Zaffre is fast console library for drawing characters to a screen.
- It's fast. Zaffre uses LWJGL and OpenGL to render characters as fast as possible.
- Unicode support (minus CJK code points)
- CP437 tileset support (eg: loading Dwarf Fortress Wiki: Tileset repository)
- Cross-platform codebase
- Thread safe
- Multiple fonts
- Glyph stacking
- Non-character tiles ie: sprites
- Mix different font sizes
- Effects
- Animation
- GUI control emulation
Add the dependency to your project:
[zaffre "0.4.0-SNAPSHOT"]
Runs a little hello world terminal
(ns examples.basic
(:require [zaffre.terminal :as zat]
[zaffre.glterminal :as zgl]
[ :as zevents]
[zaffre.font :as zfont]
[zaffre.tilesets :as ztiles]
[zaffre.util :as zutil]
[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<! <!! go-loop]]))
(defn -main [& _]
{:app { ;; Setup a layer group `:app`
:layers [:text] ;; With one layer `:text`
:columns 16 ;; 16 characters wide
:rows 16 ;; 16 characters tall
:pos [0 0] ;; With no position offset
:font (constantly ztiles/pastiche-16x16)}} ;; Give the group a nice font
{:title "Zaffre demo" ;; Set the window title
:screen-width (* 16 16) ;; Screen dimentions in pixels
:screen-height (* 16 16)} ;; Since our font is 16x16 and our layer group
;; is also 16x16
(fn [terminal] ;; Receive the terminal in a callback
(let [last-key (atom nil)] ;; Save the last key press in an atom
;; Every 33ms, draw a full frame
(zat/do-frame terminal 33
(let [key-in (or @last-key \?)]
;; For each frame
(zat/clear! terminal) ;; Clear the terminal
;; Draw strings
(zutil/put-string terminal :text 0 0 "Hello world")
(zutil/put-string terminal :text 12 0 (str key-in))))
;; Receive key presses
(zevents/add-event-listener terminal :keypress
(fn [new-key]
;; Save last key
(reset! last-key new-key)
;; Make the `q` key quit the application
(case new-key
\q (zat/destroy! terminal)
Run with
lein run -m examples.basic
lein run -m examples.tileset
Got to for more.
Copyright © 2016 Kelsey Sorrels
Distributed under the MIT license.
Many thanks to YourKit for providing this project with licenses of its profiler to help us improve performance!
YourKit supports open source projects with innovative and intelligent tools for monitoring and profiling Java and .NET applications. YourKit is the creator of YourKit Java Profiler, YourKit .NET Profiler and YourKit YouMonitor, tools for profiling Java and .NET applications.