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{":)": "", ":(": "", ":P": "", ":c": "Cute sad face", "c:": "Simply a cute smile", ":<": "", "<:": "", ":L": "", ":l": "", ":/": "", "^_^": "", "^.^": "", ">_<": "", ">.<": "", ">_>": "", "<_<": "", ">.>": "", "<.<": "", "-.-": "", "-_-": "", "o_o": "", "o.o": "Depending on if there are caps, or where they are/how arranged, here we go on text exotes:\r\n1.)\r\no.o : blank stare, as in \"you've just lost me\" or \"i care about this...why, again?\"\r\n2.)\r\no.o ; o.o : confusion, usually used together.\r\n3.)\r\no.o : suprise, shock.", "._.": "", ".-.": "", "OwO": "", ";_;": "", ">:)": "", ":]": "", ":}": "", ":|": "", ">:(": "", ">:|": "", "-.^": "", "-_^": "", "8)": "", "B)": "", "<3": "", "xD": "", ":3": "A texting face typically used in conjunction with something cute. known as the \"cat face\" or simply, \"the cute face\".", "x3": "", "o/": "", "uwu": "", "owo": "Basic info:\r\nowo is an emoticon used in chat rooms similar to o.o but the 'w' is supposed to make it cute.\n\nwhat does it mean?\r\nowo means, a blank stare, but in a cute way.\n\nother similar emote(s).\r\nowo o.o", "O:)": "", ":#": "", ":*": "", "/s": "", "3cool5u": "", "420": "", "afaik": "", "afk": "Away from keyboard.", "asl": "", "atm": "Either at the moment, or those atm machines in banks that you withdraw your money from.", "atw": "", "ayy ": "", "bae": "", "bb": "Its short for baby.", "bbiab": "", "bbl": "", "bbs": "", "bc": "Bc is short and abbreviated for the word \"because\"!", "bf": "", "bff": "", "bork": "", "brb": "", "bro": "Obnoxious partying males who are often seen at college parties. when they aren\u2019t making an ass of themselves they usually just stand around holding a red plastic cup waiting for something exciting to happen so they can scream something that demonstrates how much they enjoy partying. nearly everyone in a fraternity is a bro but there are also many bros who are not in a fraternity. they often wear a rugby shirt and a baseball cap. it is not uncommon for them to have spiked hair with frosted tips.\r\n\r\nbros actually chose this name for themselves as they often refer to each other as \"bro\" even though they are not related.", "bruh": "Another way of saying really, or seriously.", "bruv": "", "btw": "By the way", "cba": "", "convo": "An abbreviation for the word conversation. to exchange thoughts with another person.", "cp": "", "cya": "See ya.", "dank": "", "dc": "Abbreviation for 'don't care'", "d/c": "", "dem feel": "", "dw": "Don't worry", "e2e": "", "fml": "", "FOMO": "", "FTFY": "", "ftl": "", "ftw": "", "fwiw": "", "fyi": "", "g2g": "", "gtg": "Internet shorthand for \"got to go\". also, it can mean \"good to go\", depending on the context.", "g4u": "", "gf": "That one thing that kids bully", "gg": "", "goml": "", "gr8": "", "gratz": "", "gtfo": "", "guiz": "", "hbu": "How about you? ", "hru": "", "ianadb": "", "ianalb": "", "ianap": "", "idc": "", "idgaf": "", "idk": "A mysterious abbreviation. no one actually seems to know what it means.", "idfk": "", "iirc": "", "ik": "I know", "ikr": "", "inor": "", "ily": "", "ilu": "", "inb4": "", "irl": "In real life", "jfc": "", "jk": "-just kidding\r\n-what people use to say crap about you to you in your face and mean it but not be a complete jerk directly to you, but still are. \r\n\r\nfyi: 75% of the time people say jk they aren't...", "js": "", "k": "1. a short version of \"okay\"\n\n2. a very rude, hateful way to agree or acknowledge.", "kk": "Ok, cool. closest to gotcha or sure in conversation. very similar to roger in cb usage.