template <int First, int Middle, int Last, typename Pipe = ml::ToList>
struct Rotate {
template <typename ...Ts>
using f = /* .... */;
Rotate<First, Middle, Last, Pipe>
is a metafunction that passes to Pipe
the parameter pack Us...
which is the parameter pack Ts...
which was been rotated around the Middle
-th element. This makes Middle
-th element the first element in Us...
. Pipe
defaults to ml::ToList
f:: First ... Middle ... Last -> Middle ... Last, First .... >-> Pipe
using T = ml::f<
ml::Rotate<1, 3, 4>,
ml::Int<0>, ml::Int<1>, ml::Int<2>, ml::Int<3>>;
ml::Int<0>, ml::Int<3>, ml::Int<1>, ml::Int<2>>);