement to the function Factory.setBondPercentDiv() to disallow setting Factory.bondPercentDiv to zero.

frank-beard (Kuiper) acknowledged

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

Similarly to #24 agree with finding and raising to medium

Submitted by anon.

Fee on transfer tokens transfer less tokens in than what would be expect. This means that the protocol request incorrect amounts when dealing with these tokens.

The protocol should use stored token balances instead of transfer for calculating amounts.

frank-beard (Kuiper) acknowledged

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

I agree with the finding and the severity. Given a feeOnTransferToken, the accounting of the protocol will break.

because this is dependent on an external condition (using feeOnTransferToken) this is a medium severity finding

Submitted by pauliax.


function createBasket in Factory should also be nonReentrant as it interacts with various tokens inside the loop and these tokens may contain callback hooks.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add nonReentrant modifier to the declaration of createBasket.

frank-beard (Kuiper) confirmed

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

I agree that since the function can potentially interact with any ERC20like token, the function is vulnerable to re-entrancy, because we don't have any specific POC for an attack, this is a medium severity finding

Submitted by pauliax.


function setBondPercentDiv should validate that newBondPercentDiv is not 0, or bondForRebalance will experience division by zero error otherwise. If you want to allow 0 values, then bondForRebalance should accommodate for such a possibility.

function addBounty should check that amount > 0 to prevent empty bounties.

function setMinLicenseFee should validate that it is not over 100%: newMinLicenseFee <= BASE.

function mintTo should validate that 'to' is not an empty address (0x0) to prevent accidental loss of tokens.

function validateWeights should validate that token is not this basket erc20: require(\_tokens\[i] != address(this));

function proposeBasketLicense could validate that tokenName and tokenSymbol are not empty.

function setBondPercentDiv should validate that newBondPercentDiv > 1, otherwise it may become impossible to bondBurn because then bondAmount = totalSupply and calculation of newIbRatio will produce division by zero runtime error. Of course, this value is very unlikely but still would be nice to enforce this algorithmically.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider applying suggested validations to make the protocol more robust.

frank-beard (Kuiper) acknowledged and disagreed with severity

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

I agree with the warden, adding these checks will provide additional safety guarantees to protocol users (by limiting owner privileges)

Additionally, some of these setters can be used to DOS the protocol, as such this is a valid medium severity finding

Submitted by kenzo.

While handling the fees, the contract calculates the new ibRatio by dividing by totalSupply. This can be 0 leading to a division by 0.


If everybody burns their shares, in the next mint, totalSupply will be 0, handleFees will revert, and so nobody will be able to use the basket anymore.

Proof of Concept

Vulnerable line: You can add the following test to Basket.test.js and see that it reverts (..after you remove "nonReentrant" from "mint", see other issue):

it("should divide by 0", async () => {
await basket.connect(addr1).burn(await basket.balanceOf(addr1.address));
await basket.connect(addr2).burn(await basket.balanceOf(addr2.address));
await UNI.connect(addr1).approve(basket.address, ethers.BigNumber.from(1));
await COMP.connect(addr1).approve(basket.address, ethers.BigNumber.from(1));
await AAVE.connect(addr1).approve(basket.address, ethers.BigNumber.from(1));
await basket.connect(addr1).mint(ethers.BigNumber.from(1));

Tools Used

Manual analysis, hardhat.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add a check to handleFees: if totalSupply= 0, you can just return, no need to calculate new ibRatio / fees. You might want to reset ibRatio to BASE at this point.

frank-beard (Kuiper) confirmed

itsmetechjay (organizer) commented:

Warden apologizes for linking the code of the previous Kuiper contest, however these lines are not changed in the new contest.

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

Burning all shares will bring totalSupply to 0, which will cause handleFees to revert. The finding is valid and I agree with the severity as this can happen if every share holder decides to burn

Personally I think moving handleFees to a separate external call would be a simple mitigation (which also reduces gas cost for all users) Alternatively, the sponsor could always mint a few shares for each basket, to ensure totalSupply never reaches 0

Submitted by kenzo.