\r\nimportantly, using \"kk\" instead of \"okay\" avoids any suggestion of sarcasm or doubt. there are lots of ways of inflecting okay. kk is just pure acknowledgement; your message is received. and it is fast to type.", "kappa": "", "kek": "1. world of warcraft laughter\r\n2. turkish for \"cake\"", "kekw": "", "kms": "Stands for: kill my self", "kthx": "", "l8r": "", "leet": "", "lightweight": "", "lmao": "1. laughing my ass off\r\n2. let's make an omlet", "lmfao": "", "lmk": "Let me know", "lol": "An abbreviation that stands for 'laugh out loud' to you, but 'lots of love' for your mom.", "lulz": "", "lel": "The troll version of lol", "lawl": "", "LPT": "", "lrl": "", "lrn2": "", "lw": "", "m8": "", "mfw": "", "mrw": "", "nerf": "", "ngl": "Not gonna lie\r\nindicating you are admitting something that may be considered strange\r\ncould be deemed the equivalent of 'just saying' or 'no offence' in the sense that it makes your statement more valid/less offensive", "nm": "", "nmu": "", "noob": "Noob\r\n1. a noob is a person who really sucks at a game but refuses to learn/listen to people who are skilled. many of them may have been playing the game for a while, but still suck at it. they usually have no hope.\r\n\r\n2. noobs generally get extremely upset over being beaten and can not admit that they are bad at the game. often they will accuse the skilled people of hacking.\r\n\r\n3. this word is an insult in general so people often wrongly use it and just call somebody that they do not like a noob, regardless of skill.\r\n\r\n4. this term is often confused with the term \"newb,\" and people who confuse these terms are usually either noobs themselves, or somebody who is good but is just mean (and has a lot of pride for being skilled).\r\n\r\nnewb\r\n1. newb comes from \"newbie.\" somebody new to a game and they will generally suck at it. however, the reason that they suck is because of their unfamiliarity to the game. they have the potential to become good. this is not a derogatory term.\r\n\r\n2. also, newbs are not always bad at the game, as they may have played similar games in the past, but when it comes to knowing where things are, or information- they don't know.\r\n\r\n", "nu": "", "nvm": "Nevermind", "ofc": "Used in instant messaging to represent 'of course'", "omf": "", "omg": "Possibly the most irritating piece of chatroom vernacular in existence. often used by teenage girls in chatroom who, for some reason, punctuate their sentences with \"like\", \"totally\", \"soooooooo\" and \"lolz.\"\r\n\r\ncorrect response - \"speak proper, or stfu, n00b!\"", "omfg": "", "omw": "On my way, very useful in games.", "ooc": "", "op": "Op is short for the word opposition", "OP": "", "orly": "", "pepe": "", "pleb": "", "pleb ": "", "plz": "", "pls": "Short for \"please\", used in email by lazy asshats who put the minimum possible effort into being polite. usually used in messges demanding something that's trivial for them but a pita for you.", "pron": "", "pr0n": "", "pr0nz": "", "pwned": "", "rekt": "", "rickroll": "", "rip": "Derived from the acronym r.i.p (rest in peace) often used on gravestones, used as a response that loosely means \"this/that sucks\" or \"that's whack\"", "rly": "Shorter version of `really`.", "rms": "", "rofl": "", "rotflol": "", "rtfm": "", "rood": "", "shank": "", "smd": "", "smh": "Meaning, \"shaking my head\", smh is typically used when something is obvious, plain old stupid, or disappointment.", "soz": "", "sry": "Short for sorry.", "srry": "Common abreiviation of \"sorry\" when people are too lazy to type the 'o'", "swag": "", "sus": "When you cant spell suspishos", "tbf": "", "tbh": "Tbh - to be honest. is fucking overused and when ugly ass bitches post on their instagram \"comment for a tbh!\" it means that they are gonna write some complete bullshit about how nice you when they don't even give two fucks.... and then the next day you find out that motherfucker ain't even following you back.", "tbt": "", "TIFU": "", "tf": "", "tfw": "", "thx": "Wen ur too lazy to spel thanks", "tide": "", "TIL": "", "tl;dr": "", "tldr": "", "tmw": "", "tolo": "", "topkek": "", "ty": "Net nerd version of \"thank you\"", "uwotm8": "", "w00t": "", "wb": "", "wot": "", "wat": "The only proper response to something that makes absolutely no sense.", "wtb": "", "wtf": "Generally stands for 'what the fuck'. most people use a question mark afterwards to get the point through. rather than using the same term for the other 'w's, who, when, where, and why, it makes more sense to actually state the word and follow it with 'tf'\r\n\r\ncapitalization doesn't really matter.