Dehydrated Hooks
Available hooks:
This hook allows you to use Cloudflare DNS record to response dns-01
challenges from Letsencrypt.
- curl
- dig
- gnu grep
- Cloudflare account
Configuration variables:
Variable | Description | Values (default) |
CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL | Cloudflare email address account | |
CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN | Cloudflare API Token | |
CLOUDFLARE_ZONE | [optional] Cloudflare DNS zone, useful when using deep subdomain e.g: |
(domain) |
ELB | [optional] enable ELB Hook | yes, no (no) |
This hook allows you to deploy server certificate to IAM and update ELB with it.
- AWS cli configured
- IAM account with this permissions:
- elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers
- elasticloadbalancing:SetLoadBalancerListenerSSLCertificate
- iam:ListServerCertificates
- iam:UploadServerCertificate
- iam:DeleteServerCertificate
- iam:GetServerCertificate
- elasticbeanstalk:DescribeEnvironmentResources *
- autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingGroups *
*) required when Elastic beanstalk is used instead of direct ELB name
Variable | Description | Values (default) |
ELB_NAME | ELB name | |
EB_ENV_NAME | Elastic beanstalk name, use ELB in this environment if ELB_NAME not specified | |
ELB_CERT_PREFIX | Server certificate name prefix to store in IAM | (LETSENCRYPT_CERT_) |
ELB_DELETE_OLD_CERT | Delete all old cert with specified prefix | yes, no (no) |