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FusionCache logo

🎚 Options


All these informations are fully available via IntelliSense, auto-suggest or similar technologies, thanks to the embedded code comments.

Even if FusionCache typically just works by default, it may be important to fine tune the available options to better suite our needs, and maybe save some memory allocations, too.

In FusionCache, just like in IMemoryCache and IDistributedCache, there are 2 kinds of options: FusionCacheOptions and FusionCacheEntryOptions.

If we think about IMemoryCache and IDistributedCache, we can see a common theme in the naming:

per-cache options per-entry options
IMemoryCache MemoryCacheOptions MemoryCacheEntryOptions
IDistributedCache [Various]CacheOptions (eg: RedisCacheOptions) DistributedCacheEntryOptions
FusionCache FusionCacheOptions FusionCacheEntryOptions

In this way we should feel at home when using FusionCache.

These 2 kinds of options serve different purposes:

  • FusionCacheOptions: options related to an entire cache, configurable once at setup time
  • FusionCacheEntryOptions: options related to each specific cache entry, configurable at every method call

Per-cache options (FusionCacheOptions)

When configuring the entire cache (a FusionCache instance) it's possible to setup some cache-wide options, using the FusionCacheOptions type: with this we can configure things like Auto-Recovery, the cache key prefix, custom logging levels to use and more.

Per-entry options (FusionCacheEntryOptions)

Almost every core method like GetOrSet, Set, Remove, etc accepts a FusionCacheEntryOptions object that describes how to behave.

Things like fail-safe settings, soft/hard timeouts and more can be specified in this way: this lets us have granular control over each operation we perform.

In case we need to explicitly duplicate some entry options, there's a Duplicate() method on the FusionCacheEntryOptions object that, well, duplicate it to a new one (and, spoiler, it's the one used internally by FusionCache when using the lambda opt => opt etc).

Whether we specify them or not, they are there for every call (this is important).


A fundamental option in the FusionCacheOptions class is the DefaultEntryOptions, which is a FusionCacheEntryOptions object to be used as a default:

var options = new FusionCacheOptions() {
    DefaultEntryOptions = new FusionCacheEntryOptions {
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
        IsFailSafeEnabled = true,
        FailSafeMaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(2),
        FailSafeThrottleDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)

This will be used when none is given for a specific method call:

cache.Set<int>("foo", 42);

or as a "starting point" to be duplicated and modified when expressing the call options as a lambda, like this:

    options => options.SetDuration(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)).SetFailSafe(true)

In general this can be used as a set of options that will act as the baseline, while being able to granularly change everything we want for each call.

Basically, when calling each method we can specify them in different ways:

  • nothing: by not passing anything, the above mentioned DefaultEntryOptions will be used, as-is
  • direct instance: by directly passing a FusionCacheEntryOptions instance, that will be used, as-is (no inherited defaults)
  • lambda: by passing a lambda, you can easily "start from" the DefaultEntryOptions which will be duplicated for you by FusionCache and then make some changes, tyically via a fluent api (eg: opt.SetDuration(...).SetFailSafe(...) etc)

It's important to understand that the DefaultEntryOptions will act as "defaults" ONLY when not passing anything or when using the lambda: if we directly pass a FusionCacheEntryOptions instance, that instance will be used as-is, without any more changes.

If we want to have defaults but also pass a direct instance, we would need to duplicate the DefaultEntryOptions manually, make some changes, and then store the result somewhere and pass that: of course though, every change made to the DefaultEntryOptions after that would not be reflected to the already-duplicated entry options.

Adaptive Caching?

What happens when using Adaptive Caching?

First thing to know: nothing will break!

By normally calling GetOrSet, some entry options will be used anyway by one onf the above ways (eg: if we don't pass anything the DefaultEntryOptions will be used, etc): these options are the ones we'll find inside the FusionCacheFactoryExecutionContext object in the Options property.

Now, when inside of the factory we can either change some properties on the FusionCacheFactoryExecutionContext.Options property like this:

ctx.Options.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);

or even completely overwrite it, like this:

ctx.Options = new FusionCacheEntryOptions() {
  // ...

But hold on: we may be wondering what happens when we change some options inside the factory. Are we inadvertently modifying the entry options passed in the outer method call? And if we don't pass anything, are we modifying the global DefaultEntryOptions?

The answer is no, everything is taken care of, since FusionCache will protect us from this problems by automatically duplicating the entry options behind the scenes to avoid changing a shared options object.

Also, it will do this both automatically (no manual intervention needed) and in an optimized way, meaning it will do that only when we are actually trying to modify something that was not marked as being "modifiable", and not for every single call.

This allows us to have total control and flexibility, all without wasting resources.


So, to recap, every cache has their own "global" options of type FusionCacheOptions, and one of these options is the DefaultEntryOptions (of type FusionCacheEntryOptions) that serves as a default for every entry/method call we'll make.

