IMPORTANT: Please refer to user guidelines before using these data.
- Files are organized as YYYY-YYYY_Hourly.csv for all years that real time data was observed from the MAVEN mission. These files will continue to be updated as the mission progresses.
- Files are located at
Predictions every hour are provided in these files of the following parameters:
- IMF:
$B_{x}$ ,$B_{y}$ ,$B_{z}$ , and$|B|$ in [nT] - Velocity:
$V_{x}$ ,$V_{y}$ ,$V_{z}$ , and$|V|$ in [km/s] - Temperature:
$T_{p}$ in [eV] - Pressure:
$n_{p}$ in [per cc]
- IMF:
These parameters are provided with a mean value and a standard deviation for both the true and the normalized values. The normalized values are provided as additional information to assess model performance (see user guide). The naming convention is as follows:
- mean, mu_paramName
- standard deviation, sigma_paramName
- mean normalized, mu_paramName_normed
- stadard deviation normalized, sigma_paramName_normed
Additional values are provided including:
- date [utc], the date in UTC
- date [unix], the date in UNIX
- gap, the time in days to a recent MAVEN measurement
- orb, the MAVEN orbit number