After an auction has started, as time passes and according to the bondBlock, newRatio (which starts at 2*ibRatio) gets smaller and smaller and therefore less and less tokens need to remain in the basket. This is not capped, and after a while, newRatio can become smaller than current ibRatio.


If for some reason nobody has bonded and settled an auction and the publisher didn't stop it, a malicious user can wait until newRatio < ibRatio, or even until newRatio ~= 0 (for an initial ibRatio of ~1e18 this happens after less than 3.5 days after auction started), and then bond and settle and steal user funds.

Proof of Concept

These are the vulnerable lines:

uint256 a = factory.auctionMultiplier() * basket.ibRatio();
uint256 b = (bondBlock - auctionStart) * BASE / factory.auctionDecrement();
uint256 newRatio = a - b;

(address[] memory pendingTokens, uint256[] memory pendingWeights) = basket.getPendingWeights();
IERC20 basketAsERC20 = IERC20(address(basket));

for (uint256 i = 0; i < pendingWeights.length; i++) {
    uint256 tokensNeeded = basketAsERC20.totalSupply() * pendingWeights[i] * newRatio / BASE / BASE;
    require(IERC20(pendingTokens[i]).balanceOf(address(basket)) >= tokensNeeded);

The function verifies that pendingTokens[i].balanceOf(basket) >= basketAsERC20.totalSupply() * pendingWeights[i] * newRatio / BASE / BASE. This is the formula that will be used later to mint/burn/withdraw user funds. As bondBlock increases, newRatio will get smaller, and there is no check on this. After a while we'll arrive at a point where newRatio ~= 0, so tokensNeeded = newRatio*(...) ~= 0, so the attacker could withdraw nearly all the tokens using outputTokens and outputWeights, and leave just scraps in the basket.

Tools Used

Manual analysis, hardhat.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Your needed condition/math might be different, and you might also choose to burn the bond while you're at it, but I think at the minimum you should add a sanity check in settleAuction:

require (newRatio > basket.ibRatio());

Maybe you would require newRatio to be > BASE but not sure.

frank-beard (Kuiper) confirmed

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

Would need to confirm with sponsor: Isn't the point of settleAuction to be incentivized by offering a discount over time? If you're offering a discount, then by definition newRatio will be less than basket.ibRatio

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

Have yet to hear back from the sponsor.

The more I think about it, the more this is a property of the discounted auction, the basket token can be bought for less, and that creates MEV opportunities. This is the economic incentive for bonding and settling the auction (else why do it?)

On the other hand there may be situation where the price decay is so aggressive, and the bonding gives a 24hrs privilege for settling which could create a situation where the bonder is incentivized to wait.

Locking the discount at the time of bonding, or forcing to bond and settle at the same time may mitigate this (creating effectively a dutch auction for the discounted basket tokens).

Given what I understand about the system, I would argue that:

  • Given a specific auctionDecrement and a basket big enough, the bonder has a 24 hour window to maximize the value they can extract, which can end up being too much from what the developer / users may expect.

What do you think @frank-beard ?

frank-beard (Kuiper) commented:

Agree with @Alex the Entreprenerd. The purpose of the auction is to create an opportunity for participants to rebalance a basket if it is in their interest. However the warden is correct that there can be issues if the ibRatio drops too low, or even to 0, which would effectively allow someone to steal funds. We plan to mitigate this by having the auction have a minimum ibRatio at which it can be settled.

Alex the Entreprenerd (judge) commented:

The vulnerability is reliant on auctionDecrement being impactful enough on a 24 hr window (time in which bonder has privileged ability to settle or just stall)

If auctionDecrement gives a steep enough discount then it can creates scenarios where the bonder can get access to the underlying at no price. This can be taken to the extreme of rebalancing the entire basket (taking all funds)

Because of the openness of the protocol am inclined to rate this a medium severity, however, the sponsor needs to be aware that every single time this scenario shows itself it will be abused against the protocol users.

Mitigation can happen by either setting a minimum ibRatio or by allowing multiple entities to bond and settle at the same, creating a "prisoners dilemma" dutch auction that effectively motivates actors to rebalance as early as economically feasible

Low Risk Findings (12)

Non-Critical Findings (16)

Gas Optimizations (34)


C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.