\r\nthis term can also be likened to 'what the shit?' which is more comical and has a tantamount meaning.", "wtg": "", "w2g": "", "wts": "", "wuu2": "", "yarly": "", "ymmv": "", "yolo ": "", "yw": "", "pog": "It used to be something that people said in a streamers chat when something remarkable happened but now its an overused shitpost meme that makes me laugh every fucking time for some reason", "poggers": "Epic word. can be used for anything.", "dope": "Old people definition: marijuana\r\nsouthern definition: meth\r\nnorthern definition heroin\r\nalso dope can mean awesome.", "periodt": "", "sup": "Sup is something cool people say. it can be used as a greeting. people say \"sup\" when they don't feel like saying whats up because it's to long. also, people say \"sup\" because they get in the habit of saying \"sup\" so they just always say it. it can be used by girl or boy.", "thicc": "Phat ass", "chillin": "Relaxing doing nothing special.", "yikes": "A reaction to everything.", "hella": "Hella. originated from the streets of san francisco in the hunters point neighborhood. it is commonly used in place of \"really\" or \"very\" when describing something.", "sheesh": "Like saying, \"geez\" or something", "finna": "", "wdym": "Whatever do you mean?", "gonna": "The urban slang for 'going to'", "lemme": "Lemme is an abreviation of \"let me\". although used mostly in text, this vocal verbatim is a key component of the language of modern youths. since the pronounciation of \"let me\" requires too many syllables, lemme has become an accepted form of expressing this action.", "aight": "Saying alright but in a hip and ghetto way", "trynna": "Short term for \"trying to\"", "imma": "Used in place of \"i am going to...\" technically should be spelled i'mma but since this is a shortened version, we leave out the apostrophe! ", "urself": "Text/aoler speak for 'yourself'. it's similar to the practice of writing u instead of you, and ur instead of you're/your.", "nah": "What norman \"nick\" says when he ain't feeling it. shit sounds like a bugs bunny impersonation.", "yessir": "Hell yes, fuck yeah, you know it no doubt; thats a dumb question", "noice": "Beyond the boundaries and exceeding the limits of nice. spoken with emphasis when describing something particularly awesome.", "fosho": "Abbreviated slang term for \"for sure\"", "yall": "A slang word for \"you all\" it sounds cooler", "tryna": "An extremely versatile word used by the lazy man to express one of the following: \"trying to\", \"trying the\", or \"trying a\". according to legend, this word has been used in countless text messages, resulting in exorbitant anger felt by significant others.", "legit": "A shortened form of the word \"legitimate\". however, this term is nowhere near the real meaning of \"legitimate\", since it is commonly used to describe things as cool or extremely awesome.", "ayyy": "Usually a word said out of excitement or happiness. also can be a word to fill in awkward moments or a quiet group of people to create laughter or excitement. this word has no real meaning to it, it's just a sound that can be done unlimited times in a conversation and not really mean anything.", "sike": "A slang term (correctly, \"psych\") that was big in the 1990s. it's similar in usage to adding \"not\" to the end of a statement that's meant to be either sarcastic, a joke, or both. ", "prepping": "The wealthy class of teens often cruelly capitalizes on their superior access to money and social power which builds animosity within the less privileged classes. the wealthy class develop among themselves a system of dress and demeanor that is very much akin to their fraternity and sorority counterpart which eventually matures into the business and country club community of adults. preppiness, in such a way, is really the earliest exhibition of the wealthy attempting to subvert and dominate the poor that the average american experiences while growing up.", "dayum": "An explative, not unlike whoa. it is a more emphasized version of the word \"damn\" when it is used in the same way.", "smol": "Something small and irresistible that must be protected and cherished", "ooo": "Short for out of office", "kinda": "Short for \"kind of\".", "sorta": "Short for \"sort of\".", "meme": "Its not a word, its a lifestyle.", "tmr": "Abbreviation of the word tomorrow", "wya": "Where you at", "wbu": "Chatspeak for 'what about you?'