Follow these steps to set up your Temperature Control Lab:
Install Anaconda
Anaconda is the recommended Python environment for using the Temperature Control Lab. Once you have installed the correct of Anaconda version for your system, the remaining required packages can be installed using the following command in your command line or terminal.
conda install -y pyqtgraph pyserial
Clone Repository
The next step is to clone the repository containing the Python code for the lab. This can be done either using the clone button above, or by using the command
git clone
Plug in Arduino
Plug the Arduino with the lab attached into your computer via the USB connection. Plug the DC adapter into the wall.
Install Arduino Drivers
If you are using Windows 10, the Arduino board should connect without additional drivers required.
If you are using a different version of Windows, see the driver installation instructions.
Mac OS X users may need to install a serial driver. For arduino clones using the CH340G, CH34G or CH34X chipset, a suitable driver can be found at
Install Arduino Firmware
If you are using your own Arduino board, you will need to flash the board with the custom firmware used by the lab. This is done using the Arduino IDE. The script that must be uploaded to the board is found here.
Run Python scripts
Your temperature control lab should be ready to run. Example scripts for various activities such as step tests, data collection and control are included in the repository, and can be run using the included main*.py scripts in each subfolder.