Then, each time we call a method like Set, Get, GetOrSet, etc we can:

  • specify different ones directly: by passing an instance of FusionCacheEntryOptions they'll be used as-is, no inheritance from defaults or anything
  • specify a lambda: this will duplicate the DefaultEntryOptions and apply the changes we specified via the lambda
  • specify nothing: the DefaultEntryOptions will be used, as-is, with no change
  • when using Adaptive Caching we can be sure the original/outer options will not be changed, while still being able to act on ctx.Options to:
    • change one or more options there (eg: ctx.Options.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))
    • change the ctx.Options entirely (eg: ctx.Options = myNewOptions)
  • in case we need it, we can always call myEntryOptions.Duplicate() to get a copy of an existing entry options object, ready to be modified without altering the original one

Detailed View

All these informations are fully available via IntelliSense, auto-suggest or similar technologies, thanks to the embedded code comments.


Name Type Default Description
CacheName string "FusionCache" The name of the cache: it can be used for identification, and in a multi-node scenario it is typically shared between nodes to create a logical association.
DefaultEntryOptions FusionCacheEntryOptions see below This is the default entry options object that will be used when one is not passed to each method call that need one, and as a starting point when duplicating one, either via the explicit FusionCache.CreateOptions(...) method or in one of the overloads of each core method.
DistributedCacheCircuitBreakerDuration TimeSpan none The duration of the circuit-breaker used when working with the distributed cache.
CacheKeyPrefix string? null A prefix that will be added to each cache key for each call: it can be useful when working with multiple named caches. With the builder it can be set using the WithCacheKeyPrefix(...) method.
DistributedCacheKeyModifierMode CacheKeyModifierMode Prefix Specify the mode in which cache key will be changed for the distributed cache (eg: to specify the wire format version).
BackplaneCircuitBreakerDuration TimeSpan none The duration of the circuit-breaker used when working with the backplane.
BackplaneChannelPrefix string? null The prefix to use in the backplane channel name: if not specified the CacheName will be used.
IgnoreIncomingBackplaneNotifications bool false Ignores incoming backplane notifications, which normally is DANGEROUS.
EnableAutoRecovery bool true Enable auto-recovery for the backplane notifications to better handle transient errors without generating synchronization issues: notifications that failed to be sent out will be retried later on, when the backplane becomes responsive again.
AutoRecoveryMaxItems int? null The maximum number of items in the auto-recovery queue: this is usually not needed, but it may help reducing memory consumption in extreme scenarios.
AutoRecoveryDelay TimeSpan 2s The amount of time to wait before actually processing the auto-recovery queue, to better handle backpressure.
AutoRecoveryMaxRetryCount int? null The maximum number of retries for a auto-recovery item: after this amount an item is discarded, to avoid keeping it for too long. Please note though that a cleanup is automatically performed, so in theory there's no need to set this.
EnableSyncEventHandlersExecution bool false If set to true all registered event handlers will be run synchronously: this is really, very, highly discouraged as it may slow down all other handlers and FusionCache itself.
ReThrowOriginalExceptions bool false If enabled, and re-throwing of exceptions is also enabled, it will re-throw the original exception as-is instead of wrapping it into one of the available specific exceptions.
IncoherentOptionsNormalizationLogLevel LogLevel Warning Used when some options have incoherent values that have been fixed with a normalization, like for example when a FailSafeMaxDuration is lower than a Duration, so the Duration is used instead.
SerializationErrorsLogLevel LogLevel Error Used when logging serialization errors (while working with the distributed cache).
DistributedCacheSyntheticTimeoutsLogLevel LogLevel Warning Used when logging synthetic timeouts (both soft/hard) while using the distributed cache.
DistributedCacheErrorsLogLevel LogLevel Warning Used when logging any other kind of errors while using the distributed cache.
FactorySyntheticTimeoutsLogLevel LogLevel Warning Used when logging synthetic timeouts (both soft/hard) while calling the factory.
FactoryErrorsLogLevel LogLevel Warning Used when logging any other kind of errors while calling the factory.
FailSafeActivationLogLevel LogLevel Warning Used when logging fail-safe activations.
EventHandlingErrorsLogLevel LogLevel Warning Used when logging errors while executing event handlers.
BackplaneSyntheticTimeoutsLogLevel LogLevel Warning Used when logging synthetic timeouts (both soft/hard) while using the backplane.
BackplaneErrorsLogLevel LogLevel Warning Used when logging any other kind of errors while using the backplane.
PluginsInfoLogLevel LogLevel Information Used when logging informations about a plugin.
PluginsErrorsLogLevel LogLevel Error Used when logging an error while working with a plugin.