\r\n\r\nwhat\r\n'bout\r\nyou", "hmm": "Something somebody says when they are thinking about what you have just said. they have an opinion.. but dont want to tell you what it is.", "cgi": "Computer-generated imagery", "povs": "Point of view", "psh": "A dismissive phrase used to show one's disinterest in a particular subject.\r\noften used to decline a command.", "boop": "Affectionately poking someone on the nose, often accompanied by saying \"boop!\"", "awww": "The response to a compliment; to express the appreciation of", "captcha": "Acronym: completely automated public turing test to tell computers and humans apart.\r\n\r\ntests that are easy for a human to pass, but difficult for a computer (thus preventing things like automated signups).", "asdfghjkl": "An expression used when you are so excited you can't even find the words to describe your feelings.", "bahaha": "Often confused with laughter on the internet, \"bahaha\" is actually the sound a sheep makes when it's getting shot with a machine gun", "jkjk": "A secret jk that cancels out the first jk that you make so in the end, you're really not kidding.", "lolz": "1. lolz (n., pl.) - the leet plural of lol\r\n\r\nin leet speak, plurals are generally denoted by a 'z' instead of an 's', so lols becomes lolz.\r\n\r\n\r\n2. lolz (v.) - a leet corruption of lols\r\n\r\ntreating lol as a verb (to lol), the he/she/it conjugation of lol in the present indicative tense is 'lols', (i.e. i lol, we lol, he lols).\r\nusing the leet practice of replacing 's' with 'z', this is corrupted to 'lolz' (i lol, we lol, he lolz)\r\n\r\n", "gotcha": "I understand what you've communicated", "teehee": "A type of small laugh, usually used when something is funny. it is most well known as the catchphrase in nigahiga.", "o3o": "O3o depicts the o's as eyes (like o_o), and the '3' as a puckered up mouth.", "mkay": "Made popular by mr. mackey on the comedy central show south park. said after every sentence. used in place of ok.", "stahp": "In memes simply stop, usually meaning stop doing something horribly wrong.", "yeap": "Yea + yup = yeap", "yeehaw": "If you're southern, got a little redneck in you or you're happy you can say yeehaw!", "alr": "Another text phrase meaning, alright.", "pov": "An abbreviation for \"point of view\". in addition to its use as a device in literature (as described in a previous definition on this site) it has also become commonly used in pornography. with the rise of handheld video cameras and the spread of amateur porn on the internet, a whole sub-genre of pov porn has developed. \r\n\r\nin a pov porn the man receiving sexual ratification holds the camera himself and aims it down at his genitals and the partner/s who is/are pleasuring him. this is in contrast to having a separate camera crew filming the action. the effect is to give the viewer the sense that he is experiencing the sexual acts he is watching as opposed to simply watching others as a voyeur. ", "texting": "1. an invention that allows people, usually in their teenage years, to talk to more than one of their \"friends\" at once\r\n\r\n2. the reason kids don't learn as much at school...except maybe a better way of not getting caught using your phone.\r\n\r\n3. something the majority of people over the age of forty can't seem to figure out.\r\n\r\n4. the easiest way for you to ignore someone that you don't want to talk to.. as opposed to refusing their phone calls.\r\n\r\n5. something parents hate you to do all the time, but what we can't stop doing.", "cuz": "Cousin; friend; brotha; homey/homie", "conversate": "There is no such word", "lul": "A popular twitch emote used instead of lol", "yikers": "An expression of shock, surprise or disgust. derived from the word yikes it is the gen y way of expressing yikes", "wym": "(phrase) meaning \"i'm too lazy to type out 'what you mean?'\"", "seperate": "This is mispelt!?! the correct spelling is separate."}