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Port Agent

Port Agent allows to consume and run Port Self-Service Actions in your VPC.


This chart installs the Port Agent via a Deployment resource.


Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.

Once Helm has been set up correctly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add port-labs

If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update to retrieve the latest versions of the packages. You can then run helm search repo port-labs to see the charts.

Then, install the chart. For example, to use the KafkaToWebhookStreamer Streamer, use the following command:

helm install my-port-agent port-labs/port-agent \
    --create-namespace --namespace port-agent \
    --set env.normal.STREAMER_NAME=KafkaToWebhookStreamer \
    --set env.normal.PORT_ORG_ID=YOUR_PORT_ORG_ID
    --set env.secret.PORT_CLIENT_ID=YOUR_PORT_CLIENT_ID \


To uninstall the chart use:

helm uninstall my-port-agent --namespace port-agent

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following table lists the configuration parameters of the port-agent chart and default values.

Parameter Description Default
image.repository Image repository
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.tag Image tag ""
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets []
nameOverride Chart name override ""
fullnameOverride Fully qualified app name override ""
secret.annotations Annotations for Secret object {} Secret object name ""
secret.useExistingSecret Enable this if you wish to create your own secret with credentials false
env.normal.STREAMER_NAME Streamer name, one of: [KafkaToWebhookStreamer] - Required "KafkaToWebhookStreamer"
env.normal.PORT_ORG_ID Your Port org id - Required ""
env.normal.KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_ID Kafka consumer group id - Required if using any Kafka streamer ""
env.normal.KAFKA_CONSUMER_BROKERS Kafka consumer brokers ",,"
env.normal.KAFKA_CONSUMER_SECURITY_PROTOCOL Kafka consumer security protocol "SASL_SSL"
env.normal.KAFKA_CONSUMER_AUTHENTICATION_MECHANISM Kafka consumer authentication mechanism "SCRAM-SHA-512"
env.normal.KAFKA_CONSUMER_AUTO_OFFSET_RESET Kafka consumer auto offset reset "largest"
env.secret.PORT_CLIENT_ID Port API client id ""
env.secret.PORT_CLIENT_SECRET Port API client secret ""
controlThePayloadConfig Override the default control the payload configuration file with custom json configuration ""
podAnnotations Annotations to be added to the pod {}
podSecurityContext Security context applied to the pod {}
securityContext Security context applied to the container {}
resources Container resource requests & limits {}
nodeSelector NodeSelector applied to the pod {}
tolerations Tolerations applied to the pod []
affinity Affinity applied to the pod {}
selfSignedCertificate Self Signed certificate for the agent {}
selfSignedCertificate.enabled Enable self-signed certificate trust for the agent false
selfSignedCertificate.certificate The value of the self-signed certificate (only when selfSignedCertificate.enabled=true) ""
selfSignedCertificate.secret Secret with self-signed certificate {}
selfSignedCertificate.secret.useExistingSecret Enable this if you wish to use your own secret with the self-signed certificate false
selfSignedCertificate.secret.key The key in the existing self-signed certificate secret crt The name of an existing secret containing the self-signed certificate ""

To override values in helm install, use either the --set flag or the --set-file flag to set individual values from a file.

Alternatively, you can use a YAML file that specifies the values while installing the chart. For example:

helm install my-port-agent port-labs/port-agent \
   --create-namespace --namespace port-agent \
   -f custom_values.yaml

Self-signed certificate trust

For self-hosted 3rd-party applications with self-signed certificates, you will need to add your CA to the integration's configuration. To do so, you will need to run the helm install command with the following flags:

helm install my-port-agent port-labs/port-agent \
   --create-namespace --namespace port-agent \
   -f custom_values.yaml
   # Flag for enabling self signed certificates
   --set selfSignedCertificate.enabled=true \ 
   # Flag for passing the certificate file
   --set-file selfSignedCertificate.certificate=/PATH/TO/CERTIFICATE.crt