Options that supports adaptive caching (that is, that can be changed during a factory execution) are marked with a 🧙‍♂️ icon.
Name Type Default Description
LockTimeout TimeSpan none To guarantee only one factory is called per each cache key, a lock mechanism is used: this value specifies a timeout after which the factory may be called nonetheless, ignoring the single call optimization. Usually it is not necessary, but to avoid any potential deadlock that may theoretically happen we can set a value.
🧙‍♂️ Duration TimeSpan 30 sec The logical duration of the cache entry. This value will be used as the actual duration in the cache, but only if fail-safe is disabled. If fail-safe is instead enabled, the duration in the cache will be FailSafeMaxDuration, but this value will still be used to see if the entry is expired, to try to execute the factory to get a new value.
🧙‍♂️ JitterMaxDuration TimeSpan none If set to a value greater than zero it will be used as the maximum value for an additional, randomized duration of a cache entry's normal Duration. This is useful to prevent variations of the Cache Stampede problem in a multi-node scenario.
🧙‍♂️ Size long? null This is only used to set the MemoryCacheEntryOptions.Size property when saving an entry in the underlying memory cache.
🧙‍♂️ Priority CacheItemPriority Normal This is only used to set the MemoryCacheEntryOptions.Priority property when saving an entry in the underlying memory cache.
IsFailSafeEnabled bool false If fail-safe is enabled a cached entry will be available even after the logical expiration as a fallback, in case of problems while calling the factory to get a new value.
🧙‍♂️ FailSafeMaxDuration TimeSpan 1 day When fail-safe is enabled, this is the amount of time a cached entry will be available, even as a fallback.
🧙‍♂️ FailSafeThrottleDuration TimeSpan 30 sec When the fail-safe mechanism is actually activated in case of problems while calling the factory, this is the (usually small) new duration for a cache entry used as a fallback. This is done to avoid repeatedly calling the factory in case of an expired entry, and basically prevents DOS-ing ourrselves.
FactorySoftTimeout TimeSpan none The maximum execution time allowed for the factory, applied only if fail-safe is enabled and there is a fallback value to return.
FactoryHardTimeout TimeSpan none The maximum execution time allowed for the factory in any case, even if there is not a stale value to fallback to.
AllowTimedOutFactoryBackgroundCompletion bool true It enables a factory that has hit a synthetic timeout (both soft/hard) to complete in the background and update the cache with the new value.
🧙‍♂️ DistributedCacheDuration TimeSpan? null The custom duration to use for the distributed cache: this allows to have different duration between the 1st and 2nd levels. If null, the normal Duration will be used.
🧙‍♂️ DistributedCacheFailSafeMaxDuration TimeSpan? null The custom fail-safe max duration to use for the distributed cache: this allows to have different duration between the 1st and 2nd levels. If null, the normal FailSafeMaxDuration will be used.
🧙‍♂️ DistributedCacheSoftTimeout TimeSpan none The maximum execution time allowed for each operation on the distributed cache when is not problematic to simply timeout.
🧙‍♂️ DistributedCacheHardTimeout TimeSpan none The maximum execution time allowed for each operation on the distributed cache in any case, even if there is not a stale value to fallback to.
🧙‍♂️ AllowBackgroundDistributedCacheOperations bool false Normally operations on the distributed cache are executed in a blocking fashion: setting this flag to true let them run in the background in a kind of fire-and-forget way. This will give a perf boost, but watch out for rare side effects.
🧙‍♂️ ReThrowDistributedCacheExceptions bool false Set this to true to allow the bubble up of distributed cache exceptions (default is false). Please note that, even if set to true, in some cases we would also need AllowBackgroundDistributedCacheOperations set to false and no timeout (neither soft nor hard) specified.
🧙 ReThrowSerializationExceptions bool true Set this to false to disable the bubble up of serialization exceptions (default is true).
🧙‍♂️ SkipBackplaneNotifications bool false Skip sending backplane notifications after some operations, like a SET (via a Set/GetOrSet call) or a REMOVE (via a Remove call).
🧙‍♂️ AllowBackgroundBackplaneOperations bool true By default every operation on the backplane is non-blocking: that is to say the FusionCache method call would not wait for each backplane operation to be completed. Setting this flag to false will execute these operations in a blocking fashion, typically resulting in worse performance.
🧙‍♂️ ReThrowBackplaneExceptions bool false Set this to true to allow the bubble up of backplane exceptions (default is false). Please note that, even if set to true, in some cases we would also need AllowBackgroundBackplaneOperations set to false.
🧙‍♂️ EagerRefreshThreshold float? null The threshold to apply when deciding whether to refresh the cache entry eagerly (that is, before the actual expiration).
🧙‍♂️ SkipDistributedCache bool false Skip the usage of the distributed cache, if any.
🧙‍♂️ SkipDistributedCacheReadWhenStale bool false When a 2nd level (distributed cache) is used and a cache entry in the 1st level (memory cache) is found but is stale, a read is done on the distributed cache: the reason is that in a multi-node environment another node may have updated the cache entry, so we may found a newer version of it.
🧙‍♂️ SkipMemoryCache bool false Skip the usage of the memory cache.